Custom Practice Test - 23-Aug (2024)

Custom Practice Test - 23-Aug (1)Custom Practice Test - 23-AugContact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718




The correct sequence of stages in the evolution of modern man (hom*o sapiens), is
(1) hom*o erectus, Australopithecus, neanderthal man, cro-magnon man, modern man
(2) Australopithecus, hom*o erectus, neanderthal man, cro-magnon man, modern man
(3) neanderthal man, Australopithecus, cro-magnon man, hom*o erectus, modern man
(4) Australopithecus, neanderthal man, cro-magnon, hom*o erectus, modern man


Theory of inheritance of acquired characters was given by
1. Wallace
2. Lamarck
3. Darwin
4. De Vries


In a species, the weight of a newborn ranges from 2 to 5 kg. 97% of the newborns with an average weight between 3 to 3.3 kg survive whereas 99% of the infants born with weights from 2 to 2.5 kg or 4.5 kg to 5 kg die. Which type of selection process is taking place?

1.Cyclical selection2.Directional selection
3.Stabilizing selection4.Disruptive selection


Origin of species' was written by
1. Oparin
2. Weismann
3. Lamarck
4. Darwin


Following shows convergent evolutionexcept
1. Eye of an Octopus and eye of mammal
2. Sweet potato and potato
3. Fins of fishes and flippers of dolphins
4. Thorn of Bougainvillaea and tendril of Cucurbita


In the case of peppered moth (Biston betularia), the black coloured form became dominant over the light coloured form in England during insustrial revolution. This is an example of
1. Appearance of the darker coloured individuals due to deposition of carbon particals
2. Protective mimicry
3. Natural selection in which the darker froms were selected by nature
4. Appearance of black coloured form a recessive mutant variety induced by change in environment


With brain size of 1400cc, lived in near east and central Asia in between 100000 to 40000 years back, dead body burial, use of caves or hides to protect their body

(1) hom*o erectus
(2) hom*o habilus
(3) Neanderthal
(4) Australopithecus


A population will not exist in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium if
1. individuals mate selectively
2. there are no mutations
3. there is no migration
4. the population is large


All of the following statements about Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium are correct except
1 Any change in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium indicates evolution
2 Gene flow, genetic drift, mutation, genetic recombination and natural selection are five factors which affect this equilibrium
3 Random mating also induces a change in this equilibrium
4 Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is a tool to measure the extent of evolutionary change


Genetic drift operates only in
1. island population
2. smaller population
3. larger population
4. none of these.


Which one of the following are analogous structures?
1. Wings of bat and wings of pigeon
2. Gills of prawn and lungs of man
3. Thorns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita
4. Flippers of dolphin and legs of horse


Find the incorrect statement
1 Analogous organs are the result of convergent or parallel evolution in separate lineage
2 Evolution is stochastic process based on chance events in nature and chance mutations in organisms
3 The origin of seeds in the land plants was achieved about 140 million years ago by angiosperms
4 Variability of genes in gene pool is the raw material for evolutionary change

13. If we consider a population in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, then which of the following statements are true ?
A. Population is constantly evolving
B. Genetic drift is negligible
C. Allele frequencies after one round of random mating change from the original frequencies
D. Hardy-Weinberg principle is a fundamental null model for population genetics
E. Allele frequencies change from generation to generation
Choose the correct answer from the option given below :
1. B and C only
2. C and D only
3. A and B only
4. D and B only


Which of the following statements is correct about Dryopithecus?
1. They were hairy
2. Walked like Gorilla and Chimpanzees
3. More ape like than man like
4. All of these

15. Arrange the following events (a-e) in the correct sequence according to the Oparin and Haldane hypothesis for evolution
(a) Formation of simple organic compounds
(b) Formation of inorganic molecules
(c) Formation organic polymers
(d) Formation of protobionts
(e) Formation of first cellular forms of life
Choose the correct option
1. (b)→ (a)→ (d)→ (c)→ (e)
2.(a)→ (b)→ (d)→ (c)→ (e)
3.(b)→ (a)→ (c)→ (d)→ (e)
4.(b)→ (a)→ (c)→ (e)→ (d)


