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Diagnostic Accuracy and Cost-Effectiveness of Faecal Occult Blood Tests

Diagnostic Accuracy and Cost-Effectiveness of Faecal Occult Blood Tests Used in Screening for Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review


Promoting the use of research based knowledge




Karla Soares-Weiser1 Jane Burch 1 Steven Duffy1 James St John2 Stephen Smith Marie Westwood1 Jos Kleijnen1


Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, York The Cancer Council Victoria, Melbourne, Australia 3 University Hospitals of Coventry & Warwickshire, Coventry 2

February 2007

© 2007 Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York ISBN 978-1-900640-44-2 This report can be ordered from: Publications Office, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, York YO10 5DD. Telephone 01904 321458; Facsimile: 01904 321035: email: [emailprotected] Price £12.50

The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination is funded by the NHS Executive and the Health Departments of Wales and Northern Ireland. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS Executive or the Health Departments of Wales or Northern Ireland. Printed by York Publishing Services Ltd.


CENTRE FOR REVIEWS AND DISSEMINATION The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) is a facility commissioned by the NHS Research and Development Division. Its aim is to identify and review the results of good quality health research and to disseminate actively the findings to key decision makers in the NHS and to consumers of health care services. In this way health care professionals and managers can ensure their practice reflects the best available research evidence. The reviews will cover: the effectiveness of care for particular conditions; the effectiveness of health technologies; and evidence on efficient methods of organising and delivering particular types of health care. Further Information General Enquiries: Information Service Publications: Fax: Email:

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CRD Reports 1. 2. 4. 5. 6.

Which way forward for the care of critically ill children? (1995) Relationship between volume & quality of health care (1995) Undertaking systematic reviews of research on effectiveness. 2nd edition (2001) Ethnicity and health (1996) Improving access to cost-effectiveness information for health care decision making: the NHS Economic Evaluation Database. (2nd Edition 2001) 7. A pilot study of ‘Informed Choice’ leaflets on positions in labour (1996) 8. Concentration and choice in the provision of hospital services (1997) Summary Report Part I - Hospital volume and quality of health outcomes Part II - Volume and the scope of activity and hospital costs Part III - Concentration, patient accessibility and utilisation of service Complete set of reports 9. Preschool vision screening: results of a systematic review (1997) 10. Systematic review of interventions in the treatment and prevention of obesity (1997) 11. A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions for managing childhood nocturnal enuresis (1997) 13. Screening for ovarian cancer: a systematic review (1998) 14. Women and secure psychiatric services: a literature review (1999) 15. Systematic review of the international literature on the epidemiology of mentally disordered offenders (1999) 16. Scoping review of literature on the health and care of mentally disordered offenders (1999) 17. Therapeutic community effectiveness: community treatment for people with personality disorders and mentally disordered offenders (1999) 18. A systematic review of water fluoridation (2000) 19. The longevity of dental restorations: a systematic review (2001) 20. Informed choice in maternity care: an evaluation of evidence based leaflets (2001) 21. Scoping review of the effectiveness of mental health services (2001) 22. The effectiveness of interventions used in the treatment/management of chronic fatigue syndrome and/or myalgic encephalomyelitis in adults and children (2002) 23. Access to the online evidence base. A survey of the Northern and Yorkshire Region (2003) 24. Outcomes measurement in psychiatry (2003) 25. Scoping review of sabotage and/or tampering in the NHS (2004) 26. Predictors of delay in seeking medical help in patients with suspected heart attack, and interventions to reduce delay: A systematic review (2004) 27. A systematic review of cancer waiting time audits (2005) 28. Systematic review of the clinical and cost effectiveness of ultrasound in screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip in newborns (2005) 29. Diagnostic value of systematic prostate biopsy methods in the investigation for prostate cancer: a systematic review (2005) 30. The effects of psychosocial interventions in cancer and heart disease: a review of systematic reviews (2005) 31. Systematic review of barriers, modifiers and benefits involved in participation in cancer clinical trials (2006) 32. Systematic review of interventions to increase participation of cancer patients in RCTs 33. Parenteral oestrogens for prostate cancer: a systematic review of clinical effectiveness and dose response (2006) 34. Systematic review of the clinical effectiveness of self care support networks in health and social care (2006) 35. The treatment and management of CFS/ME in adults and children (2007)


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Ruth Lewis for her help during the development of the protocol and the early stages of this review. We would like to thank the advisory panel for their comments on the protocol and draft report. We would also like to thank all of the authors who provided further information on publications when contacted by us. In particular, we would like to thank Professor J. Allison and Dr L. Lim for providing us with data prior to its publication.










1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2

BACKGROUND Burden of disease The case for screen for colorectal cancer The use of FOBTs in average risk population screening for CRC Guaiac FOBTs Immunochemical FOBTs

1 1 1 2 2 4




3. 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.5 3.5.1

REVIEW METHODS Search strategy Inclusion and exclusion criteria Inclusion criteria for FOBT diagnostic accuracy studies Inclusion criteria for economic evaluations of FOBTs Data extraction Diagnostic accuracy studies Economic evaluations Quality assessment Diagnostic accuracy studies Economic evaluations Synthesis Economic evaluations

9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 13

4. 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.4 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.6 4.7 4.7.1. 4.7.2 4.7.3 4.7.4

RESULTS OF THE REVIEW Results of the literature searches Guaiac FOBTs Quality Diagnosis of all neoplasms using guaiac FOBTs Diagnosis of colorectal cancer using guaiac FOBTs Diagnosis of all ademnomas using guaiac FOBTs Diagnosis of ademnomas 1cm or larger using guaiac FOBTs Immunochemical FOBTs Quality Diagnosis of all neoplasms using immunochemical FOBTs Diagnosis of colorectal cancer using immunochemical FOBTs Diagnosis of all ademnomas using immunochemical FOBTs Diagnosis of ademnomas 1cm or larger using immunochemical FOBTs Sequential FOBTs Comparison of guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs Direct comparisons Indirect comparisons Adverse events Economic evaluations Guaiac FOBTs Comparisons between guaiac FOBTs Immunochemical FOBTs Comparison of guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs

15 15 15 17 17 22 27 29 36 36 37 41 45 47 55 55 55 63 65 66 66 67 67 68


5. 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

DISCUSSION Review methodology Key findings of the review Guaiac FOBTs Immunochemical FOBTs Variability and limitation of he included studies Economic evaluations Guaiac or immunochemical FOBT testing?

73 73 74 74 75 75 77 77

6. 6.1 6.2

CONCLUSIONS Implications for practice Implications for research

79 79 79




8. APPENDICES Appendix A: Advisory panel members Appendix B: FOBT devices Appendix C: Detailed search strategies Appendix D: Checklist with explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria Appendix E: Pre-defined checklist form used to construct the Microsoft Access database Appendix F: QUADAS and details of criteria for scoring studies Appendix G: Details of studies included on this review Appendix H: Details of studies excluded from this review Appendix I: Databases on which included studies were located Appendix J: QUADAS items for each included study Appendix K: Protocol changes Appendix L: CRD structured summaries of the included economic evaluations


123 123 125 129 147 149 151 155 171 181 187 191 193


Cost benefit analysis


Case-controls study


Cost-effectiveness analysis


Colorectal cancer Centre for Reviews and Dissemination


Cost-utility analysis


Disability adjusted life years


Diagnostic cohort


Diagnostic case-control Diagnostic odds ratio


Food and Drug Administration


Faecal occult blood test


Guaiac FOBT


General Health Questionnaire


Haemoccult (Haemoccult) Haemoccult Sensa


Immunochemical FOBT


Index test


Negative likelihood ratio


Patients with a negative FOBT NHS Economic Evaluation Database


Negative predictive value

95% CI

95% Confidence interval


Positive predictive value


Positive likelihood ratio Patients with a positive FOBT


Quality Adjusted Life Year


Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies


Randomised controlled trial


Receiver operating curve


Reverse passive haemagglutination Reference standard


Summary receiver operating curve


Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy


United Kingdom

UK Pilot USA

UK Colorectal Cancer Screening Pilot United States of America



MEASURES OF DIAGNOSTIC TEST PERFORMANCE This section summarises the measures of diagnostic test performance used in the review, and how these are calculated.

Test result

+ -

Reference Standard + a b c d

True positives (TP)

Number of people correctly diagnosed as having the disease (a)

True negatives (TN)

Number of people correctly diagnosed as not having the disease (d)

False positives (FP)

Number of people with a positive test result that do not have the disease (b)

False negatives (FN)

Number of people with a negative test result that have the disease (c)


a/(a + c) – Proportion of people with the target disorder who have a positive test result.


d/(b + d) - Proportion of people without the target disorder who have a negative test result.

Test accuracy

Proportion of people that were correctly identified as having the disease, or not having the disease (a+d / a+b+c+d)

Likelihood ratio (LR) : positive (+ LR) negative (-LR)

Describes how many times a person with disease is more likely to receive a particular test result than a person without disease. A likelihood ratio of a positive test result is usually a number greater than 1, a likelihood ratio of a negative test result usually lies between 0 and 1. + LR=[a/(a + c)] / [b/(b + d)] = sensitivity / (1 –specificity) - LR = [c/(a + c)] / [d/(b + d)] = (1 – sensitivity) / specificity

Diagnostic odds ratio (DOR)

Used as an overall (single indicator) measure of the diagnostic accuracy of a test. It is calculated as the odds of positivity among diseased people, divided by the odds of positivity among non-diseased people. When a test provides no diagnostic evidence then the DOR is 1.0. [sensitivity/(1–specificity)] / [(1–sensitivity)/ specificity] + LR / -LR ad/bc

Positive predictive value (PPV)

The probability of disease among all persons with a positive test result: a/(a + b)


Negative predictive value (NPV)

The probability of non-disease among all persons with a negative test result: d/(c + d)

Receiver operating curve (ROC curve)

A ROC curve represents the relationship between ‘true positive fraction’ (sensitivity) and ‘false positive fraction’ (1 – specificity). It displays the trade-offs between sensitivity and specificity as a result of varying the cut-off value for positivity in case of a continuous test result.

The summary ROC approach models test accuracy, defined by the log of the diagnostic odds ratio (D=logit(sensitivity) - logit(1-specificity)), as a function of test threshold (S= logit(sensitivity) + logit(1-specificity)). S relates to the positivity threshold: it has a value of 0 in studies where sensitivity equals specificity, it is positive in studies where sensitivity is higher than specificity, and negative when specificity is higher than sensitivity. For a set of primary studies, the following linear regression model is fitted: Summary ROC curve (sROC curve)

D=α+βS where D is the log odds ratio in each study, α is the intercept, which is the expected log odds ratio when S=0, β is the coefficient of S, indicating whether the log diagnostic odds ratio varies with the threshold. The estimated summary ROC-curve can be plotted by computing the expected sensitivity for each value of 1specificity across the range of the observed values. The expected sensitivity is given by: sensitivity=[1+e-α(1-β).V(1+β)(1-β)]-1 where V=specificity/(1-specificity)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Early detection and removal of carcinomas and precancerous adenomas can reduce mortality from colorectal cancer (CRC). FOBTs utilise the fact that CRC and large polyps tend to bleed. Guaiac FOBTs detect the haem moiety of haemoglobin molecules by making use of the pseudoperoxidase activity of haem. Haem releases oxygen from hydrogen peroxide (the developer), which then reacts with the colourless guaiac to form a blue dye. Immunochemical FOBTs are said to be more sensitive because they use monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies raised against the globin moiety of human haemoglobin, detecting intact human haemoglobin or its very early degradation products. Screening using FOBTs has been shown in clinical trials to reduce mortality from CRC by 15 to 33%, for average risk populations. During 2000-2002, the UK CRC Screening Pilot was carried out in order to determine the feasibility of screening for CRC in the UK population using the guaiac FOBT, HemaScreen, and to verify whether mortality reductions achieved in the setting of randomised trials could be repeated in population based programmes. The results led the National Screening Committee to recommend FOBTs as the initial method for CRC screening of an average risk population. However, due to the “need for repeatedly testing 'weak positive' results”, further research into the possible use of an immunochemical FOBTs was recommended.

Objectives This review aimed to determine the diagnostic accuracy and cost effectiveness of different types of FOBT, for screening for adenomas and/or CRC in an average risk population, with a view to determining whether a specific FOBT could be singled out as the most accurate and cost-effective.

Methods A systematic review was undertaken according to the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination guidelines for undertaking systematic reviews.11

Data sources: studies were identified through searches of electronic databases, internet searches, hand-searching of relevant journals, scanning reference lists of included studies and reviews, and consultation with experts in the field.

Study selection: Two reviewers screened titles and abstracts for relevance.

Full papers of potentially relevant studies were assessed for inclusion by one reviewer with random checking by a second. Published and unpublished studies in any language were eligible for inclusion. Studies evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of guaiac or immunochemical FOBTs for the identification of CRC or adenomatous polyps in an average risk adult population, that reported sufficient information to construct a 2 x 2 table, were eligible for inclusion. Cohorts were also derived from randomised controlled trials comparing the efficacy of screening, using results for the intervention arm (screened population), as long as the drop out rate was less than 15%. Full economic evaluations were included if they compared at least two FOBTs and the measure of health benefit included detection of cancer and/or adenomas, or years of life saved.

Data extraction: Data extraction was performed by one reviewer and checked by a second. Quality assessment was performed independently by two reviewers.

Data synthesis: Results were analysed according to test type (immunochemical or guaiac). Within these groups, data were analysed according to target condition. For each test the ranges in sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios (positive and negative), and diagnostic odds ratios were calculated. Results were presented graphically as forest plots and ROC plots. Heterogeneity was investigated using the Q and I2 statistics, and visual examination of forest plots. Where sufficient data were available, heterogeneity was further investigated using regression analysis. Due to the statistically significant heterogeneity between studies in all groups, pooling was not undertaken. A structured abstract was written for each included economic evaluation and a summary of the evaluations presented.


Results Diagnostic accuracy of guaiac FOBTs: •

• • • •

Overall, the sensitivities of guaiac FOBTs reported in diagnostic cohort studies for the detection of all neoplasms was low, ranging from approximately 6% to 46% for Haemoccult, 43% for Haemoccult Sensa, and 83% for KryptoHaem (this single study used sigmoidoscopy as the reference standard which may overestimate the accuracy of KryptoHaem). Generally, accuracy seemed better for the diagnosis of CRC, with sensitivities ranging from approximately 25% to 96% for Haemoccult, 62% to 79% for Haemoccult Sensa, and 27% for Shionogi B. The accuracy for detecting adenomas was lower, with sensitivities for Haemoccult ranging from approximately 4% to 19% for the detection of all adenomas, and 4% to 33% for the detection of adenomas of 1cm or larger. Specificity was 80% or higher for all tests on all measured outcomes. Diagnostic case control studies generally reported higher sensitivities than the cohort studies.

Diagnostic accuracy of immunochemical FOBTs: •

• • • •

Overall, studies of immunochemical FOBTs had more methodological flaws than guaiac studies. Fifty-one percent were diagnostic case-control studies, and most were poorly reported. Overall, the sensitivities of immunochemical FOBTs reported in diagnostic cohort studies for the detection of all neoplasms varied between approximately 5% (OC Light) and 63% (Immudia HemSp). For the diagnosis of CRC, sensitivities ranged from approximately 2% (Flexsure) to 98% (MonoHaem), for all adenomas from 4% (OC Light) to 63% (Immudia HemSp), and for adenomas of 1cm or larger from 28% (Flexsure) to 67% (Immudia HemSp). Specificity was 89% or higher for all named immunochemical FOBTs on all measured outcomes. Where a test was evaluated in both cohort and case-control studies, the case control studies reported higher sensitivities than the cohort studies.

Comparison of immunochemical and guaiac FOBTs: Direct comparisons between guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs were few and gave inconsistent, and often conflicting, results. Less reliable indirect comparisons showed no clear preference for either guaiac or immunochemical FOBTs.

Economic evaluations: Seven full economic evaluations were included. Studies varied in relation to outcomes reported, the perspective taken, sensitivities and specificities used as thresholds, the stage of disease being detected and the age range of the screening cohorts. In addition, the range of countries in which the studies were conducted, and their year of publication, means that generalisability of the results of the evaluations is uncertain.

Conclusions Studies that included direct comparisons indicated a better overall test performance for immunochemical than for guaiac FOBTs, but this evidence was very limited and of poor quality. Indirect comparisons showed no clear evidence to suggest that either guaiac or immunochemical FOBTs performed better. Poor reporting of data limited the scope of this review. We would encourage investigators to use the STARD guidelines when reporting diagnostic accuracy studies.

Implications for practice There are data to suggest that Immudia HemSp may be superior to other immunochemical FOBTs evaluated, in terms of diagnostic accuracy. In comparison, there is little evidence that any particular guaiac FOBT has superior performance to the others. Direct comparisons between guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs gave inconsistent, and often conflicting results, therefore there is no clear evidence to suggest that either guaiac or immunochemical FOBTs have superior diagnostic accuracy, either for the detection of all neoplasms or CRC. Less reliable indirect comparisons failed to identify a clear preference for either guaiac or immunochemical FOBTs. Factors, other than accuracy, that should be considered when deciding which FOBT to use for screening include: the effects of sampling


methods and dietary restrictions upon compliance; sample storage and transportation issues, and cost-effectiveness. Data included in the review provided no clear evidence on any of these factors.

Implications for future research Further research is required to fully evaluate the comparative diagnostic accuracy of FOBTs. Large, well designed diagnostic cohort studies, recruiting appropriate patient spectra, are required. Such studies should give consideration to the clinical information available to those interpreting tests, and this should be representative of what would be available during an actual screening programme. Consideration should be given to the use of the same reference standard to confirm diagnosis, regardless of the FOBT result. At a minimum an appropriate, standard follow-up period for participants with a negative FOBT should be defined. Research should primarily concentrate on direct comparisons between guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs, and the relative cost-effectiveness of these tests in the UK setting. The impact of dietary restrictions and re-hydration on guaiac FOBTs also remains an area where further research would be beneficial. These practical factors, if they prove important for diagnostic accuracy, may be significant considerations when deciding whether or not to use a guaiac FOBT. Issues of patient acceptability and compliance also require further investigation. The reporting of future diagnostic accuracy studies should follow the recommendations of the STARD statement.



1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Burden of disease Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major health concern and a leading cause of death in the Western World. The estimated lifetime risk is 5% to 6%, with approximately 75% of new cases occurring after the age of 50.12 In a recent report, the World Health Organization estimated a worldwide incidence of nearly 1 million cases of CRC per year.12 Almost 50% of CRC patients will eventually die of their disease. 13 In England and Wales over 30,000 new cases of CRC are diagnosed each year, and about half of these people will die from their disease.14-16 The incidence of CRC is gradually increasing, largely due to the aging of the population (the rate among people aged 75 or over is ten times higher than the rate in people aged 45-55).17 Approximately 50% of cases of CRC in the UK present in people between the ages of 50 and 69 years, and less than 1% present in people under the age of 40 years.18

1.2 The case for screening for colorectal cancer Mortality from CRC can be reduced by early detection and removal of colorectal adenomas, from which approximately 95% of cancers arise.19 Large randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have shown that annual or biennial screening for CRC neoplasms in asymptomatic people over the age of 50 years, using FOBTs, can reduce the incidence of CRC mortality by between 15 and 33%.20-23 However, FOBT screening has also been associated with potentially harmful effects, including the complications of colonoscopy,24 disruption of lifestyle, stress, and discomfort during screening procedures.21, 25 FOBT is currently the method for the initial screening of an average risk population for CRC recommended by the National Screening Committee. The choice of FOBT was based on the findings of two cancer screening workshops hosted by The Scottish and Welsh Offices and held in Edinburgh in 1997 and Cardiff in 1998. The first workshop debated the available evidence for a population screening programme for CRC and the second workshop concentrated on the practicalities of putting the theory into practice (details are available on the National Screening Committee website (http://www.open.gov.uk/doh/nsc/nsch.htm). In order to determine the feasibility of screening for CRC in the UK population, using FOBT, and to verify whether mortality reductions achieved in the setting of RCTs could be repeated in population based programmes, pilot screening studies were carried out.18, 26 The pilots were conducted in two sites, one in central England and the other in Scotland, during the years 2000 to 2002.18, 26, 27 The UK Pilot was designed as a biennial screening programme using a non-hydrated guaiac FOBT (Hema-Screen), applied without pre-test dietry restriction, in those aged between 50 and 69 years. Participants received an invitation by mail together with the test kit. Tests were performed at home on specimens collected from three consecutive bowel motions and returned by mail to one of two laboratories (located within each pilot area) for evaluation.27 The invitation to participate and the test card were sent directly to individuals, without intervention by a clinician. The results of the UK Pilot suggest that population based FOBT screening is feasible. The Pilot was able to reproduce the key findings from the Nottingham trial, specifically: It achieved an overall response rate close to 60%, as well as similar values for test positivity, rates of cancers detected, stage of screen-detected cancers, and the predictive value of positive tests to those observed in the trial.26, 28 Based on international comparisons, adverse effects of screening in the UK Pilot (including complications from colonoscopy) were low. These results led to the conclusion that a national programme of FOBT screening, based on the model of screening used in the UK Pilot, should result in mortality reductions similar to those observed in the RCTs. Because of the limited resources available, it was decided that any national CRC screening programme should concentrate on participants aged between 50 and 69 years in the first instance, with the aim of reviewing this policy after two completed rounds of screening.18 The lower age limit was based on the fact that the incidence of CRC is very low in people under the age of 50 years.29


The selection of the upper age limit was based primarily on the findings of the Nottingham FOBT trial, which found that uptake of screening was low among people aged over 70 years (48%).28 One of the main concerns arising from the UK Pilot was the need for repeat-testing of ‘weak positive’ results to verify positivity. This caused the screening process to be lengthened in many cases. Further research was therefore recomended on alternative FOBT methods (e.g. immunological) with the potential to provide more definitive results on the first test.26 Based on this recommendation, the current review aimed to assess which of the available FOBTs perform best (singly or in combination) in an average risk population invited for screening for adenomas and colorectal cancer. Alternative faecal markers are currently being developed (e.g. mutated DNA, albumin, calprotectin), but these are still in the early phases of research, and are therefore not considered in this review.12

