?1107120 Summary - Canadian Patents Database (2024)

Note: Descriptions are shown in the official language in which they were submitted.

A recent development in the food industry is
the emphasis on intermediate moisture foods which have
the faculty of` being stored and marketed in a substan-
tially non-refrigerated condition. These foods were de-
signed to avoid the need to be packaged in a hermeticallysealed container and commercially sterilized or main-
tained in a frozen or refrigerated state throughout the
period of distribution and storage by the consumer.
The intermediate-moisture foods are based on
the principle of reducing the availability of the water
in the food for microbial growth.
; The water activity of a food is defined as the
partial pressure of water in the food divided by the
saturation pressure of water at the temperature of the
An early applicatlon of the technique of con-
trolling water activity was for animal foods. For exam-
ple, U.S. Patent 3,202,514 discloses an animal food hav-
ng ~15-30% moisture and 15-35% water-soluble solids,
20 ~ ~prlnclpally sugar,~wi~th a proteinaceous meaty substance.
Subsequently, other foods were formulated with an inter-
mediate moisture content, such as egg products (U.S.
Patent 3,640,73l), pancake batter (U.S. Patent 3,753,734)
and whlppable ba~es for confectionary use (U.S. Patent
3,958,033)~ The water content and water activity of
these foods are brought to as low a value as practical
to i.nsure their long-term stability withcut refrigera-
; tion. The ma~in difflculty with these foods is that their
low~mois~ture conten;t~may detrao~ from their palatability,
;30 texture and~ mouth~fee~ This technique there~ore has
; ~2-

found its greatest commercial applicability in the pet-
food market where palatability requirements are not as
It is of course desirable to be able to avoid
refrigeration and freezing of food products to reduce
the cost involved and, particularly for the consumer, to
avoid the inconvenience of unpacking, handling, and then
defrosting the typically rockhard frozen foods. However
freezing is an extremely safe and suitable technique for
long term storage and provides the manufacturer with
great leeway in incorporating any of a wide variety of
ingredients in foods which would otherwise be short
It is an object of this invention to provide
a class of foods which are normally kept at freezer
temperatures, but upon removal from the freezer can be
more readily handled and used because they retain a flex-
ible consistency,~and which possess microbiological sta-
~bili~ty so that~they can be left at room temperature.
20 Other objects,~and advantages, of this invention will be `;
set forth in the following detailed description.
This invention is directed to intermediate-
moisture foods and other products which remain ready to
use at freezer temperatures. The principles and tech-
niques which have been developed for intermediate mois-
, ~
ture foods are applicable to the present invention, as
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modified~in the manner explained herein to provide foods
which are ~aintained at ~reezer temperatures in a condi-
tion ready for immedi.ate use without defrosting~ After
removal from the freezer the f'oods may be held at room

temperature or refrigerator temperature for a consider-
ab]e period of time without spoilage.
The foods of this invention are characterized
by a high sugar content, at least equal in weight to the
amount of water present in order to provide microbiologi
cal stability. The sugars used have a low molecular
weight -- mainly dextrose and fructose, which comprise
together at least about 50% and preferably at least about
75% of the total sugar content. Sucrose has a sweetness
between that of fructose and dextrose~ The Fructose,
which is sweeter than dextrose, is preferred since it
has a lesser tendency to crystallize and cause apparent
hardness. For most foods, particularly where the food
comprises an emulsion, it is preferred that the fats used
include partially unsaturated fats which tend to provide
. ' .
superior flow properties, and nutritional advantages al-
though less stable than saturated fats. The fat content
is usually less than the water content in order to form
a stable oil~in-water emulsion; the water content is
preferably at least about 25% greater than the fat con-
An important group of foods which have been
;~ partlcùlarly well-adapted in accordance with the present
invention are oil-in-water emulsions, including butter
creamst whipped toppings7 low-fat whipped creams, milk
mates, non-dairy shakes, icings and coffee creamers.
Another class of~ goods, which f`orms a unique
combination with the foregoing, is bakery products --
such as cakes7 breads7 cookies, pie shells7 muffins7
; 30 turnovers7 pancakes?~ waffles and donuts. The pastries
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can be filled or topped with the creams and icings of this
nven tion .
Many diverse foods can likewise be adapted pursuant
to this invention, such as dressings, puddings, sauces, gravies,
snack spreads, pancake syrups, ice creams, candies and beverage
(soup, tea, juice) concentratesl and meat, fish, fruit or vege-
table products.
Thus, in accordance with the present teachings, a
microbiologically s~able food product is provided which com-
prises water, sugar and flavoring, and which is characterized
by a water activi-ty of about from 0.8 to about 0.9 and which is
substantiall~ non-crystalline at freezer temperatures and where-
in in the sugar component the amount of fructose plus dextrose
is at least about 50% based on the total sugar content.
In accordance with a more specific teaahing, a micro-
biologically stable food product is provided which comprises
from about 15 to 45% water, sugar in a ratio to water of about
from l. to 2:1~ from about 2.5 to 30% fat and minor but effective .
amounts of salt, emulsifier, stabilizer and flavoring with the
~ 20 amount of fa~ being less than the amount of water and the solutes
~ ~ content is~ adequate to provide the product with a water activity
: of from about;0.8 to 0.~ and furthermora wherein ;.n the sugar
component the amolmt of de~trose plus fructose i.s at least about
50~ based on the weight o:E total sugar content and wherein the :
,f~regoing ingredients comprise at least one of fructose and un-
saturated fat and the product is spoonable at about lO0F. . .
In accordance with a furt:her embodiment of the .:
. present teachings,:a method is provided of making a micro- :.
~:~ 30 ~ b~iologica1ly stable food produc-t which is spoonable at freezer . :
: temperaLures which~comprises mixing together from about 15 to
~: .
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45% water, sugar in a ratio to water of abou-t 1-2:1, from about
2.5 to 30~ fat and minor but effective amounts of salt, emulsi
fier, stabilizerl and flavoring, the amount of fat being less
than the amount of water with the solutes content being adequate
to provide the product with a water activity of from about 0.8 to
0.9 and wherein the sugar content comprises at least about 50%
dextrose plus fructose, the mixture is pasteurized, then hom*o-
genized and subsequently cooled.
The foods of this invention are generally character-
ized by a water activity of about from 0~75 or Q~8 to 0.9, a
sugar to water ratio of at least 1:1, a sugar content is at
least 50% dextrose and/or fructose, and adapted to remain spoon-
able or pourable at freezer temperatures. Although most inter-
mediate-moisture products will continuously have a water ackivity
below 0.85 some sacrifice in texture and taste may be required
to meet this standard. Since the foods of this invention are
maintained at freezer temperatures until ready to be used, a
water activity of about from 0.85 to 0.90 is adequate. Freezer
temperature, unless stated otherwise, refers to temperatures of
à~out from -5F to ~10F which is a common range for freezers
in homes and stores.
The standard of being spoonable refers to the texture
or flexibility of the product -- and the quality of being able
to eat the food when it is at freezer temperature. The quality
of being spoonable as used in this description is one which
gives a satisfactory reading on a standard penetrometer and/or
flow test, as describe~ in detall below. Pourable products are
~more fluid and are tested by flow characteristics.
.~ .

The spoonable products of this invention gave
a penetrometer reading above about 3 mm, and when also
pourable the products gave a flow rate of about 30 ml.
per minute and higher during the first five minutes after
removal from the free2er. These figures are highly sigo
nificant when compared to the standard ~rozen products
presently on the market~
Throughout this application all amounts are by
weight unless states other~ise~ In the examples the
amounts have been adjusted to a basis of 100. Percentage
are based upon total formulation weight, unless a dif-
ferent basis is given.
The freezing and melting points for a number
of products were determined using a Perkin-Elmer Scanning
Calorimeter 1B.
Since the scanning calorimeter is a dynamic
measuring device, definitions used for static systems
were establi~hed for this ~cannin~ system. The ~easure-
~ents wer~ taken under conditions at which the tempera-
... .
ture was being varled at 18F. per minute. During thecooling cycle, the point at which the maximum change in
heat is occurring, was defined as the fr~eezing point
(F'.P.) and conversely during the heat~n~ cycle~ the maxi-
mum was defined as the melting point (M.P.
~5 The values obtained are not~for oorrespondence
with points measured by other standard methods, but they
will correspond proportionally to each other under ~his
system. Therefore the measured freezing point for water
:, ~.,., ~
was -14.8F. and the meltlng point was 41F. The values
~or the various products are listed below:
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r~ J3~3
Commercial Standards Formulation Of Examples
F.P. M.P~ F.P. M.P. Example
Puddings -9.4F 30.2F -135F 5.0F 12
Sour Dressing 1.4F 33.8F -135F 5.()F 11
Pancake Batter 1.4F 26.6F -31.0F 10.4F 9
Whip Topping -14.8F 30.2F -61.6F 8.60F 2
In each instance the products of this invention
showed a highly significant variance from commercial
formulations and from water itself -~ the freezi~g and
1û meltin~ points were depressed by from 15 to over 1OGF.
The apparatus for measuring the flow character-
istics was fabricated from stainless steel, and was e~-
sentially a stand 14" x 12", with a movable platform of
the same size to provide for vertical and angular adjust-
i~15 ments. The platform was provided with a bulls-eye level
and a protraotor level; with the leading edge having a
wire brace to retain the sample container.
;~The ~ollowlng method was used in obtaining the
flow data. Samples were rilled in gr~duated cylinders
~20 of 600 ml. capacity, and frozen for at least 24 hours at
~5F. The ~rozen samples were removed from the freezer,
immediately placed on the platform in a horizontal (U)
position, and the effluent collected in graduated cylin-
dersj noting the volume at timed intervals~ Temperatures
2~ were monitored uith a Honeywe1l recorder~ Sample temper
atures within the freeæer, varied from ~4F to ~7F, over
a four-week interval, bu~ varied no more than 1F over
a~n~8~hour~period;~while~the t~mperature in t-he freezer
varied from +5F to ~1~~,~;each time ~ door opened.
; 30 ~ Room temperatare ~Yaried about 2F, ~or an average of

