A Christmas Tale: Staring the Disventure Camp Cast - Xx_Cartoon_lover_xX - Disventure Camp (2025)

The holidays. And wonderful time filled with magic and joy for all. No mattered how anyone celebrated, the main consensus is spending time with the people you love

Diego was giddy with excitement. Not just at the fact the holidays were here, but that he got to spend it for the first time with Spencer, his boyfriend

He was frantically going all over the house, decorating it head to toe with beautiful lights and decorations. Spencer came back from his courses to see this giant mess and Diego putting a star on the tree

Spencer: Ummm, babe? What are you doing?

Diego: Spencer! Hi! I'm just decorating for Christmas, I even got you a little something!

He pulled out a box and grabbed a Santa hat for him. He put it on Spencer's head as if he was his own personal snowman

Diego: What do you think?

Spencer: It's... Good, but maybe tone it down with decorations. I don't want to blow a fuse

Diego: But it's Christmas! You have to go all out for the holidays!

Spencer: Well, I like it that you have your own interests, I really do, but I'm not that much of a Christmas person. In fact, I think I might just skip it

Diego: WHAT?!?! What do you mean "Skip it"?

Spencer: No offense, but it's kind of unnecessary. It's just a day dedicated to singing songs and getting candy, I don't see the point. Plus, I've been too focused on my studies to care enough

Diego could only looked at him shocked. Never celebrated Christmas? That sounds preposterous! Outrageous! Completely illogical!

Diego: Amigo, I think you're just missing the point. It's not just candy you get, it's time with the people you love

Spencer blushed at his statement

Spencer: I guess, but I think most people would argue in my favor

Diego: True, but maybe you just need to hear of a story that will get you in the spirit! Come on!

He grabbed Spencer's arm and basically dragged him to his room to grab a book

Spencer: Is this that one story about that Christian baby being born?

Diego: Hehe, no, silly. This one is much different. It's about a man who hated Christmas more than anything

Diego [Narrating]: Once upon a time: There lived a man named Sawyer Lance who hated Christmas more than life itself

We see Sawyer, who looks an awful lot like Spencer might I add, grabbing a rock and examining a book on doing so. Apparently he want to turn the rock into pure gold

Diego [Narrating]: Sawyer was a powerful sorcerer. He wanted to be perfect. Anything that got in the way of that was a waste of time according to him.

As he was about to turn the rock into gold, a bunch of bells started going off, making him lose his concentration and drop the rock. He looked out the window and scowled at the scene

Spencer: Well, that batch is ruined. Benjamin!

Diego [narrating]: Benjamin was Sawyer's loyal assistant.

Benji: What do you need?

Spencer passed him a broom and dustpan

Spencer: Get this mess cleaned up. Those imbeciles were ringing those blasted bells outside the window and I lost my concentration!

Benji: [under his breath] Whoa, people actually enjoying Christmas. Where did they getthatcrazy idea?

Spencer: Today is nothing to celebrate. Christmas is a menace. A dangerous day for all of land.

Benji: Dangerous?! It's awesome! It's the day we can give to those we care about and enjoy eachother's company with songs and treats!

Spencer: That's the problem! Telling everybody that "singing songs and being nice" will solve anything? I've spent years studying magical properties and spells, and that's not how it works.

Benji: I think you might be missing the point

Spencer: Work hard, learn, and use your skills to better the world. That's a worthy goal for anyone. [sarcastically] But, by all means, if you want to go home early, ignore all of the work you have, and spend the rest of—

Benji: Yes!

He dashed out of the room, dropping the dustpan, and with it the debris, on the floor

Spencer: Ugh!

He looks out the window to see people happily celebrating their evening

Spencer: IhateChristmas! The world would just be better off if we skipped the day altogether.