1.3 The use of FOBTs in average risk population screening for CRC FOBTs utilise the fact that CRC and large polyps tend to bleed. The test detects non-visible (occult) blood in the faeces, before there is any clinical evidence of bleeding. However, FOBTs test for the presence of blood and blood breakdown products, not neoplasia, and the presence of blood and blood breakdown products may have other causes. They are therefore used to screen average-risk asymptomatic populations in order to identify those at increased risk of having colorectal neoplasm, in whom more invasive and more accurate diagnostic tests (e.g., colonoscopy) are justified.12, 30 A variety of FOBTs are available including, guaiac, immunochemical, haem-porphyrin tests and flushable tests. Haem-porphyrin tests require fluorescent spectrophotometry and more complex laboratory procedures, which ultimately limit their application in a population screening setting and are therefore not considered in this review.30, 31 Flushable FOBTs, which are interpreted by screening participants themselves and then flushed down the toilet, have not yet been evaluated in RCTs,18 and as a health professional is not involved in reading this type of test, they will not be used by the National Screening Programme (where the test will be processed in a controlled manner). They are therefore not included in the current review. Further stool markers are currently being developed, e.g. detection of mutated DNA, tests for albumin, and calprotectin, but these are still in the early phases of research, and are therefore not considered in this review.12 In summary, this review considered the use of guaiac and immunochemical FOBT methodologies. FOB testing kits, for these two methods, consist of a sample collection device (usually a card, tube or wipe) and analysis based on the guaiac-peroxidase reaction or on an immunological detection system.31 The majority of kits involve the patient collecting the stool sample and delivering the sampling device to the doctor or laboratory for analysis. Guaiac tests generally use card collection devices because drying the stool smears helps to preserve the haem moiety. Immunological methods most often use collection devices containing liquid with suitable preservatives for stool sample collection.31 As well as sample stability, the accuracy of FOBTs depends upon appropriate performance and interpretation of the test(s). Interpretation of FOBTs might be problematic when they are used by inexperienced personnel. In a retrospective review of questionnaires applied to accredited laboratory personnel (in order to determine their ability to interpret FOBT results), 12% were unable to correctly interpret sample test cards (mainly false-positive results).32 This finding raised concerns that people with detectable colorectal cancers are being missed, solely because of errors in interpretation.32-34 One suggestion to improve test interpretation is the use of tests with automated reading, such as Magstream HemSp.35 Alternatively a centralised location for the collection, processing, and interpretation of all tests would facilitate measures to improve consistency.32, 33

1.3.1 Guaiac FOBTs Guaiac FOBTs detect the haem moiety of haemoglobin molecules by making use of the pseudoperoxidase activity of haem; haem releases oxygen from hydrogen peroxide (the developer), which then reacts with the colourless guaiac to form a blue dye.30, 33, 36 The testing process generally requires that the patient applies two distinct samples taken from each of three separate bowel movements onto three test cards (or slides) each of which contains two windows lined with guaiac paper. The cards are developed in a physician's office or clinical laboratory. If any of the six windows are positive they turn blue. In the UK Pilot a triple test, integrated single card method was used, where test cards with one to four blue windows (called spots in the UK Pilot) were called 'weak


positive' and participants with ‘weak positive’ results were asked to complete a second test. If this repeat test had any positive spots, then the final result was considered to be positive.26 If this second test had no positive spots, a third test was done to confirm a negative result. When five or six positive windows were present in the first kit, the result was considered positive without repeat testing. Regardless of the number of spots that are required before a patient is considered positive, all tests deemed to be positive should be followed by a colonoscopy.12, 36 Guaiac tests are generally best at detecting large, more distal lesions. Because they depend upon peroxidase or pseudo-peroxidase activity in the faeces, and are not specific to the pseudoperoxidase activity of human haemoglobin, many variables are said to influence their results. These include dietary factors, for example animal haemoglobin/myoglobin in red meat, fruits and vegetables high in peroxidase activity (false-positive results), high doses of vitamin C (false-negative results), aspirin or other medication that may cause gastrointestinal bleeding (false-positive results) and faecal hydration.12, 30, 34 The drying out of the faecal specimen and exposure to high ambient temperature can also result in false negative findings.23, 30, 34, 36 Conversely rehydration of the sample may deactivate the peroxidases from fruit and vegetables reducing the number of false positive results. A systematic review of five RCTs of CRC screening using a guaiac test (Haemoccult) suggested that mild-to-moderate dietary restriction during unrehydrated FOBT may not be necessary as it did not appear to affect positivity rates and completion rates.37 However, the review did not include evidence on the use of more recent guaiac tests such as Haemoccult Sensa, which are believed to be more susceptible to the effects of diet. It also failed to account for dietary differences between countries and ethnic groups.23, 30, 36 Studies included in this review used the following guaiac tests: Haemoccult In this test, pseudoperoxidase activity converts colourless guaiac to blue in the presence of a developer that contains hydrogen peroxidase. The test produces a qualitative yes or no result, with a positive result being defined as a blue colour diffused into a 0.5 cm margin around the stool specimen within one minute of developer application.38 Development is performed in the laboratory or in the medical office. Studies have shown that accurate test interpretation requires training, particularly for borderline results.39 Two versions of this test are considered together in this review: Haemoccult and Haemoccult II, and are referred to as Haemoccult throughout. The literature describes the two major limitations of Haemoccult as low sensitivity and the need for dietary restrictions. Although re-hydration has been used to increase sensitivity in the past, it has been abandoned because it seems to alter the concentration of the developer used and thus produces an unacceptible increase in false-positive results.38 The current review used regression analysis to evaluate the impact of re-hydration and dietary restrictions on the overall diagnostic accuracy (as indicated by the DOR) of Haemoccult. Haemoccult Sensa Haemoccult Sensa differs from Haemoccult in that it uses an enhancer to allow detection of lower levels of peroxidase activity.38 The manufacturer’s definition of a positive result is the same as that for Haemocult. According to the manufacturer, Haemoccult Sensa produces a more stable and readable positive result than Haemoccult.38 Haemoccult Sensa is apparently very sensitive to peroxidases and dietary restrictions have been recommended with its use.23 The manufacturer states that Haemoccult Sensa slides can be either prepared and developed immediately or prepared and stored for up to 14 days at controlled room temperature (15 to 30oC) before being developed.38 Waiting several days may allow unstable vegetable peroxidase to break down, leaving only the pseudo-peroxidase activity attributable to haemoglobin.38 This strategy may reduce the number of false-positive results. Shionogi B The only available information was that the test is produced by Shionogi Pharmaceutics Co., in Osaka, Japan. KryptoHaem The test has been produced in Germany, but no further information is currently available.


1.3.2 Immunochemical FOBTs Immunochemical FOBTs are said to be more sensitive because they use monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies raised against the globin moiety of human haemoglobin, detecting intact human haemoglobin or its very early degradation products.31 They avoid interference from compounds which are known to affect the guaiac tests. Labelled antibody attaches to the intact globin antigen, resulting in a positive test result.40 The globin protein does not remain intact after passage through the upper gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a positive immunochemical FOBT is specific for bleeding in the lower gastrointestinal tract.23, 30, 36, 40 Current studies report positive test results of between 3% and 6% of screened populations.23, 30, 33, 36, 41 Greater sensitivity also has the potential to increase the number of false-positive tests (decreased specificity) due to the detection of physiological blood loss.31 Immunochemical FOBTs are more expensive than guaiac tests. However, it has been suggested that the greater cost may have a minimal effect on cost-effectiveness of screening in the long-term, if they detect more CRC in early stages.12, 38, 40 Studies included in this review used the following immunochemical tests: Feca-EIA Feca-EIA is a test kit based on the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method used for the detection of occult blood in the faeces. It seems that it was produced by Nordic Pharmaceuticals, but is no longer available for use and no relevant information was found in the studies using this test.1, 2 Two other tests using the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method are evaluated together in the current review: Hemo-EIA and Stick-EIA. FlexSure This test has the advantage of simplicity and can be developed by a clinician or a laboratory technician. FlexSure (Beckman Coulter, Inc., Palo Alto, CA) is based on the specific binding of human haemoglobin to human haemoglobin antibody.38 In the test device, antihuman haemoglobin is immobilised in a test strip. In the presence of antihuman haemoglobin conjugate, human haemoglobin migrates chromatographically along the test strip to the test line.38 If the test is positive a visible line appears, indicating the presence of human blood in the stool sample. The absence of this line indicates a negative test. The test procedure takes about five minutes and must be interpreted immediately to be accurate. Because FlexSure results need to be interpreted immediately, this test might not be easily applicable for screening large populations.38 In addition, FlexSure is no longer commercially available in the USA or UK. Immudia HemSP The Immudia HemSp test (Beckman Coulter, Inc., Palo Alto, CA) is based on a reverse passive haemagglutination.42, 43 This assay uses fixed chicken erythrocytes coated with antihuman haemoglobin-immunized rabbit serum. These erythrocytes agglutinate in the presence of human haemoglobin in faecal specimens. Immudia HemSp consists of a test card similar to Haemoccult, but with a wider area for sample placement. The specimen placement area consists of many small disks. The test subjects are instructed first to make a thin faecal smear on the test filter paper. A diluent is added for development and the specimen is incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes before results are interpreted. Samples showing agglutination at a dilution of 1:8 are interpreted as a positive result. Other versions of the same test are: HemeSelect, RPHA, and Magstream HemSp. The latter is an automated version using magnetic gelatine particles. Immudia HemSp is manufactured in Japan by Fujirebio and in Western countries by Beckman Coulter. Although this test has been approved for use in the USA by the FDA, its use was discontinued. The automated version of the Immudia HemSp test, Magstream HemSp, is currently being used in Australia. It is not clear if it is currently available in the UK. Iatro Hemcheck This is a latex agglutination inhibition assay.42 The tip of a collection stick is pushed into the stool at several different points, and sealed in a small plastic tube containing buffer.42 One drop of the faecal


liquid is put in a well and mixed with anti-human-haemoglobin antibody attached to latex particles. Samples are classified as positive when no agglutination occurs within 1.5 minutes of completion of the test procedure, and negative when agglutination occurs.42 LA Hemochaser This is a latex agglutination assay. The test aims to detect transferin as well as human-haemoglobin. Stool is collected in the same way as the stool collection for the Iatro Hemcheck test. One drop of the faecal liquid is put in a well and mixed with anti-human-haemoglobin antibody attached to latex particles. Samples are classified as positive when agglutination occurs after three minutes, and negative when no agglutination occurs.42 MonoHaem According to the manufactures, MonoHaem incorporates an immobilised monoclonal antibody on a slide which selectively binds human haemoglobin from the faecal sample (http://www.chemicon.com/Product/ProductDataSheet.asp?ProductItem= 991040995). After application of the sample to the slide, the bound haemoglobin is detected using an aqueous ethanolic solution of gum guaiac followed by hydrogen peroxidase. The gum guaiac resin contains alpha guaiaconic acid which is oxidised in the presence of peroxide to a blue coloured product by the pseudoperoxidase enzymatic action of haemoglobin. Because the haemoglobin is bound selectively by the localised monoclonal antibody on the slide, a positive reaction appears as a blue ring or spot confined to the area of antibody immobilisation. The manufactures describe a positivity rate of 2.4% and a false positive rate of 1 to 3% for MonoHaem. OC Light This is a latex agglutination assay.42 Stool sampling methods are the same as those of Iatro Hemcheck.42 Two drops of the faecal liquid are put in the well and mixed with anti-humanhaemoglobin antibody attached to polystyrene latex particles. Samples are classified as positive when agglutination occurs three minutes after completion of the test procedure, and negative when no agglutination occurs.42 The haemoglobin concentration can be calculated at a rate of 90 measurements per hour with the OC-Sensor system, and various positivity thresholds can be set.44 Other versions of the same test are: OC Hemocatch, OC Hemodia and LAT. This test did not receive an approval by the FDA in the USA. OC Light is manufactured by Eiken Chemical in Japan.45 The test is not apparently available in the UK. Ouchterlony No information about the characteristics of this test is available. SPA test This assay uses human haemoglobin antibody coated staphylococcal protein A co-agglutination.46 Stool sampling methods are the same as those of Iatro Hemcheck. After collection, one drop of the faecal liquid and a drop of SPA reagent are put on a glass plate (1% staphylococcus coated with human haemoglobin antibody) and mixed. Samples are classified as positive when agglutination occurs after one to three minutes from completion of the test procedure, and negative when no agglutination occurs.46



2. RESEARCH QUESTIONS The aim of this project was to carry out a systematic review to determine the most accurate and/or cost-effective FOBT, or combination of FOBTs, for use in an average risk population invited to undergo screening for colorectal neoplasms (adenomas and cancers). This review takes as its starting point the assumption that screening for colorectal neoplasms, in an average risk population, using FOBT, is an effective and cost-effective strategy, (see Section 1.2). The specific objectives of the review were: •

To determine the diagnostic accuracy of different types of FOBTs (singly or in combination) when used in an average risk population to screen for colorectal neoplasms.

To determine the cost-effectiveness of different types of FOBTs when used in an average risk population to screen for colorectal neoplasms.

To determine whether further studies are necessary in order to evaluate the relative diagnostic accuracy of FOBTs.



3. REVIEW METHODS An advisory panel was established. In addition to providing subject-specific input during the review, members of the panel were invited to offer comment on the protocol and draft report. Details of advisory panel members can be found in Appendix A. The systematic review was performed in accordance with the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) guidelines for undertaking systematic reviews11 and published guidelines on the meta-analysis of diagnostic tests.47-53 A list of FOBT tests, along with any known manufacturers and UK distributors is given in Appendix B. Studies included in the review evaluated the following FOBTs: 1. Guaiac tests: Haemoccult, Haemoccult Sensa, KryptoHaem, and Shionogi B. 2. Immunochemical tests: Feca-EIA, Hemo-EIA, Stick-EIA, FlexSure , Immudia HemSp, Iatro Hemcheck, LA Hemochaser, MonoHaem, OC Light, Ouchterlony, and SPA test.

3.1 Search strategy A database of published and unpublished literature was assembled from systematic searches of electronic sources, handsearching, and consultation with experts in the field. The database was built using the EndNote 6 software package. A Medline search strategy was devised and after exploring a series of sensitive search strategies, a more precise strategy was chosen that attempted to maximise capture of relevant records whilst excluding large numbers of irrelevant records. The MEDLINE search strategy was than translated and adapted as appropriate for each database searched. Details of the search strategies are presented in Appendix C. All databases were searched from inception to the most recent date available. There were no restrictions by country, language, publication date or study design. The following databases were searched: MEDLINE, EMBASE, BIOSIS, Pascal, Science Citation Index (SCI), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), Health Technology Assessment Database (HEED), NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED), and Latin American and Caribbean Literature on the Health Sciences (LILACS). In addition, information on studies in progress, unpublished research or research reported in the grey literature was sought by searching a range of relevant databases including Inside Conferences, Systems for Information in Grey Literature (SIGLE), Dissertation Abstracts, the National Research Register (NRR), National Technical Information Service (NTIS) and the GrayLit Network. Internet searches were also carried out using a specialist search engine (OMNI: http://www.omni.ac.uk/), a general search engine (Google: http://www.google.co.uk/), and a metasearch engine (Copernic: http://www.copernic.com/). Hand searches of the following key journals were performed: Gastroenterology (January 1965 to December 2004), Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology (January 1998 to December 2004), American Journal of Gastroenterology (January 1998 to December 2004), Cancer (January 1996 to January 2005) and Journal of Medical Screening (January 1997 to December 2004). In addition, hand searches of the following conference proceedings were carried out: Prevention screening and management of the colonic cancers (conference of consensus), Paris, France, 29th January 1998; Cancer research at the European level, Brussels, Belgium, September 1994; Colon examination study in Japan, 12th Meeting, Chiba, Japan, Oct 1994; Annual Meeting of the British Society of Gastroenterology, Birmingham, UK, March, 2003. The reference lists of included studies and any systematic reviews identified were also searched to identify further potentially relevant studies.

3.2 Inclusion and exclusion criteria Two reviewers (KSW, JB) independently screened titles and abstracts for relevance. Disagreements were resolved by consensus. Full papers of potentially relevant studies were obtained and assessed 9

for inclusion by one reviewer (JB). A predefined form with a checklist of explicit study selection criteria, constructed using Microsoft Access, was used to assess full papers for inclusion. All studies considered to be eligible for inclusion, and a random selection of studies considered not eligible were checked by a second reviewer (KSW). Any disagreements were resolved by consensus. Where consensus could not be reached, a third reviewer was consulted (JK). Appendix D provides details of the procedure used for selecting studies. A predefined form with a checklist of explicit study selection criteria was constructed using Microsoft Access. This was based on the categories described in Appendix E. The checklist was piloted in 20 studies and adapted as necessary. There were separate inclusion and exclusion criteria for studies of diagnostic accuracy and economic evaluations.

3.2.1 Inclusion criteria for FOBT diagnostic accuracy studies Study design: Any study evaluating diagnostic accuracy of FOBTs where FOBT results were compared with those of a reference standard (diagnostic cohort and diagnostic case-control studies). Randomised and non-randomised controlled trials comparing the efficacy of screening of two or more FOBTs were also eligble for inclusion; for these studies the results for the intervention arm (screened population) were treated as a diagnostic cohort. Diagnostic cohorts derived from trials were only included where the drop out rate, from the intervention arm, was less than 15%. Population: Average risk adult population. Studies conducted in high-risk populations (e.g., family history of CRC, polyposis, symptomatic) were excluded. Index tests: Any guaiac or immunochemical FOBT used (singly or in combination) in the identification of CRC or adenomatous polyps, whether or not dietary restrictions were imposed. Studies evaluating flushable FOBTs and/or further stool markers currently being developed, such as detection of mutated DNA, tests for albumin, and calprotectin were excluded. Reference standard: Diagnostic cohort studies, including cohorts derived from trials, were required to report details of the reference standard used; any reference standard was accepted. Screening trials had to report at least two screening rounds or, if a cancer registry/questionnaire was used as the reference standard, between three and ten years follow-up. Diagnostic case-control studies were included in the review whether or not the details of the reference standard used to verify disease status was reported. Outcome measures: Studies were required to report sufficient information to construct a 2 x 2 table. Where sufficient data were available, separate 2 x 2 tables were constructed for the accuracy of the FOBT to detect all neoplasms, CRC, all adenomas, adenomas ≥1cm in size and adenomas ≤ 1cm in size. If a study evaluated more than one test, but only reported sufficient data to construct a 2 x 2 table for one FOBT, only data for that FOBT were included in the review. The secondary outcome of interest was adverse events related to the FOBT.

3.2.2 Inclusion criteria for economic evaluations of FOBTs Study design: Full economic evaluations available on the NHS EED database were eligible for inclusion. Population: Average risk adult population. Studies conducted in a high-risk population (e.g., family history of CRC, polyposis, symptomatic) were excluded. Intervention: Studies comparing at least two FOBTs were eligible for inclusion. Studies evaluating flushable FOBTs and/or further stool markers currently being developed, such as detection of mutated DNA, tests for albumin, and calprotectin, or evaluations that assessed a single FOBT were excluded. Economic evaluations assessing the cost-effectiveness of CRC screening, where the programme happened to include FOBT testing, and economic evaluations that assessed a single FOBT were excluded. Outcome measures: Economic evaluations where costs from a health service or broader (e.g. societal) perspective or appropriate health-related outcomes were reported were eligible for inclusion.


3.3 Data extraction Data extraction forms were developed using Microsoft Access. These were piloted on a small selection of studies. Data extraction was performed by one reviewer (KSW) and checked by a second (JB). Any disagreements were resolved by consensus. Where consensus could not be reached, a third reviewer was consulted (JK). Papers in French, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish were extracted by one reviewer (KSW) and the data were entered directly into the Access database. Other non-English language papers (Chinese, Japanese, Dutch, German, Czech, Polish, Hungarian) were extracted by one reviewer (JB), accompanied by a speaker of that language, and the data were entered directly into the Access database. A second reviewer did not check non-English language studies.

3.3.1 Diagnostic accuracy studies The following information was extracted for studies used to assess the diagnostic accuracy of FOBTs: Study details: Study identifier (EndNote ID), author, year, country, setting, study design, aim of the study, number of participants, and duration of follow up. Population details: Description of the participants included in the study (age, gender, ethnicity, and other potential risk factors), predefined inclusion and/or exclusion criteria, dietary restriction, method of patient selection, disease prevalence, and number of participants recruited/included in the study. Details of index test: Test evaluated (guaiac or immunochemical (IC), IC test/methodology (e.g., passive haemagglutination, latex agglutination), details of test execution, name of test (preferably as it is used in the UK), method and location of development, method and number of stools collected, frequency of tests, time between specimen collection and development and storage conditions if there was any delay, faecal haemoglobin limit of detection (for IC tests), and definition of positive test. Details of reference standard: Reference standard used for both positive and negative FOBT result (e.g., colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, follow up), and number of patients that completed the reference standard. Outcome details: Data were used to construct a 2 x 2 table (true positives (TP), false positives (FP), true negatives (TN) and false negatives (FN). Data on adverse events was also extracted.

3.3.2 Economic evaluations For economic evaluations, data were extracted on the tests being compared, study population, the time period over which the study was performed, measures of effectiveness, direct costs (medical and non-medical), production costs, resource use, currency, results and details of any decision modelling and sensitivity analysis.

