Donors to the Association, July 1, 2013–June 30, 2014 – AHA (2024)

The Association relies on the generous contributions of members and other patrons to support the prizes, awards, and other programs and activities of the Association. The following list records—with our considerable gratitude—the many members who made significant gifts to the Association over the past fiscal year.

$10,000 and Above

McGraw-Hill Education
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust

$1,000 to $9,999

Jeremy A. Baskes
College Board
El Colegio de Mexico, AC
Friends of Jerry Bentley
Javier Garciadiego
David A. Hollinger
Jacqueline Jones
Carol Mon Lee
Claudio Lomnitz
John R. McNeill
Chris McNickle
Frederick Rudolph
Scott A. Sandage
Rebecca J. Scott
William H. Sewell
Teagle Foundation
Tinker Foundation
Mary Kay Vaughan

$500 to $999

Paula Alonso
Roy A. Austensen
Christopher R. Boyer
Ralph C. Croizier
Robin Einhorn
Evelyn Hu-DeHart
Barbara Weinstein

$250 to $499

Robert B. Bain
Elizabeth A. R. Brown
Elaine K. Carey
Roger Chickering
Malcolm C. Clark
William J. Cronon
Marc Jason Gilbert
Gilbert M. Joseph
Richard S. Kirkendall
Joseph O. Losos
Christopher H. Lutz
George Moutafis
John M. Murrin
Francis O’Donoghue
Karen Offen
Cynthia Radding
Richard R. Schieffelin
Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks

$100 to $249

Adam Matthew Publications
Edward A. Alpers
Jennifer L. Anderson
Margaret Lavinia Anderson
Stephen Aron
Bernard Bailyn
John W. Baldwin
Susannah F. Baxendale
Ross W. Beales
Darrel E. Bigham
Robert A. Blackey
Allan G. Bogue
Dain E. Borges
The Boston Consulting Group, Inc.
Mark A. Burkholder
Rand Burnette
Jon Butler
Clayborne Carson
William R. Childs
David Gilbert Christian
J. R. Christianson
Clifford E. Clark
Lisa Forman Cody
Edith B. Couturier
Hamilton Cravens
Roger M. Dahl
Despina O. Danos
Carl N. Degler
Charles A. Desnoyers
Michael D’Innocenzo
Kathryn A. Edwards
Rebecca B. Edwards
Geoff Eley
Ainslie T. Embree
Carroll L. Engelhardt
Donald B. Epstein
Robert Forster
Zephyr L. Frank
Alice L. George
Timothy J. Gilfoyle
J. Philip Gleason
Jan E. Goldstein
John D. Gordan
Edward G. Gray
Janet Groff Greever
Sara S. Gronim
James R. Grossman
Donald Hall
Donna T. Harsch
Charles W. Hayford
Douglas E. Haynes
Eleanor K. Hubbard
Lynn A. Hunt
Anne Hyde
Scott Alan Ickes
Alan L. Karras
Edward J. Kealey
Rashid I. Khalidi
Dina R. Khoury
Diane P. Koenker
Sally Gregory Kohlstedt
Emilio Kouri
James M. Krippner
Rebecca Kugel
Brigitte K. Lavey
Lance B. Lewis
Jonathan J. Liebowitz
David F. Lindenfeld
Ane J. Lintvedt
Leon F. Litwack
Paul Lokken
William C. Lubenow
Gloria L. Main
Rachel P. Maines
Robert J. Malone
Maeva Marcus
Robert B. Marks
Manly Ernest Marshall
Robert E. McCaa
Gerald W. McFarland
Thomas R. Metcalf
Barbara Metcalf
Maureen C. Miller
Adrian Simon Moore
Jose-Manuel Navarro
Carl H. Nightingale
Alice M. O’Connor
Jocelyn H. Olcott
Ynez V. O’Neill
Valeria Paley
Robert D. Parmet
Sue Peabody
Peter C. Perdue
Paula Petrik
Carla Rahn Phillips
William D. Phillips
Kenneth L. Pomeranz
Paul G. Randolph
Peter James Rausch
Janet Reid
Joseph P. Reidy
Kevin Reilly
Jonathan Reynolds
Robert C. Ritchie
Harry N. Scheiber
William H. Sewell
Charles D. Smith
Douglas O. Sofer
Howard Spodek
Donald Fithian Stevens
Vincent B. Thompson
Nancy J. Tomes
Melvin J. Tucker
Charles F. Walker
Kerry R. Ward
Rick R. Warner
William A. Weber
Theodore R. Weeks
Robert H. Whealey
Steven C. Wheatley
Karen E. Wigen
John E. Wills
Allan M. Winkler
Phyllis Bannan Woodworth
Don J. Wyatt
John W. Yarbrough
Edith P. Young
Kevin C. Young
Eric S. Zolov