(Song link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo6jcgKE3Fo . Just follow along and you should understand what Spencer is doing in this scene)

🎶 Oh, Merry Christmas
They say in the street
Oh, Merry Christmas
They think they're so sweet

Words said so often that they lack any meaning
Why should I join in when I could be intervening?
Everybody loves this cursed holiday
But would they be better off with it out of the way


Say goodbye to the holiday
With my power, I'll erase it
The greatest gift that I give today
And everybody will have to face it

No more little games for you to play
After you say goodbye to the holiday

Goodbye sweet Christmas, you had a good run
Goodbye dear Christmas, it's over, you're done

Finally set free from your forced celebrations
No need to reply to your trite invitations
Calendars shorted by a single day
Is my magic up to the test?
Time to see, I can't delay

Say goodbye to the holiday
Prepare the spell, no hesitation
All memory shall fade away
See this world's new transformation

No more shall anyone say
Merry Christmas

After today
After today 🎶

Spencer: Wait a minute. Sawyer doesn't like Christmas, so he decides to cast a spell to get rid of it altogether? That seems a little extreme

Diego: Well, everyone has their reasons for doing things. Even Sawyer. And if I could continue the story, we might just find out what they are

Spencer: I'm sorry, proceed

Diego: It's fine, anyways

He clears his throat and continues the tale

Diego [Narrating]: Sawyer was all set to cast his spell that would erase Christmas forever, when a voice from the hearth caught his attention

???: Are you sure you wanna go through with this?

Spencer: Huh?! Who's there?!

A bubble pops out of the hearth and a spirit starts to rise up

Zaid: The Spirit of Christmas Past, that's who

The Spirit jumped out from the hearth

Zaid: And you and me have to have a chat

Spencer: A spirit?! [suspiciously] I didn't cast any spirit summoning spell. What areyoudoing here?

Zaid: You don't think a spell like that would get by without some powerful forces noticing? You have our attention, Sawyer, and we have some pretty strong opinions on this spell of yours

Spencer: "We"?

Zaid: They'll be along in a bit. For now, it's just you and me. Let's get a move on, we've have a lot to see, and barely any time to see it

Spencer: I'm not going anywhere. I've got a spell to cast, and Idon'tneed a history lesson about Christmas

Zaid: We not going to the past to learn about the holiday. We're going to learn aboutyou

Suddenly, a blue light appears from Sawyer, and he started to fly upwards, screaming and flailing around. He and the spirit both went out the window with Zaid leading

(Again, here's the song https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wzCc-V47Ndg. Definitely recommend listening and reading for this one, tons of world building evidence that I don't know how to incorporate into the words)

🎶 Zaid: As a young thing, life sure is something
You go making choices large and small
Always growing like a seedling
And playing is like dreaming
And before you know it, big and tall

And every little bitty choice you make
Sends you down a path to who you are today
So let's take a little trip down memory lane
And see just what the past has to say 🎶

Zaid: Aw, look how cute you were. Looks like you're not too upset it's Christmas either.

🎶 The seeds of the past
They grow pretty fast
Just look at who you were back then
The seeds, as they grow
Look what they can show
Reveal the truth time and again 🎶

We see a young Snowfall setting up Christmas decorations in his classroom when his teacher walks up

Professor Flintheart: Just what do you think you're doing, Sawyer?

Young Spencer: Decorating the classroom for Christmas, Professor Flintheart!

Professor Flintheart: You said you wanted to learn to be a powerful sorcerer, did you not?

Young Spencer: I do!

Professor Flintheart: And what is the way that onebecomesa powerful sorcerer?

Young Spencer: [clears throat] Work hard, learn, and use your skills to better the world.

Professor Flintheart: And how do these help you to learn magic?

Young Spencer: Umm... Well I... I don't know

Professor Flintheart: Exactly!Realmagic takes time to learn.

He grabs an ornament and smashes it to the ground

Professor Flintheart: It's your choice: Spend your time learning to become a powerful sorcerer, or play with your toys and make nothing of yourself.