3.4 Quality assessment Quality assessment forms were developed using Microsoft Access. Quality assessment was carried out independently by two reviewers (KSW, JB). Any disagreements were resolved by consensus. The quality of French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish papers was assessed by one reviewer (KSW), and Chinese, Czech, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Japanese and Polish by one reviewer (JB) accompanied by a speaker of the language. The results of the quality assessment were used for descriptive purposes to provide an indication of the common quality issues across the included studies and to provide a transparent method of recommendation for design of future studies. In addition, where sufficient data were available, quality components were included as explanatory variables in regression analyses to investigate possible associations with diagnostic accuracy.

3.4.1 Diagnostic accuracy studies Diagnostic cohort studies, including cohorts derived from trials, and diagnostic case-control studies were assessed for methodological quality using the assessment tool for diagnostic studies (QUADAS).47 The sources of bias assessed using this tool include spectrum bias, selection bias, appropriateness of reference standard, verification bias, review bias, and clinical review bias. Two criteria, the avoidance of disease progression and incorporation bias, were not scored as they were


deemed irrelevant to this topic. The QUADAS tool together with details on how studies were scored is provided in Appendix F.

3.4.2 Economic evaluations The quality of the economic evaluations was assessed according to a checklist developed by Drummond et. al. (2000).54 This checklist reflects the criteria for economic evaluation detailed in the methodological guidance developed by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence.54

3.5 Synthesis FOBT characteristics were identified from manufacturers information and from the FDA registered haematology medical devices list55 Results were analysed according to the specific FOBTs being evaluated. Within these groups, tests were analysed according to the target condition (all neoplasms, colorectal cancers, all adenomas, and adenomas ≥ 1cm). For each data set the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratios, and diagnostic odds ratios (DOR) were calculated, with 95% CIs, using MetaDisc.56 DOR were calculated as the Odds (Sensitivity) / Odds (1-specificity), or ad/bc in a 2 x 2 table. DOR have the advantage of being a single indicator of diagnostic accuracy in contrast to most of the other measures, which have to be judged in pairs. The DOR can take values between 0 and infinity, with high values indicating good test performance.53, 57 To account for 0 cells in the 2 x 2 tables, 0.5 was added to every cell for all 2 x 2 tables as recommended by Moses et. al. (1993).57 Whenever more than four studies were included for a specific FOBT and target condition, individual study results were presented graphically in ROC space. Between study heterogeneity of the sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios and DOR was investigated using the Cochrane Q statistic58 and through visual examination of Galbraith plots of study results.59 We measured the impact of heterogeneity (I2) in the meta-analyses.60 I2 describes the proportion of total variation in study estimates that is due to heterogeneity and can be calculated from the Cochran Q statistics.60, 61 The following equation was used to calculate I2:

and data were not pooled where I2 was above 75%.61 Since I2 was above 75% in all data sets, no pooled estimates are presented. Where more than ten data sets were available for any one grouping of test type and target condition, heterogeneity was further investigated using the Moses-ShapiroLittenberg method for meta-regression analysis.56, 62 For these data sets sROC curves were estimated, using the following equation:


Sen =



1+ b


a 1− b

⎛ 1 − Spe ⎞1−b ×⎜ ⎟ ⎝ Spe ⎠

a and b were calculated using the following regression equation: D = a + bS D = [logit (TPR) – logit (FPR)] = log (DOR) S = [logit (TPR) + logit (FPR)}] Logit (TPR) = ln(TPR/(1-TPR)) Logit (FPR) = ln(FPR/(1-FPR))


This was estimated by regressing D against S, weighting according to sample size, for each study. Beta provides an estimate of the extent to which D is dependent on the threshold used. If beta is 0 (when line is symmetric with respect to the line TPR = 1 – FPR), or not significantly different from 0, then the DOR is not affected by the threshold used. When this was the case the DOR was pooled according to standard methods for pooling odds ratios.53, 62 In such cases the following equation was used to calculate the SROC curves:


Sen = 1+

1 ⎛ 1 − Spe ⎞ DORT × ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ Spe ⎠

The sROC model outlined above was extended to include the following covariates.63 •

Factors affecting the index test (for example: rehydration of the stool specimen, dietary restrictions prior to testing)

QUADAS items47

Initially univariate analysis was performed with items included individually in the model. Items which showed a significant association with D at the 10% significance level were investigated further using step-wise multivariate models; a minimum of ten data sets per variable entered were pre-requesit for multivariate modelling. In this approach, all items found to be significant in the univariate models were entered into the multivariate model, weighted by sample size, and then dropped in a step-wise fashion with the least significant item dropped first. The final model was achieved when all items remaining in the model showed a significant association with D at the 5% level. All analyses were performed using random effect models in the MetaDisc software (version 1.3).56

3.5.1 Economic evaluations Narrative summaries were produced for each full economic evaluation, comparing two or more FOBTs, identified.



4. RESULTS OF THE REVIEW 4.1 Results of the literature searches The literature searches identified 3,259 references. Of these, 1089 were considered to be potentially relevant and ordered. Figure 1 shows the flow of studies through the review process and the number of studies excluded according to each of the inclusion criteria. Appendix G gives details of the studies included in the review, and appendix H lists the studies that were excluded from the review, with the reason for exclusion. Appendix I details on which database(s) each included study was identified. We identified 130 studies that evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of either a guaiac or immunochemical FOBT in a screening population, and 86 trials that assessed the efficacy of screening with FOBT compared to no screening. Of these, 17 were designed as diagnostic cohort studies64-80 and 21 diagnostic case control studies1-4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 42, 81-92 and were included in the review. In addition, 17 screening trials,5, 8, 46, 93-106 seven RCTs107-113 and seven economic evaluations 114-120 also met the inclusion criteria. Therefore, a total of 69 studies were included: 59 provided data on the diagnostic accuracy of FOBTs, three described adverse events related to the use of FOBTs, and seven reported economic evaluations comparing at least two FOBTs. Thirty-four of the studies evaluating diagnostic accuracy were conducted in Asia (China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan), two in Australia, 13 in Europe (UK, Denmark, France, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Norway and Sweden), 11 in the USA, and two were conducted in Israel. The two studies conducted in the UK provided details of adverse events only.104, 111 Of the economic evaluations, two were conducted in Asia, two in the UK, two in other European countries, and one in the USA. Six studies were available only as abstracts.78, 81, 93, 99, 101, 103 A total of 317 non-English language papers were assessed for this review: seven Chinese, one Croatian, six Czech, five Danish, three Dutch, 85 French, 97 German, one Hebrew, one Hungarian, 29 Italian, 65 Japanese, one Portuguese, and 16 Spanish. Two Chinese,84, 91 two German68, 83 and eight Japanese1-4, 6, 82, 89 papers met the inclusion criteria and were translated. We were unable to locate full papers for 68 references. The majority of these were identified through handsearching and were published in either German or Japanese during the 1980s. Attempts were made to contact the authors of these papers without success. Twenty three of the included diagnostic accuracy studies evaluated guaiac FOBTs,64, 65, 67-70, 72, 77-81, 83, 25 immunochemical FOBTs,42, 46, 66, 71, 73-76, 82, 85-92, 95, 96, 98, 99, 101-103, 108 10 evaluated both types of FOBT1-10 and one evaluated a guaiac and immunochemical FOBT in sequence and did not report results for the two FOBTs separately.84 Three studies provided data for adverse events only.104, 109, 111 Six of the economic evaluations evaluated both guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs115-120 and one evaluated two guaiac FOBTs.114 93, 94, 97, 100, 105-107, 110, 112, 113

The included studies evaluated the following FOBTs: Guaiac FOBTs: Haemoccult, Haemoccult II, Haemoccult Sensa, KryptoHaem, and Shionogi B. Immunochemical FOBTs: Checkmate Hemo, Feca-EIA, Hemo-EIA, Stick-EIA, FlexSure, HemeSelect, Immudia HemSp, Imdia HemSp, Magstream HemSp, RPHA, Iatro Hemcheck, LA Hemochaser, MonoHaem, OC Hemodia, OC Hemocatch, OC Light, LAT, HB Latex, Ouchterlony and the SPA test.

4.2 Guaiac FOBTs Five guaiac-baed FOBTs were evaluated in the included studies, Haemoccult, Haemoccult II, Haemoccult Sensa, KryptoHaem and Shionogi B. The results of Haemoccult and Haemoccult II were grouped together, and are referred to as Haemoccult throughout the review. The number of participants ranged from 44 to 97,205. The gender differential was not reported in 19 studies, but where reported, the proportion of males ranged from 40.7% to 100%. Twenty seven studies did not report a mean age of the participants. Of those that did, the mean age ranged from 40 to 68 years. Where a mean age was not reported, only sixteen studies reported the age range of the participants. The youngest participants included were 13 years in the control group of a diagnostic case control trial, and 20 years in a diagnostic cohort study. The oldest participants were were 89 years in the case group of a diagnostic case control trial, and 88 years in a diagnostic cohort study.


Endnote Library n =3259

Not relevant (n=2170)

Potentially relevant: Copies Ordered n = 1089

Unobtainable (n=68)

Screened for inclusion (n=1021) Was the study a DC, DCC, RCT, EE or an SR of guaiac or immunochemical FOBT on the detection of CRC


Background (n=15) Non-systematic review (n=49) Discussion (n=68) Letters/Comment/Editorials (n=80) Duplicates (n=38) Did not evaluate an FOBT (n=10)

Yes (n=761)

Was the study conducted in adult average-risk/unselected population, or a DCC with healthy controls?

No Excluded (n=354)

Yes (n=407) What was the study design?

DC or RCT/Screening as DC (n=327)

DCC (n=37)

Did the study contain sufficient information to produce a 2x2 table?

Yes (n=62)

SR (n=0)

EE (n=43)

Was the study a full economic evaluation comparing two FOBTs?

Yes (n=7)

No (n=302)

Included (n=69)

No (n=36)

Excluded (n=338)

Diagnostic accuracy (59): screening (n=16), diagnostic cohort (n=17), diagnostic case-control (n=21), RCT (n=5) Economic evaluation (n =7) Studies describing adverse events (2 RCTs, 1 screening trial)

DC: Diagnostic cohort; DCC: Diagnostic case-control; RCT: Ranopmised controlled trial; EE: Economic evaluation; SR: Systematic review.

Figure 1: Flow chart of studies through review process


Of the 31 studies that evaluated a named guaiac FOBTs, 17 imposed dietary restrictions before testing,8, 10, 64, 65, 67, 68, 72, 77-79, 94, 97, 100, 105, 106, 110, 113 four did not,4, 7, 69, 80 one study imposed restrictions on repeat testing only,107 and nine provided no information regardingdietary restrictions.3, 5, 6, 9, 70, 81, 83, 93, 112 Of the 23 studies that evaluated Haemoccult, four re-hydrated the slides before analysis,70, 97, 107, 110 fourteen did not re-hydrate the slides,7, 8, 64, 65, 69, 77, 78, 80, 93, 94, 100, 106, 112, 113 one rehydrated the slides from some people and not for others,67 and four provided no information on the rehydration status of the slides.6, 9, 79, 81 The other named guaiac FOBTs were developed either with rehydration,68 without rehydration,8, 72, 105 or the hydration status was not reported.3, 4, 10, 83

4.2.1 Quality Of the 33 studies that evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of guaiac FOBTs, 11 were diagnostic cohort studies,64, 65, 67-70, 72, 77-80 10 were diagnostic case-control studies,1-4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 81, 83 and 12 were either screening studies or RCTs from which a diagnostic cohort was derived.5, 8, 93, 94, 97, 100, 105-107, 110, 112, 113 Figure 2 shows the proportion of guaiac FOBT studies that answered “yes”, “no” and “unclear” to each one of the QUADAS items. Sixty nine percent of studies fulfilled the criteria for avoidance of partial verification bias, and 39% for the avoidance of differential verification bias. Forty two percent of studies detailed how people were selected for inclusion in the study and/or included an appropriate spectrum of patients. Thirty three percent of studies reported sufficient details on how the reference standard was performed, and 22% on how the index test was performed, to permit replication. Sixty four percent of studies failed to report sufficient details on clinical review bias, 42% on diagnostic review bias, and 50% on test review bias to judge whether these were avoided. Study withdrawals and handling of uninterpretable results were reported in over 70% of studies.

1. Spectrum composition 2. Selection criteria 3a. Appropriate reference standard - positive FOBT/cases? 3b. Appropriate reference standard - negative FOBT/controls? 4. Partial verification bias 5. Differential verification bias Yes No Unclear

6a. Index test execution details 6b. Reference execution details 7. Test review bias 8a. Diagnostic review bias 8b. Clinical review bias 9. Uninterpretable/intermediate results 10. Withdrawals 0%











Figure 2: Proportion of guaiac FOBT studies rated as yes, no, or unclear on each of the QUADAS items The reference standards used, where reported, varied considerably across the studies, with colonoscopy, barium enema, sigmoidoscopy or cancer registry used individually or in combination for people with a positive FOBT or cases. Colonoscopy, barium enema, sigmoidoscopy, cancer registry, follow-up or re-screening, individually or in combination, were used for people with a negative FOBT or controls.

4.2.2 Diagnosis of all neoplasms using guaiac FOBTs Eleven diagnostic cohorts evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of guaiac FOBTs to detect all neoplasms. Nine evaluated Haemoccult,64, 65, 67, 70, 77, 78, 80, 97, 113 one Haemoccult Sensa5 and one Kryptohaem.68 The reference standards used for people with a positive FOBT included colonoscopy,5, 70, 77, 80, 97 colonoscopy and barium enema (in some or all participants),113 colonoscopy and barium enema and rigid sigmoidoscopy,78 colonoscopy or barium enema,64, 65 with one study also referring to the cancer registry,64 or sigmoidoscopy.67, 68



Haemoccult - not rehydrated 64

Allison (1990)

Bang (1986)65 Foley (1992)67 Parikh (2001)77 Rasmussen (1999)113 Ribet (1980)78 Sung (2003)80

Haemoccult - rehydrated 97

Collins (2005)

Foley (1992)67 Lieberman (2001)70

Haemoccult Sensa Allison (2002)5

Klug (1983)68



Haemoccult - not rehydrated

Allison (1990)64 Bang (1986)65 Foley (1992)67 Parikh (2001)77 Rasmussen (1999)113 Ribet (1980)78 Sung (2003)80

Haemoccult - rehydrated 97

Collins (2005)

Foley (1992)67 Lieberman (2001)70

Allison (2002)5

Klug (1983)68

Haemoccult Sensa


Figure 3: The sensitivity and specificity of guaiac FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms as reported in diagnostic cohort studies


The reference standards used for people with a negative FOBT included colonoscopy,80, 97 sigmoidoscopy,65, 67, 68, 70, 77, 113 flexible colonoscopy,5 sigmoidoscopy and barium enema,78 or referral to the cancer registry.64 Six cohort studies recruited an appropriate patient spectrum.64, 67, 70, 77, 80, 97 Two studies did not name the guaiac FOBT used and therefore results are presented in table 1 but not included in the synthesis.1, 2 There was statistically significant heterogeneity (Cochrane Q75%) between studies evaluating Haemoccult, therefore pooling was not undertaken. Overall, Haemoccult had a low sensitivity, which ranged from 6.2% (specificity 98.0%) to 45.5% (specificity 94.0%) when three consecutive stool samples were examined. Comparing studies that rehydrated the Haemoccult slides with those that didn’t, sensitivity ranged from 10.2% (specificity 93.6%) to 14.4% (specificity 90.5%) when rehydrated,67, 70, 97 and 6.2% (specificity 98.0%) to 45.5% (specificity 94.0%) when not rehydrated.64, 65, 67, 77, 78, 80, 113 Only one study reported results separately for both rehydrated and non-rehydrated Haemoccult FOBTs; the two tests were conducted on stool specimens from different people,67 therefore no direct comparisons of rehydrated and non-rehydrated Haemoccult were available. Two cohort studies compared the accuracy of Haemoccult tests where samples were collected at home for three consecutive days to that of Haemoccult performed using a single stool specimen collected via a digital rectal examination (DRE).77, 97 One study reported that both sensitivity and specificity were slightly better for the home test (Home: sensitivity 45.5%, specificity 94%; DRE: sensitivity 41.0%, specificity 92.8%).77 The other study reported very low sensitivities for both tests, although this was slightly higher with the home test (Home: sensitivity 11.3%, specificity 93.9%; DRE: sensitivity 4.3%, specificity 97.5%).97 Seven of the studies evaluating Haemoccult imposed dietary restrictions,64, 65, 67, 77, 78, 97, 113 one did not80 and one did not specify whether restrictions were imposed or not,70 therefore it was not possible to evaluate the impact of dietary restrictions on the diagnostic accuracy of Haemoccult. The study evaluating Haemoccult Sensa reported a higher sensitivity than all but one Haemoccult study (43.1%), although specificity was slightly lower than most of the Haemoccult studies (90.7%).5 The study evaluating KryptoHaem reported the highest sensitivity (83.3%), and the second highest specificity (98.4%) of all the guaiac FOBTs evaluated for the detection of neoplasms in diagnostic cohort studies.68 The main results are presented in figures 3 and 4, and all results are presented in table 1.

Sensitivity 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1










1-Specificity Figure 4: The detection of all neoplasms using Haemoccult ( ), Haemoccult Sensa ( Kryptohaem ( ) based on the results of the diagnostic cohort studies.


) and

Five diagnostic case-control studies evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of guaiac FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms. Three evaluated Haemoccult,9, 79, 81 one Haemoccult Sensa,10 one Kryptohaem83 and one Shionogi B.9 Three studies used colonoscopy to verify disease status of both cases and controls,9, 79, 81 one used colonoscopy to diagnose the condition in cases but the reference standard used to verify the disease-free status of controls was not reported,10 and one did not report the reference standard used for either cases or controls.83 No diagnostic case control study was deemed to have an appropriate patient spectrum. There was statistically significant heterogeneity (Cochrane Q75%) between studies evaluating Haemoccult, therefore pooling was not undertaken. In contrast to the results from the cohort studies, the diagnostic case control studies reported relatively high sensitivities for Haemoccult for the detection of all neoplasms, and lower specificities. Sensitivity ranged from 50.0% (specificity 50.0%) to 71.3% (specificity 66.2%), and specificity from 50.0% (sensitivity 50.0%) to 99.0% (sensitivity 65.2%).9, 79, 81 None of the case-control studies reported whether the Haemoccult slides were rehydrated prior to developing or not. Haemoccult Sensa was reported as having a much higher sensitivity (72.2%) and specificity (99.0%) in the case control study than the cohort study.10 The case-control study reported a similar specificity for the detection of neoplasms using Kryptohaem to that of the cohort study (98.4%), however, the sensitivity was much lower (47.4%).83 Shionogi B was only evaluated in a case-control study, and was reported as having the highest sensitivity of the guaiac FOBTs evaluated using this study design, and the second highest when all studies were taken into consideration (73.4%).9 However, this study reported the lowest specificity of all the guaiac FOBTs used to detect all neoplasms (60.3%). The main results are presented in figure 5 and 6, and all results are presented in table 1.


Haemoccult - hydration state not specified

Bhattacharya (1997)81 Miyoshi (1992)9 St John (1992)79

Haemoccult Sensa

St John (1993)10 Lampe (1982)83

KryptoHaem Shionogi B


Miyoshi (1992)

Figure 5a: The sensitivity of guaiac FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms as reported in diagnostic case-control studies



Haemoccult - hydration state not specified

Bhattacharya (1997)81 Miyoshi (1992)9 St John (1992)79

Haemoccult Sensa St John (1993)10

KryptoHaem 83

Lampe (1982)

Shionogi B Miyoshi (1992)9

Figure 5b: The specificity of guaiac FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms as reported in diagnostic case-control studies

Sensitivity 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0




0.4 0.5 0.6 1-Specificity





Figure 6: The detection of all neoplasms using Haemoccult ( ), Haemoccult Sensa ( ), Kryptohaem ( ) and Shionogi B ( ) based on the results of the diagnostic case-control studies


4.2.3 Diagnosis of colorectal cancer using guaiac FOBTs Nineteen diagnostic cohort studies evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of guaiac FOBTs for the detection of CRC. Sixteen evaluated Haemoccult,8, 64, 65, 67, 69, 70, 80, 93, 94, 97, 100, 106, 107, 110, 112, 113 three Haemoccult Sensa5, 8, 105 and one Shionogi B.72 The reference standards used for people with a positive FOBT included colonoscopy,5, 69, 70, 80, 97, 105, 112 colonoscopy and barium enema (in some or all participants),110, 113 colonoscopy or barium enema,64, 65 with one study also referring to the cancer registry,64 colonoscopy and follow-up,8 sigmoidoscopy,67, 93, 94 sigmoidoscopy and barium enema106 referral to the cancer registry,72, 107 or GP contact, questionnaires and referral to the cancer registry.100 The reference standards used for people with a negative FOBT included colonoscopy,80, 97 sigmoidoscopy,65, 67, 68, 70, 77, 93, 113 flexible colonoscopy,5 sigmoidoscopy,106, 107 referral to the cancer registry with follow-up,8, 64 referral to the cancer registry,69, 72, 100, 112 rescreening and referral to the cancer registry,94, 105 or an annual questionnaire.110 Ten studies recruited an appropriate patient spectrum.8, 64, 67, 70, 80, 94, 97, 105, 107, 112 There was statistically significant between study heterogeneity (Cochrane Q75%) in all test groups, therefore pooling was not undertaken. Overall, the accuracy of Haemoccult for detecting CRC appeared better than that for all neoplasms. The sensitivity of Haemoccult when three consecutive stool samples were examined ranged from 25.0% (specificity 98.74%) to 96.2% (specificity 99.2%) and the specificity ranged from 80.0% (sensitivity 30.0%) to 99.2% (sensitivity 96.2%).7, 8, 64, 65, 67, 69, 70, 80, 93, 94, 97, 100, 106, 107, 110, 112, 113 Rehydrated Haemoccult slides produced sensitivities ranging from 27.1% (specificity 95.6%) to 89.1% (specificity 92.73%), and specificities from 89.9% (sensitivity 50.0%) to 95.6% (sensitivity 27.1%).70, 97, 107, 110 Non-rehydrated Haemoccult slides had sensitivities from 25.0% (specificity 98.7%) to 96.2% (specificity 99.2%) and specificities from 80.0% (sensitivity 30.0%) to 99.2% (sensitivity 96.2%).8, 64, 65, 67, 69, 80, 93, 94, 100, 106, 112, 113 Cohort studies that imposed dietary restrictions had sensitivities ranging from 7.4% (specificity 97.0%) to 100% (specificity 99.2%) and specificities from 90.0% (sensitivity 50.0%) to 99.2% (sensitivity 100%).8, 64, 65, 67, 94, 97, 100, 106, 110, 113 The two cohort studies that did not imposed dietary restrictions reported sensitivities of 25.0% (specificity 80.0%)80 and 58.0% (specificity 97.3%).69 One study imposed restrictions on repeat testing only and reported a sensitivity of 26.1% and specificity of 95.6%.107 Three studies did not specify whether restrictions were imposed or not.70, 93, 112

One study compared the accuracy of Haemoccult tests where samples were collected at home for three consecutive days to that of Haemoccult performed using a single stool specimen collected via a digital rectal examination (DRE), and reported that sensitivity was better with the home test (Home test: 34.1%, DRE: 8.0%), but specificity was slightly higher with the DRE test (Home test: 92.6%, DRE: 96.9%).97 One study compared the accuracy of Haemoccult when one, two and three stools were tested, and reported an increase in sensitivity with the number of stools tested, from 83.3% (specificity 90.0%) when one stool was tested, to 95.2% (specificity 72.6%) when three were tested.6 Cohort studies of Haemocult for the detection of CRC was the only grouping with a sufficient number of data sets to support preliminary regression analyses. Neither sample rehydration nor dietary restrictions before the test were found to significantly affect overall accuracy (as indicated by DOR) in univariate analyses. When individual QUADAS items were considered, univariate analyses indicated that studies which adequately reported selection criteria and studies that adequately reported the details of how index tests were conducted had significantly lower accuracy than those that did not (RDOR = 0.30 (95% CI:0.10;0.89), p = 0.03 and RDOR = 0.24 (95% CI:0.06;1.00), p = 0.05, respectively). The sensitivity of Haemoccult Sensa ranged from 62.2% (specificity 95.5%) to 78.6% (specificity 86.7%) and was therefore on the whole a more sensitive and less specific test than Haemoccult.5, 8, 105 The one study that evaluated Shionogi B reported a sensitivity of 26.8% and specificity of 94.1%.72 The main results are presented in figures 7 and 8, and all results are presented in table 1.