~ 7~f~ :
72F, while the temperature of the samples in the origi-
nal container, rose anywhere from 1F to 14F, during
the 15 minutes after being removed from the freezer.
The penetrometer test and equipment used are
standard. The penetrometer is made by Labline Instrument
Co. Inc., Chicago, Illinois~ The device measures the
penetration into the sample of the point of a hard rubber
cone which weighs 12 grams, and has a height of 1-l /2"
and a diameter of 1-1/2" at its base. The inverted cone
is supported by a freely-sliding bar which weighs 48
grams. For all measurements the sample was brought to
a temperature of minus 7F in a freezer and then removed
from the freezer and immediately tested.
The products of this inventlon exhibited
freeze-thaw stability in storage. The products were
kept in a supermarket type freezer unit which cycled six
times a day between app]ication of cooling to freeze the
product and application of heat to defrost the unit.
Under these conditions the products remained acceptable
:20 and functional. The whipped products were tested by the
following procedure. The samples were placed in quart
sample containers for three ~3) days at 0F. then trans-
ferred to 40F. and held for two ~2) days. The product
; was examined and the cycle repeated. The products with-
~ 25 stood~at least two (2) such cycles, and thus were con-
; sidered ~reeze-thaw stable.
The liquid emulsions were examined by dipping
a spatula in the emu1sion; letting lt drain and noting
whether the residual film was smooth and uniform or
~whether;particles were~present - denoting destabiliza-
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tion. These emulsions were also evaluated for their in-
tended functional application.
The products passed the following test proce-
a) Whipped or aerated products were tested
for volume (density) and the ability of the foam to re-
main stable - loss of volume due to air loss and/or for
syneresis ~separation of the water phase). This was ap-
plied to butter cream, toppings and shakes.
b) The non~dairy creamer concentrates7 were
tested in coffee for whitening ability; signs of free -;
oil on the surface or curdled appearance, presence of
oil globules or curdling indicate emuls:ion break down.
c) The baking product doughs and batters were
tested for their ability to puff and/or bake properly.
This category included donuts, cakes and pancake batters.
d) The semi solid products which are consumed
as such - puddings, sour dressing, co*cktail sauce and
yogurt were tested~for syneresis and appearance (texture).
~20 ~ e) The pr~ducts which are heated or reconsti-
tuted - iced milk mate, tea, orange juice drink, newburg
sauce, clam chowder were evaluated for their sensory ;
properties, i.e. mouth feel and separation of phases.
f) The ice cream was tested ~or volume and
; 25~ ~texture (graininess~
.: ~ ' : :
A preferred method for preparing an emulsion
product of this invention comprises blending all of the
ngredlents in~the deslred rat~las. Usually most of the
non-fat ~lngredi~ents are~f~irst dispersed~ln the water.
The ingredients~are heated prior to or during blending.
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For example the heating may begin during the mixing of
the non-fat ingredients 9 and then the emulsifiers and
fats are added. The ~at portion may also be preheated
and then mixed in. The ingredients are pasteurized by
holding at an elevated temperature for several minutes,
i.e., at 180F ~or five minutes.
The blended ingredients are then p~ssed through
a hom*ogenizer of the typical dairy type. Although hom*og-
enization may be accomplished in one ~tage~ it is carried
out in two stages for best results. Preferably, the
pressure during the ~irst sta~e is maintained at a mini-
mum of about 25000 psi and a maximum oP about 10,000 psi,
most preferably about 3,000 psi, and the pressure during
the se¢ond stage is maintained at about 500 to 1,000 psi,
preferably about 500 p9i. The mix is usually maintained
at a teMperature of from a~out 600 to 75C during hom*og-
eniæation. The emulsion is cooled to a temperature of
from ~bout 0 to 25CC and passed through a whipper ~or
the incorporation of air or an inert gas such as nitro-
gen, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide or the like. The
whipper may be of conventional ~onstruction ~uch as a
Hobart mixer or an Oakes continuous mixer that permits
cooling of the emulsion to temperatures of about 5 to
15C, preferably 10C, during whipping. The emulsion
j 25 can be whipped to~an overrun o~ from ~bou~ 100% to 500~,
psckaged and frozen.
The term "water soluble solids" is used to ap-
~ ~ ply to any addi~ive material which lS substantially solu-
;; ble in water at room temperature or at temperatures com-
30~ parable to those practiced in processing the ingredients
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of the foods. Included in the class of water soluble
non-sugar solids that can be employed are certain inor-
ganic salts used at a level compatible with palatability
requirements, e.g., sodium chloride and potassium chlor-
ide. Indeed, certain compounds llke the diols andpolyols, propylene glycol, sorbitol, glycerol and the
like which have another function, i.e., as an anti-
mycotic and/or texturizer, may also be relied upon to
provide the soIuble solids (or solutes) employed in the
aqueous phase for bacteriostatic protection.
The relative weight percent of said water solu-
ble solids to the moisture content of the total product,
when initially incorporated into the product durlng its
manufacture and preparatory to packaging determines the
ultlmate functionallty of the solids in providing the
; requisite bacteriostatic effect. The level of water
~ soluble solids may be varied as may the level of moisture
initially incorporated within the aforesaid respective
ranges. However, in varying these levels the relation-
ship of water soluble solids in solution to the wakershould be controlled so as to aff`ord the desired osmotic
pressure. A good rule to observe in this connection is
to be sure that the weight of water soluble solids avail-
able for solution is at least equal to the weight of the
~moisture~pre~ent,~although in some cases it i5 possible
that a~lower level of water soluble solids might afford
some protection against microbiological decomposition
provided an~equlvalent degree of osmotic pressure is
available. ~In any event, it will be found that the level
of sugar that should be employed under the conditions of
~; : ' .,
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the present invention will constitute a major percent by
weight of the water soluble solids.
Intermediate moisture foods have a high sugar
content which tends to promote nonenzymatic browning.
This phenomenon is caused by complex reactions between
the amino groups of proteins and the keto groups of
sugars and is known as the Maillard Reaction. This non- -
enzymatic browning leads to undesirable darkening of the
f`ood product as well as off-odors and flavors. These
reactions can also reduce the nutritional value of foods.
Sugars such as dextrose are known to be capable of use
at a lower level than sucrose to achieve an equivalent
; bacteriostatic effect but are reducing saccharides which
are prone to undergo the undesirable Maillard-type reac-
tion. Fructose is even more susceptible to the browning
reaction. This reaction and other oxidative reactions
~ .
are progressively retarded as the temperature is lowered
from room temperature to refrigerator temperature to
~ freezer temperature. Hence the products of this inven-
tion preferably are designed for usage at refrigerator
and freezer temperature unlike the conventional interme-
diate moisture foods which are stored and used at room
temperature, and thus the foods of this invention can
tolerate the large amounts of dextrose and fructose used.
The term "sugar" as it is employed in the pre-
s~ent context is to be understood as meaning any of a
number of useful saccharide materials which are capable
of increaslng the~osmotic pressure of the water in which
the~ are dlssolved and thereby giving rise to the requi-
~` 30 site bacteriostatic effect. Included in the list of use-
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ful sugars are the mono-saccharides, di-saccharides and
polysaccharides and their degradation products; e.g.,
pentoses, including aldopentoses, methylpentoses, kepto-
pentoses, like xylose and arabinose; a deoxyaldose like
rhamnose, he~oses and reducing saccharides such as aldo
hexoses like glucose, galactose and mannose; the keto-
hexoses, like fructose and sorbose; disaccharides, like
lactose and maltose; non-reducing disaccharides such as
a sucrose and other polysaccharides such as dextrin and
raffinose; and hydrolyzed starches which contain as their
constituents oligosaccharides. Typically, the comrner-
cially available mixtures of invert sugars are used which
contain dextrose and levulose, as well as maltose and
corn syrup solids. The sugars should be o~ a low molecu-
lar weight so as to offer a substantial effect in in-
creasing the osmotic pressure of the sugar solution.
The polyhydric alcohols may be used to replace a portion
of~the sugars used in this invention and are therefore
encompassed by that term, i.e~, from about 0.5 to 5% of
2~0 the formulations may be a polyhydric alcohol such as~
glycerol and the like.
Since the product of this invention, when pre-
pared in the manner herein disclosed, is oharacterized
by its substantial resistance to bacterial decomposition,
but may~serve as~a host for yeasts and mold, the foods
of this invention rnay have an antimycotic agent incor-
porated at a sufficient level to prevent the growth of
such~organisms. Sorbate salts such as potassium sorbate
as well as~sorbic acld can be used either separately or
in combinationr Propylene glycol which may be used alone
: : ::

or with other humectants like sorbitol to impart a fur-
ther degree of product softness or tenderness can also
serve as an anti mycotic. Other anti-mycotic agents will
be apparent to those skilled in the art. The amount of
anti-mycotic agent added is selected so as to produce
the desired results and will constitute a ~inor propor-
tion of the product, about 0.1% or higher, depending on
the particular anti-mycotic and the particular product
composition, although even lower levels in the order of
50 p.p.m. can be employed in the case of some anti my-
- cotics as pimarein. Potassium sorbate in a water solu-
tion can be sprayed into the surface of the food or the
food can be dipped in this solution; other anti-mycotics
lend themselves to such surface application as e~ters o~
the parabens (para-hydroxy benzoate) such as propyl and
methyl parabens ~ethyl para~hydroxy benzoate). Cello-
. .phane and other enwrapments for the food oan be spray
coated with a sorbio aeid solution but impregnation or
dusting with sorbic acid or potassium sorbate is pre- -
ferred. Anti-mycotics which can generally be used are
benzoic acid, sodium benzoates, proprionic acid, sodium
and calcium proprionate, sorbic acid, potassium and cal- ~`
cium sorbate, propylene glycol, dlethyl pyrocarbonate,
and menadione sodium bisulfite ~vitamin K).
2~ ~ Other lngredient~ known to ~hose skilled in
the art may also be ~mployed to l~part their charac~er-
istie effects to the compositions o~ the pr~sent inven-
tion. Ty~pi~cal of ouch ingredients are fIavoring agents,
o~oloran~s~, vltamins,~ minerals, and the like. Suitable
flavoring agents can be emp~oyed to impar~ vanilla,
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cream, chocolate, coffee, maple, spice, mint, butter,
caramel, fruit and other flavors. Additionally, the use
of certain polyols such as sorbitol and mannitol can be
employed to modify mouth-feel. Furthermore, other addi-
tives such as phosphates and the like may be employedfor their known functions. Several types of ingredients
used are described below.
Fats high in unsaturation are safflower oil,
corn oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil and sunflower ~ -
oil - unsaturated fats as used in this specification
are those having an iodine value of about at least 50
which include partially hydrogenated fats, ànd the more
highly unsaturated fats with an iodine value above about
lO0. These fats are recommended for dietarg p~rposes,
15 particularly for those with a high plasma cholesterol ~
level which is associated with atherosclerosis. `
The saturated fats include the hydrogenated
oil products of coconut, cottonseed, corn, soybean, pea-
; nutl olive, etc. Fats having a melting point of 90-94F
are pref`erred, i.e. the melting point should be below
body temperature.
Emulsifiers are necessary ingredients of those
composition of the present invention which contain fats
and are oiL-in-water emulsions. A wide variety of emul-
sifiers may be employed in amounts on the same order asin the prior art oil-in-water emulsions for example,
about from .1-5%, preferably about from .2-1~5%. They
induce the formation of a stable emulsion and improve
the rate and total aeration obtained. Among the more
sultable are: hydroxylated lecithln; mono, di, or poly-
, : .