As young Sawyer starts to clean up, current Sawyer looks down in the scene with remorse

🎶 Zaid: Then some distress, words so careless
Standing there, you don't know what to do
Feeling helpless, you can't make it hurt less
So you go and change your point of view

And in that moment, though you didn't know it
Your defenses set up walls you built to last
Leading to the person you've become today
And the spell you're about to cast
It all comes from your past

Spencer: The seeds of the past
We grow up so fast
Some hurts never go away

Zaid: The seeds, as they grow
This we can't let go
All tied to this one holiday 🎶

Spencer blinks and suddenly, he's transported back to where they started, at the hearth

Spencer: Ummm, Spirit? What am I supposed to—

He looks over to see a giant present in front of him. He taps on the box, trying to figure out what's inside, when suddenly, the box bursts open and confetti comes flying out

Tristan: [Reverberating] Sawyer Lance! It is I, the Spirit of Christmas Presents!

Spencer: Um, don't you mean "Present", like the time?

Tristan: No, silly! Toys, cute little doll. Here, want a cupcake? It's red velvet~

Spencer: Fine, "Presents"

He grabs the gifts and throws them in the trash

Spencer: All of the pointless things you'd waste your time on.

Tristan: Oh, Sawyer, it's not what the giftisthat matters, it's what the giftmeans!

Spencer: It doesn'tmeananything. It's just stuff!

Tristan: Exactly! Sometimes a cupcake means "I love you!" Or a toy means "Hi, how're you doing?" Sometimes a book means "Your hair looks amazing!" And sometimes a scarf means... Well, a scarfusuallymeans you look cold. That one's easy.

Spencer: I don't understand anything you just said

Tristan: Okay, that didn't work, I guess. But I know something that will!

Spencer: Please tell me it's not another-

Tristan: It's song time!!!

Spencer: Oh, God

(Again, here's link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sefcww_YwgU but I'll still try my best to describe some things in it, mainly because I have a better idea of what I want)

They begin to push him outside to show him around

🎶 Tristan: Take a look at everything around you
All the smells that surely will astound you
Open up your heart, it will surround you
In the magic of Christmas, you'll see

The little things that make it better
Little children spreading cheer
Give a toy, a hug, a sweater
Memories that last all year

The present's always filled with presents
Large, medium, and small
Sometimes the most important things
Aren't very big at all 🎶

They start to do a little tap dance solo as Sawyer continues to stare at them in confusion

They also show him inside of a party through the window

🎶 What a party, there's so much to see here
Can't believe you didn't want to be here
You'd have had a blast, I guarantee here
This is the spirit of Christmas Present

Cider's flowing, this is living
Come on and feel the beat
Life is better when you're giving
Each time you do it feels so sweet

The present's always filled with presents
So come on, open your eyes
Spend time with people just like you
And watch your spirits rise

The present's always filled with presents
Take a look around
The reason for the holiday
Is quite easily found
Yes, the reason for the holiday
Is quite easily found

And the reason is to be with your friends! 🎶

Diego: [With a Tristan impression] And the reason is to be with your friends!

Diego looks over at Spencer giving him a snarky look

Diego: What?

Spencer: You know you're doing your Tristan voice, right?

Diego: I was not!

He blushes and hides his face in the book

Spencer: Hahaha, no, don't be embarrassed, it's cute

Diego: Hehe, anyways...

Diego [Narrating]: The party was in full swing. People gathered from all across town to celebrate, except for Sawyer, of course. Benjamin was sitting at the table when his friends walked up to him

Hannah: Benjamin!

Benji: Hey, Hannahbell

Hannah: Is something wrong?

Jade: Was it the eggnog? Oh, I knew I shouldn't have put Amelia in charge of it

Benji: Oh, no, the eggnog is amazing, Jasmine, I'm just mad at someone who was complaining about how awful the Christmas season is.

Hannah: I don't suppose this person's first name is "Sawyer"?

Jade: And his last name, " Lance"?

Benji: He said Christmas is just an excuse to party, and we would all be better off spending time working to make the world a better place.

The crowd starts to boo loudly at this suggestion. Meanwhile, outside, Tristan gives Spencer a wink and he looks into the scene, shocked

Hannah: What does he even think a better world would look like?

Benji [With an impression of Spencer]: People working hard, learning, and using their abilities for the benefit of the world.