Haemoccult – not rehydrated

Allison (1990)64 Allison (1996)8 Bang (1986)65 Bennett (1996)93 Castiglione (1991)94 Foley (1992)67 Launoy (1997)69 Michalek (1988)100 Niv (2002)112 Rasmussen (1999)113 Sung (2003)80 Winawer (1980)106

Haemoccult – rehydrated 107

Brevinge (1997)

Collins (2005)97 Foley (1992)67 Lieberman (2001)70 Mandel (1989)110

Haemoccult Sensa Allison (1996)8 Allison (2002)5 Rennert (2001)105

Shionogi B Murakami (1992)72

Figure 7a: The sensitivity of guaiac FOBTs for the detection of CRC as reported in diagnostic cohort studies


Specificity Haemoccult – not rehydrated Allison (1990)64 Allison (1996)8 Bang (1986)65 Bennett (1996)93 Castiglione (1991)94 Foley (1992)67 Launoy (1997)69 Michalek (1988)100 Niv (2002)112 Rasmussen (1999)113 Sung (2003)80 Winawer (1980)106

Haemoccult –rehydrated 107

Brevinge (1997)

Collins (2005)97 Foley (1992)67 Lieberman (2001)70 Mandel (1989)110

Haemoccult Sensa Allison (1996)8 Allison (2002)5 Rennert (2001)105

Shionogi B Murakami (1992)72

Figure 7b: The specificity of guaiac FOBTs for the detection of CRC as reported in diagnostic cohort studies


Sensitivity 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0











1-Specificity Figure 8: The detection of colorectal cancers using Haemoccult ( ), Haemoccult Sensa ( and Shionogi B ( ) based on the results of the diagnostic cohort studies


Four diagnostic case-control studies evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of guaiac FOBTs for the detection of CRC. Two evaluated Haemoccult6, 7 and two evaluated Shionogi B.3, 4 One study reported using colonoscopy and barium enema to diagnose disease in cases and upper and lower tract endoscopy to verify the disease-free status of controls.7 the other three studies did not report the reference standards used.3, 4, 6 The sensitivity of the Haemoccult test was reported as 95.2% in one study,6 which was comparable with the highest value reported in a cohort study and 53.0% in the other.7 The reported specificities, however, were at the lower end of the spectrum, 72.6%6 and 85.6%.7 The sensitivity of Shionogi B was reported as being much higher in the case control studies, at 81.7%4 and 75.0%3 (when the ‘quasipositive’ results reported in these studies were classified as positive), compared to the cohort study where sensitivity was 26.8%. The corresponding specificities were 63.3%4 and 95.0%3, compared with 94.1% in the cohort study. Even when the ‘quasipositive’ results were classified as negative, sensitivity of Shionogi B was still much higher in the case control studies, at 69.7%4 and 70.0%.3 The corresponding specificities were 79.0%4 and 97.6%.3 The main results are presented in figure 9 and 10, and all results are presented in table 1.


Sensitivity Haemoccult – not rehydrated Nakama (1994)7

Haemoccult – rehydration state not reported Kikkawa (1987)6

Shionogi B Takesh*ta (1985)4 Takesh*ta (1982)3

Specificity Haemoccult – not rehydrated Nakama (1994)7

Haemoccult – rehydration state not reported Kikkawa (1987)6

Shionogi B Takesh*ta (1985)4 Takesh*ta (1982)3

Figure 9: The sensitivity and specificity of guaiac FOBTs for the detection of CRC as reported in diagnostic case-control studies


Sensitivity 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0












Figure 10: The detection of colorectal cancers using Haemoccult ( ) and Shionogi B ( ) based on the results of the diagnostic case-control studies

4.2.4 Diagnosis of all adenomas using guaiac FOBTs All seven diagnostic cohorts that evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of guaiac FOBTs for the detection of all adenomas, used Haemoccult.64, 65, 67, 70, 80, 97, 113 There were no diagnostic case-control studies evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of guaiac FOBTs to detect all adenomas. The reference standards used for people with a positive FOBT included colonoscopy,70, 80, 97 colonoscopy and barium enema (in some or all participants),113 colonoscopy or barium enema,64, 65 with one study also referring to the cancer registry,64 or sigmoidoscopy.67 The reference standards used for people with a negative FOBT included colonoscopy,80, 97 sigmoidoscopy,65, 67, 70, 113 or referral to the cancer registry.64 Five studies recruited an appropriate patient spectrum.64, 67, 70, 80, 97 There was statistically significant heterogeneity (Cochrane Q75%) between studies evaluating Haemoccult, therefore pooling was not undertaken. For the five studies that examined Haemocult slides that had not been rehydrated, the sensitivity of Haemoccult was low when three consecutive stool were examined, ranging from 5.2% (specificity 98.0%) to 19.1% (specificity 79.7%). Specificity ranged from 79.7% (sensitivity 19.1%) to 98.9% (sensitivity 17.5%).64, 65, 67, 80, 113 Rehydrated Haemoccult slides were examined in three studies. These also reported low sensitivities, ranging from 9.5% (specificity 93.6%) to 12.9% (specificity 90.5%), and specificities from 90.5% (sensitivity 12.9%) to 93.9% (sensitivity 9.7%).67, 70, 97 One study compared the accuracy of Haemoccult tests where samples were collected at home for three consecutive days to that of Haemoccult performed using a single stool specimen collected via a digital rectal examination examination (DRE). Sensitivity was reported as very low for both tests, but was slightly better with the home test (Home: 9.7%, DRE: 4.1%), and specificity was slightly better in the DRE test (Home: 93.9%, DRE: 97.5%).97 The main results are presented in figures 11 and 12, and all results are presented in table 1.



Haemoccult – not rehydrated

Allison (1990)64 Bang (1986)65 Foley (1992)67 Rasmussen (1999)113 Sung (2003)80

Haemoccult –rehydrated Collins (2005)97 Foley (1992)67 Lieberman (2001)70

Figure 11a: The sensitivity of guaiac FOBTs for the detection of all adenomas as reported in diagnostic cohort studies


Haemoccult – not rehydrated

Allison (1990)64 Bang (1986)65 Foley (1992)67 Rasmussen (1999)113 Sung (2003)80

Haemoccult –rehydrated Collins (2005)97 Foley (1992)67 Lieberman (2001)70

Figure 11b: The specificity of guaiac FOBTs for the detection of all adenomas as reported in diagnostic cohort studies


Sensitivity 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0











1-Specificity Figure 12: The detection of all adenomas using Haemoccult based on the results of diagnostic cohort studies

4.2.5 Diagnosis of adenomas 1cm or larger using guaiac FOBTs Seven diagnostic cohorts evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of guaiac FOBTs for the detection of adenomas of 1cm or larger. Six evaluated Haemoccult8, 65, 67, 93, 97, 113 and two Haemoccult Sensa.5, 8 There were no diagnostic case-control studies. The reference standards used for people with a positive FOBT included colonoscopy,5, 97 colonoscopy and barium enema (in some or all participants),113 colonoscopy or barium enema,65 colonoscopy and follow-up,8 or sigmoidoscopy.67, 93 The reference standards used for people with a negative FOBT included colonoscopy,97 sigmoidoscopy,65, 67, 93, 113 flexible colonoscopy,5 referral to the cancer registry and follow-up.8 Only three studies recruited an appropriate patient spectrum.8, 67, 97 There was statistically significant heterogeneity (Cochrane Q75%) between studies evaluating Haemoccult, therefore pooling was not undertaken. The sensitivity of Haemoccult for the detection of adenomas of 1cm in size or greater (though still low) appeared better than that for all adenomas when three consecutive stool samples were examined. Sensitivity ranged from 15.7% (specificity 98.1%) to 33.3% (specificity 94.5%). Specificity ranged from 90.0% (sensitivity 27.6%) to 99.9% (sensitivity 21.3%).8, 65, 67, 93, 97, 113 Two studies evaluated rehydrated Haemoccult slides, and reported sensitivities of 27.6% (specificity 90.9%)67 and 21.0% (specificity 93.8%).97 Sensitivity ranged from 15.7% (specificity 98.1%) to 33.3% (specificity 94.5%) and specificity from 94.5% (sensitivity 33.3%) to 99.9% (sensitivity 21.3%) for Haemoccult slides that had not been rehydrated.8, 65, 67, 93, 113 One study compared the accuracy of Haemoccult tests where samples were collected at home for three consecutive days to that of Haemoccult performed using a single stool specimen collected via a digital rectal examination. This study reported that sensitivity was better with the home test (Home: 21.0%, DRE: 4.4%), and specificity was better in the DRE test (Home: 93.8%, DRE: 97.0%).97 Haemoccult Sensa was evaluated in two studies, both of which reported this test to be more sensitive, but less specific than Haemoccult. Sensitivity was reported as 68.4% (specificity 87.5%)8 and 41.3% (specificity 90.6%).5 The main results are presented in figure 13 and 14, and all results are presented in table 1.



Haemoccult – not rehydrated Bang (1986)65

Bennett (1996)93 Foley (1992)67 Allison (1996)8 Rasmussen (1999)113

Haemoccult–rehydrated 67

Foley (1992)

Collins (2005)97

Allison (1996)8

Haemoccult Sensa

Allison (2002)5


Haemoccult – not rehydrated Bang (1986)65

Bennett (1996)93 Foley (1992)67 Allison (1996)8 Rasmussen (1999)113

Haemoccult–rehydrated Foley (1992)67 Collins (2005)97

Haemoccult Sensa 8

Allison (1996)

Allison (2002)5

Figure 13: The sensitivity and specificity of guaiac FOBTs for the detection of all adenomas as reported in diagnostic case-control studies


Sensitivity 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0




0.4 0.5 1-Specificity




Figure 14: The detection of adenomas of 1cm or larger using Haemoccult ( Sensa ( ), based on the results of diagnostic cohort studies




) and Haemoccult

Table 1: Results of studies that evaluated guaiac FOBTs Reference standard* Study ID All neoplasms Allison (1990)



Bang (1986)

+ve/ case

Index test†

Study design

HO-NR-3 days


C or BE/CR

HO-NR-3 days


C or BE

-ve/ control







(95% CI)

(95% CI)

LR+ (95% CI)

LR(95% CI)

DOR (95% CI)





1300 7


























19.3 (15.2, 24.0) 6.2 (3.5, 10.1) 14.7 (7.7, 24.6) 14.4 (8.0, 23.1) 14.4 (9.5, 20.6) 45.5 (33.1, 58.2) 41.0 (29.2, 53.7) 8.9 (5.8, 13.0) 15.3 (5.5, 31.2) 19.3 (13.4, 26.4) 11.3 (9.4, 13.5) 4.3 (3.1, 5.7) 10.2 (8.7, 11.9) 50.0 (38.0, 62.0) 71.3 (56.5, 84.0) 65.2 (58.4, 71.7) 43.1 (34.6, 51.8) 72.2 (65.4, 78.6) 83.3 (62.1, 96.8) 47.4 (39.3, 55.6)

99.0 (98.9, 99.2) 98.0 (97.1, 98.7) 94.9 (92.0, 96.9) 90.5 (86.9, 93.3) 92.8 (90.6, 94.6) 94.0 (90.6, 96.5) 92.8 (89.2, 95.5) 98.3 (97.6, 98.9) 88.5 (83.2, 92.6) 79.5 (74.9, 83.6) 93.9 (92.6, 95.0) 97.5 (96.6, 98.2) 93.6 (92.2, 94.8) 50.0 (42.2, 57.8) 66.2 (48.2, 82.0) 99.0 (96.3, 100) 90.7 (89.9, 91.5) 99.0 (92.9, 100) 98.4 (97.3, 99.2) 98.3 (96.1, 99.6)

20.21 (15.27, 26.74) 3.15 (1.67, 5.95) 2.87 (1.43, 5.74) 1.51 (0.84, 2.72) 1.99 (1.27, 3.13) 7.59 (4.46, 12.92) 5.71 (3.44, 9.47) 5.30 (3.16, 8.90) 1.33 (0.56, 3.15) 0.94 (0.64, 1.38) 1.85 (1.43, 2.39) 1.72 (1.13, 2.61) 1.60 (1.25, 2.06) 1.00 (0.76, 1.32) 2.11 (1.27, 3.49) 65.60 (13.31, 323.43) 4.65 (3.77, 5.72) 73.67 (4.66, 1163.50) 51.40 (28.72, 92.00) 27.19 (10.72, 68.96)

0.81 (0.77, 2.32) 0.96 (0.93, 2.35) 0.90 (0.82, 0.99) 0.95 (0.87, 1.04) 0.92 (0.87, 2.29) 0.58 (0.47, 0.73) 0.64 (0.52, 0.78) 0.93 (0.89, 0.96) 0.96 (0.83, 1.11) 1.02 (0.92, 1.12) 0.94 (0.92, 2.36) 0.98 (0.97, 2.37) 0.96 (0.94, 0.98) 1.00 (0.76, 1.32) 0.43 (0.26, 0.72) 0.35 (0.29, 0.42) 0.63 (0.54, 0.73) 0.28 (0.22, 0.35) 0.17 (0.07, 0.44) 0.54 (0.46, 0.62)

24.81 (17.95, 34.28) 3.30 (1.70, 6.41) 3.19 (1.46, 6.97) 1.59 (0.81, 3.14) 2.16 (1.29, 3.61) 13.09 (6.57, 26.08) 8.98 (4.63, 17.42) 5.72 (3.30, 9.93) 1.39 (0.51, 3.81) 0.93 (0.58, 1.50) 1.96 (1.48, 2.59) 1.75 (1.14, 2.70) 1.67 (1.27, 2.20) 1.00 (0.58, 1.73) 4.86 (1.88, 12.56) 186.45 (36.42, 954.54) 7.41 (5.23, 10.50) 262.60 (15.91, 4334.10) 303.40 (84.65, 1087.40) 50.80 (18.99, 135.90)

HO-NR-3 days Foley (1992)


HO-R-3 days




HO-NR and R3 days Parikh (2001)

HO-NR-3 days





HO-NR-1 DRE Rasmussen 113 (1999)

HO-NR-3 days









HO-NR-3 days









HO-NR-3 days








HO-R-3 days























Ribet (1980)

Sung (2003)


Collins (2005)


Lieberman (2001) Bhattacharya 81 (1997)








C and/ or BE











HO Sensa








HO Sensa
























HO-NS-3 days


HO-NS-3 days

St John (1992) 5


St John (1993) Klug (1983)

Casecontrol Casecontrol Casecontrol


Miyoshi (1992)

Allison (2002)

HO-R-3 days



Lampe (1982)


Reference standard* Study ID Miyoshi (1992)


Matsuse (1989) Miyoshi (1988)



Index test†

Study design

+ve/ case

-ve/ control C and/or BE C and/or BE







(95% CI)

(95% CI)

LR+ (95% CI)

LR(95% CI)

DOR (95% CI)





73.4 (58.9, 85.7)

60.3 (42.1, 77.1)

1.85 (1.18, 2.90)

0.44 (0.26, 0.76)

4.19 (1.63, 10.77)





59.1 (43.2, 73.7)

71.7 (56.5, 84.0)

2.09 (1.24, 3.52)

0.57 (0.38, 0.85)

3.67 (1.52, 8.83)

61.4 (45.5, 75.6)

71.4 (51.3, 86.8)

2.15 (1.14, 4.04)

0.54 (0.35, 0.84)

3.97 (1.43, 11.01)

25.0 (16.0, 35.3) 37.5 (21.5, 55.1) 26.9 (5.5, 57.2) 44.2 (25.0, 64.9) 59.3 (43.3, 74.4) 37.5 (2.8, 87.7) 50.0 (9.4, 90.6) 38.9 (8.5, 75.5) 57.9 (51.2, 64.5) 86.8 (65.3, 98.6) 38.6 (22.2, 56.4) 57.7 (27.7, 84.8) 30.0 (0.6, 80.6)

98.7 (98.5, 98.9) 97.7 (97.3, 98.0) 97.6 (96.7, 98.3) 98.5 (98.0, 98.9) 97.8 (97.6, 98.0) 93.4 (90.7, 95.6) 89.9 (86.7, 92.6) 91.7 (89.7, 93.5) 97.3 (97.4, 97.2) 97.8 (97.6, 98.1) 96.0 (95.1, 96.8) 97.8 (97.1, 98.4) 80.0 (76.3, 83.5)

96.2 (73.5, 100)

99.2 (98.9, 99.4)

53.0 (45.8, 60.1) 27.1 (10.2, 48.4)

85.6 (77.6, 92.1) 95.6 (94.0, 96.9)

19.85 (13.37, 29.49) 16.24 (10.40, 25.34) 11.09 (4.28, 28.75) 29.34 (17.39, 49.48) 26.99 (20.61, 35.35) 5.71 (1.54, 21.25) 4.96 (1.98, 12.43) 4.68 (2.01, 10.94) 21.72 (19.28, 24.49) 40.12 (32.39, 49.69) 9.63 (6.05, 15.33) 25.83 (15.00, 44.50) 1.50 (0.39, 5.78) 120.20 (87.70, 164.76) 3.69 (2.25, 6.05) 6.13 (2.95, 12.73)

Shionogi B














CRC Allison (1990)


HO-NR-3 days


C or BE





1321 2

Allison (1996)


HO-NR-3 days








HO-NR-3 days


C or BE






Bennett (1996)









Castiglione 94 (1991)

HO-NR-3 days







1462 2













185 5



Bang (1986)


HO-NR-3 days Foley (1992)



HO-R-3 days HO-NR and combined




Launoy (1997)





13 1

Michalek 100 (1988)

HO-NR-3 days







Niv (2002)

HO-NR-3 days








Rasmussen 113 (1999)

HO-NR-3 days








Sung (2003)

HO-NR-3 days








Winawer 106 (1980)

HO-NR-3 days







Nakama (1994)

HO-NR-1 day




10 6




Brevinge 107 (1997)

HO-R-3 days












6772 9 1123 1


0.76 (0.67, 0.86) 0.64 (0.50, 0.82) 0.75 (0.54, 1.04) 0.57 (0.40, 0.80) 0.42 (0.29, 0.60) 0.67 (0.31, 1.43) 0.56 (0.23, 1.34) 0.67 (0.40, 1.12) 0.43 (0.37, 0.50) 0.13 (0.04, 0.43) 0.64 (0.49, 0.83) 0.43 (0.23, 0.82) 0.88 (0.49, 1.56) 0.04 (0, 0.59) 0.55 (0.46, 0.65) 0.76 (0.60, 0.97)

26.14 (15.68, 43.58) 25.38 (12.73, 50.61) 14.80 (4.16, 52.72) 51.81 (22.59, 118.79) 64.86 (34.96, 120.35) 8.54 (1.09, 66.95) 8.91 (1.50, 52.85) 7.03 (1.80, 27.42) 50.26 (38.46, 65.68) 298.30 (78.41, 1134.80) 15.05 (7.38, 30.70) 59.70 (19.15, 186.15) 1.71 (0.25, 11.74) 3100.29 (180.70, 53191.90) 6.72 (3.61, 12.51) 8.03 (3.07, 21.00)

Reference standard* Study ID

Index test†

Study design

+ve/ case

-ve/ control

HO-R-3 days


Collins (2005)



HO-R-3 days HO-R-3 days

Cohort Cohort



HO-NS-2 days



















18 3

704 7


8995 3















HO-NS-1 day Kikkawa (1987)



HO-R-1 DRE Lieberman 70 (2001) Mandel 110 (1989)