glycerides of fatty acids, such as monostearin and mono-
palmitin; polyoxyethylene ethers of ~atty esters of poly-
hydric alcohols, such as the polyoxyethylene ethers of
sorbitan monostearate (~olysorbate 60) or the polyoxy-
ethylene ethers of sorbitan distearate; fatty esters ofpolyhydric alcohols such as sorbitan monostearate; mono-
and di-esters of glycols such as propylene glycol mono~
stearate, and propylene glycol monopalmitate, succinoy-
lated monoglyoerides~ and the esters of carboxylic acids
such as lactic, citric, and tartaric acids with the mono-
and diglycerides of fatty acids such as glyoerol lacto
palmitate and glycerol lacto stearate. The ~atty acids
employed in the preparation of the emulsifiers include
those derived f`rom beef, tallow, and coconut, cotton
seed, palm, peanut, soybean and marine oils. Many blends
~ of emulsifiers are commercially used and readily avail-
- able in accordance with known techniques. For example,
it may be desirable to provide a ~ontrolled hydrophil-
lipophil balance (HLB) as with a lipophilic emulsifier
such as glyceryl monostearate or sorbitan monostearate
with a hydrophilic ~aterial such as polysorbate 60.
The emulsion compositions of the present in-
vention also includs one or more stabilizers or hydro-
philic colloids to improve the bo~y and texture of topp-
~5 ings, and as an aid in providing freeze-thaw stability.
;~ These stabilizers are natural, i.e. ~egetable, or syn~
thetic gums and may be, ~or example, carrageenin, guar
gum, alginate, xanthan gum and the like or methylcellu-
lose, carboxymethylcellulose, ethylcellulose, hydroxy-
propyl methlycellulose (Methocel 65 HG), miQro-crystal-

line cel]ulose and the like, and mixtures thereof. Typ-
ically, a gum or combination of gums is employed with a
sugar, e.g. dextrose, carrier. The amount of these
stabilizers can be varied widely in accordance with the
amounts required in prior art compositions, generally
about from 0-2%, preferably about from ~1-.5%.
Starches useful in this invention include the
new and chemically modified starches from potato, arrow
root, corn, rice, wheat, waxy maize, sorghum and waxy
1~ sorghum. Tapioca starch is suitable particularly for
puddings. Generally about from 0.5 to 2~5% starch is
adequate, although in the absence of stabilizers or in
some puddings up to about 7% may be used.
Protein concentrates and isolates are useful
ko improve the nutritional qualities of the product and
; to faciIitate and maintain a whipped structure. Protein
also aids in emulsification and contributes to flavor.
Bland protein concentrates with a wide range of fiber
content, bland soy flour, milk powder and food proteins
are all useful, generally in concentrations about from
0-10%, preferably about from .3-3%. Alternatively, use
can be made of a protein such as sodium or calcium
caseinate which~is conventional in whipped toppings, or
as its substitute a proteln hydrolysate in a minor
25 amount. -~
Many types of salts are used in the composi-
tions of this invention for flavoring, including common
. .
salt (sodium chlor1de~, sodium or potassium phosphates,
citrates, chlorides9 and the like, in amounts about from
0-5%, but preferably about from ~1-1%.
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Antioxidants such as butylated hydroxytoluene,
butylated hydroxyanisole and tertiary butyl hydroquinone
may be used in minor amounts (i.e. as Tenox 22 antioxi-
Food ~rade acidulants such as phosphoric, tar- :
taric, malic, citric ? fumaric 7 hydrochloric and the like
edible food acids are suitable to impart tartness, con-
trol pH or serve as a preservative.
The following are among the ingredients used
10 in this invention: :
The maize starch used is a highly modified waxy
~ starch of a~ylopectin origin sold under the names (a)
: Amai~o Polar Gel 10 by American Maize--Products Co., New
~: York, New York and (b) F4-283 Starch by A.E. Staley Manu-
facturing Co., Decatur, Illinois.
The Pructose-dextrose syrup used in this ~rven-
tion ("Isosweet") comprises 29~ water and 71% sugars
(50% dextrose, 42% fructose, 1.5% maltose, 1.5% isomal-
tose~and 5% higher saccharides). A high fructose-dex-
`: :
~trose syrup contains 23.5~ water and the remainder is 55%
`: : : fructose~and 45% dextrose. A ~ructose concentrate is anaqueous syrup havin~ 80~ sugar, of which 90% is fructose
and the~ remainder is dextroseO
The corn syrup used has a moisture content of
22.5% and a dextrose~equivalent of 2~.0 ~8~4% dextrose,
14.S%~ maltose, 8.6% trisaccharides and 68~4~ tetrasac~ ~ ;
charides and higher) sold under the name Amaizo Lodex C
~orn Syrup by American Maize-Products Co~, ~ew York, New
Soy protein~:concentrate is prepared from soy~
. . ~ . . .
.. . .. ..... . . . . .

bean flakes which are extracted with a solvent systemwherein the ma~or protein fractlon is immobilized and
the water-soluble carbohydrates, mineral matter, and
other minor constituents are removed. The extracted
product is dried and ground. The concentrate is sold
under the name Promsoy 100 ~y Central Soya. Whey pro-
tein concentrate i~ sold under the name ~mpro-50 which
contains 53.6 parts protein and 26~5 parts lactose. A
delactosed whey protein may also be used.
Soybean oil type 106 is a 100% soybean oil
lightly hydrogenated to an Iodine value of 106.
Hard butter type 106 is a blend of 45% palm
kernel oil rearranged with 5% palm oil and 50% palm ker-
nel oil hydrogenated to a Wiley Melting point of 106F,
and having an iodine value of 1.5 maximum.
A standard mlxture of mono and di-glycerides
is used in many ~ormulations. It is cold under the name
Drewmulse 20 by PV0 International, Inc., Boonton, New
Jersey, and contains about 43% alpha mono content~ It
20 has an I.V. of 2.5, a ~elting point of 140F and is manu-
factured by the glycerolysis of animal or vegetable based
Tenderex emulsi~ier is a mixt~;re ¢ontaining
~ .
Polysorbate 60 ~ 9%), ~orbi~an monostearate (31.6~)
mono and diglycerides of fatty acids ~2.3%), propylene
glycol (9.5%) water 44.3%).
The foregoing conventional ingredients may be
used in their normal amount~ and may vary fro~ ~he repre-
sentative amounts and ranges given herein. Food formu-
~ 30 lations and ranges o~ ingr~dients do not readily permit
: : : ' ~ ~ ' '
~ ~ -19-
,:: : : ,
' ' ~ :
" . . .
.. ... . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. ... .

of fixed parameters because of variations in people and
places. The following examples are not intended to be
limiting, but rather illustrative of` some approaches
taken and of course which may be varied in accordance
with the spirit and scope of this description.
A group of useful products made in accordance
with this invention is the oil-in-water emulsion based
material used for preparing butter creams, whipped
creams, shakes, coffee lighteners, and the like~ Butter
cream, which can be used as a topping and/or filling for
a confectionary product, is typical in several respects
of this olass of products and the manner in which the
problems raised by this type of product have been over-
come can readily be adapted to similar types of products.
The conventional butter cream used as a toppingor filling by the bakery industry is essentially made of
; 10-35% shorten1ng, 40-60~ sugar, 2-12% water and 1-2%
~milk powder and/or other emulsions. The creams have poor
20~ ~storage capability and oannot be maintained long at room
temperature or even under refrigerated conditions for
too long. Because of the inherent limitations in the
ba~io ingredients in the system, it is not feasible to
whip in the required amount of air to get the desired
mouth feel and texture. Regular butter cream with a
specifio gravity of 0.6 to .75 leaves a greasy feeling
in the mouth. ~Another defect of the butter cream, is
the exoessive~sweetness due to the very high peroentage
~;~ of sugar in the water~phase of the product. The high
sugar to ~later~ratio also oauses a sandy or gritty mouth

feel. Butter creams are used in many types of confec-
tionary products which are stored at freezer
temperatures, but when a cake decorated with butter cream
is fro~en, the butter cream becomes hard and has a ten-
dency to crack, peel off, and lead to slipping when usedbetween layers of cake. Similar problems are encountered
with conventional butter creams at refrigerator tempera~
tures. A cake with butter cream, when subjected to a
normal room temperature of about 70F leads ko weeping
and sagging of the butter cream.
The butter cream, made according to this inven-
tion, does not have the above mentioned limitations.
The following are some of the features of this product:
It i.s an oil-in-water type emulsion and can be
pasteurized, unlike the conventional butter cream;
The product can be whipped to a specific gravity of
;~ about~.3 to .4 and~has a very desirable mouth feel and
The whipped product has almost 50% less cal-
ories per unit volume~because of its lower specific ~ra-
vity~compared to the regular butter cream sold in the
he cost of the whipped product per unit vol-
;;ume is~also comparably less than the conventional butter25 cream;
The product made~according to this invention ~;
has enhanoed sta~bility aga}nst microb1ological spoilage ; `~
; even~when stored~at room temperature during the normal ~-
; shelf~life o~th~e~bakéd item,~because of the~high osmotic
30~pre~s~sure exert~ed by~ the sugar~blends used at the speci~io

concentration in the water phase;
Unlike ordinary butter cream, the consistency
of this product can be adjusted by judicious blending of
oils so that it can be pumped and whipped in a continuous
The product's flexibility in consistency also
is advantageous in enablîng the product to be shipped in
tank wagons, which leads to substantial savings in unit
packaging and handling;
The type and amount of fat and the sugar blend
in this product lead to a product with a marshmallowy
: texture;
The formulation is compatible with the incor-
poration of protein concentrate which contains 5-6% crude
:15 fiber, which results in an increase in nutritional. value
in the:product and gives special flavor and texture to
-: : .
~; :the product; ~ :
:The product has the flexibility of permitting
~ .
: replacement of up to 60% of the saturated fat with poly~
unsaturated fat where special dietary requirements are
An outstanding feature of the product is that
it:stays essentlally unfro~en or spoonable when used as
a filling or- topping in a frozen baked product. This
~:25 keep~ the product in a ready-to-eat texture even in the : :.
- .
freeæer~: This:also elir,linates the normal cracking or
:peeling of the;butter cream in the freezer~ and prevents
~;~ the normal moisture transfer betwe0n the cake and its
;filling which ca:uses:sogginess and provides a media for
:30 mlcrob1al growth after~thawing;

The product may be made completely of ingredi-
ents of vegetable origin but, if desired, there is flexi-
bility for usage of ingredients of animal origin; and
Since the butter cream remains fluid at freezer
5 temperature it can be immediately handled and whipped,
unlike conventional formulations which are first brought
up to room temperature, then whipped, and finally brought
back down to refrigerator or freezer temperatures.
The butter cream is an oil-in-water emulsion
comprising about from 25 to L15% water, preferably 30-40%
water, sugar in a ratio to water of about from 1-1~5:1
and about from 10 to 30% fat. At the higher ratios,
particularly of fructose a less firm product is obtained
which is less suited as a topping but may be used as a
filling, i.e~ in an eclair. The sugar preferably com-
prises some fructose, usually in an amount about from 15
to 65% based on the total sugar used. The remainder of
the sugar is at least substantially dextrose, i.e. from
at least about 50% up to all of the remaining sugar,
preferably the total amount of fructose plus dextrose is
about from 75 to 100% of the sugar content. The fat
preferably contains about from 10 to 60~ unsaturated or
partially unsaturated fat. Minor amounts of other in-
gredients are used in about conventional amounts, i.e.
protein concentrate, salt, emulsifier, stabilizer and
;~ flavoring.
An example~of a useful formulation follows~
In~redient Amount
(I) Water 25.32
(2) Dextrose~Fructose Syrup 36.72