Hannah and Jade laugh at this response, while Spencer looks down in shame and embarrassment

Suddenly, a snowball comes flying at him. He looks over to see a bunch of kids just happily building a snowman together

Hannah: [muffled] It looks like we've got everything on Sawyer's list right here.

Jade: I think a perfect world looks a lot like a Christmas party.

The curtain closes as tears well up in Sawyer's eyes

Tristan: Me too! Too bad it's going to be the last one ever! Ever! Ever! Ever! [echoes out]

Piles upon piles of fog fill up the air as they leave the scene

Spencer: Spirit? What do you mean? What's going to happen?!

A cold wind starts to blow upon him before a dark figure comes before him

Spencer: Who are you?

Ivy: I am the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come.

Spencer: Are you here to show me what future Christmases are like?

Ivy: No, for there are no more Christmases for me to show.

Spencer: Why not?

Ivy: You will succeed in erasing the holiday, as you wished.

Spencer: And what happens?

(Final song link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZPD8Ru2W2s , we're almost done guys, trust me)

🎶 I see a cold wind blowing through
I see days neither fun nor free
I see a future caused by you
I see a path not meant to be

The future should be filled with magic
Dreams and wishes brought to life
But the days ahead are dark and tragic
No time for hope when all is strife

Whatever might have been
All the dreams that people share
Because of you, Sawyer Lance
Now the future is a cold nightmare 🎶

A giant windstorm suddenly comes upon the two, A windstorm that is cold, cold as can be

Spencer: What? But Christmas isn't that important! It's just an excuse for people to sing endless songs and eat candy!

Ivy: It is that important. And with this spell, all the land shall be covered in snow, never to be seen again

Spencer: No! I never meant for this to happen! I didn't understand! I didn't see how important Christmas was!

Tears started to well up in his eyes as painful regret swooped by him

Spencer: Please, spirit! I haven't cast the spell yet! Is there still time?! I'm sorry! [echoing]

And then, in what seemed like the blink of an eye, he was back in his home, right where he started. People still ringing bells and talking loudly outside

Sawyer: There's still time!


Meanwhile, the party was still going strong. People were laughing, chatting, and having a jolly good time. When suddenly, a knock was heard at the door

Jasmine and Hannahbell opened it to see Sawyer standing right there

Hannah: Oh, my.

Jade: Sawyer?

Spencer: I was hoping I wasn't too late for the party? I brought gifts.

Benjamin walked by this scene and immediately spat out his drink in surprise

Benji: Boss?!

Spencer: I was wrong earlier, about Christmas and all that. It's not all about singing and presents. The singing and presents are all about celebrating the people in our lives. The people we should listen to more often: our friends.

He then started to pass around some gifts he brought. Benjamin ripped open his to reveal a fancy bottle of wine

Benji: Woah...

Spencer: You hate it, right? I was in a hurry. I'll try and do better next time

Benji: Are you kidding? No one's ever given me this kind before! It's delicious! Now come get some eggnog!

Diego: [narrating] And from then on, it was always said of all the Christmas celebrations, Sawyer's was always the one filled with the most cheer. The End

Spencer: Wow, that was actually really good!

Diego: Thanks! Maybe it can encourage a little part of yourself to enjoy it too

Spencer thought for a moment. He realized that maybe he had been taking things in the wrong direction, like Sawyer did, and that he needed his own guide to shows him the way

Spencer: Fine, I'll give it a shot

Diego smiled and put the Santa hat on Spencer once again

Spencer: You know what? This hat isn't actually that bad

They both laughed out loud


That evening, that boys were binging some Christmas movies while feasting on snacks

Diego: So, will you admit I was right?

Spencer: About what?

Diego: About Christmas. You're enjoying this, are you not?

Spencer: Yeah, I will admit that this Christmas thing is kind of fun

Diego: It's a lot more fun with you in it

Spencer: You're a flirt

Diego: And that's why you fell for me

They both laughed once more. They then leaned in for a long and passionate kiss, filled with love and admiration for the other, but most importantly, with Christmas cheer

A Christmas Tale: Staring the Disventure Camp Cast - Xx_Cartoon_lover_xX - Disventure Camp (2025)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.