Study the diagram below and select the correct statement according to it.
Custom Practice Test - 23-Aug (2)
1 The skull of baby chimpanzee is more like adult chimpanzee skull
2 The skull of baby chimpanzee is more like adult human skull
3 The skull of adult human is more like adult chimpanzee skull
4 More than one option is correct


Viviparity is considered to be more evolved because:
1. the young ones are left on their own
2. the young ones are protected by a thick shell
3. the young ones are protected inside the mother's body and are looked after they are born leading to more chances of survival
4. the embryo takes a long time to develop


Members belonging to the same biological species are potentially able to:
1. compete with members of other species only
2. express all the same genes in all their cells
3. breed with members of other biological species
4. interbreed and produce fertile offspring


The process by which organisms with different evolutionary history evolve similar
phenotypic adaptations in response to a common enviroment challenge, is called
1. natural selection
2. convergent evolution
3. non-random evolution
4. adaptive radiation


If frequency of 'A' allele is 0.4 than, find out the frequency of 'B' allele and heterozygous genotype in a random mating population at equilibria.
1. 0.6 an 0.24
2. 0.6 and 0.96
3. 0.6 and 0.48
4. 0.6 and 0.50

21. Which of the following is the most primitive ancestor of man?
1. Ramapithecus
2. hom*o habilis
3. Australopithecus
4. hom*o sapiens neanderthalensis


The primate which arose during ice age between 75,000 to 10,000 years ago is
1. Dryopithecus
2. Ramapithecus
3. Modern hom*o sapiens
4. Neanderthal man


The man who lived near east and central Asia between 1,00,000-40,000 years back was
1. Neanderthal man
2. Deyopithecus
3. Australopithecus
4. hom*o habilis

24. Assertion: Pouched mammals of Australia survived during the continental drift of South America and North America.
Reason: The first mammals were shrew-like.
1. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
2. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
3. Assertion is true but reason is false.
4. Both assertion and reason are false.

25. The eye of octopus and eye of dog show different structural patterns, yet they perform similar functions. This is an example of

1.Analogous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution
2.hom*ologous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution
3.hom*ologous organs that have evolved due to adaptive radiation
4.Analogous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution


A population of a species invades a new area. Which of the following condition will lead to Adaptive Radiation?

1.Area with a large number of habitats having very low food supply
2.Area with a single type of vacant habitat
3.Area with many types of vacant habitats
4.Area with many habitats occupied by a large number of species


The finches of Galapagos islands provide an evidence in favour of
1. special creation
2. evolution due to mutation
3. retrogressiveevolution
4. biogeographicalevolution


Lichens are very sensitive to pollution. In England, after the onset of the industrial revolution, the lichens were adversely affected and the frequency of the dark-colored peppered moths increased because they were:
1. protected from carcinogens
2. protected from lichen poisons
3. more robust
4. protected from predation


Disruptive selection favors:
1. Both extreme forms of a trait
2. Intermediate forms of a trait
3. One of the extremes of a trait
4. Environmental differences


Adaptive radiation does not follow which of the following statements?

(1) Black bird on Galapagos islands observed by Darwin as an amazing example of Adaptive Radiation.
(2) All the varieties of Finches evolved on the same island, from the original seed-eating features to insectivorous and vegetarian finches.
(3) Australian marsupials, which are similar to each other evolved from an ancestral stock but all within the Australian island continent.
(4) More than one adaptive radiation appeared to have occurred in an isolated geographical area representing different habitats, Known as convergent evolution

31. Which of the following is an example of molecular hom*ology?
1. Flippers of penguins and dolphins
2. Certain genes of chimpanzees and man
3. Eyes of octopus and mammals
4. Sting of honeybees and scorpions


A location with luxuriant growth of lichens on the trees indicates that the:-
1. trees are very healthy
2. trees are heavily infested
3. location is highly polluted
4. location is not polluted


Cranial capacity of Australopithecus was
1 350-450 cm3
2 650-700 cm3
3 850-900 cm3
41500-1600 cm3


The land reptile which went back into water to evolve into fish like reptiles..