(3) Xanthan Gum .04
(4) Sucrose .26
(5) Methocel 65 HG .26
(6) Soy Protein concentrate 1.67
(7) Dextrose 1Q.57
(8) Salt .14
(9) Polysorbate 60 .28
: (10) Hexaglyceryl Distearate .1
(11) Hard Butter 19.5 -
(12) Soybean Oil 5OO
(13) Lecithin
~ ' ', .
(14) Tenox 22 antioxidant .01
(15) Flavoring .03
1~ The procedure for making the b~tter cream
formulation ~as as follows: The sweetener (2) was added
to the water (l) and mixed~ Components (3) through (6)
were premixed and:added to the batch and mixed in. Heat-
ing of the batch to 180F was begun during which the dex-
trose~(~7~ and salt (8), Polysorbate 60 (9) and hexagly-
:: ceryl distearate (i0) were added. After 180F was
reached mixing was continued for 5 minutes. Then all
~ but .3 parts o~ the hard butter (11) and all the soybean
.. q~ ,.
oil (12) were added. The lecithin (13) and ~enox (14)
25~:: were dlssolved in the remaining butte~-and the mixture
wa~ added. The flavorlng (15~ was then mixed in the mix-
ture and hom*ogeniæed i:n two steps at 3000 and 50Q psi
and:~the product cooled to 38 - 42GF. The finished prod-
uct~oan;be packed~in :ouitable contai~ers, and stored in
: 30 a:freezer or refr~gerato~ ~or ~hipping later.
: 4

The water content of the formulation was 35.97%
(including the water in the dextrose-fructose syrup).
The formulation also contained 10.95% f`ructose, 23.61
dextrose and 2.35% higher sugars (36.91% total sugar).
The product was whipped and had an overrun value o~ 2.86,
with a whipping time of about 4 minutes. The specific
gravity of the product was 0.35.
The coli count after five days at room tempera-
ture was less than ten and the total plate count at that
time was less than one hundred -- which shows an excel
lent room temperature stability. It was found that
freshly made samples decreased in coli count upon storage
at room temperature and had lower counts than refriger-
ated samples, which in turn had lower counts than f`rozen
samples, i.e. freshly made samples had a coli count of
152. Three samples were held for fourteen days at the
indicated temperatures and then had the following coli
Temperature Coli Count
20 ~ 70F . 7
40F 53
-7 F 133
The product was lef`t ~tanding f'or ten days at
room temperature.without any evidence of browning (Mail-
25~ lard reaotlon).
The water ac~ivity of the whipped product was0.875 at 72F and its pH was 6.88. It was found that as
the sugariwater ratio fell below about one the product
: :
quickly lost is microb~iologicaI stability and physical
integrity. Thus~ even at about
::: ~

45~ sugar in the aqueous phase, the coli count and the
total plate count increased within two days at room
temperature and the butter cream sagged.
This formulation has excellent flow properties
at 5F -- the flow test results were: 300 ml~ after 1
minute, 455 ml. after 3 minutes and 570 ml. after 6 min-
utes. The product when whipped was easily applied to
cake as a topping and maintained its physical integrity,
texture, and appearance in the f`reezer during a ten day
test and at room temperature during a seven day test.
The butter cream was capable of being whipped at freezer
temperatures it was whipped at a temperature as low as
minus 30F.
A whipped topping made in accordance with this
invention has the same advantages as the butter cream
discussed in connection with the preceding example. The
whipped topping has less hard butter and a higher unsat-
urated fat content than the butter cream formulation;
20 ~ the ingredients are otherwise equivalent. The product
retains its texture at freezer temperatures and is micro-
biologically stable. This product also has the property
of being whipped at freezer temperature rather than r-e-
quiring the expensive and time consuming technique of
~ ~irst taking it~to room temperature, whipping it and
th~n oooling ito
The whippable topping of this invention and
~ .
~- the whipped product made from it comprise an oil-in-water
emulsion having~about from 25 to 45% water, preferably
~ 30 about from 30-40% water, sugar in a ratio to water of
. : : :

about from l-l.5.1, and about from 10 to 30% ~at. The
quantities of each type of sugar and fat may be the same
as in the but~er cream formulation, however in the
whipped topping, generally higher amounts of unsaturated
5 fats are used, iOe. 40~ or ~ore unsaturated fat and up
to about 6`0% based on the ~otal fat conte~t. Although
; unsaturated fats have been considered to have an adverse
effect on the stability of protein-containing foams it
has been found that this combination of ingredients is
suitable ~or the whipped products described in this
speeification. Conventional additives are also used in
this formulation. Variations in the ingredients and
their amounts guided by the foregoin6 can be accomplished
- .
in accordance with principleq well-known in the art --
see for example "The Role Or InEredients In the Formula-
tion o~ Whipped Toppings" by W. H. Knightly, Food Tech-
nology, Vol. 22, pp. 73-~6, June 1968.
A ready-to-whlp cream base was prepared from
the follouing components.
In~redient Amount
(1) Water 25.22
(2) Dextro3e-Fructose Syrup 36.72
(3) Xanthan &um ,04
(4) Sucro~e .26
Z~ ~ ~5)~ Methocel 65 HG _ .26
(6) Soy Protein Concentrate 1t67
(7) Dextrose 10.57
(8) Salt -.14
~ (9~) Polysorbate 60 .28
'~ 30 (10) Hexaglyceryl~Di3tearate o10
; -27 -
; ~ ~ ~ : . .:
;~ ~

(11) Hard Butter 9.50
(12) Corn Oil 15.00
(13) Tenox 22 antioxidant oO1
(14) Lecithin .10
(15) Flavoring .03
(16) Potassium Sorbate .10
1 00 . 00
The procedure for making the topping formula-
tion was the same as that described for the butter cream.
The formulation wa~ placed in a freezer with a conven-
tional Whip Topping (unwhipped) until equilibrium was
: reached. The topping of this invention flowed readily
when frozen, as follows: 115 ml. in 1 minute, 210 ml.
in 3 minutes, 310 ml. in 5 minutes, 400 ml. in 10 minutes
: 15 and 435 ml. in 15 minutes. The conventional whip topping
did not flow at all in 15 minutes~ The Whip topping
formulation of this lnvention a~ter being whipped and
~rozen had a penetrometer value o~ 10.1 mm. A conven-
- . ~
: tional topping (Rich's pre-whip) had a penetrometer value
;. ~ 20 of~6.5 mm. The product had a water activity of 0~875
(`at 71F) and a pH of 6.62. The product had a polyun-
saturated to satura~ed ratio tP/S) o~ 0.74 (based on corn
oi]. having a saturated oontent of 14~ and a polyunsatu-
rated content of 57%, and hard butter belng 100% satu-
rated)~ X P/S of:~.38-.74 is useful. ,-
The formulation was whipped rapldly to an over-
: run of 2056. The:whipped product had a light and smooth
t:exture wbich was~retained at freeæer temperature,
: ~ :A low-Pat whipped cream having the ~ame bene-

fits as the fore~oing butter cream and whipped topping
was prepared. This product, as indicated, is low in fat
content, but retains an excellent texture over a wide
range of temperatures.
This low fat whipped cream is a microbiologi-
cally stable oil-in-water emulsion which contains about
from 10 to 15% fat, about fr~m 25 to 45~ water, prefer-
ably about from 30~40% water, and sugar in a ratio to
water o~ about from 1-2:1. The ~at content is preferably
about fro~ 10 to 25% unsaturated fat.
The amount of fructose plus dextrose equals at
least 50% and up to 100% Or the total sugar, with the .
fructose being from about 15 to 65% o~ the total sugar.
A low-fat ready-to-whip base was made a~ f`ollows:
Ingredient A~ount ~ :
(1) ~ater 19.~2
(2) Corn Syrup ~5.76 :
(3) Dextrose-~ructose Syrup 30.6
: (4) Xanthan Gum .04
(5) Sucrose ~ .26
(6) Methoce} 65 HG .26
(7) Soy Protein Concentrate 1.66
~8) Dextrose 10.52 ::.
(9) Salt ~ .14
(10~ Polys~rbate 60 .28
: (11) Hexaglyceryl Di~tearate .10
(12) Hard Butter 9.45
: .
(l3) Tenox 22 antioxident .5 ~ :
~(14)~ Soyb~an Oil 1.0
( 15 ) Lecithln ~
:~ ~' ':
., ~ . : . , ,.:

Ingredient Amount
(16) Flavoring 03
This product was made by the procedure set
forth in Example 1. It had a total water content of
33.91% (including the water in the corn syrup and in the
dextrose-fructose syrup). The whipped cream has 9.15%
fructose, 23~09% dextrose and a total sugar content of
The mixture, which had a pH of 6.5, was whipped
promptly after being made. An overrun of 2.73 was ob-
tained in a whipping time of 3-1/2 minutes to give a
marshmallow type product with a specific gravity of 0.36.
It was spoonable at ~reezer temperature and pourable at
refrigerator temperature. A similar formulation with
10.45% hard butter instead of the above cornbination of
; saturated-unsaturated fat did not have the pourable con-
sistency of the formulation of this example, but was
still spoonable.~ A second sample of the formulation was
~frozenS held for four days, thawed and whipped. An over-
run of 2.90 was obtained with a whipping time of 4 min-
The produot wa9 used on a cupcake and in a
layer cake with satisfactory results.
- .
~ A milk mate product was prepared in accordanoe
with this inventlon. It is adapted to be maintained in
a freezer wlthout hardening so that upon removal it oan
be mixed immediately and readily with milk~ Since the
milk mate remains soft~it can be spo:oned into milk and

stirred to prepare a thick drink. The milk mate can be
formulated with a vitamin mix which is stabi]ized by
maintaining the product in the freezer.
The milk mate product is an oil in-water emul-
~ion comprising about from 25 to 40% water, sugar in aratio to water of about from 1 1. 5 :1, and from about
10 to 25~ ~at. The fat conten~ i9 preferably at least
50% and up ~o 100% unsaturated to provide better flow
properties and greater nutrition. The sugar preferably
comprises some fructose such as about from 15 to 65% of
the total sugar content, and the amount of fructose plus
dextrose equals about from 50 to 100% of the sugar. A
minor but effective amount of vitamins in any standard
mix may also be added in addikion to conventional in- ;
~redients such as: ~la~oring (cocoa, vanilla), emulsi-
fiers, ~alt and stabilizers.
The milk mate product car be mixed in Yarying
amounts with mllk, for example, about from 20 to 100
parts of miIk mate to 200 parts of cold milk.
An exa~ple of a milk mate product is:
Amount -
(1) Water 21.26
`~ ~ (2) K2HP04 .14
(3) Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate .02
(4) Soy Protein Isolate .50
(5) Sucro~e 20~96
(6)~ Dextrose-Fructose Syrup 30.05
;; (7~ Cocoa , 6.99
., : :
(8j Salt ~ --J .50
(9 ) Polysorbate 6û ~ D30
3 1 -

(10) Sodium Stearoyl-2 Lactylate .30
(11) Mono and Di-Glycerides .ll0
(12) Soybean Oil 17.97
(13) Potassium Sorbate .10
(14) Vanilla .01
(15) Color .20
(16) Vitamin Mixture 30
100 . 00
This produc~t has 30.04~ water (including the
water from the syrup and vitamin mix) and 42.30% sugar.
The vitamin mixture was 2/3 water and the remainder a
mixture of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, D and E-
The procedure to make the milk mate was asfollows: Melt the emulsi~iers (9-11) in a container and
add them to the soybean oil which was heated to 120F -
and hold until ready to use. Heat the water to 150F in
; ~ a kettle and add ingredients 2 through ~. Add the oil-
~emulsifier blend to the remaining ingredients and mix
for one minute. hom*ogenize at 3000 and 500 psi and cool
to 40F.
The product had a water ACtiVi~y 0~ 0.88,
measured at '72F. The product flowed readily after
storage in a freezer. The flow test results were:
55 ml. in one minute, 230 ml. in 5 minutes and 365 ml.
in 15 minutes - by which time the product reached 16F.
The: product mixed well with cold milk immedi-
ately upon removal ~rom the freezer. A drink was made
~with 30 gms. oP the milk mate and 210 gms. cold milk.
The flavor and body were good, and remained so after
being he'd at 40F for four days.