HO-NS-3 days



(95% CI)

(95% CI)

LR+ (95% CI)

34.1 (22.8, 46.3) 8.0 (2.4, 16.3) 50.0 (29.1, 70.9) 89.1 (84.2, 93.2)

92.6 (91.5, 93.6) 96.9 (96.2, 97.6) 92.1 (91.0, 93.0) 92.7 (92.9, 92.6)

4.60 (3.22, 6.56) 2.60 (1.14, 5.98) 6.29 (4.17, 9.49) 12.26 (11.63, 12.93)

83.3 (65.3, 94.4)

90.0 (73.5, 97.9)

8.33 (2.82, 24.67)

93.3 (77.9, 99.2) 95.2 (82.8, 99.9) 78.6 (62.1, 91.3) 63.3 (35.1, 87.2) 62.2 (50.6, 73.1) 26.8 (11.1, 46.3)

83.3 (65.3, 94.4) 72.6 (54.1, 87.7) 86.7 (85.9, 87.5) 90.1 (89.3, 90.8) 95.5 (95.3, 95.8) 94.1 (93.3, 94.9)

LR(95% CI)

DOR (95% CI)

5.60 (2.50, 12.536) 3.47 (1.95, 6.19) 5.91 (4.93, 7.09) 6.37 (4.30, 9.43) 13.93 (11.59, 16.73) 4.55 (2.43, 8.52)

0.71 (0.60, 0.84) 0.95 (0.89, 1.02) 0.54 (0.37, 0.80) 0.12 (0.08, 0.17) 0.19 (0.08, 0.416) 0.08 (0.02, 0.31) 0.07 (0.01, 0.32) 0.25 (0.13, 0.47) 0.41 (0.21, 0.79) 0.40 (0.30, 0.53) 0.78 (0.62, 0.97)

6.45 (3.84, 10.85) 2.74 (1.12, 6.74) 11.58 (5.23, 25.66) 104.10 (67.15, 161.38)

70.00 (12.46, 393.36) 52.06 (8.43, 321.43) 23.91 (10.64, 53.75) 15.64 (5.45, 44.85) 35.18 (22.16, 55.84) 5.85 (2.50, 13.66)

45.00 (9.73, 208.08)

Allison (1996)


HO Sensa





104 6

Allison (2002)


HO Sensa








HO Sensa







2112 9

Shionogi B












81.7 (69.6, 90.5)

63.3 (43.9, 80.1)

2.23 (1.37, 3.62)

0.29 (0.16, 0.53)

7.69 (2.86, 20.70)





69.7 (56.8, 81.2)

79.0 (61.4, 92.3)

3.32 (1.65, 6.71)

0.38 (0.25, 0.59)

8.66 (3.11, 24.08)





75.0 (53.3, 90.2)

95.0 (75.1, 99.9)

15.00 (2.19, 102.75)

0.26 (0.31, 0.53)

57.00 (6.23, 521.15)




70.0 (48.9, 87.4)

97.6 (83.2, 100)

29.40 (1.88, 460.18)

0.31 (0.17, 0.56)

95.67 (5.09, 1796.9)

Rennert 105 (2001) Murakami 72 (1992)

Takesh*ta 4 (1985)

Takesh*ta 3 (1982)

Shionogi B ‘quasipositives’ classified as positive Shionogi B ‘quasipositives’ classified as negative Shionogi B ‘quasipositives’ classified as positive Shionogi B ‘quasipositives’ classified as negative








All adenomas Allison (1990)64

HO-NR-3 days








Bang (1986)65

HO-NR-3 days


C or BE


















HO-NR-3 days Foley (1992)


HO-R-3 days




HO- NR and R -3 days Rasmussen (1999)113 Sung (2003)


HO-NR-3 days








HO-NR-3 days














C 38




HO-R-3 days Collins (2005)97 HO-R-1 DRE 70

Lieberman (2001)

HO-R-3 days








Bang (1986)65

HO-NR-3 days


C or BE






Bennett (1996)93





















17.5 (12.8, 22.6) 5.2 (2.5, 8.8) 14.0 (7.1, 23.9) 12.9 (6.7, 21.7) 13.2 (8.2, 19.1) 6.5 (3.7, 10.1) 19.1 (13.0, 26.2) 9.7 (7.9, 11.7) 4.1 (2.9, 5.5) 9.5 (8.0, 11.1)

98.9 (98.7, 99.1) 98.0 (97.1, 98.8) 94.9 (92.0, 96.9) 90.5 (86.9, 93.3) 92.8 (90.7, 94.6) 98.3 (97.7, 98.9) 79.7 (75.2, 83.8) 93.9 (92.6, 95.0) 97.5 (96.7, 98.2) 93.6 (92.3, 94.9)

15.76 (11.51, 21.58) 2.64 (1.33, 5.24) 2.72 (1.33, 5.57) 1.36 (0.72, 2.55) 1.82 (1.13, 2.92) 3.90 (2.18, 6.97) 0.94 (0.64, 1.39) 1.59 (1.21, 2.08) 1.63 (1.06, 2.51) 1.49 (1.15, 1.92)

0.83 (0.79, 0.88) 0.97 (0.94, 1.00) 0.91 (0.83, 1.00) 0.96 (0.88, 1.05) 0.94 (0.88, 1.00) 0.95 (0.92, 0.98) 1.01 (0.92, 1.12) 0.96 (0.94, 0.99) 0.98 (0.97, 1.00) 0.97 (0.95, 0.99)

18.89 (13.11, 27.22) 2.73 (1.33, 5.58) 3.01 (1.35, 6.71) 1.41 (0.69, 2.88) 1.95 (1.14, 3.32) 4.10 (2.23, 7.56) 0.93 (0.57, 1.50) 1.65 (1.23, 2.21) 1.66 (1.06, 2.59) 1.54 (1.17, 2.03)

15.7 (6.7, 27.6) 21.3 (15.7, 27.8) 33.3 (11.8, 61.6) 27.6 (10.7, 50.2) 30.3 (15.9, 47.0) 31.0 (22.3, 40.5) 17.1 (8.9, 27.3) 21.0 (15.6, 26.9) 4.4 (1.9, 7.8) 68.4 (58.8, 77.3) 41.3 (32.6, 50.4)

98.0 (97.2, 98.7) 99.9 (99.6, 100) 94.5 (91.9, 96.5) 90.9 (90.6, 96.5) 92.6 (90.7, 94.4) 98.1 (97.8, 98.4) 98.3 (97.6, 98.8) 93.8 (92.8, 94.8) 97.0 (96.3, 97.7) 87.5 (86.7, 88.2) 90.6 (89.8, 91.4)

8.06 (3.93, 16.56) 164.19 (55.65, 484.47) 6.06 (2.67, 13.74) 2.99 (1.42, 6.32) 4.11 (2.40, 7.05) 16.12 (11.68, 22.24) 9.91 (5.44, 18.08) 3.39 (2.50, 4.58) 1.48 (0.76, 2.87) 5.45 (4.73, 6.28) 4.40 (3.53, 5.50)

0.86 (0.77, 0.97) 0.79 (0.73, 0.85) 0.71 (0.50, 1.01) 0.80 (0.62, 1.04) 0.75 (0.61, 0.93) 0.70 (0.62, 0.80) 0.84 (0.76, 0.94) 0.84 (0.79, 0.90) 0.99 (0.96, 1.02) 0.36 (0.27, 0.48) 0.65 (0.56, 0.75)

9.38 (4.12, 21.39) 208.40 (69.07, 628.79) 8.59 (2.71, 27.20) 3.74 (1.38, 10.12) 5.47 (2.61, 11.45) 22.92 (14.79, 35.51) 11.75 (5.88, 23.52) 4.02 (2.79, 5.80) 1.50 (0.75, 3.00) 15.08 (9.96, 22.84) 6.80 (4.73, 9.79)

Adenomas >1cm

HO-NR-3 days Foley (1992)67

HO-R-3 days




HO-NR and R combined Allison (1996)


Rasmussen (1999)113

HO-NR-3 days








HO-NR-3 days














C 9




HO-R-3 days Collins (2005)97 HO-R-1 DRE Allison (1996)8

HO Sensa









HO Sensa








Allison (2002)

LR+: Positive likelihood ratio; LR-: negative likelihood ratio; DOR: diagnostic odds ratio. †Indext test: HO: Haemoccult, NR: Not rehydrated, R: rehydrated, NS: rehydration status not specified, 3 days: sampling on three consecutive stool, 1 DRE: sampling from a single digital rectal examination. *Reference standards include C: colonoscopy, BE: barium enema, S: sigmoidoscopy, FU: follow-up, CR: referral to a cancer registry, RS: resecreening, ULTE: upper and lower tract endoscopy, Q: questionnaire, GP: contact with the general practitioner, singly or in combination, or NR: not reported.


4.3 Immunochemical FOBTs Twenty immunochemical FOBTs were evaluated in the included studies, Checkmate Hemo, FecaEIA, Hemo-EIA, Stick-EIA, FlexSure, HemeSelect, Immudia HemSp, Imdia HemSp, Magstream HemSp, RPHA, Iatro Hemcheck, LA Hemochaser, MonoHaem, OC Hemodia, OC Hemocatch, OC Light, LAT, HB Latex, Ouchterlony and the SPA test. HemeSelect, Immudia HemSp, Imdia HemSp, Magstream HemSp, and RPHA were grouped together, and are referred to as Immudia HemSp. OC Hemodia, OC Hemocatch, OC Light, LAT and HB Latex were grouped together and are refered to as OC Light. One study reported the results for three Elisa immune-essay (EIA) FOBTs, Feca-EIA, Hemo-EIA and Stick-EIA.1 As Feca-EIA was utilised in the other studies evaluating this type of FOBT, the Feca-EIA results were used for comparison in the ROC and forest plots, with the results for the other EIA-FOBTs presented in the table and discussed in the text. The number of participants ranged from 44 to 62,611. The proportion of males was not reported in 21 studies, but where reported, it ranged from 40.8% to 86.1%. Twenty eight studies did not report a mean age of the participants. Of those that did, the mean age ranged from 47 to 53 years. Where a mean age was not reported, only nine studies reported the age range of the participants. The youngest participants included were 13 years in the control group of a diagnostic case control trial, and 30 years in a diagnostic cohort study. The oldest participants were were 89 years in the case group of a diagnostic case control trial, and 80+ years in a diagnostic cohort study.

4.3.1 Quality Of the 35 included studies that evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of immunochemical FOBTs, 6 were diagnostic cohorts,66, 71, 73-76 18 diagnostic case-control studies,1-4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 42, 82, 85-92 and 11 were either screening trials or RCTs from which cohorts were derived.5, 8, 46, 95, 96, 98, 99, 101-103,108 Figure 15 shows the proportion of studies that answered “yes”, “no” or “unclear” to each of the 13 QUADAS items. Seventy two percent of studies fulfilled the criteria for avoidance of partial verification bias and 58% for avoidance of differential verification bias. Only 3% of studies reported sufficient details on clinical review bias, and diagnostic review bias was avoided in 44% of studies and test review bias in 14%. Twenty seven percent of studies included an appropriate spectrum of patients, and 36% adequately described the selection criteria. Twenty eight percent reported sufficient details on how the reference standard was performed, and 47% on how the index test was performed, to permit replication. Study withdrawals and handling of uninterpretable results were reported in less than 75% and 81% of studies, respectively. The reference standards used, where reported, varied considerably across the studies, with colonoscopy, barium enema, or sigmoidoscopy used individually or in combination for people with a positive FOBT or cases, and colonoscopy (with or without upper gastrointestinal endoscopy), barium enema, sigmoidoscopy cancer registry, follow-up, health insurance claims, or re-screening individuall or in combination for people with a negative FOBT or controls. 1. Spectrum composition 2. Selection criteria 3a. Appropriate reference standard - positive FOBT/cases? 3b. Appropriate reference standard - negative FOBT/controls? 4. Partial verification bias 5. Differential verification bias Yes No Unclear

6a. Index test execution details 6b Reference execution details 7. Test review bias 8a. Diagnostic review bias 8b. Clinical review bias 9. Uninterpretable/intermediate results 10. Withdrawals 0%











Figure 15: Proportion of immunochemical FOBT studies rated as yes, no, or unclear for each of the QUADAS items 36

4.3.2 Diagnosis of all neoplasms using immunochemical FOBTs Six diagnostic cohort studies evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms. Two evaluated Flexsure,5, 108 two OC Light,71, 96 one Immudia HemSp,73 and one the SPA test.46 The reference standards used for people with a positive FOBT included colonoscopy,5, 71, 73, 96, 108 or sigmoidoscopy.46 The reference standards used for people with a negative FOBT included colonoscopy,71, 73, 96 flexible colonoscopy,5 or sigmoidoscopy.46, 108 Four cohort studies recruited an appropriate patient spectrum.71, 73, 96, 108 Two studies did not name the immunochemical FOBT used and therefore results are presented in the tables, but not included in the synthesis.66, 101 The study evaluating Immudia Hemsp reported the highest sensitivity of these studies, 62.6% (specificity 94.3%).73 The two studies evaluating Flexsure reported sensitivities of 33.2% (specificity 97.5%)5 and 14.3% (specificity 96.3%).108 The two studies evaluating OC Light reported sensitivities of 5.4% (specificity 98.5%)71 and 18.4% (specificity 91.6%).96 The SPA test was reported as having a sensitivity of 30.3% and the lowest specificity of the studies in this group, 89.4%.46 The main results are presented in figures 16 and 17, and all results are presented in table 2.


Flexsure 5

Allison (2002)

Gondal (2003)108

Immudia HemSp Nakama (2001)73

OC Light Liu (2003)71 Cheng (2002)96

SPA Test Zhou (1993)46

Figure 16a: The sensitivity of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms as reported in diagnostic cohort studies

Specificity Flexsure Allison (2002)5 Gondal (2003)108

Immudia HemSp 73

Nakama (2001)

OC Light Liu (2003)71 Cheng (2002)96

SPA Test Zhou (1993)46

Figure 16b: The specificity of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms as reported in diagnostic cohort studies


Sensitivity 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0




0.4 0.5 0.6 1-Specificity





Figure 17: The detection of all neoplasms using Flexsure ( ), OC Light ( ), Immudia HemSp ( ), and the SPA test ( ), based on the results of the diagnostic cohort studies

Eleven diagnostic case-control studies evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms. Four evaluated EIA-FOBTs,1, 2, 9, 88 five Immudia HemSp,1, 2, 10, 91, 92 five OC Light,1, 2, 86, 88, 89 two MonoHaem,1, 82 one Iatro Hemcheck,89 one LA Hemochaser2 and one the SPA test.46 The reference standards used to diagnose disease in cases included colonoscopy,9, 10, 86 colonoscopy and barium enema,2, 82, 88 or sigmoidoscopy.46 The reference standards used to verify the disease-free status of controls included colonoscopy,86 colonoscopy and/or barium enema,2, 9, 82, 88 or sigmoidoscopy.46 The reference standard was not reported for either cases or controls in four studies,1, 89, 91, 92 and was reported for cases only in one study.10 No diagnostic case control study was deemed to have an appropriate patient spectrum. There was statistically significant between study heterogeneity (Cochrane Q75%) in all test groups, therefore pooling was not undertaken. Overall, the sensitivity of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms ranged from 25.6% (MonoHaem, specificity 98.3%) to 97.7% (Immudia HemSp, specificity 98.8%), and specificity from 77.0% (Immudia HemSp, sensitivity 54.7%) to 99.0% (Immudia HemSp, sensitivity 80.2% and 87.5%). Immudia HemSp appeared to be the most accurate test in this group, with sensitivity ranging from 43.3% (specificity 79.2%) to 97.7% (specificity 98.8%) and specificity from 77.0% (sensitivity 54.7%) to 99.0% (sensitivity 80.2% and 87.5%). The sensitivity of the EIA-FOBTs ranged from 32.2% (Feca-EIA, specificity 91.4%) to 72.2% (Stick-EIA, specificity 91.9%) and specificity ranged from 81.9% (Feca-EIA, sensitivity 65.6%) to 98.3% (Hemo-EIA, sensitivity 54.4%). The accuracy of OC Light was similar to that of Feca-EIA, with sensitivity ranging from 38.9% (specificity 96.8%) to 68.9% (specificity 94.6%) and specificity ranging from 93.9% (sensitivity 63.7%) to 98.3% (sensitivity 41.1%). One study evaluated both Feca-EIA and OC Light,88 and another evaluated Iatro Hemcheck and OC Light,89 for the detection of all neoplasms. Both studies reported that OC Light was more sensitive (68.9% vs 46.2%88 and 63.7% vs 56.8%89), with specificities being similar. One study evaluated four immunochemical FOBTs, Feca-EIA, Immudia HemSp, LA Hemochaser and OC Light.2 Of these LA Hemochaser was the most sensitivie (76.7%), followed by Feca-EIA (65.6%), Immudia HemSp (54.7%) and OC Light (38.9%). Specificity was highest for OC Light (96.8%), followed by LA Hemochaser (94.7%), Feca-EIA (81.9%) and Immudia HemSp (77.0%). A study that evaluated three EIA-FOBTs (Feca-EIA, Hemo-EIA and Stick-EIA), also evaluated Immudia HemSp, MonoHaem and OC Light.1 The FOBT with the highest sensitivity was Stick-EIA (72.2%), followed by Hemo-EIA (54.4%), Immudia-HemSp (43.3%), OC Light (41.1%), Feca-EIA (32.2%) and MonoHaem (25.6%).


Three FOBTs, Hemo-EIA, MonoHaem and OC Light, had the same specificity (98.3%) followed by Stick-EIA (91.9%), Feca-EIA (91.4%) and Immudia HemSp (79.2%). The main results are presented in figures 18 and 19, and all results are presented in table 2.

Sensitivity Matsuse (1989)2


Miyoshi (1992)9 Miyoshi (1988)1 Tada (1986)88

Immudia HemSp Matsuse (1989)2 Miyoshi (1988)1 St John (1993)10 Zhou (1987)91 Zhu (1988)92

Iatro Hemcheck Tada (1988)89

Matsuse (1989)2

Miyoshi (1988)1

LA Hemochaser


Kawai (1987)82

OC Light 2

Matsuse (1989)

Miyoshi (1988)1 Nakama (1997)86 Tada (1988)89 Tada (1986)88

SPA Test Zhou (1993)46

Figure 18a: The sensitivity of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms as reported in diagnostic case-control studies


Specificity Matsuse (1989)2


Miyoshi (1992)9 Miyoshi (1988)1 Tada (1986)88

Immudia HemSp Matsuse (1989)2 Miyoshi (1988)1 St John (1993)10 Zhou (1987)91 Zhu (1988)92

Iatro Hemcheck Tada (1988)89

LA Hemochaser Matsuse (1989)2

MonoHaem 1

Miyoshi (1988)

Kawai (1987)82 Matsuse (1989)2

OC Light

Miyoshi (1988)1 Nakama (1997)86 Tada (1988)89 Tada (1986)88

SPA Test Zhou (1993)46

Figure 18b: The specificity of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms as reported in diagnostic case-control studies


Sensitivity 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0





0.5 0.6 1-Specificity





Figure 19: The detection of all neoplasms using Feca-EIA ( ), OC Light ( ), Immudia HemSp ( ), Iatro Hemcheck ( ), LA Hemochaser ( ), MonoHaem ( ), and the SPA test ( ), based on the results of the diagnostic case-control studies

4.3.3 Diagnosis of colorectal cancer using immunochemical FOBTs Fifteen diagnostic cohorts evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of CRC. Two evaluated Flexsure,5, 108 four Immudia HemSp,8, 73, 95, 103 one Iatro Hemcheck,74 three MonoHaem,75, 76, 102 four OC Light71, 96, 98, 99 and one SPA test.46 The reference standards used for people with a positive FOBT included colonoscopy,5, 71, 73-76, 96, 98, 103, 108 colonoscopy, with barium enema in 2% of people,102 colonoscopy and follow-up,8 or sigmoidoscopy,46, 95, 99 The reference standards used for people with a negative FOBT included colonoscopy,71, 73-76, 96, 103 flexible colonoscopy,5 sigmoidoscopy,46, 99, 108 registry and follow-up,8, 102 follow-up,95 or health insurance claims.98 Eight studies recruited an appropriate patient spectrum.8, 71, 73, 74, 95, 96, 98, 108 There was statistically significant between study heterogeneity (Cochrane Q75%) in all test groups, therefore pooling was not undertaken. Overall, the sensitivity for the detection of CRC ranged from 1.7% (Flexsure, specificity 94.6%) to 98.0% (MonoHaem, specificity 95.6%), and specificity from 88.8% (SPA Test, sensitivity 50.0%) to 99.9% (MonoHaem, sensitivity 6.7%). Iatro HemCheck seemed to be one of the most accurate immunochemical FOBTs, but was evaluated in only one study that reported a sensitivity of 82.0% and specificity of 95.7%.74 The sensitivities of both Flexsure and OC Light varied widely, ranging from 1.7% to 79.2% and 23.7% to 86.1%, respectively. Although the highest sensitivities reported for Immudia HemSp were generally lower than those for other tests, the results were more consistent, with the range of sensitivities being narrower, between 42.1% and 68.2%. The reported specificities of all the FOBTs in this section were similar. One study compared the accuracy of OC light and FecaEIA when one, two and three stools were tested.6 This study reported an increase in sensitivity with the number of stools tested for both FOBTs. Sensitivity ranged from 85.5% (specificity 88.7%) for OC Light and 66.7% (specificity 86.7%) for Feca-EIA when one stool was tested, to 93.3% (specificity 83.3%) for OC Light and 82.3% (specificity 79.0%) for Feca-EIA when three were tested.6 The main results are presented in figures 20 and 21, and all results are presented in table 2.