$50 to $99

Qasim Abdul-Tawwab
Armando Cantu Alonzo
John J. Baughman
Douglas C. Baynton
Robert C. Behles
Giovanna Benadusi
Craig Benjamin
Monica C. Bond-Lamberty
Charles M. Brand
Renate Bridenthal
Tobias Brinkmann
Nadine Cascini-LaRosa
Sarah C. Chambers
Margaret Chowning
Errol M. Clauss
Sarah Cline
Thomas S. Colahan
Mark Richard Condon
Ronald E. Coons
Jonathan C. Coopersmith
Martha Craine
James Cusick
E. Randolph Daniel
Natalie Z. Davis
Istvan Deak
Leigh T. Denault
Virginio F. DeVita
George A. Drake
Wendy J. Eagan
Yasuo T. Endo
Stephen F. Englehart
William R. Everdell
Ena L. Farley
Paula S. Fichtner
Willard Allen Fletcher
Judy Ann Ford
Juan M. Floyd-Thomas
John B. Freed
Donna Broderick Gavac
David Goodwin
Leonard A. Gordon
Richard Graham
Dixie Johnson Grupe
Arthur Haberman
Richard P. Hallion
Howard Halvorsen
Sharon Harley
David E. Harrell
Charles D. Hart
Sally Ann Hastings
Ellis W. Hawley
Page Herrlinger
Georg G. Iggers
Deborah Johnston
Karen Louise Jolly
Jacob Judd
Katalin Kadar Lynn
David M. Kalivas
David H. Kelly
Dane K. Kennedy
Glenn J. Kist
Roger A. Kittleson
James C. Kollros
Jeffrey D. Kovach
Jane G. Landers
Andrew Lees
Karen J. Leong
Russell Levine
Lisa A. Lindsay
Mark H. Lytle
Charles S. Maier
Klaus O. Mayr
Elizabeth M. McCahill
Michael McGiffert
John W. Mcnulty
Samuel T. McSeveney
William E. Montgomery
Regina Morantz-Sanchez
Rebecca Sherrill More
Ruth Mostern
Duane P. Myers
William L. North
Barbara Olson
Kenneth O’Reilly
Patricia R. Orr
Muhamed Pasha
William Brown Patterson
Jon A. Peterson
Rebecca Jo Plant
Diane A. Puklin
Jean H. Quataert
Todd Rakes
Barbara N. Ramusack
Tobias Rettig
Elaine A. Reynolds
Norma Rosado-Blake
Elliot A. Rosen
Irvin M. Roth
Andrew Jon Rotter
John M. Rozett
Walter C. Rucker
Donald G. Schilling
Howard P. Segal
Calvin F. Senning
Keith L. Sprunger
Carole E. Straw
Margaret A. Strobel
Zoe A. Swecker
David S. Trask
Andres Vaart
Eric J. Van Young
William O. Walker
Frank A. Warren
Richard A. Warren
Peter J. Yearwood
Wen-hsin Yeh
Robert L. Zangrando
William R. Zeigler