A non-dairy shake similar to a milk shake was
prepared which at freezer temperature was free flowing
and soft both before and a M er whipping. Moreover, it
5 could be w~ipped without first defrosting it. The shake
can be made with a variety of flavors and like the other
products of this invention is microbiologically stable.
The shake comprises about from 35 to 45% water,
sugar in a ratio to water of 1 - 1.5:1, and 3 to 10% fat.
The sugar comprises a substantial amount of fruetose and
based on the total sugar content, the fructose content
is about from 15 to 65%, preferably 20 to 50%. The re-
maining sugar is substantially dextrose, i.e., 50 to 100g
of the remaining sugar, preferably the total amount of
fructose plus dextrose is about from 75 to 100% of the
sugar content. The ~at content is preferably about from
50 to 100% unsaturated. The product also contains a whey
protein concentrate or other protein concentrate to im-
prove whipping properties and nutritional values9 conven-
tional amounts of stabllizers, such as xanthan gu~ or
cellulose esters, salts, e~ul~ifiers, and ~lavoring are
also used.
The followin~ is a suitable ~ormulation for a
2~ ~ In~redient _ Amount
; (1) Water 30-00
(2) High Fructose - Dextrose Syrup 52.29
~3) Xanthan gu~ .04
- (43 Methooel 65 HG ~ .26
(5) Sucrose 1,87

Ingredient _oun
(6~ Dextrose 2.40
(7) Whey protein concentrate 8.00
(8) Polysorbate 60 .28
(9~ Hexaglyceryl Distearate ~10
(13) Soybean Oil 4.50
~11) Lecithin 10
~12) Salt .10
(13) Vanilla .U5
(14) Strawberry Flavor _O1
1 00 ~ 00
The product has a total water content of 42.29%
and a sugar content of 46.39~ (22% ~ructose, 20.4% dex-
trose and 3~99% other sugar3, based on the total compo-
The product is made by mixing the syrup (2~with cold waker (1) and adding in a premix o~ irgredients
3 to 5~with stirring until completely dissolved. The
solution is heated to 180F and ingredients 6 through 9
are added an~ dissolved, after which the solution is held
at that temperature to 5 minutes. A warmed blend o~ the
soybean oil~and lecithin are added and then the remaining
ingredients, and mixing i continued ~or one mirute. The
product is hom*o~enized at 3,000 and the 500 psi and
2S ~inally cooled to 40F~ _
The product was placed in a freezer for 24
hours and upon removal was found to remain very fluid -- -
it~has a~ flow rate of~600 ml. in 30~econds.
The product after whipping also had exaellent -
flow properties at freez~r temperaitures -- 460 ml. after

one minute, 545 ml. after three minutes. A conventional
milk sha~e (McDonald's) was tested under the sa~e condi-
tions but failed to flow at all over a fifteen minute
period. When dextrose was substituted for the high fruc-
tose-dextrose syrup in the ~ormulation of this example
the whipped product at 5F would not ~low even after 15
minutes. But when one-half of the syrup was replaced by
an equal weight of dextroQe, the whipped product showed
some flow--up to ~ive minutes no flow, 25 ml. after 10
minutes, 35 ml. after 12 minutes and 60 ml~ after 15
A non-dairy coffee creamer was made which can
be stored in a freezer until ready for use, and then im-
1S mediately used or left at room temperature for at least
a~out ten day~ without spoiling until used. The produot
`may also be left in a refrigerator ~or a leng~hy period
of time without spoilage. ~his product is useful as a
coffe~ lightener and sweekener.
The coffee li~htener comprises about from 35
to 45~ water, sugar in a ratio to water of about ~rom
1 - 1.5:'1, about from 10 to 30% ~at. The ~ugar content
may be aIl dextrose, but from 15 to 55% of the sugar
content may be ~ructos~ with the remainder belng sub-
~5 stantially dextrose. Prererably the total of the fruc~
toQe and dextrose is about from 75 to 100~ of the sugar. ~ -
The fat preferably oomprises from 50 to 100~ unsaturated
type fats. Other ingredi~nts are included ir conven-
tionally minor amountsj Quch as salt~, emulsifiers and
a protein concentrate.
.. r,~.j. .
,~ , ) .
i,. '

An example of a suitable formulation is:
Ingredient Amount
(1) Water 23~72
(2) K2HP4 .14
(3) Na2HP04 .14
(4) Sodium acid pyrophosphate .02
(5) Soy protein isQlate .50
- (6) Polysorbate 60 .30
~7) Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate .30
~0 (8) Mono and Di~Glycerides ~40
(9) Fructose-Dextrose Syrup 56.48
(10) Soybean 16.00
- (11) Coconut Oil 2.00
: The product contains a total of 40.1% water
and 40.1% sugar (which includes 16.84% fructose, 20.05
dextrose and 3c21~ higher sugars).
The product was made as ~ollows:
Heat the coconut oil to 155F and dlssolve in
20 the emul~ifiers, ingredients 6 throu~h 8; the foregoin~
i9 added to the soybean oil. The water i~ heated to
150F and the salts 2 through 4 and proSein 5 are addedO
The ~yrup 9 ls added to the aqueous solution, which is
then held at 170 F f~r one minute, after which the oil
~5 blend is added. The entire batch is hom*ogenized at 3,000 :~
and then 500 psi snd oooled to 40 Fo
The product's ~low characteri~tics at freezer
temperakares were zero flow at one mi~ute9 20 ml. at - ~ .
three minutes, 220 ml at ~ive minutes and 600 ml at seven ~ :
~ ,
~ -36

minutes. The same formulation in which dextrose replacedthe fructose did not flow but was a semi-solid when held
at 5F for three day~.
The ~ormulation given above had a water activi-
ty value of 0.9 measured at 72F, and upon storage at
~0F for thirty-two days maintained its stability and did
not exhibit any off-flavor. The product also ~aintains
its stability at room temperature for many daysO
A microbiologically stable cake batter and cake
and other bakery products were made whlch retain their
characteristic texture at freezer temperature. The cake
batter is suitable for industrial and home u~e where
stable storage is an important factor. The batter can
be kept in a freezer and is always ready for use. The
cake of this invention is particularly suited for the
expanding oonvenience frozen food market. It can be cut
and served promptly upon removal from the freezer. The
cake, of course, can be made with f`illings and toppings
described above which likewise retain a soft texture and
are microbiologically stable.
The cake batter comprises about from 20 to 30%
: '
water, sugar in a ratio to water of about from 1 - 1.5:1,
and preferabIy about from 2.5 to 10% fat, and up to 25%
fatO The sllgar preferably includes fructose in an amount
~ about from 10 to 40~ baasd on the sugar content with the
; ~ remaindsr being substantially dextrose (50-100~. The
; ~ typs of fat can be~varied widely between saturated and
unsaturated depending~on the type of cake and texture
desired. An unsaturated fat will provide superior flow
: . . .. , ~ , . . . . .

,~`'~V ~rJ~
and nutritional properties. Other conventional ingredi-
ents are used in their normal proportions such as egg
whites, nonfat milk solids, f'lour, emulsifiers or
softeners such as glyceryl monostearate, salt, preserva-
tive, coloring and flavoring.
A cake batter was made from the following:
Ingredient Amount
(1) Water 15.0
(2) E~g White ~88% water) 8.75
(3) Sugar (12x) 8.75
(4) Dextrose 18.75
(5) Fructose-Dextrose Syrup 15.0
(6) Tenderex emulsifier 1.4
(7) Baking Powder . 1.3
(8) Vegetable Oil 2.5
(9) Vanilla .2
: (10) Salt .72
(11) Coloring 13 - -
(12) Nonfat ~ilk solids 2.5 ::
: (13) Cake F:lour 25.0
100 . 00
The water content o~ the batter is 27.67% ard
the sugar content is 38.15~ (~ructose 4.47~, dexkrose
24.08% and other sugars, 9.6~).
~5 The ~ater (1) 9 egg whites (2), and sugars (3
through 5~ are mixed thoroughlyO The emulsifiers (6),
baking powder ~7j t vegetable oil t8) and vanilla (g) are
added and mlxed in~until uniform~ The remaining ingredi-
ents ~10 through~13~ are then mixed in~ .
30 ~ : The batter wa~s frozen and then tested on a
: -38-
'~ ~ ' '.'
~: :
:~ ~D: :

penetrometer; it had a va].ue of 19.8 compared to a con- -
ventional batter which gave a reading of` 4.1. A cake
made from this batter was frozen and it gave a penetro-
meter reading of 6.9 compared to a value of 4~2 for a
conventional cake. The cake had a moisture content of
The cake was topped with a butter cream made
by the procedure of Example I. The finished cake was
placed in the freezer for a day and then removed. The
topping and cake retained their texture and could be
eaten immedlately.
A further formulation was developed for a cake
batter which was particularly adapted for sale from
supermarket freezers for the ultimate consumer who would
bake and consume the product. This batter has excellent
flow properties at freezer temperatures. It can be used
immediately upon removal from the freezer and then what-
ever batter remains can be returned to the freezer for
storage. The product lacks conventional chemicals, pre~
servatives, and emulsif`iers found in cakes since the bat-
ter is designed~ for use by the ultimate consumer who will
make and, without any great interval of time, consume the
~ cake. The batter of this formulation, has the additional
optional advantage of making a cake which will retain its
soft and edible texture at freezer temperature. This
batSer is also suitable to make other products, such as
panoakes and the l1ke~
The~batter comprlses about from 20 to 40%
water, preferably from 25 to 30% water, sugar in a ratio

to water o~ about from 1 1.5:1, and about ~rom 5 to 25%
fat, preferably about from 8 to 12% fat. The sugar con-
tent preferably includes fructose in an amount about from
10 to 40%, with the remainder being substantially dex
trose, i.e. about 50 to 100% of the remainder.
The batter formulation was as follows:
Ingredient Amount
~1) Water 10.3
(2) Egg White (88% Water) 10.0
(3) Dextrose 9.7
(4~ Fructose-Dextrose Syrup30.0
(5) Baking Powder 2.0
(6) Vegetable Oil 10.0
(7) Vanilla .1
(8) Salt .4
(9) Nonfat Milk Solids 2.5
(10) Cake Flour 25.0
. 100.0
The water content of the batter is 25.4~ and
20 the sugar content is 31% (~ructose 8.95%~ dextrose 20.35%
and other sugars 1.7). The product was made by the pro~
cedure of example 7. The batter was frozen and then
tested for its flow properties with the following results
(obtained at the indicated temperatures): 190 ml. at 1
25 minu~te (10F),~425 ml. at 3 minutes (20F), 480 ml. at
5 minutes (22F~ and 575 ml. ~t 10 minutes (28F).
A panoake batter can be made in accordance with
the present invent~lon which i9 sufficiently free-flowing
at freezer temperatures~to be poured or squeezed from a
:: ::