Allison (2002)5 Gondal (2003)108 Allison (1996)8

Immudia HemSp

Chen (1997)95 Nakama (2001)73 Okamoto (1997)103

Iatro Hemcheck Nakama (2000)74 Nakama (2000)75


Nakama (2000)76 Nakama (1996)102

OC Light Cheng (2002)96 Itoh (1996)98 Kim (1998)99 Liu (2003)71

SPA Test 46

Zhou (1993)



Allison (2002)5 Gondal (2003)108 Allison (1996)8

Immudia HemSp

Chen (1997)95 Nakama (2001)73 Okamoto (1997)103 Nakama (2000)74

Iatro Hemcheck

Nakama (2000)75



Nakama (2000)

Nakama (1996)102 Cheng (2002)96

OC Light

Itoh (1996)98 Kim (1998)99 Liu (2003)71 Zhou (1993)46

SPA Test

Figure 20: The sensitivity and specificity of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of CRC as reported in diagnostic cohort studies


Sensitivity 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0











1-Specificity Figure 21: The detection of colorectal cancers using Flexsure ( ), OC Light ( ), Immudia HemSp ( ), Iatro Hemcheck ( ), MonoHaem ( ), and the SPA test ( ), based on the results of the diagnostic cohort studies

Six diagnostic case-control studies evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of CRC. One evaluated Feca-EIA,6 one Iatro Hemcheck,90 one MonoHaem,7 two OC Light6, 87 and two Ouchterlony.3, 4 The reference standards used to diagnose disease in cases included colonoscopy87, 90, or colonoscopy and barium enema.7 The reference standard used to verify the disease-free status of controls was upper and lower tract endoscopy.7, 87, 90 The reference standard was not reported for either cases or controls in three studies.3, 4, 6 Studies generally reported higher sensitivity and specificity values, for the detection of CRC, than those derived from diagnostic cohort studies. OC Light had sensitivities of 85.5% (specificity 88.7%) and 74.5% (specificity 91.9%), Iatro HemCheck 79.6% (specificity 96.3%), Ouchterlony 78.0% (specificity 97.6%) and 74.6% (specificity 98.4%), Feca-EIA 66.7% (specificity 86.7%), and MonoHaem, with the lowest reported sensitivity, 66.4% (specificity 95.5%). The main results are presented in figures 22 and 23, and all results are presented in table 2.




Kikkawa (1987)6 Iatro Hemcheck Zhang (2002)


MonoHaem Nakama (1994)


Kikkawa (1987)


OC Light Nakama (1996)87 Ouchterlony Takesh*ta (1985)4 Takesh*ta (1982)3

Specificity Feca-EIA Kikkawa (1987)6 Iatro Hemcheck Zhang (2002)


MonoHaem Nakama (1994)


Kikkawa (1987)6

OC Light

Nakama (1996)87 Ouchterlony Takesh*ta (1985)


Takesh*ta (1982)3

Figure 22: The sensitivity and specificity of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of CRC as reported in diagnostic case-control studies


Sensitivity 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0



0.42 0.56 1-Specificity




Figure 23: The detection of colorectal cancers using Feca-EIA ( ), OC Light ( ), Iatro Hemcheck ( ), MonoHaem ( ), and Ouchterlony ( ), based on the results of the diagnostic case-control studies

4.3.4 Diagnosis of all adenomas using immunochemical FOBTs Five diagnostic cohorts evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of all adenomas. One evaluated Flexsure,108 one Immudia HemSp,73 two OC Light71, 96 and one SPA test.46 Three studies used colonoscopy after both a positive and negative FOBT result, 71, 73, 96 one used colonoscopy after a positive FOBT and sigmoidoscopy after a negative result,108 and the fifth used sigmoidoscopy after both positive and negative results.46 Only one study did not recruit an appropriate patient spectrum.46 The accuracy of immunochemical tests for the detection of adenomas varied greatly, with the sensitivities ranging from 4.4% (OC Light, specificity 98.5%) to 63.0% (Immudia HemSp, specificity 94.3%), although specificity was similar for all tests, ranging from 89.4% (SPA Test, sensitivity 28.5%) to 98.5% (OC Light, sensitivity 4.4%). Immudia HemSp was the only FOBT reported to have reasonable accuracy in the detection of adenomas, although this test was evaluated in only one study.73 The main results are presented in figures 24 and 25, and all results are presented in table 2.



Flexsure 108

Gondal (2003)

Nakama (2001)73 Cheng (2002)96

Immudia HemSp OC Light

Liu (2003)71 SPA Test Zhou (1993)



Flexsure Gondal (2003)108 Nakama (2001)73 Cheng (2002)96 Liu (2003)

Immudia HemSp OC Light


Zhou (1993)46

SPA Test

Figure 24: The sensitivity and specificity of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of all adenomas as reported in diagnostic cohort studies Sensitivity

1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0












Figure 25: The detection of all adenomas using Flexsure ( ), Immudia HemSp ( ), OC Light ( ) and the SPA test ( ) based on the results of the diagnostic cohort studies


One diagnostic case-control study evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of OC Light to detect all adenomas.85 This study used colonoscopy to verify disease in the cases and upper and lower tract endoscopy to verify the disease-free status of controls. The reported sensitivity was high, 91.0%, and specificity was 42.8%. The results are presented in table 2.

4.3.5 Diagnosis of adenomas 1cm or larger using immunochemical FOBTs Four diagnostic cohorts evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of adenomas of 1cm or larger. Two evaluated Flexsure5, 108 and two evaluated Immudia HemSp.8, 73 The reference standard used in all studies for people with a positive FOBT was colonoscopy.5, 8, 73, 108 The reference standards used for people with a negative FOBT included colonoscopy,5, 73 sigmoidoscopy,108 or referral to the registry and follow-up.8 Only one study did not recruit an appropriate patient spectrum.5 Both studies evaluating Immudia HemSp reported substantially higher sensitivities (66.5% and 58.5%) than the studies evaluating Flexsure (29.6% and 27.7%). The specificities were similar in all studies, ranging from 93.1% to 97.3%. The main results are presented in figures 26 and 27, and all results are presented in table 2.


Flexsure 5

Allison (2002)

Gondal (2003)108 Immudia HemSp Allison (1996)8 Nakama (2001)73


Flexsure Allison (2002)5 Gondal (2003)108 Immudia HemSp 8

Allison (1996)

Nakama (2001)73

Figure 26: The sensitivity and specificity of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of adenomas >1cm as reported in diagnostic cohort studies



1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0











1-Specificity Figure 27: The detection of adenomas of 1cm or larger using Flexsure ( ) and Immudia HemSp ( ) based on the results for the diagnostic cohort studies

One diagnostic case-control study evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of Immudia HemSp, Iatro Hemcheck, LA Hemochaser, MonoHaem, and OC Light for the detection of adenomas of 1cm or larger.42This study used colonoscopy to verify disease in the cases and upper and lower tract endoscopy to verify the disease-free status of controls. Sensitivity and specificity were similar for all tests studied, with sensitivity ranging from 46.4% (Iatro Hemcheck, specificity 95.0%) to 49.2% (OC Light, specificity 95.4%) and specificity from 95.0% (Iatro Hemcheck, sensitivity 46.4%) to 96.6% (Immudia HemSp, sensitivity 47.6%). The main results are presented in figures 28 and 29, and all results are presented in table 2.


Sensitivity Immudia HemSp Nakama (2000)42 Iatro Hemcheck Nakama (2000)


LA Hemochaser Nakama (2000)42 MonoHaem Nakama (2000)42 OC Light Nakama (2000)42

Specificity Nakama (2000)42

Immudia HemSp

Nakama (2000)42

Iatro Hemcheck

Nakama (2000)42

LA Hemochaser

Nakama (2000)42


Nakama (2000)42

OC Light

Figure 28: The sensitivity and specificity of immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of adenomas of 1cm or larger as reported in the diagnostic case-control study


Sensitivity 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0












Figure 29: The detection of adenomas of 1cm or larger using Immudia HemSp ( ), Iatro Hemcheck ( ), LA Hemochaser ( ), MonoHaem ( ), and OC Light ( ) based on the results of one diagnostic case-control study


Table 2: Results of studies that evaluated immunochemical FOBTs Reference standard* +ve/ -ve/ Study case control design Study ID Index test TP FP All neoplasms Matsuse (1989)



Miyoshi (1992)



Miyoshi (1988)



Miyoshi (1988)



Miyoshi (1988)



Tada (1986)


Allison (2002)



Gondal (2003)


Matsuse (1989) Miyoshi (1988)




St John (1993)

Zhou (1987)

Zhu (1988)




Nakama (2001) Tada (1988)


Matsuse (1989) Miyoshi (1988)



Casecontrol Casecontrol Casecontrol Casecontrol Casecontrol Casecontrol


C and/or BE C and/or BE





























C and/or BE





Sensitivity (95% CI)

Specificity (95% CI)

LR+ (95% CI)

LR(95% CI)

DOR (95% CI)

65.6 (49.9, 79.1) 33.0 (20.0, 48.2) 32.2 (19.1, 47.8)

81.9 (68.0, 91.6) 89.7 (74.4, 97.5) 91.4 (74.9, 98.5)

0.42 (0.28, 0.64) 0.75 (0.59, 0.94) 0.74 (0.59, 0.93)

8.62 (3.29, 22.61) 4.29 (1.21, 15.15) 5.04 (1.19, 21.26)

54.4 (38.9, 69.4)

98.3 (85.0, 100)

0.46 (0.34, 0.64)

68.12 (3.91, 1185.80)

72.2 (56.9, 84.5) 46.2 (33.9, 58.9) 33.2 (24.9, 42.3) 14.3 (12.1, 16.7) 54.7 (38.8, 69.9) 43.3 (28.6, 58.9)

91.9 (76.4, 98.6) 93.1 (87.5, 96.7) 97.5 (97.0, 97.9) 96.2 (95.6, 96.8) 77.0 (6.0, 89.2) 79.2 (62.4, 90.9)

3.62 (1.90, 6.90) 3.20 (1.10, 9.37) 3.74 (1.06, 13.16) 31.58 (2.00, 499.32) 8.96 (2.69, 29.80) 6.71 (3.45, 13.07) 13.02 (9.62, 17.62) 3.81 (3.07, 4.73) 2.38 (1.24, 4.56) 2.08 (1.01, 4.27) 81.76 (5.18, 1290.70) 89.25 (5.63, 1414.6) 78.13 (4.97, 1227.80) 10.97 (9.80, 12.27) 9.25 (4.49, 19.03) 14.41 (4.27, 48.67) 14.82 (0.91, 241.97)

0.30 (0.19, 0.49) 0.58 (0.46, 0.73) 0.69 (0.61, 0.78) 0.89 (0.87, 0.92) 0.59 (0.41, 0.85) 0.72 (0.53, 0.97)

29.64 (6.97, 126.11) 11.62 (5.13, 26.32) 18.99 (12.55, 28.74) 4.28 (3.37, 5.44) 4.04 (1.53, 10.69) 2.91 (1.07, 7.88)

0.20 (0.15, 0.27)

408.04 (24.61, 6766.30)

0.13 (0.04, 0.40)

707.00 (32.24, 15455.1)

















Immudia HemSp Immudia HemSp

Casecontrol Casecontrol


C and/or BE











Immudia HemSp







80.2 (73.8, 85.6)

99.0 (91.2, 100)

Immudia HemSp







87.5 (65.1, 97.9)

99.0 (91.2, 100)

Immudia HemSp







97.7 (90.4, 99.8)

98.8 (88.9, 100)















C and/or BE





62.6 (57.6, 67.5) 56.8 (44.7, 68.4) 76.7 (61.7, 88.0)

94.3 (93.8, 94.7) 93.9 (88.0, 97.4) 94.7 (83.9, 99.1)






25.6 (13.7, 40.7)

98.3 (85.0, 100)

Immudia HemSp Iatro HemCheck LA Hemochaser MonoHaem

Casecontrol Casecontrol Casecontrol


0.40 (0.35, 0.45) 0.46 (0.35, 0.60) 0.25 (0.14, 0.42)

3291.67 (130.82, 82823.40) 27.67 (22.12, 34.62) 20.11 (8.41, 48.10) 58.49 (13.73, 249.13)

0.76 (0.63, 0.91)

19.57 (1.10, 346.89)

0.02 (0.01, 0.12)

Study ID

Index test 82

Kawai (1987) Liu (2003)


Cheng (2002)


Matsuse (1989) Miyoshi (1988)




Nakama (1997)

Study design

Reference standard* +ve/ -ve/ case control








C and/or BE





OC Light








OC Light








OC Light



C and/or BE





OC Light




















C and/or BE





OC Light

Casecontrol Casecontrol Casecontrol

Tada (1988)


Tada (1986)


OC Light

Zhou (1993)


SPA Test









SPA Test





































Zhou (1993)

Chen (2002)

OC Light

Morikawa (2004)


Sensitivity (95% CI)

Specificity (95% CI)

LR+ (95% CI)

LR(95% CI)

DOR (95% CI)

69.7 (60.9, 77.5) 5.4 (3.1, 8.7) 18.4 (15.6, 21.4) 38.9 (24.7, 54.6)

91.7 (86.9, 95.1) 98.5 (97.6, 99.1) 91.6 (90.9, 92.2) 96.8 (87.0, 99.8)

0.33 (0.25, 0.43) 0.96 (0.93, 0.99) 0.89 (0.86, 0.92) 0.63 (0.50, 0.80)

25.29 (13.46, 47.49) 3.74 (1.85, 7.57) 2.46 (2.00, 3.02) 19.30 (3.41, 109.25)

41.1 (26.7, 56.8)

98.3 (85.0, 100)

0.60 (0.47, 0.77)

39.79 (2.28, 693.72)

45.7 (39.7, 51.7) 63.7 (51.6, 74.6) 68.9 (56.4, 79.8) 30.2 (20.5, 41.5) 58.8 (45.0, 71.6) 44.1 (31.2, 57.6) 10.3 (9.4, 11.2)

94.3 (88.8, 97.6) 93.9 (88.0, 97.4) 94.6 (89.4, 97.7) 89.4 (88.1, 90.5) 92.9 (72.8, 99.5) 65.0 (62.9, 67.0) 95.4 (95.1, 95.7)

8.36 (5.20, 13.46) 3.59 (1.82, 7.10) 2.19 (1.84, 2.60) 12.19 (2.42, 61.36) 23.84 (1.49, 380.52) 7.98 (3.94, 16.17) 10.36 (5.07, 21.17) 12.68 (6.21, 25.92) 2.84 (2.00, 4.03) 8.23 (1.73, 39.05) 1.26 (0.94, 1.69) 2.22 (1.99, 2.48)

0.58 (0.51, 0.65) 0.39 (0.28, 0.53) 0.33 (0.23, 0.47) 0.78 (0.68, 0.90) 0.44 (0.32, 0.62) 0.86 (0.69, 1.08) 0.94 (0.93, 0.95)

13.84 (6.38, 30.02) 26.79 (11.12, 64.55) 38.62 (15.67, 95.17) 3.64 (2.23, 5.94) 18.53 (3.25, 105.84) 1.46 (0.87, 2.46) 2.36 (2.10, 2.66)

66.7 (47.2, 82.7) 80.0 (61.4, 92.3) 82.3 (64.4, 93.6) 79.2 (47.1, 96.4) 1.7 (0.9, 2.8) 68.2 (49.7, 83.2) 42.0 (27.3, 57.9) 60.8 (47.9, 72.7)

86.7 (69.3, 96.2) 80.0 (61.4, 92.3) 79.0 (60.7, 91.5) 96.9 (96.4, 97.4) 94.6 (93.9, 95.2) 94.4 (93.8, 94.9) 95.8 (95.9, 95.6) 92.4 (91.9, 93.0)

5.00 (1.94, 12.887) 4.00 (1.91, 8.37) 3.92 (1.94, 7.92) 25.73 (18.55, 35.68) 0.31 (0.18, 0.53) 12.16 (9.46, 15.63) 10.01 (7.06, 14.19) 8.04 (6.54, 9.89)

CRC Kikkawa (1987)

Allison (2002)


Gondal (2003) Allison (1996) Chen (1997)






Nakama (2001)

Feca-EIA-1 day Feca-EIA-2 days Feca-EIA-3 days







































Immudia HemSp Immudia HemSp Immudia HemSp




0.39 (0.23, 0.65) 0.25 (0.12, 0.52) 0.22 (0.10, 0.49) 0.21 (0.07, 0.65) 1.04 (1.03, 1.05) 0.34 (0.21, 0.56) 0.60 (0.47, 0.78) 0.42 (0.31, 0.57)

13.00 (3.55, 47.60) 16.00 (4.52, 56.70) 17.48 (4.94, 61.84) 119.69 (29.46, 486.26) 0.30 (0.17, 0.51) 36.07 (17.22, 75.52) 16.54 (9.08, 30.14) 18.94 (11.45, 31.34)

Study ID

Index test

Okamoto (1997) Zhang (2002)




Nakama (2000)














































C (BE in 2%)















OC Light









OC Light









OC Light








OC Light




















Nakama (2000)

Nakama (2000) Nakama (1996)

Nakama (1994) Cheng (2002)


Itoh (1996)

Kim (1998) Liu (2003)

Immudia HemSp Iatro HemCheck Iatro HemCheck

Study design

Reference standard* +ve/ -ve/ case control


OC Light-1 day Kikkawa (1987)

OC Light-2 days OC Light-3 days



Nakama (1996)

OC Light

Takesh*ta (1985)



Takesh*ta (1982)



Zhou (1993)


Morikawa (2004)



Casecontrol Casecontrol Casecontrol



















SPA Test

















Sensitivity (95% CI)

Specificity (95% CI)

56.6 (39.6, 72.5) 79.6 (71.0, 86.5) 82.0 (72.8, 89.0) 69.4 (43.7, 88.5) 98.0 (82.8, 100)

94.0 (93.3, 94.6) 96.3 (93.0, 98.3) 95.7 (95.4, 96.0) 98.3 (96.8, 99.2) 95.9 (95.4, 96.3)

6.6 (3.3, 11.7)

99.9 (99.7, 100)

66.4 (59.4, 72.9) 85.3 (60.0, 97.5) 86.1 (77.2, 92.5) 23.7 (7.6, 48.4) 50.0 (13.9, 86.1) 85.5 (68.2, 95.5) 90.05 (73.5, 97.9) 93.3 (77.9, 99.2) 74.5 (66.8, 81.2) 74.6 (61.8, 84.9) 78.0 (57.1, 91.9) 50.0 (9.4, 90.6) 66.7 (54.6, 77.3)

95.5 (89.5, 98.6) 91.8 (91.1, 92.4) 94.9 (94.6, 95.2) 98.8 (98.5, 99.0) 97.9 (97.0, 98.6) 88.7 (72.2, 97.2) 83.3 (65.3, 94.4) 83.3 (65.3, 94.4) 91.9 (88.2, 94.7) 98.4 (85.9, 100) 97.6 (79.8, 100) 88.8 (87.6, 90.0) 94.5 (94.2, 94.8)

LR+ (95% CI) 9.38 (6.97, 12.63) 21.44 (11.01, 41.73) 19.11 (17.01, 21.47) 41.34 (19.85, 86.10) 23.68 (21.10, 26.58) 47.39 (15.89, 141.33) 14.91 (6.01, 36.98) 10.39 (8.41, 12.84) 16.92 (15.35, 18.65) 19.14 (8.32, 44.03) 24.25 (10.62, 55.33) 7.57 (2.79, 20.53) 5.40 (2.41, 12.13) 5.60 (2.51, 12.54) 9.15 (6.19, 13.53) 46.25 (2.95, 725.78) 32.76 (2.10, 510.67) 4.48 (1.85, 10.84) 12.06 (10.16, 14.33)

LR(95% CI)

DOR (95% CI)

0.46 (0.32, 0.66) 0.21 (0.15, 0.31) 0.19 (0.12, 0.29) 0.31 (0.16, 0.62) 0.02 (0, 0.32)

20.30 (10.59, 38.92) 101.01 (44.42, 229.67) 101.38 (60.11, 170.98) 133.02 (39.65, 446.33) 1135.16 (68.90, 18703.5)

0.93 (0.90, 0.98)

50.69 (16.60, 154.84)

0.35 (0.29, 0.43) 0.16 (0.05, 0.50) 0.15 (0.09, 0.25) 0.77 (0.60, 0.99) 0.51 (0.24, 1.07) 0.16 (0.07, 0.39) 0.12 (0.04, 0.36) 0.08 (0.02, 0.31) 0.28 (0.21, 0.37) 0.26 (0.17, 0.40) 0.23 (0.11, 0.47) 0.56 (0.23, 1.35) 0.35 (0.26, 0.49)

42.41 (15.77, 114.09) 64.86 (16.90, 248.90) 115.62 (63.46, 210.62) 24.77 (8.43, 72.80) 47.49 (10.31, 218.74) 46.27 (10.37, 206.39) 45.00 (9.73, 208.08) 70.00 (12.457, 393.36) 32.98 (18.99, 57.27) 179.06 (10.32, 3105.8) 145.36 (7.53, 2807.2) 7.96 (1.37, 46.15) 34.19 (20.88, 55.99)

All adenomas Gondal (2003)



Nakama (2001) Cheng (2002) Liu (2003)




Nakama (2004) Zhou (1993)


Morikawa (2004)










Immudia HemSp








OC Light








OC Light








OC Light








SPA Test
































Immudia HemSp
































OC Light


13.2 (11.0, 15.5) 63.0 (57.4, 68.3) 16.8 (14.1, 19.8) 4.4 (2.3, 7.5) 91.0 (82.6, 96.1) 28.5 (18.9, 39.7) 9.3 (8.5, 10.2)

96.2 (95.6, 96.7) 94.3 (93.8, 94.7) 91.6 (90.9, 92.2) 98.5 (97.6, 99.1) 42.8 (37.4, 48.8) 89.4 (88.1, 90.5) 95.4 (95.1, 95.7)

3.43 (2.74, 4.28) 11.03 (9.81, 12.40) 2.00 (1.67, 2.40) 2.96 (1.44, 6.10) 1.59 (1.42, 1.79) 2.68 (1.85, 3.86) 2.02 (1.80, 2.26)

29.6 (21.4, 39.0) 27.7 (22.0, 33.9)

97.3 (96.8, 97.7) 95.6 (95.0, 96.1)

66.5 (56.5, 75.5)

95.2 (94.7, 95.7)

58.5 (46.1, 70.0) 47.6 (41.3, 54.0) 46.4 (40.1, 52.8) 48.0 (41.7, 54.4) 46.8 (40.5, 53.2) 49.2 (42.9, 55.6)

93.1 (92.6, 93.6) 96.6 (93.6, 98.5) 95.0 (91.6, 97.4) 96.2 (93.0, 98.2) 95.0 (91.6, 97.4) 95.4 (92.0, 97.6)

11.07 (7.98, 15.36) 6.26 (4.91, 7.99) 13.97 (11.77, 16.57) 8.47 (6.87, 10.44) 14.06 (7.17, 27.57) 9.32 (5.34, 16.26) 12.68 (6.71, 23.98) 9.40 (5.39, 16.40) 10.74 (6.02, 19.15)

0.90 (0.88, 0.93) 0.39 (0.34, 0.45) 0.91 (0.88, 0.94) 0.97 (0.95, 1.00) 0.21 (0.11, 0.42) 0.80 (0.70, 0.92) 0.95 (0.94, 0.96)

3.79 (2.97, 4.85) 28.08 (22.03, 35.79) 2.21 (1.78, 2.74) 3.05 (1.44, 6.43) 7.54 (3.45, 16.49) 3.34 (2.02, 5.54) 2.13 (1.88, 2.40)

Adenomas >1cm Allison (2002)


Gondal (2003) Allison (1996)




Nakama (2001)


Nakama (2000)

Immudia HemSp Immudia HemSp Iatro HemCheck LA Hemochaser







0.72 (0.64, 0.82) 0.76 (0.70, 0.82)

15.31 (9.89, 23.70) 8.27 (6.03, 11.35)

0.35 (0.27, 0.46)

39.71 (26.01, 60.62)

0.45 (0.34, 0.59) 0.54 (0.48, 0.61) 0.56 (0.50, 0.64) 0.54 (0.48, 0.61) 0.56 (0.50, 0.63) 0.53 (0.47, 0.60)

18.98 (11.76, 30.63) 25.93 (12.53, 53.66) 16.53 (8.89, 30.74) 23.47 (11.73, 46.99) 16.79 (9.03, 31.23) 20.17 (10.62, 38.31)

LR+: Positive likelihood ratio; LR-: negative likelihood ratio; DOR: diagnostic odds ratio. *Reference standards include C: colonoscopy, BE: barium enema, S: sigmoidoscopy, FU: follow-up, CR: referral to a cancer registry, RS: resecreening, ULTE: upper and lower tract endoscopy, singly or in combination, or NR: not reported.