$25 to $49

Melixa Abad Izquierdo
Faiz Ahmed
Muir Amie
Darlene Spitzer Antezana
Nancy P. Appelbaum
Joan E. Arno
Lois W. Banner
Marian J. Barber
Susan M. Barsy
Richard K. Beatty
Gianfranco Benedetto
Hope Benne
John Bezis-Selfa
Kristen Block
Philip P. Boucher
Christopher McNally Buckey
Mike Burns
Kathy J. Callahan
William H. Chafe
Oscar B. Chamberlain
Naindeep Chann
Bridget M. Chesterton
Paul G.E. Clemens
Thomas V. Cohen
David Coles
Ann Crabb
James P. Crowley
Robert E. Curley
Kenneth R. Curtis
Belinda J. Davis
Leroy Davis
Anne R. Dewindt
Ara Dostourian
Michael H. Ebner
Russell M. Fehr
David A. Gerber
Lenore M. Glanz
Monica H. Green
Janelle Greenberg
Joshua Bruce Guild
Katrina L. Gulliver
Heather L. Gumbert
Daryl M. Hafter
Will Hanley
Kyle Edmund Harvey
Charles D. Hendricks
Christine Holden
Dale Hueben
John A. Hutcheson
Reed Hutner
Erik Norman Jensen
Owen H. Jones
Carol S. Jose
Robert A. Karl
Cecil Barden Keeler
Rajeev Kumar Kinra
A. Larkin Kirkman
Gregory Kuzbida
Benjamin L. Landis
John M. Lawlor
John Lemza
Adriane D. Lentz-Smith
Kevin Lewis
Maria Antonieta Loftin
Wesley K. Lybrand
Sarah S. Malino
Suzanne Lynn Marchand
Carol A. Marsh
Laura E. Matthew
Mary Jane Maxwell
Gladys I. McCormick
Victoria M. Morse
David N. Myers
Rebecca Nedostup
Catherine A. Nolan-Ferrell
Adrian D. O’Connor
Julia Cummings O’Hara
Patricia Oldham
Keith W. Olson
Suleiman Osman
Alejandra B. Osorio
James T. Owen
Melvin E. Page
Robert C. Perkins
Henry P. Porter
Moishe Morris Postone
Lori Lyn Price
Tammy M. Proctor
Alexandra Maria Puerto
John M. Pyne
Louis N. Pyster
Earl A. Reitan
Robert J. Reynolds
John Eric Robinson
Matthew P. Romaniello
Jay C. Rubenstein
Naaborko Sackeyfio-Lenoch
Carole Sargent
Patience A. Schell
Pamela Scully
April G. Shelford
Kathy Skelton
Michael J. Smuksta
Jennifer Speed
Thomas J. Spinner
Stanley J. Stein
Marcia G. Synnott
David S. Tanenhaus
Susan Taylor
Samuel Temkin
Mauricio Tenorio
Tyrone Tillery
Pamela D. Toler
John Torpey
David F. Trask
Diane Delores Turner
John E. Van Sant
Elizabeth L. Vandepaer
Sherry G. Vatter
Peter G. Wallace
Churchill E. Ward
Neil L. Waters
John C. Weaver
James J. Weingartner
W. Ralph Whitley
Samuel R. Williamson
Joy Wiltenburg
Martin N. Winters
David R. Woken