container. The product can be maintained indefinitelyin a freezer and upon removal from the freezer can be
poured, without defrosting, onto a griddle to make pan-
cakes in the conventional manner. The pancakes made from
the batter can be frozen and stored indefinitely but will
remain soft at freezer temperature. The pancakes there-
fore can be used directly from the freezer by quickly
warming them, unlike conventional fro2en pancakes which
need to be defrosted or subjected to extensive heating
to soften them throughout. The pancakes and waffles can
be stored at room temperature or at refrigerator tempera-
ture for many days without spoilage.
The pancake batter of this invention comprises
about from 15 to 45% water, but preferably about from 30
to 40% water, sugar in a ratio to water about from 1 ~
1.5:1, about from 2.5 to 10~ fat, minor amounts of con- ~`
ventional salts and leavening agents and other conven-
tional addltives and the remainder flour and usually an
egg product andtor a milk product. The wide choice of
flours available ror ordinary pancakes is applicable for
this invention, such as the bread flour shown below or
a combination of wheat flour, bleached or unbleached,
with a minor amo~unt of corn flour and/or rice flour.
The foregoing amounts can o~ course be varied as desired
in acoordance with the known properties of the ingredi-
ents and as further explained in this specification to
maintain the desirable properties of the product. It is
preferred that the sugars used be substantially low
molecular weight.~ For example, about from 10 to 40% of
30 the~sugar can~be fruotose with about from 50 to 100~ of
;~ :

the remain~er of the sugar in the formulation being dex-
trose. A small part of the sugar used may be replaced
by an amount of polyhydric alcohols sufficient to pro~ide
an equivalent osmotic effect, such as glycerol (see U.S7
Patent 3,753,734). Edible oils or shortenings may be
used; preferably an unsaturated fat. A paneake batter
formulation was made from the following ingredients in
the indicated amounts~
In~redients Amount
(1) Liquid Egg White 32026
(2) Dextrose-Fructose Syrup 19.42
(3) Salt (NaCl) 0.58
(4) Dexkrose 20.33
- (5) Bread Flour 19.42
(6) Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate 0.82
(7) Sodium Bicarbonate 0.60
(8) Soybean Oil, Type 106 6.47
. The liquid eEg white comprises 87.6~ water and
this in combination with the 29% water content of the
Dextrose Fructose Syrup gave a total water content of
33.98%. The fructose content of the formulation was
.79%, and the dextrose content was 27~22%, whereas the
total sugar content of the batter was 34.11~.
The batter was made by adding the liquid egg : ::
whites to a Norman mixer, adding the salts (3) and (6),
meterin~ in the dextrose-fructose ~yrup with a~itation,
addin~ the dextrose (4) and bread ~lour, inereasing the
:~ mixer rate to high speed? adding the ~oybean oil, finally
: 30 adding the ~odium bicarbonate and mixing all ingredients
: : -42~

for five minutes. The formulation is then pumped to a
cooled hold tank from which it is passecl through a vota-
tor to cool it to 25-28F, from which it is pumped to
another cooled holding tank~
Pancakes were made from this formulation on a
greased and covered griddle, frozen and tested on a pene-
trometer against pancakes made from a conventional bat-
ter. The frozen pancake made from the formulation of
this invention gave a penetrometer reading of 5.lmm
whereas the frozen standard pancake gave a reading of
1.1mm. The pancake had a moisture content of 25.2%.
This formulation flows at about 20F. The flow
properties of this formulation and the other batters of
this invention could be improved by using encapsulated
sodium bicarbonate and sodium acid pyrophosphate to pre-
vent the evolution of gases until heat is applied. This
technique would be applied where a more fluid mixture is
deslred, because the evolution of carbon dioxide from
the leavening agents in the product has a thickening ef-
fect. The encapsulation technique is also importantwhere long-term storage stability is required. The fore-
going batter is equally useful ~or making waffle.s ancl the
like, although it is often desirable, particularly for
waffles, to increase the fat content to twice that of
pancakes to prevent adhesion to the baking grid.
By controlling the amount of sugar in the pan-
cake batter the~final product can be made sufficiently
sueet so that a syrup or other sweetener is unnecessary.
Moreover, in view of the high sugar content the addition
of a s~all amount of water onto the finished pancake will
~ : ,

produce a syrup type topping as the water adsorbs sweet-
ener and flavoring from the pancake. A maple or butter
flavor may be added to the pancake to enhance this ef-
A donut batter and donut were made by the pro-
cedures of this invention. These have the properties of
the batters and bakery products previously discussed. A
particularly useful product is a donut with a filling and/
or topping made in accordance with this invention. The
flexibility of the donut batter enables the user to shape
it upon removal from the freezer. The ability to store
the donut at freezer temperature provides for its long-
term stability while maintaining it in a ready to eat
15 c ondition.
The donut batter comprises about from 15 to 30%
water, sugar in a ratio to water about from 1 - 1.5~
and about from 2 to 10% fat. The sugar preferably in-
cludes~some fructose, for example, about from 10 to 40%
20~ of the total~sugar may be fructose~ and about from 50 to
100% o~ the~remaining sugar is dextrose. The fat is
preferably unsaturated. The batter also includes salts,
flavoring and flour.
An example of a donut batter f'ormulation is
~ ient ~ Amount
(1) Ginger .19
(2) Nutmeg .14
~ (3) Xanthan Gum .05
;~ ~ (4~ Calclum Phosphate .81
~ 30 (5) Ferric Orthophosphate .03 `
, ~ . :

Ingredient Amount
(6) Magnesium Phosphate .29
(7) Whole Egg Powder 1.29
(8) Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate .61
(9) Sodium Bi~arbonate ~44
(10) Salt .57
(11) Bread Flour 28.17
(12) Cake Flour 4.78
(13) Corn Oil 3.82
(14) Coloring .01
(15) Egg White (88% wat0r)23.9
~16) ~extrose 11.0
(17) Fructose-Dextrose Syrup23.9
100.00 ,
The amount of water in the formulation was
27.96% and the amount of sugar was 27.96% (7.13% fruc-
~ose, 19c48~ dextrose, and 1.36% higher sugars).
The b~atter was made by placing the egg whites
(15) ~into a Hobart mixer, adding the dextrose (16) and
dispersing it completely with the paddle mixer, and then
adding the syrup (17) and mixing thoroughly. A premix
of ingredient~ through ~14) were then added and mixed
~first at low speed for a minute and then at medium speed
for two minutes. After standing for ten minutes the dv-
~; 25 nut~ were fried in the conventional manner. A partially
hydrogenated shortening having an iodine ~alue of 70 wa~
u~ed ~and the donut absorbed close to 20% shortening.
The donut W8S placed in a freezer ~or 24 hour~
~ at ~7F and upon removal it was immed~a~ely edible. The
penetrometer reading was 3.lmm compared to a conventlonal
.. :

donut which had a value of 1.7; after standing at room
temperature for fifteen minutes the donut made as de-
scribed above had a penetrometer reading of 6.3 whereas
the conventional donut had a value of 2.8. These figures
5 are slgnificant in view of the fact that frying the do- ;
nuts leads to a crisp and firm shell with a softer in-
Sour cream and sour cream-based products
1Q normally must be consumed fairly soon after purchase be-
cause of their short shelf life, even at normal refriger~
ator temperatures of 40F to 50F. It is difficult to
freeze these products because of the formation of ice
crystals within the product which tend to break down its
structure and texture. Various substitutes have been de~
veloped for these sour cream products but none has been
completely acceptable in texture and stability.
In accordance with the present invention, a
sour cream dressing was made whlch will remain spoonable
at freezer temperature and which is microbiologically
stable at room temperature. Since this product must have
a sour taste it is desirable to reduce and preferably
eliminate the sweetest sugar (fructose) in the formula-
tlonj and preferably to use an unsaturated fat~
The sour cream dressing formulation comprises
about~from 30 to~40% water, sugar in a ratio to water
about from 1 - 1.5 to 1 and about from 10 to 30% fat,
~ :
preferably about from 15 to 25~ fat. The sugar used is
substantially al~l dextrose, with up to about 10~ of the ~ -
formulation being ~ructose and up to about lO~ of the

~ormulation being other sugars. A high ratio of sugars
to water should be used to contribute to the fluidity of
the formulation at low temperature when fructose is not
used. The fat used may be saturated or unsaturated, but
preferably from half to all of the fat is unsaturated.
A minor amount of acid is used, such as about 1 to 2~ or
more to provide some tartness to the formulation which
has a sweet flavor from the sugar present. Other con-
~entional ingredients are used in their normal amounts
such as salt, stabilizers and emulsifiers; see for exam-
ple U.S. Patent No. 3,729,322.
A sour cream dressing formulation was made
from the fo]lowing ingredients in the indicated amounts.
In~__dients Amount
(1) Dextrose 44 .14
(2) Water 31.88
(3) Maize Starches 1.72
(4) Non~Fat Dry Milk 2.87
(5) Sodium Stearoyl-2 Lactylate .49
~ (6) Xanthan~Gum .25
(7) Sodium and Calcium Alginate .25
(8) T:itanium Dioxide .10
(9) Dipotassium Phosphate ~39
(10) Salt (NaCl) .20
(11j Soyb~e~an Oil-Type 106 15.83
(12) Adipic Acid .20
(13) Citric Acid .10
(14) Sorbic Acid .05
(15) Lactic ~cid .35
~(16) Vinegar (110 grain) ~ ~.68
:: :
~ : ,

Ineredients Amount
(17) Polaks Flavor #540191 .50
The procedure to make the product was as fol-
lows: measure hot tap water in Norman Blender; add pre-
blend and mix for 3 minutes (the pre-blend contained all
of the dry materials); add soybean oil, flavor, acids~
and vinegar; mix for 10 minutes at high speed; use a
double-~arrel votator to cook to 190-200F ~or approxi-
mately 5 seconds; hom*ogenize at 2000 psi first stage and
500 psi second stage~ use the sa~e twin-shell votator
(swept surface cooker-cooler) to cool to 60F; fill in
containers and ~reeze.
At -5F the product was spoonable. The freezer
flow test showed: virtually no flow at 3 minutes; 2 ml.
at 5 ~inutes; 4 ml. at tO minutes and 6 ml. at 15 min~
utes. A penetrometer test at freezer temperature gave a
;~ value of 25.2 mm;~whereas a commercially available con-
trol sample (Rich's sour) gave a penetrometer reading of
1.3 mm. Thus the sour cream dressing can be used im-
mediately upon removal from the freezer with a softness
i .
and flowability ~or easy application to other foods or
for direct eating.
2~ Puddings made in accordance with the present
invention are use~ul as a ready-to-eat convenience food
. ! : , ~ :
~ uhich can be packaged in any conventionally used con- ~
: 1
;~ ~ tainer for storage in a freezer; the pudding retains its
: :.
soft texture at ~reezer ~e~perature and is microbiologi-
3~0 cally stable at room temperature. Unlike canned pud~
'':: : : ~ ~
~ 48-
i, ~

dings, the pudding of this invention does not require
sterilization and expensive packaging and unused portions
may be left in the refrigerator, or even at room tempera-
ture, for subsequent use. And, unlike conventional
frozen puddings, the present pudding does not crystallize
and harden with consequent loss of texture, nor is the
inconvenience of defrosting necessary be~ore the pudding
can be eaten.
The puddings o~ this invention comprise an oil-
in-water emulsion having about from 30 to 40% water,
su~ar in a ratio to water of 1-1 . 5 to 1 and about from
-; 15 to 25% fat. When the sugar does not contain fruotose
and the fat is saturated, the product tends to a somewhat
cohesive consistency and the sugar to water ratio is
maintained toward the upper range. The amount of dex-
trose plus fructose is pre~erably about 70 to 100% of
:the sugar content. ~The use of unsaturated fats, such as
soybean oil, would be desirable for flow and nutritional
propertie.s. Minor amounts of conventional stabili7ers,
e~ulsifiers and flavors are also used.
A pudding was made from the following ingrecli-
ents in the indicated amounts.
In~ Amount
~ .
(1j Puddin~ emul~ion 66.29
(a) water ~ 31.72
(b) P~lysorbate 60 .20
; (e) guar gum .~7
(d) sorbit~an monostearate 13 --
(e) sodium caseinate .86
~' 30 ~ (;f~ dextrose .66
" ~ , .