4.4 Sequential FOBTs One diagnostic case control study evaluated an unnamed guaiac FOBT and an unnamed immunochemical FOBT used sequentially for the detection of all neoplasms.84 This study used colonoscopy to verify disease in the cases, but did not report how the disease-free status of controls was determined. The study reported a sensitivity of 29.3% (95% CI: 22%, 37.3%), specificity of 96.0% (95% CI: 93.8%, 97.6%), positive likelihood ratio of 7.31 (95% CI: 4.40, 12.15), negative likelihood ratio of 0.74 (95% CI: 0.66, 0.82) and diagnostic odds ratio of 9.92 (95% CI: 5.55, 17.73).

4.5 Comparison of guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms or colorectal cancer. 4.5.1 Direct comparisons Ten studies evaluated at least one guaiac and one immunochemical FOBT using the same stool sample for each test.1-9, 121 Of these, only two were cohort studies.5, 8 One cohort study used colonoscopy as the reference standard after both positive and negative FOBT results.5 The other used colonoscopy and follow-up as the reference standard after a positive FOBT and referal to the cancer registry and follow-up after a negative FOBT.8 Four diagnostic case control studies used colonoscopy to diagnose disease in the cases,2, 7, 9, 10 with two also using barium enema,2, 7 and verification of the disease-free status of the controls used colonoscopy and/or barium enema,2, 9 upper and lower tract endoscopy,7 or was not reported.10 The remaining four diagnostic case control studies did not report how the disease status of cases or controls was verified.1, 3, 4, 6 The two diagnostic cohorts, published by the same author, compared Haemoccult Sensa with Flexsure in the detection of all neoplasms,5 and non-rehydrated Haemoccult, Haemoccult Sensa and Immudia HemSp in the detection of colorectal cancer.8 Both were large studies, with 4719 participants providing interpretable FOBTs and undergoing the reference standard in one study,5 and 8104 participants that were screened with at least one FOBT in the other.8 Only one study clearly recruited an appropriate patient spectrum,8 the other was only published as an abstract.5 In one study, the guaiac FOBT, Haemoccult Sensa, was reported as being more sensitive (43.1%) and less specific (90.7%) for the detection of all neoplasms than the immunochemical FOBT, Flexsure (sensitivity 33.1%, specificity 97.5%), although both tests had low sensitivities.5 Results are presented in figure 30. For the detection of colorectal cancer, however, FlexSure was reported as more sensitive (79.1%) and more specific (96.9%) than Haemoccult Sensa (sensitivity 63.3%, specificity 90.1%). Results are presented in figure 31. The accuracy was improved for detecting colorectal cancer for both tests compared to the detection of all neoplasms. In the other cohort study,8 Haemoccult Sensa was reported as having the highest sensitivity for the detection of clorectal cancer, at 78.6% (specificity 86.7%), followed by the immunochemical FOBT Immudia HemSp at 68.2% (specificity 94.4%), with unrehydrated Haemoccult having the lowest sensitivity, at 37.5% (specificity 97.7%).



Allison (2002)5

Haemoccult Sensa FlexSure


Allison (2002)5

Haemoccult Sensa FlexSure

Figure 30: The sensitivity and specificity of guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms, when directly compared in the diagnostic cohort study


Allison (2002)5

Haemoccult Sensa FlexSure


Allison (2002)5

Haemoccult Sensa FlexSure

Figure 31: The sensitivity and specificity of guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of CRC, when directly compared in the diagnostic cohort studies


Sensitivity St John (1993)10 Haemoccult Sensa Immudia HemSp Miyoshi (1992)9 Haemoccult Shionogi B Feca-EIA Miyoshi (1988)1 Unamed guaiac Feca-EIA Hemo-EIA Stick-EIA Immudia HemSp MonoHaem OC Light Matsuse (1989)2 Unamed guaiac Feca-EIA Immudia HemSp LA Hemochaser OC Light

Figure 32a: The sensitivity of guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms, when directly compared in the diagnostic case-control studies The diagnostic case control studies compared either Haemoccult,6, 7, 9 Haemoccult Sensa,10 Shionogi B3, 4, 9 or an unnamed guaiac FOBT1, 2 with Immudia HemSp,1, 2, 10 Feca-EIA,1, 2, 6, 9 Hemo-EIA,1 StickEIA,1 MonoHaem,1, 7 OC Light,1, 2, 6 LA Hemochaser,2 or Ouchterlony.3, 4 Four diagnostic case control studies reported on accuracy for the detection of all neoplasms.1, 2, 9, 10 Although three of these studies reported that an immunochemical FOBT had the highest sensitivity, and all four reported an immunochemical FOBT as having the highest specificity, immunochemical FOBTs were not consistently better than guaiac FOBTs across the studies, and no one immunochemical FOBT was consitently better than the others. Results are presented in figure 32 and table 3.



St John (1993)10

Haemoccult Sensa Immudia HemSp Miyoshi (1992)9 Haemoccult Shionogi B Feca-EIA Miyoshi (1988)1 Unamed guaiac Feca-EIA Hemo-EIA Stick-EIA Immudia HemSp MonoHaem OC Light Matsuse (1989)2 Unamed guaiac Feca-EIA Immudia HemSp LA Hemochaser OC Light

Figure 32b: The specificity of guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of all neoplasms, when directly compared in the diagnostic case-control studies Four diagnostic case control studies reported on accuracy for the detection of colorectal cancer.3, 4, 6, 7 Two of the studies reported that an immunochemical FOBT had the highest sensitivity, and three reported an immunochemical FOBT had the highest specificity, with the fourth reporting that the guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs had the same specificity. No one technology, or individual test, was consistently better than the others across the studies. Results are presented in figure 33 and table 3.



Nakama (1994)7 Haemoccult MonoHaem Kikkawa (1987)6

Haemoccult-1 day Haemoccult-1 day Feca-EIA-1 day Feca-EIA-3 day OC Light-1 day OC Light-3 day Takesh*ta (1985)4 Shionogi B ‘quasi’ as +ve Shionogi B‘quasi’ as -ve Ouchterlony Takesh*ta (1982)3 Shionogi B ‘quasi’ as +ve Shionogi B‘quasi’ as -ve Ouchterlony

Figure 33a: The sensitivity of guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of CRC, when directly compared in the diagnostic case-control studies



Nakama (1994)7 Haemoccult MonoHaem Kikkawa (1987)6

Haemoccult-1 day Haemoccult-1 day Feca-EIA-1 day Feca-EIA-3 day OC Light-1 day OC Light-3 day Takesh*ta (1985)4 Shionogi B ‘quasi’ as +ve Shionogi B‘quasi’ as -ve Ouchterlony Takesh*ta (1982)3 Shionogi B ‘quasi’ as +ve Shionogi B‘quasi’ as -ve Ouchterlony

Figure 33b: The specificity of guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs for the detection of CRC, when directly compared in the diagnostic case-control studies


Table 3: Results of studies that reported direct comparisons between guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs Reference standard* Study ID All neoplasms Allison (2002)

+ve/ case

-ve/ control
















































LA Hemochaser





OC Light





Unspecified guaiac

















Immudia HemSp









OC Light




HO Sensa


Miyoshi (1992)

Index test

Study design


Shionogi B



C and/or BE

Feca-EIA 10

HO Sensa

St John (1993)

Immudia HemSp




Unspecified guaiac Feca-EIA Matsuse (1989)


Immudia HemSp



C and/or BE

Hemo-EIA Miyoshi (1988)







Sensitivity (95% CI)

Specificity (95% CI)

LR+ (95% CI)

LR(95% CI)

DOR (95% CI)

43.1 (34.6, 51.8) 33.2 (24.9, 42.3) 71.3 (56.5, 84.0) 73.4 (58.9, 85.7) 33.0 (20.0, 48.2) 72.2 (65.4, 78.6) 80.2 (73.8, 85.6) 59.1 (43.2, 73.7) 65.6 (49.9, 79.1) 54.7 (38.8, 69.9) 76.7 (61.7, 88.0) 38.9 (24.7, 54.6) 61.4 (45.5, 75.6) 32.2 (19.1, 47.8) 54.4 (38.9, 69.4) 72.2 (56.9, 84.5) 43.3 (28.6, 58.9) 25.6 (13.7, 40.7) 41.1 (26.7, 56.8)

90.7 (89.9, 91.5) 97.5 (97.0, 97.9) 66.2 (48.2, 82.0) 60.3 (42.1, 77.1) 89.7 (74.4, 97.5) 99.0 (92.9, 100) 99.0 (91.2, 100) 71.7 (56.5, 84.0) 81.9 (68.0, 91.6) 77.0 (6.0, 89.2) 94.7 (83.9, 99.1) 96.8 (87.0, 99.8) 71.4 (51.3, 86.8) 91.4 (74.9, 98.5) 98.3 (85.0, 100) 91.9 (76.4, 98.6) 79.2 (62.4, 90.9) 98.3 (85.0, 100) 98.3 (85.0, 100)

4.65 (3.77, 5.72) 13.02 (9.62, 17.62) 2.11 (1.27, 3.49) 1.85 (1.18, 2.90) 3.20 (1.10, 9.37) 73.67 (4.66, 1163.5) 81.76 (5.18, 1290.7) 2.09 (1.24, 3.52) 3.62 (1.90, 6.90) 2.38 (1.24, 4.56) 14.41 (4.27, 48.67) 12.19 (2.42, 61.36) 2.15 (1.14, 4.04) 3.74 (1.06, 13.16) 31.58 (2.00, 499.32) 8.96 (2.69, 29.80) 2.08 (1.01, 4.27) 14.82 (0.91, 241.97) 23.84 (1.49, 380.52)

0.63 (0.54, 0.73) 0.69 (0.61, 0.78) 0.43 (0.26, 0.72) 0.44 (0.26, 0.76) 0.75 (0.59, 0.94) 0.28 (0.22, 0.35) 0.20 (0.15, 0.27) 0.57 (0.38, 0.85) 0.42 (0.28, 0.64) 0.59 (0.41, 0.85) 0.25 (0.14, 0.42) 0.63 (0.50, 0.80) 0.54 (0.35, 0.84) 0.74 (0.59, 0.93) 0.46 (0.34, 0.64) 0.30 (0.19, 0.49) 0.72 (0.53, 0.97) 0.76 (0.63, 0.91) 0.60 (0.47, 0.77)

7.41 (5.23, 10.50) 18.99 (12.55, 28.74) 4.86 (1.88, 12.56) 4.19 (1.63, 10.77) 4.29 (1.21, 15.15) 262.60 (15.91, 4334.1) 408.04 (24.61, 6766.3) 3.67 (1.52, 8.83) 8.62 (3.29, 22.61) 4.04 (1.53, 10.69) 58.49 (13.73, 249.13) 19.30 (3.41, 109.25) 3.97 (1.43, 11.01) 5.04 (1.19, 21.26) 68.12 (3.91, 1185.8) 29.64 (6.97, 126.11) 2.91 (1.07, 7.88) 19.57 (1.10, 346.89) 39.79 (2.28, 693.72)

CRC HO Allison (1996)




69.7 (56.8, 81.2)

79.0 (61.4, 92.3)

3.32 (1.65, 6.71)

0.38 (0.25, 0.59)

8.66 (3.11, 24.08)



74.6 (61.8, 84.9)

98.4 (85.9, 100)

46.25 (2.95, 725.78)

0.26 (0.17, 0.40)

179.06 (10.32, 3105.8)





75.0 (53.3, 90.2)

95.0 (75.1, 99.9)

15.00 (2.19, 102.75)

0.26 (0.31, 0.53)

57.00 (6.23, 521.15)




70.0 (48.9, 87.4)

97.6 (83.2, 100)

29.40 (1.88, 460.18)

0.31 (0.17, 0.56)

95.67 (5.09, 1796.9)




78.0 (57.1, 91.9)

97.6 (79.8, 100)

32.76 (2.10, 510.67)

0.23 (0.11, 0.47)

145.36 (7.53, 2807.2)




















HO-1 day





Feca-EIA-1 day




























OC Light-1 day


HO-3 days









Feca-EIA-3 days OC Light-3 days Shionogi ‘quasipositives’ positive Shionogi ‘quasipositives’ negative

B as B as






7.69 (2.86, 20.70)



Takesh*ta (1982)

0.29 (0.16, 0.53)




2.23 (1.37, 3.62)


Nakama (1994)

Takesh*ta (1985)

63.3 (43.9, 80.1)




81.7 (69.6, 90.5)




Kikkawa (1987)



HO Sensa


16.24 (10.40, 25.34) 5.91 (4.93, 7.09) 12.16 (9.46, 15.63) 6.37 (4.30, 9.43) 25.73 (18.55, 35.68) 3.69 (2.25, 6.05) 14.91 (6.01, 36.98) 8.33 (2.82, 24.67) 5.00 (1.94, 12.887) 7.57 (2.79, 20.53) 3.47 (1.95, 6.19) 3.92 (1.94, 7.92) 5.60 (2.51, 12.54)


HO Sensa


97.7 (97.3, 98.0) 86.7 (85.9, 87.5) 94.4 (93.8, 94.9) 90.1 (89.3, 90.8) 96.9 (96.4, 97.4) 85.6 (77.6, 92.1) 95.5 (89.5, 98.6) 90.0 (73.5, 97.9) 86.7 (69.3, 96.2) 88.7 (72.2, 97.2) 72.6 (54.1, 87.7) 79.0 (60.7, 91.5) 83.3 (65.3, 94.4)


Immudia HemSp

Allison (2002)

37.5 (21.5, 55.1) 78.6 (62.1, 91.3) 68.2 (49.7, 83.2) 63.3 (35.1, 87.2) 79.2 (47.1, 96.4) 53.0 (45.8, 60.1) 66.4 (59.4, 72.9) 83.3 (65.3, 94.4) 66.7 (47.2, 82.7) 85.5 (68.2, 95.5) 95.2 (82.8, 99.9) 82.3 (64.4, 93.6) 93.3 (77.9, 99.2)


Shionogi ‘quasipositives’ positive Shionogi ‘quasipositives’ negative Ouchterlony

B as B as




0.64 (0.50, 0.82) 0.25 (0.13, 0.47) 0.34 (0.21, 0.56) 0.41 (0.21, 0.79) 0.21 (0.07, 0.65) 0.55 (0.46, 0.65) 0.35 (0.29, 0.43) 0.19 (0.08, 0.416) 0.39 (0.23, 0.65) 0.16 (0.07, 0.39) 0.07 (0.01, 0.32) 0.22 (0.10, 0.49) 0.08 (0.02, 0.31)

25.38 (12.73, 50.61) 23.91 (10.64, 53.75) 36.07 (17.22, 75.52) 15.64 (5.45, 44.85) 119.69 (29.46, 486.26) 6.72 (3.61, 12.51) 42.41 (15.77, 114.09) 45.00 (9.73, 208.08) 13.00 (3.55, 47.60) 46.27 (10.37, 206.39) 52.06 (8.43, 321.43) 17.48 (4.94, 61.84) 70.00 (12.47, 393.36)

LR+: Positive likelihood ratio; LR-: negative likelihood ratio; DOR: diagnostic odds ratio. *Reference standards include C: colonoscopy, BE: barium enema, S: sigmoidoscopy, FU: follow-up, CR: referral to a cancer registry, ULTE: upper and lower tract endoscopy, singly or in combination, or NR: not reported.


4.5.2 Indirect comparisons This section provides an overview of those studies that evaluated only guaiac or immunochemical FOBTs (results are plotted in ROC space). All neoplasms Twelve diagnostic cohorts evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of only guaiac FOBTs64-68, 70, 77, 78, 80, 97, 101, 113 and five only immunochemcial FOBTs46, 71, 73, 96, 108 for the detection of all neoplasms. Overall, there was no clear indication that either guaiac or immunochemical FOBTs performed better. Sensitivity ranged from 6.2% (unrehydrated Haemoccult, specificity 98.0%) to 83.3% (KryptoHaem, specificity 98.4%) for the guaiac FOBTs, and from 5.4% (OC Light, specificity 98.5%) to 62.3% (Immudia HemSp, specificity 94.3%) for the immunochemical FOBTs. Specificity ranged from 65.0% (unnamed, sensitivity 44.1%) to 99.0% (unrehydrated Haemoccult, sensitivity 19.3%) for the guaiac FOBTs, and from 89.4% (SPA Test, sensitivity 30.3%) to 98.5% (OC Light, sensitivity 5.4%) for the immunochemical FOBTs. Figure 34 shows the comparison between tests. Sensitivity 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0











1- specificity

Figure 34: ROC Guaiac (circles) Immunochemical (triangles and squares), Haemoccult ( ), KryptoHaem ( ), Shionogi B ( ), OC Light ( ), Immudia HemSp ( ), MonoHaem ( ), SPA test ( ) and Flexsure ( ) Three diagnostic case-control studies evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of only guaiac FOBTs79, 81, 83 and six evaluated only immunochemcial FOBTs46, 86, 88, 89, 91, 92 for the detection of all neoplasms. For the detection of all neoplasms, case control-studies reported sensitivity ranging from 47.4% (KryptoHaem, specificity 98.3%) to 65.2% (Haemoccult, specificity 99.0%) for the guaiac FOBTs, and from 45.7% (OC Light, specificity 94.3%) to 97.7% (Immudia HemSp, specificity 98.8%) for the immunochemical FOBTs. Specificity ranged from 50% (Haemoccult, sensitivity 50%) to 99.0% (Haemoccult, sensitivity 65.1%) for the guaiac FOBTs, and from 91.7% (MonoHaem, sensitivity 69.7%) to 99.0% (Immudia HemSp, sensitivity 87.5%) for the immunochemical FOBTs. Overall, there was no clear indication that either guaiac or immunochemical FOBTs performed better. Immudia HemSp appeared to have the best overall accuracy of any FOBT evaluated for the detection of all neoplasms. Figure 35 shows the comparison between tests.



1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0











1- specificity

Figure 35: ROC Guaiac (circles) Immunochemical (triangles and squares), Haemoccult ( ), KryptoHaem ( ), OC Light ( ), Immudia HemSp ( ), MonoHaem ( ), SPA test ( ), Feca-EIA ( ) and Iatro HemCheck ( ) CRC Eighteen diagnostic cohort studies evaluataed the diagnostic accuracy of only guaiac FOBTs64, 65, 67, 69, 70, 72, 80, 93, 94, 97, 100, 101, 105-107, 110, 112, 113 and thirteen evaluated only immunochemcial FOBTs46, 71, 73-76, 95, 96, 98, 99, 102, 103, 108 for the detection of CRC. No indirect comparison could be made using diagnostic case-control studies as none evaluated only a guaiac FOBT. Overall, there was no clear indication that either guaiac or immunochemical FOBTs performed better, and no single test appeared to perform better than others. The inconsistencies in the results between studies can be seen from the results for unrehydrated Haemoccult, which had both the highest and lowest, sensitivities and specificities reported for the guaiac FOBTs. Sensitivity ranged from 25.0% (specificity 98.7%) to 96.2% (specificity 99.2%) and specificity ranged from 80.0% (sensitivity 30.0%) to 99.2% (sensitivity 96.1%). The other guaiac FOBTs that were evaluated included Haemoccult Sensa (sensitivity 62.2%, specificity 95.5%), Shionogi B (sensitivity 26.8%, specificity 94.1%), and an unnamed guaiac FOBT (sensitivity 66.7%, specificity 94.5%). Further highlighting the inconsistencies in the results between studies, MonoHaem had both the highest, and the second lowest reported sensitivity of all the immunochemical tests. For the immunochemical FOBTs, sensitivity ranged from 1.7% (FlexSure, specificity 94.6%) to 98% (MonoHaem, specificity 95.9%) and specificity from 88.8% (Spa Test, sensitivity 50.0%) to 99.9% (MonoHaem, sensitivity 6.7%). Figure 36 shows the comparison between tests.