(1) Around 250mya e.g. Ichthyosaurs
(2) Around 300mya e.g. Therapsids
(3) Around 200mya e.g. Ichthyosaurs
(4) Around 150mya e.g. Therapsids


'Golden age of dinosaurs'/Age of reptiles was
1. Mesozoic
2. Coenozoic
3. Palaeozoic
4. Psychozoic


36. How many statements given below are incorrect?
(a) The first mammals were like Macaca.
(b) Due to continental drift, North American animals were overridden by South American fauna.
(c) Pouched mammals of Australia survived because of lack of competition from metatherians.
(d) Seals and sea cows are terrestrial mammals.
1. Zero
2. Four
3. Three
4. Two


In terms of algebraic symbols used in the Hardy
Weinberg equation (p and q) the most likely effect of
assortative mating (highly selective mating) on the
frequencies of allele and genotype for a gene locus
would be
1. A decrease in p2 compare to q2
2. A trend toward zero for q2
3. Convergence of p2 and q2 towards equal values.
4. A decrease in 2pq below the value expected by
Hardy-weinberg theoram.


Natural selection can lead to similar adaptation for survival in the similar habitats. This form of evolutionary change is represented as
1 Convergent evolution
2 Parallel evolution
3 Adaptive radiations
4 Both (1) & (2)


Scientists believe that a gas, not present in significant amounts in its free form in the primeval Earth atmosphere, was:



The animal group which does not exist in Galapagos island is
(1) Insects
(2) Protozoa
(3) Crustacea
(4) Amphibia


The “Biogenetic Law” was given by :

1.von Baer2.Ernst Haeckel
3.Hugo de Vries4.Theodosius Dobzhansky

42. In England, the number of dark-winged moths was lower than that of white-winged moths, pre-industrialisation. This trend reversedpost-industrialisation. This example is famously known as industrial melanism.
Which type of natural selection is showcased by industrial melanism?
1. Directional
2. Disruptive
3. Stabilising
4. Balancing


If you visit Africa you will find an amazing variety of species of living organisms. But you will also notice that different parts of the continents have different biodiversity. This is because the different areas of Africa will have different:

1.evolutionary mechanisms2.ancestors
3.environments4.evolutionary times


A gene locus has two alleles A, a. If the frequency of dominant allele A is 0.4, then what will be the frequency of hom*ozygous dominant, heterozygous and hom*ozygous recessive individuals in the population?

1.0.16 (AA); 0.36 (Aa); 0.48 (aa)
2.0.36 (AA); 0.48 (Aa); 0.16 (aa)
3.0.16 (AA); 0.24 (Aa); 0.36 (aa)
4.0.16 (AA); 0.48 (Aa); 0.36 (aa)


According to A mutation was gradual while de Vries believed mutation caused B and hence called it C
1 Lamarck Saltation Speciation
2 Thomas Malthus Speciation Natural selection
3 Darwin Speciation Saltation
4 Wallance Natural selection Speciation


Which one is not applicable with respect to control experiment of Miller ?
1. Ratio ofCH4:H2:NH3is 1:1:2
2. Presence of water vapour
3. Created electric discharge in closed flask 800°C
4. Both 1 and 3


Which of the following feature is not of Ramapithecus?

(1) Hairy, walked like gorillas and chimpanzees
(2) Existed 15mya
(3) Ramapithecus was more man like
(4) After its extinction Dryopithecus came into picture.


Following version of biogenesis, who experimentally suggested that the first form of life arose slowly through evolutionary forces from nonliving molecules?
1 Urey and Miller
2 Louis Pasteur
3 Father Suarez
4 Aristotle


Genetic drift operates in
1. small isolated population
2. large isolated population
3. fast reproductive population
4. slow reproductive population


The presence of the monotremes and marsupials in the Australian continent can be explained by:
1. Convergent evolution
2. Adaptive radiation
3. Punctuated equilibrium
4. Gene flow

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Custom Practice Test - 23-Aug (2024)
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