In~redient Amount
(g) sucrose 14.72
(h) hard butter 5.30
(i) coconut oil 12.60
(j) potassium sorbate .03
66.~9 : --
(2) Dextrose 33.14
(3) Sodium Alginate ~23 ::
(4) Vanilla Flavor .11
(5) Calcium Chloride 23
(10% Solution)
: 100.00
The pudding emulsion (ingredients (a) through . ~;
; - (j)) is a conventional product made by heatin~ the water
(a) to 140F adding the re~aining ingredients, heatin~
the solution to 155 to 160F, hom*ogenizing in two steps ::
a~ 7000 and 500 psi and cooling to 34-38~F. The puddin~
formulation of this invention was made by pre-mixing the
dextrose (2~ and sodium alginate and addin~ them to the
standard puddin~ emulsion at 150F, the remaining in-
! gredients, (4) and (5), are ~hen added.
The product had a slightly ela3tic characterand at -7F a penetrometer value of 29^.3 mm, compared
to a co~mercially avallable pudding (Rich's Chocolate
Pudding) whioh gave a penetrom~ter readinB Of 1.3mm.
The water activity Or the pudding averaged 0.852 at 73F.
: : EXAMPLE 13
A yogurt type product, an acidophilus pudding,
was made to have~the properties of thç pudding described
in Example~12.
~ 50-

The acidophilus puddin~ comprises about from
25% to 40% water, su~ar in a ratio of water from 2~
and about from 3 to 15% fat. The amount of fructose and
dextrose total about 50 to 100~ of the sugar content.
A suitable formulation is:
In~redient Amount
(1~ Pudding emulsion 50~00
(2) Dextrose 32,50
(3) Sodium Alginate ~20
(4) Fructose Dextrose Syrup 15.00
; (5) Lactobacillus Aoidophilus Culture 2~00
~6) Calcium Chloride tlO% sol'n).26
(7) Butter Milk Flavor .04
100.00 "~
15The pudding emulsion (1) used as an in8redient
was the same as that described in Example 12.
The produc~ was made by premixing the dextrose
; (2), syrup (4j and sodium alginate (3), adding it to the
~ pudding emulsion (1) at~150F, cooling to 40F and adding
the remaining ingredients (5) through (7). It comprised
28% water and 54.75% sugar.
~ The produot was ~rozen overnight and immediate-
; ly upon removal was found to be spoonabIe 9 whereas a con-
ventional yo~urt (Danno ~ was hard and required de~rost-
ing before eating.
A gelatin-type~pudding was made to have the
properties of maintaining its texture at freezer tempera-
ures and belng mio;rob1ologically ~a~e at room tempera-
S ~:
~! '

The product comprises about from 40 to 50%water, sugar in a ratio to water about from 1-1.5 to 1,
and a ~el former. The sugar is of low molecular weight --
substantially dextrose and/or fructose in an amount
totalin~ about from 75 to 100% of the ~ugar content.
An example of a formulation is
In~redient Amount
(1) Water 49.40
(2) Dextrose 50.00
(3) Sodium Al~inate .25
(4) Color o05
(5) Flavoring O05
~6) Calcium Chloride (10% sol'n).~5
- 100.00
The produot was made by premixing the dextrose
and sodium alginate and adding it to the water which was
heated to 150F, after which the re~ainin~ ingredients
were added.
The product was placed in a freezer overnight
~20 ~ at -'7F and immediately upon remoYal was spoonable, with
a penetromet~r rea~ing of 1~.3mm~ A conventional gela-
tin-type pudding (Jell 0 b~dnd) was hard and gave a read~
ing of 0.7mm under the same eonditions.
A co*cktail ~auce ~or shri~ps was ma~e to have
the eharacteristics of rèmaining edible at freez~r
temperature and of being microblologically stable at room -~
temperature. The~shrimps thems~lves may be made in ac-
; .
oordance with the tec~hnique of ~nfusing fish products
wlth a~high solutes oontents to impart microblological
: ~ :
~ -52-
, :
:~ j :
I . , : : :: : :

stabillty and tenderness at freezer temperatures.
The sauce o~ this invention comprises about
from 35 to 45% water, sugar in a ratio to water about
from 1~1.5:1. The sugar comprises substantially dextrose
and fructose as 70 to 100% of the total su~ar content.
The fructose content may be about from 10 to 30% of the
sugar content. In addition, conventional ingredients
such as ketchup (or other tomato product), horseradish,
salt and flavoring are added.
A sauce of the following composition was made.
~ Amount
(1) Ketchup 41.877
(2) Water 10.10
(3) Horseradish 4.90
15(4) Starch (Instant) .75 '
(5) Lemon Juice Concentrate .31
(6) Salt 1.92
(7) Black Pe~pper.003
(8) Hot Sauce .27
20(9) Dextrose23.92
(10) F'ructose-Dextrose Syrup 15.95
'100.00' '
The ketchup~has about 68.o~ water and 12%
;~ sugar~-- such as sucrose. The sauce is made by mixing
together ingredients (1) through (8) until unif`orm. The
mixture is then heated to 1600F and held at that tempera-
ture while mlxing in the dextrose (9~ and syrup (10) at
medlum speed~for 10 minutes. Three parts of the sauce
to one part of~treated shrimp are mixed together f'or the
final ~product~ -

The shrimp may be treated to lower its moisture
content below 50% and to add solutes comprising sugars,
polyhydric alcohols and salts to lower the water activity
of the shrimp to 0.90 and below, i.e., to 0.75~ This
- 5 can be carried out by cooking or subsequently immersing-
the shrimp in a stabilizin~ solution having a concentra-
tion of water soluble compounds sufficiently hi~h to ef-
fect the desired trans~er of solute and lowering of water
activity -~ usually under an elevated temperature and
pressure. For example, in one procedure the shrimps were
placed in the followin~ solution, which was brou~ht to
boilin~ temperature and then let stand at room tempera-
ture overni~ht.
Ingredient Amount
Water 47-4
Propylene Glycol 44.3
Sodium Chloride 7.4
. .
Potasslum Sorbate 0.9
Ihese shrimps were placed in the freezer over
ni~ht and when removed were soft and ready to eat. An
alternative procedure is to use the same technique with
a ~hrimp flavored fructose-dextrose syrup havin~ about
5 to 10% salt. -
The co*cktail ~auce had a penetrometer reading
of 22~4 mm. A conventional ~rozen co*cktail sauce
tKitchen' 9 Of The Oceans, Inc~ - Dear~ield Beach,
Plorida) tes~ed under the same conditions gave a pene
trometer Yalue o~ 6 mm.
Frozen cla~ chowder concentrate as presently
~ ~54~
~ .
, ~

marketed is usually defrosted before use. Otherwise it
is difficult to remove from the can and if removed from
the can and placed while still solid in boiling water or
a hot pot it sinks to the bottom of the pot and may be
scorched. In accordance with the present invention a
clam chowder concentrate can be made which will flow at
freezer temperatureO This product is easily removed from
its container and mixed with water or milk to make the
final product.
The clam chowder concentrate contains about
from 30 to 45% water, sugar in a ratio to water about
from 1-1.5:1, and about from 5 to 30% fat (saturated or
unsaturated). The sugar content preferably includes
about from 10 to 40% fructose and the f`ructose plus dex-
trose content is about from 75 to 100% of the total
sugar. The formulation inoludes a standard mixture of
flnely chopped vegetables, a stabilizer like cornstarch,
salt, spices, and flavorings. Other conventional in-
~redients oan be added, such as milk solids.
A clam chowder concentrate was made from the
following ingredients in the amounts listed.
In6redient Amount
; (1) Margarine 7.32
(2) Potato (finely chopped) 4.05
25(3) Celery (finely chopped~ 5.03
(4) Onlon (finely chopped) 2.81
; (5) Mushrooms (finely chopped) 2.23
(6) Garllc (finely chopped) .07
(7) Corn~starch 1.31
30(8) Stewed tomatoes 22.68
55- ;
~. . . . . .; ~ :

In~redient Amount
(9) Salt .23
(10) Black Pepper .03
(11) Worcestershire Sauce .78
(12) Sherry Wine .78
(13) Fructose-Dextrose Syrup 20.05
(14) Dextrose 32.63
The product is made by melting the margarine
(1) and adding the ve~etables, ~2) through (6) to saute
; the~. Alternatively the vegetables can be infused with
solutes to control their stability and texture, in ac-
; cordance with the procedure set forth in example 15.
The salt (9) and pepper (10) are added. Separately dis-
solve the cornstarch (7) in the stewed tomatoes (8), add
to the sauteed mixture and simmer until thickened. The
worcestershire sauce (11) and sherry ~12) are added and
simmering is continued for five to seven minutes. Add
' the desired amount of infused clams (i.e. about 25%) and
simmer for five minutes more. The olar~s may be treated
with the same solutions used in the proces~ set forth in
example 15. Finally add the sugars (13) and (1l1), and
mix well for ten mlnutes.
This product had a moisture content of 42.03%
an~ a sugar content of 46l85~. The cla~ ohowder concen-
trate gave a penetrometer readin~ of 3.9~ A conventional6
frozen oyster stew - ~emi condensed soup (Campbell's)
tested under the same conditions gave a penetrometer
~ ~ .
reading of zero,~i~e. too hard for penetration.
The produot can b0 frozen until ready to be
: .
; ~56-
~ . .