Up to $24

Kevin John Adams
Larry Donell Adams
Richard Anderson
Frederick J. Augustyn
James R. Bartholomew
Victoria Bayless
Charles E. Beatty Medina
Jan Becka
Andrew E. Behrendt
Scott Benting
Robert Blackman
Dennis Keith Blackmer
Daniel Boone
Colleen Boyett
Lindsay Frederick Braun
Katherine Stern Brennan
Jonathan Charles Brown
Michael Brown
Daniel R. Bruckner
Melissa Buckner
Steve Buenning
Beverly A. Bunch-Lyons
Michael Calcagno
Jennifer Rae Camp
William C. Carpenter
Charles C. Carrillo
Glenn Anthony Chambers
Troy Chan
Philip Chisholm
Deborah Cohen
Jennifer Lynne Colburn
Kevin P. Coleman
Tracy Colton
Diana Wise Compton
E. Dean Conley
Barbara Coulter
Judy Craig
Christian Ayne Crouch
Kim Curran
Gregory T. Cushman
Susan Daly
Celine Dauverd
June Davids
Oscar De la Torre
Heather D. DeHaan
David W. DelTesta
Jenise R. DePinto
Marion F. Deshmukh
Dema Deslaurier
Kimberly DesRoches
Laura Virginia Dierksmeier
Jacob S. Dorman
Daniel M. Dorman
Sean Dowlatshami
Jack R. Dukes
Jery Dumois
Lisa Willow Dunne
Kimberly Ann Dyer
Peter Dykema
Jaime Elizabeth Eagerton
Jodi R. B. Eastberg
Judie Hope Edlin
Amber Elias
Kaylin T. Ewing
Paul Fillio
Robyn D. Fishman
Siobhan R. Fitzpatrick
Mario Fitzpatrick-Usera
Tyler D. Fleming
Ian C. Fletcher
Kevin W. Fogg
Darcie S. Fontaine
Charles H. Ford
V. P. Franklin
Luke Freeman
Matthew J. Furlong
Beau Gaitors
Patricia Gardner
Karen Sue Garvin
Sam Giordanengo
Patricia Gloster Coates
Evelyn Gonzalez
Joshua S. Goode
Reid Keith Gordon
Marlene Graef
Karen B. Graubart
Lynne Graziano
Ronald Richard Greenwald
Patrick Grieco
Lauren Horn Griffin
Donna J. Guy
Patrick Hagopian
Kathryn Ann Hain
Emily Orlie Hall
Gregory S. Hammond
Victoria A. Harden
Clem L. Harris
James Harris
Maria Teresa Harris
Robanne Harrison
Gabrielle Hecht
Jane Hedgeco*ck
Carmen E. Hernandez
Shawna Herzog
Gad J. Heuman
Dennis Ricardo Hidalgo
Edward O’Neal Hightower
Kathryn Hodgkinson
Jessica R. Hodgson
Vernon Horn
Rose Chan Houston
Bram Hubbell
Kenneth T. Jackson
Rebecca J. Jacobs-Pollez
Gabe James
Denise R. Johnson
Paul C. Johnson
Gerald Johnston
Carla Joinson
Jacob Jones
Landon P. Jones
Norman L. Jones
Tony Jones
Pieter M. Judson
Kenneth F. Kasperski
Joel B. Kaye
Roulette Love Keevert
Ricardo Jose Kerguelen
Christy Kessler
Janelle Kingsley
George I. Kintiba
Thoralf Klein
Susan E. Klepp
Larissa Kopytoff
Jan Ruth Lambertz
Paula Carmel Larsson
Chris Larue
Evelyne Laurent-Perrault
Chris Layson
Angela Lee
Alan H. Lessoff
Mitchell Corey Lewis
Terrance L. Lewis
Wenxi Liu
Angelo J. Louisa
Beth A. Lynk
Sally Lyons
Rajae Maboubi
Kara Macsuga
Nicki Magie
Karen Ward Mahar
Mike Mahoney
Mary Ann Mahony
Frank Paul Mann
Nicholas G. Marinides
Michael Hughes Markus
John Kevin Marsh
Samuel J. Martland
C. Michelle McCargish
Ian Michael McDowell
Steven Patrick McGrail
Jason Peter McGraw
Keith McNamara
Don McNaughtan
Kyle Meidell
Brenda Melendy
Morton J. Merowitz
Jonathan Clay Merritt
Jeremy Mikecz
Lynne J Miles-Morillo
Ruth Ann Mills Robbins
Laura J. Mitchell
Christopher Moon
Andie Morgan
Stephen R. Morillo
Joshua James Morris
Carol Munro
April Louise Najjaj
Joyce O’Day
Leslie S. Offutt
Oghenetoja H. Okoh
Lorena Ortiz
Barbara Ozyna
Joseph Paddenburg
Victor Daniel Padilla
Natalie Parker-Lawrence
Frank Passaro
Jerri Patten
Jennifer Pau
Meghan Marie Peddle
Steven J. Pedler
Elizabeth L.B. Peifer
Mary Lynn Pierce
Sergio Estuardo Pinto-Handler
John F. Piper
Lara E. Putnam
Frances L. Ramos
Sherri Raney
De Anna J. Reese
Broaderick Rivers
Thomas D. Rogers
Donna Rogers-Beard
Howard J. Romanek
Mark H. Rose
Joshua M. Rosenthal
Nicholas Lee Rummell
James D. Ryan
James Sanders
Nichole M. Sanders
Nicholas R. Satin
Yotaro Sato
Joshua Savala
Carol Schmidt
Ann M. Schneider
Lenore Schneider
Ron Schooler
John E. Schrecker
Michael Schuering
Aristides Scoufelis
Tatiana Seijas
Byron Scott Sergeant
Pamela Dorn Sezgin
Nayan B. Shah
Jessica Ann Sheetz-Nguyen
William Agan Shifflette
Allison K. Shutt
George H. Skau
Yvette Snopkowsia
Peter Soland
Muralidaran Ramesh Somasunderam
Antonio Sotomayor
Karen E. Spierling
Deborah Standford
Urmila Staudacher
Heather Stein
Gregory N. Stern
Emily Elaine Stewart
Frances Peace Sullivan
Robert D. Taber
Alaa Taher
Victoria E. Thompson
Andrew Nicholas Titus
Ann O. Travis
James B. Tueller
Jim Uhrig
Beth Villenez
Erik Vincent
Emily Warner
Molly A. Warsh
Roxann Weber
Tammy Webster
Paul B. Wehn
Ben Weiss
Robert Wayne Wells
Shuang Wen
Paul W. Werth
Sally West
Justin Michael White
Jesse Wilinski
Benn E. Williams
John Thabiti C. Willis
Karen S. Wilson
Deborah Wing Leonard
Kevin Witte
Claudette Louise Woodhouse
John P. Woodward
Charlton Yingling
James Alan Young
Howard Young
Oleksandr Zbarskyy

Note that this list aggregates all donations received between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2014. The American Historical Association is grateful to our nearly 700 donors. Please visit for more information about donating to the AHA.

Donors to the Association, July 1, 2013–June 30, 2014 – AHA (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.