..g.~ ~L7J~
used~ It is then readily dispersed in water or prefer-
ably milk and heated. The foregoing formulation and
technique can be readily adapted to make other soup con~ -
centrates, such as a seafood bisque, and cream of chicken,
mushroom? cheese and other fish, fowl, meat and veget-
A newburg sauce can be made by the technique
of this invention to be sold separately or with shell
fish, such as lobster or crab. As pointed out previously
the fish may be treated to lower its water content by
infusing it with stabilizing solutes to make it micro-
; biologically stable at room temperature. However, since
the product is kept frozen and can be used promptly after
removal from the freezer, the requirements for microbio-
logical stability are not as rigid as for conventional
The~newburg sauce comprises about from 30 to
40% water, sugar in a ratio to water of about from 1-1.5
to 1, and about from 5 to 30% fat (saturated or unsatur-
ated). The sugar content preferably lncludes about from
10 to~40% fructose, and the fructose plus dextrose con-
tent is about from 75 to 100% of the total sugar. The
sauce also contains milk products (from whole and/or dry
~ 25 milk), salt, a stabillzer such as starch, and flavoring.
`~ In addition to milk products, other dairy products such
; ; as eggs or egg yolks may be added. And fats beyond those
found in milk may be used, particularly unsat~rated or
. .
~ partlally saturated fàts, such as margarine~ The sauce
. ~
may contaln any ~of a number of other standard ingredi-

ents, each in conventional amounts whlch can be varied
in accordance with known techniques.
The formulation for a crab newburg sauce fol-
1 ows .
In~redient Amount
(1) Margarine 3.06
(2) Egg Yolk 3.33
(3) Lemon Juice Concentrate .22
(4) Whole Milk (87.34% Water)39.07
(5) Corn Starch 1.~9
(6) Salt 1.11
(7) Non-Fat Dry Milk 6.88
(8) Dextrose 31.11
(9) Fructose-Dextrose Syrup 13.33
The product contained 36.92% water and 40.57%
sugar (3.97% fructose, 35.84% dextrose and 0.75% higher
sugars). The milk products would contribute about an
additional 5~ sugar, but in the form of lactose which
contributes comparatively little to lowering the 09motic
The procedure for making this product is to
dissolve the corn starch (5) and dry milk (7)~in the
whole milk (4 ) and add this to the melted margarine (1)
and salt (6). This is heated and stirred until the mix-
~ ~ ture thickens. The egg (2) and lemon (3) are mixed and
;~ ~ stirred into the~thickened mixture. In~used crab (about
from 30 to 40% of the total formulation) is added, with
flavoring as deslred,~i.e., dry sherry wine and red pep-
30 per.~ The product is cooked for three to ~our minutes ~`
~ :

- ~7~
and the su~ars (8) and (9) are added and mixed well for
ten minutes~
The newburg sauce had a penetrometer value of
14.9mm. A conventional frozen Alaska Ring Crab-Newburg
Sauce (Stauffers) tested under the same conditions was
too hard to give a measurable penetrometer re~ding.
Other sauces such as thermidor, bernaise, hol-
; landaise and cheese may be made by the foregoin~ tech-
10EXAMPLES 18-19
Orange juice and iced tea concentrates were
~ade whlch maintained fluidity at freezer temperatures
and were microbiologically stable. These products over-
came the difficulties of removing solid concentrates
1~ ~rom cans and dispersing them in water.
The juice and tea concentrates comprise about
~rom 35~to 45% water, sugar in a ratio about from 1.2
8:1. The sugar comprises substantially, i~e~ 75~ to
100~, a mixture of fructose and dextrose. The fructose
content is about from about 10 to 30% of the total sugar
An orange juice ooncentrate was made as fol-
lows. ~ .
In~redient A~ount
: ` :
(1) Dextrose 37.00
(2) Fructose-Dextrose Syrup 33.00
;~ (3) Citric Acid ~29
(4) Oil of Orange ~t5
(5) Water 29.65
: ~ . ~ . .
_59_ ;
~: : :.
.; !
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' . '; " ' '. ' . . ' " . ` ' . ' ' ' " ~ ` ' :` '~ ' ' ` , ` ' . '

The water (5) was heated to 160F and held at
that temperature while mixing in dextrose (1). The syrup
(2) citric acid (3) and oil of orange (4) were then
blended into the prepared mixture.
The concentrate was placed in a freezer and
afterwards tested for its flow properties with the fol- ~
lowing results: no flow after 1 minute; 125 ml after ~`
3 minutes; 145 ml after 5 minutes; 230 ml a~ter 10 min-
utes; and 245 ml after 15 minutes. A conventional orange
juice concentrate (Awake) e~en after 1~ minutes was still
solid with less than 1 ml flowO
When the above formulation was modified by re-
placin~ the syrup with an equal weight of dextrose the
product upon freezin~ gave zero flow at 10 minutes and
15 ml flow after 15 minutes.
The concentrate of the above formulation makes
an orange juice drink when mixed with an equal amount of
;~ ~ water.
~ ~ An iced tea concentrate was made fro~ the ~ol-
20 lowing.
In~redient Amount
(1) Dextrose 37.00 ;
(2) Fructose-Dextrose Syrup 33~00
(3) Citric Acid ~ .03
25 (4) Oil of Lemon .27 (1 drop)
(~) Tea Brew 29.70
The prQduct was made by boiling 325 grams water
; and steeping the tea (~5 bags--25 grams) for 3-4 minutes
to make th~ tea brew (5). The br2w was brought to 160~F
~ -60-
: ~ : : ~ : ,
~ : :
: B ~ ~

and the dextrose (1) added. Then the syrup t2) citric
a~id (3) and lemon (4) were mixed in.
The product was frozen and tested for flow
characteristics, with the following results; 475 ml after
1 min, 500 ml after 3 minutes, and 525 ml after 5 min-
utes. A conventional tea corcentrate (Nestea Reconsti-
tuted) gave less than 5 ml flow after 15 minutes when
frozen~ When the ~yrup (2) is replaced by an equal
amount of dextrose the frozen product sho~s no flow
through 15 minutes.
The techniques described above may be modified
to make ice cream, ice milk, ~rench custard, sherbert
and similar products. The ice cream product can remain
soft in the free2er so that it can be used immediately
upon removal from the freezer.
The ice cream products comprise abou~ 45 to 60%
water, sugar in a ratio to water of about from .5-1:19
and fat about from 8 to 16%. The total o~ fructose ~nd
dextrose is from about 75 to 100% of the total sugar con-
tent, the~amount of fructose pre~erably is 65 to 100% of
the total sugar content. The fat i3 a butter fat~
For non-regulated ice-cream ~ub~titutes (where
the ingredients can be varied without Government regula-
tion) the water oontent may be about from 40 to 60~, the
~ugar to water ratio may be aùout 0.5 ~o 1.5:1, fat about
~rom 2 to 16g. The amount of` ~ructose plus dextrose
equals about 50 to 1005 of the ~ugar content.
The following is a suitable ice-cream ~ormulation:
. ~ ~
-: ~ . . . . . .. . . .. .

In~redients Amount
1) Whole Milk 40.00
2) Fructose Concentrate* 26.88
3) Heavy Cream 24.~2
4) Non-Fat Dried Milk 7.00
5) Sucrose ~70
6) Sodium and Calcium Alginate .30
7) Polysorbate 60 .10
8) Sorbitan Monostearate .10
9) Vanilla .30
The product had a water content of 54.12%, a
sugar content Or 28.7% ~including the sugars in the whole
milk, cream, and ~ilk solids) and a fat content of 10.26%
(from the milk and crea~
The procedure for making the product was to
add the cream and milk to a kettle and begin heating.
When 140F was reached, the e~ulsifiers (7 and 8) were
added. While stirring, a pre~ix of the suorose (5) and
alginate (6) were added, and then fructose concentrate
(2) and milk solids (4). Mixing was continued at 160F
for five minutes. The product was then hom*o~enized in
a first sta~e at 3000 psi and second ~tage at 500 p9i
~ollowed by cooling. The product wa3 whipped to an over-
run o~ 100% anfl removed at 22F. This ice-cream wa~
2~ placed in a freezer at about 0-10F for 72 hours and dur
ing this entlre period, it retained a texture suitable
for immediate use. The maintenance of this spoonable
kexture also per~lts the iee cream to be packaged in a
This product is~an aqueous syrup having 80% ~ugar, of
which 90~ is fructose and the remainder dextrose~
'' t ~

flexible squeeze package (i.e. a Squiggle-Pak) for dis
pensing in a ribbon form.
The invention described herein ~or making
microbiologically stable desserts and puddings i~ also
applicable for making fra~ pie and donut fillings. The~e
fillings remain in a flowable eonditisn at freezer temp-
eratures so that they can be used directly upon removal
from the freezer,
The fruit pie fillings preferably contain ~rom
about 40-60% fruit, from about 20-50% fructose-dextrose
syrup, from about 5-25% additional dextrose, from about
2-7% starch and from about 40-55% water.
Each o~ the fillings, whether for ~ruit pies :
15 or for donuts, contain sugar in a ratio to water about :
from 1 1.5 to 1. The ~ugar is predominantly of low
molecular weight -- substantially dextrose and/or fruc-
tose~in an amount ~totalling from about 75-100% of the
total sugar content~
- 29 An example of an apple pie filling is
: Ingredient Amount
~: :
Frozen Apples 50 ~ :
Dextrose-Fructose Syrup 3~.95
: S t a rch 2 . 5
; : ~ ,
Avicel (Cellulo~e gum) 0.5
Dextro~e 15.51
: ~ Salt .1
::Cinnamon O1
: Nutme8 ~
50~ citr~c a¢ld .3
: -63- :
:~ :
~ B : ~
.- . . - . . . ~ .
. . ~
.. ..

In the foregoing composition the frozen apples
comprise about 75% water, about 16% sucrose and about 8%
fructose, and thus the total sugar content is almost 50
and the total water content is almost 47%.
An example of a donut filling is as follows:
Ingredients Amount
Dextrose-Fruct~se Syrup 44.25
Starch (Regi~ta) 5.537
Lemon Powder ~051
Salt ~113
Potassium Sorbate .1
Red Dye No. 40 .0175
Cherries RSP, ~ :
Grade A, Frozen 49.53
: 15 50% citrio acid .4
Frozen cherries were in conventional packed
form containing five parts ~ruit to 1 part suorose.
These cherries contain about 70% water and the remainder
is almost all fructose.
. 20 Another example of a donut filling is as fol- .
: lows~
Indred.~ents Amount
Water 25.33
Red Dyes .0085
Dextrose-Fructose Syrup 51.0
: : Dextrose 1600
Black Raspberry Flavor .1
Premix 7.56
tained: : ~The premix~in the foregoin~ rormulation con-
30 ~ ~ Sodium~Alginate ~6.32
.~. : : : : : :
`~; : ~ :

In~redients Amount
Guar Gum 2.97
Sodium Hexametaphosphate 3.53
Dicalcium Phosphate 2.23
Adipic Acid 8.16
Sodium Benzoate 1.68
Sucrose (Extra Fine) 60.3
Starch 14.85
The ~oregoing fillings are made by conventional
techniques. For example, the cherry donut ~illing was made
by first adding the dextrose-fructose syrup to a kettle.
The starch was mixed in with medium agitation until a uni-
.~ - . .
form mixture was obtained. The lemon powder, salt, potas-
sium sorbate and red dye were added and the mixture was
stirred until uniform. The cherries were deProsted and
ground in a Frit3 ~ill with an 11/16" screen and added to
the kettle. The formulation was cooked by raising its
i ~ , : . ,
temperature to 195 and maintaining it at that point for :;
5~-10~minutes~ The~citrio~acid solution waq then added and
20~ the produet uas cooled to 140F. The pH was maintained at
3.~ 3.7.
This ~nvention has been de~cribed in terms o~
, ~ ,
I, specifio embodiments set forth in detail, but it should be
`I understood that these are by way of illustration only and
25; ~that the invention~is not necessarily limited thereto. Modi-
r~ation~ and variations wilI be apparent ~rom thi~ disclo-
sur~ and may be resorted to without departing from thc spirit
of this invent~ion;?~a those s~illed in the art will readily
und~erstand~.~ Accordingly, such variations~and mo ifications
I lof the diselosed produc~s are~cQnsidered~ to be within the
30 ~purvi~w~and 900pe~ of~th1s 1nvention and the ~ollowing claims.
.~ :

?1107120 Summary - Canadian Patents Database (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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