1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0











1- specificity Figure 36: ROC Guaiac (circles) Immunochemical (triangles and squares), Haemoccult ( ), Haemoccult Sensa ( ), Shionogi B ( ), OC Light ( ), Immudia HemSp ( ), MonoHaem ( ), SPA test ( ), Flexsure ( ) and Iatro HemCheck ( )

4.6 Adverse events Three papers reported the impact of screening on daily life and levels of anxiety after a positive FOBT result.104, 109, 111 Outcomes measured included psychiatric morbidity, anxiety, distress, worry, and the affect on daily life. One RCT conducted in the UK, randomly allocated 152 850 people aged between 45 and 74 years to either screening with a guaiac FOBT or no screening, to determine whether screening an average risk population with a guaiac FOBT would reduce mortality.28 From this population, the general health questionnaire was sent to 2184 people before screening and 1693 people after screening to investigate psychiatric morbidity.104 843 people completed both questionnaires. A score of five or more on the GHQ was considered to indicated probable psychiatric morbidity. No difference was reported in the proportion of people scoring five or more, before and three months after FOBT was offered. For people with a false positive FOBT, the highest anxiety levels occurred after notification of a positive test and before colonoscopy. The lowest level of anxiety was experienced the day after colonoscopy and this remained low one month later. Another RCT conducted in Sweden randomised 68 308 people aged between 60 and 64 years to either screening with a guaiac FOBT or no screening, to determine the prevalence of colorectal neoplasms in the two groups.122 During this study, 3548 people who were invited for screening, completed a questionnaire to assess the degree of worry engendered by screening.109 Forty six percent were worried by the invitation, and refused to participate, and of these, 15% were ‘extremely’ worried. Sixteen percent of those who participated in the screening reported being ‘extremely’ worried. For people with a negative FOBT, 19% experienced severe worry, and of these 18% said that their daily life was negatively affected. For people with an initial positive FOBT, 60% experienced severe worry, and 38% said there daily life was negatively affected. A third RCT (conducted in the UK to investigate compliance with different methods of colorectal cancer screening) reported the concern of people aged 40-75 years receiving a false positive FOBT, and the impact of dietary restrictions (applied during the test) on their daily lifes.111 Fifty-six people had a false positive FOBT, of whom 54 completed a questionnaire. Of these, 68% reported experiencing distress, (62% of these slight distress, 24% moderate distress, and 14% very distressed). Sixty nine percent reported being worried that they may have cancer, and of these 68% reported experiencing slight distress, 24% moderate distress, and 8% were very distressed. Forty three


percent of people found the dietary restrictions slightly disruptive, 6% moderately disruptive and 4% very disruptive. Delays in the process caused slight worry for 26% of people, moderate worry for 6%, and 4% were very worried.

4.7 Economic evaluations

Seven full economic evaluations met the inclusion criteria. Two were conducted in the UK,114, 115 one in the USA,116 one in Italy,117 one in France,118 one in Japan,119 and one in Singapore.120 One study evaluated two guaiac FOBTs,114 whereas the others evaluated at least one guaiac and one immunological FOBT. Four of the studies modelled a hypothetical cohort of people.116, 118-120 Three studies evaluated the cost of screening for cancers only,114, 115, 120 whereas the other four specified costs for cancer and adenomas. The guaiac FOBTs evaluated included Haemoccult114, 115, 117, 118 or Haemoccult II,116 Haemoccult Sensa,116 Okokit,114 and Coloscreen.115 The immunochemical FOBTs evaluated included Immudia HemSp,115, 117 Feca-EIA,115 EZ-detect,115 and Magstream HemSp.118 Two studies evaluated a guaiac and an immunochemical FOBT, but did not specify which tests these were.119, 120 Another study specified the guaiac FOBTs as Haemoccult and Haemoccult Sensa, but didn’t specify the immunochemical test used.116 All economic evaluations identified were cost-effectiveness analyses (CEA). Each economic evaluation was abstracted and these presented in full in Appendix K. The health outcomes reported in the studies varied. Three studies reported life years saved,116, 118, 119 one life expectancy,120 and three cost per case detected.114, 115, 117 Of these, the number of life years saved is considered a better outcome measure. Number of cases detected is an appropriate outcome measure for the purpose of screening. Studies evaluating the detection of cancer and adenomas separately, rather than just cancer, were considered to be better, as detecting adenomas will be important for any screening programme. The perspectives of the evaluations included in the review were those of the health service,115, 117 the payer,114, 116, 119 the French social service,118 or were not reported.120 Details of the included economic evaluations are given in Tables 4 to 18.

4.7.1 Guaiac FOBTs In this section the results for named guaiac tests are presented. Results from the studies that evaluated guaiac FOBTs, but did not name the specific test, are included only in the section on intrastudy comparisons between guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs. Haemoccult Four studies evaluated Haemoccult,114, 115, 117, 118 and one evaluated Haemoccult II.116 One study reported the cost per case detected using re-hydrated Haemoccult in people aged 50-70 as $12 900 for CRC, $2,200 for adenomas, and $4,530 for adenomas over 9mm in size.117 The same study reported that the cost per case detected substantially increased in people aged 40-49, being $23,930 for CRC, $7,990 for adenomas, and $35,980 for adenomas over 9mm in size. A second study compared the use of Haemoccult without re-hydration, and testing on samples from three or six successive days, with no re-testing regardless of FOBT result.115 The cost per cancer detected for the three-days method was £2,814 (sensitivity 67%, specificity 97%) and for the six-days method £3,156 (sensitivity 74%, specificity 99%). When Haemocult slides were re-hydrated the cost per cancer detected for the three-day method increased to £3,456 (sensitivity 72%, specificity 95%). The number of re-tests that were undertaken also affected the cost per cancer detected, with a reduction in the cost of the three-day method to £2,202 when all first round positive FOBTs were retested to confirm positivity. The cost per cancer detected dropped to £2,116 when those that were negative on the second round of testing had a third FOBT. A third study reported that the cost of screening, per person, with Haemoccult for 10 years was €195, with 9.8 life years saved in a cohort of 165,000 people, and €179 on a 20 year programme, with 16.7 life years saved.118 The fourth study reported a cost per case detected when screening started at 40 years of age, of £16,411.114


The Haemoccult II study reported that the average cost per life year gained was $1,071 (sensitivity of 40%, specificity of 98%, test cost $4.50).116 This increased to $2,245 when screening was repeated every three years. Haemoccult Sensa One study evaluated Haemoccult Sensa and reported that the average cost per life year gained was $3,342 (sensitivity of 70%, specificity of 92.5%, test cost $4.50).116 This increased to $5,827 per life year gained when the cost of the test was increased to $28. Okokit One study evaluated Okokit and reported a cost per CRC case detected as £15,881 when screening was started at the age of 40, (sensitivity 55%, prevalence of positive results 5%).114 When sensitivity was increased to 90%, and prevalence of positive results remained 5%, the cost per CRC case detected dropped to £9,704. When specificity was increased, and prevalence decreased from 5% to 1.5%, the cost per CRC case detected again dropped, to £5,049. Coloscreen One study evaluated Coloscreen and reported a cost per cancer detected of £6,910 with Coloscreen (sensitivity of 33%, specificity of 94%, test cost £1.00).115

4.7.2 Comparisons between guaiac FOBTs It seems inappropriate to compare the different studies reporting costs for guaiac tests because of the heterogeneity between outcomes measured, sensitivities and specificities used, the stage of disease being detected, the country the study was conducted in and year of publication, and the age range of the screening cohorts. One study compared the cost per case detected for two guaiac FOBTs, with screening starting at the age of 40 years.114 This intra-study comparison is presented in tabular form to assist interpretation (Table 4). Table 4: Costs comparison per CRC detected with two guaiac FOBTs114 Prevalence of FOBT Sensitivity Test cost (£) +veFOBT Haemoccult Not reported Not reported 12.00 Okokit 55% 5% 3.00 Okokit 90% 5% 3.00 Okokit Unclear 1.5% 3.00

Cost per cancer detected (£) 16,411 15,881 9,704 5,049

4.7.3 Immunochemical FOBTs In this section, only the results for named immunochemical are reported. Results from the studies that did not name the specific immunochemical FOBT evaluated, are included only in the section on intrastudy comparisons between guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs. Immudia/Magstream HemSp Two studies evaluated Immudia HemSp,115, 117 and a third evaluated Magstream HemSp.118 One study evaluating Immudia HemSp reported a cost per cancer detected of £5,356 (sensitivity of 95%, specificity of 93%, test cost £6.00).115 The other study of Immudia HemSp reported the cost per case detected when tests were considered certain or borderline positives.117 This study reported a cost per case detected in people aged 50-70 of $9,020 for CRC, $2,180 for adenomas, and $3,960 for adenomas over 9mm in size when positives were certain. These costs changed when both certain and borderline positives were followed up, with the cost per case detected for CRC rising slightly to $10,000, and the costs to detect adenomas falling slightly to $1,780 for all adenomas, and $3,730 for adenomas over 9mm. The same study reported that the cost per case detected substantially increased in people aged 40-49, being $20,220 for CRC, $12,130 for adenomas, and $20,220 for adenomas over 9mm in size when certain positives were followed up, and $14,700 for CRC, $7,350 for adenomas, and $14,700 for adenomas over 9mm in size when certain and borderline positives were followed up. The study evaluating Magstream HemSp reported the cost of screening per person


with Magstream HemSp on a 10 year programme as €151, with 9.8 life years gained in a cohort of 165 000 people, and €238 on a 20 year programme, with 16.7 life years gained.118 Feca-EIA One study evaluated Feca-EIA115 and reported a cost per cancer detected of £6,373 (sensitivity of 67%, specificity of 91%, test cost £3.00).115 EZ-Detect One study evaluated EZ-detect115 and reported a cost per cancer detected of £9,869 (sensitivity of 36%, specificity of 89%, test cost £1.00).115 Comparison of the immunochemical FOBTs As with the guaiac tests, the heterogeneity between the studies reporting costs for immunochemical tests with respect to outcomes reported, perspective taken, sensitivities and specificities used, stage of disease being detected, the country the study was conducted in and year of publication , and age range of the screening cohorts, make cross-study comparisons inappropriate. One study evaluated more than one immunochemical FOBT,115 and the results of this intra-study comparison are presented in tabular form to assist interpretation (Table 5).

Table 5: Cost comparisons per of CRC case detected in £ sterling for three immunochemical FOBTs115 Cost per Cancers Test Total cost Positives FOBT Sensitivity Specificity cancer cost detected (£ million) detected Immudia 0.95 0.93 6.00 4 051 192 1.03 5,356 HemSp Feca0.67 0.91 3.00 5 319 136 0.86 6,373 EIA EZ0.36 0.89 1.00 9 495 112 1.11 9,869 detect

4.7.4 Comparison of guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs As cross-study comparisons seem inappropriate, only intra-study comparisons between guaiac and immunochemical cost effectiveness are reported. These are presented in tabular form to assist interpretation (Tables 6 to 10).

Table 6: Comparisons of costs per case detected in a screening population of 50-70 year olds in US $ between Haemoccult and Immudia HemSp117 Immudia HemSp Haemoccult Positive and Positive results only borderline results CRC 12,900 9,020 10,000 Adenomas 2,200 2,180 1,780 Adenomas >9mm 4,530 3,860 3,730


Table 7: Comparisons of costs per CRC case detected in £ sterling between Haemoccult, Coloscreen, Immudia HemSp, Feca-EIA and EZ detect115 Cost per Test Sensitivity Specificity CRC cost detected Haemoccult: 3 day, no re-hydration or 67% 97% 1.70 2,814 retesting Haemoccult: 3 day, no re-hydration. First 58% 99% 1.80 2,202 round positives retested Haemoccult: 3 day, no re-hydration. First 65% 99% 1.85 2,116 round positives retested, and negative retests given a 3rd test Haemoccult: 3 day, re-hydrated. No 72% 95% 1.80 3,456 retesting 74% 99% 3.40 3,156 HO 6 day: no re-hydration, no retesting 33% 94% 1.00 6,691 Coloscreen 95% 93% 6.00 5,356 Immudia HemSp 67% 931% 3.00 6,373 Feca-EIA 36% 89% 1.00 9,869 EZ-detect Table 8: Comparisons of costs per life year saved in US $ between Haemoccult II (HO II), Haemoccult Sensa (HO Sensa) and an unnamed immunochemical FOBT (iFOBT) followed by colonoscopy116 Test Average cost per life Test Sensitivity Specificity cost year gained 40 98 4.50 1,071 HO II 70 92.5 4.50 3,342 HO Sensa 70 98 4.50 357 iFOBT 70 95 4.50 1,994 iFOBT 70 92.5 28 5,827 HO Sensa 70 98 28 2,834 iFOBT 70 95 28 4,479 iFOBT Increased surveillance to every 3 years 40 98 4.50 2,245 HO II 70 98 4.50 1,830 iFOBT 70 98 28 4,161 iFOBT 70 95 4.50 3,378 iFOBT 70 95 28 5,716 iFOBT Estimated discounted costs for 1 million people ranged from $197 556 566 to $453 629 724 for HO II, $775 643 892 to 1 352 544 256 for HO Sensa and $83 110 600 to 1 398 580 548 for the immunochemical FOBT depending on the moel assumptions. Table 9: Comparisons of the incremental cost per life year saved in Singapore $ between an unnamed guaiac and unnamed immunochemical FOBT with no screening120 Age Guaiac FOBT Immunochemical FOBT 50-54 288.33 623.12 55-59 145.70 342.75 60-64 65.42 177.69 65-69 18.89 62.03 Sensitivity: Guaiac: 10% polyps, 60% CRC; immunochemical FOBT: 40% polyps and 90% CRC; Specificity: Guaiac: 90% polyps and CRC. immunochemical FOBT: 95% polyps and CRC Table 10: Comparisons of the cost per life year saved in US $ between an unnamed guaiac and unnamed immunochemical FOBT119 $ 28,500 Guaiac followed by colonoscopy 13,100 Immunochemical followed by colonoscopy 69

Table 11: Characteristics of included economic evaluations Castiglione Walker (1992)115 Daniels (1995)114 (1997)117

Shimbo (1994)119

Berchi (2004)118

Wong (2004)120

van Ballegooijen (2003)116

Cost effectiveness of Magstream vs. HO

Cost effectiveness of 5 strategies for ID of CRC compared to no screening

Cost effectiveness of 3 strategies for ID of CRC compared to no screening

Hypothetical cohort of 165 000 people 50-74

Hypothetical cohort 50-70

Hypothetical cohort of 1000 000 people 65-79





Unnamed guaiac and immunochemical

HO Magstream

Unnamed guaiac and immunochemical

HO II HO Sensa Unnamed immunochemical


Decide age at which screening should start

Compare 1 day RPHA and 3 day HO

Compare screening with no screening

Assess alternative mass screening strategies



24 282 people 40-70

Hypothetical cohort of 100 000 people 50+

Hypothetical cohort of 100 000 people 40+





FOBTs used

HO Okokit (guaiac)


HO Hemoquant HemeSelect Feca-EIA Coloscreen EZ-Detect


Cost per CRC case detected

Cost per person with CRC/adenoma detected

Cost per CRC case detected

Life years saved CRC and adenomas

Life years saved CRC and adenomas

Life expectancy CRC

Life years saved CRC and adenomas



Health Service

Health Service


French Social Security Service

Not reported

Third-party payer

Direct costs

FOBT Personal costs of testing Cost of follow up

Indirect costs

None reported

Staff General expenses Buildings Recruitment into study Assessment None reported


See Table 12 below

See Table 13 below

Authors Conclusion

Most cost-effective age to start was 40

Immunological FOBT more cost effective

Unclear – data derived from previous study

FOBT Follow up Complications Treatment

Test purchase Distribution Revelation Colonoscopy Treatment

Screening procedure Complications Treatment

Test Follow-up Surveillance Treatment

None reported

None reported

None reported

None reported

None reported

See Table 14 below

See Table 15 below

See Table 16 below

See Table 17 below

See Table 18 below

Immudia HemSp 3 day and HO 3 day with 2 retests were the most cost-effective

Immunological FOBT every 2 years followed by colonoscopy after a positive test was more cost effective, starting at the age of 45 years

Substituting Haemoccult with Magstream was costeffective strategy

All screening methods improved patient survival, but guaiac FOBT offered most acceptable costeffectiveness ratio

Both guaiac and Immuno cost effective strategies for screening 65-79 year olds with no previous screening.

RPHA: Reverse passive haemagglutination (FOBT); HO: Haemoccult; HO II: Haemoccult, HO Sensa: Haemoccult SENSA; ID: identification; CRC: colorectal cancer; LYS: life years saved; CEA: cost-effectiveness analysis; RCT: randomised controlled trial


Table 12: Cost per CRC case detected (£)as reported in Daniels (1995) using ministerial tariffs as the estimates of cost114 Age 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64

HO Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported

Okokit 82,461 25,119 14,843 6557 33,734 20,667 128,556

Screening started aged 40



Screening started aged 40

Not reported


Screening started aged 40

Not reported


Sensitivity 55%

Sensitivity 55% Prevalence 5% Sensitivity 90% Prevalence 5% Prevalence 1.5%

Table 13: Cost of screening for each subject with cancer (US $, converted from Italian Lira in 1996) as reported in Castiglione (1997) using ministerial tariffs as the estimates of cost117

CRC Adenomas Adenomas >9mm



40 - 49 50 - 70 40 - 49 50 - 70 40 - 49 50 - 70

23,930 12,900 7,990 2,200 35,980 4,530

Immudia HemSp Positive and Positive results only borderline results 20,220 14,700 9,020 10,000 12,130 7,350 2,180 1,780 20,220 14,700 3,860 3,730

Table 14: Cost per neoplasm detected as reported in Walker (1992)115 Strategy



Test cost (£)


Cancers detected

Total cost (£million)

Cost per cancer detected




1 978





















3 025











0.95 0.67 0.33 0.36

0.93 0.91 0.94 0.89

6.00 3.00 1.00 1.00

4 051 5 319 5 327 9 495

192 136 99 112

£1.03 £0.86 £0.66 £1.11

£5,356 £6,373 £6,691 £9,869

HO: 3 day, no rehydration, no retesting HO: all first round +ves retested HO: all first round screenees retested HO: rehydrated, no retesting HO: 6 day, no rehydration, no retesting Immudia HemSp Feca-EIA Coloscreen EZ-detect

Table 15: Costs for unnamed guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs followed by colonoscopy, as reported in Shimbo (1994)119 Guaiac Immunochemcial Cost per person (Yen)



Cost compared to no screening (Yen)



Incremental cost-effectiveness per year of life saved (Yen)



Incremental cost-effectiveness per year of life saved ($)




Table 16: Number of life years saved and costs (in Euros) for Haemoccult and Magstream as 10 and 20 year programmes as reported in Berchi (2004)118 Number of life years saved Haemoccult Magstream 10 year programme 20 year programme

9.8 16.7

9.8 16.7

Discounted cost of screening per person 10 year programme



20 year programme



Discounted incremental cost per life year saved Magstream (sensitivity 82%, specificity 96%) over HO (sensitivity 52%, specificity 99.5%) 4141 2980

10 year programme 20 year programme

Table 17: Cost and ratio per per life year saved for an unnamed guaiac and immunochemical FOBT as reported in Wong (2004).120 Incremental cost per life year saved compared with no screening (Singapore $) Age Guaiac Immunochemical 50-54 55-59 60-64

288.33 145.70 65.42

623.12 342.75 177.69




Weighted incremental cost effectiveness ratio per life year saved compared with no screening Guaiac




Guaiac: Sensitivity 10% polyps, 60% CRC, and specificity 90% polyps and CRC. Immunochemical: Sensitivity 40% polyps, 90% CRC and specificity 95% polyps and CRC.

Table 18: Cost per life year gained (LYG) in US $ for Haemoccult II (HO II), Haemoccult Sensa (HO Sensa), and an unnamed immunochemical FOBT (iFOBT) as reported in van Ballegooijen (2003)116


Sensitivity (%)

Specificity (%)


98 92.5 98 95 92.5 98 95


40 98 70 95

Test cost ($)


4.50 None 28 4.50 28 4.50 28


Surveillance every 3 years

Average cost per LYG $1,071 $3,342 $357 $1,994 $5,827 $2,834 $4,479 $2,245 $1,830 $4,161 $3,378 $5,716

5. DISCUSSION With over 30,000 new cases of CRC being diagnosed each year in England and Wales (www.statistics.gov.uk), CRC represents a significant health problem and a potential target for screening. Screening for CRC using FOBTs has been shown in clinical trials to reduce mortality by 15 to 33% for average risk populations.20-23 The feasibility of screening for CRC in the UK population using an FOBT was therefore investigated. Two pilot studies, one conducted in central England and the other in Scotland,18, 26, 27 suggested that population based screening, using a guaiac based FOBT, is feasible, and that a national programme of FOBT screening should reduce mortality from CRC. However, the need for repeat-testing of ‘weak positive’ results lengthened the screening process. Further research to establish whether an immunochemical FOBT may provide more definitive results on the first test was recommended.26 This review therefore evaluated the diagnostic accuracy and cost-effectiveness of both guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs, in an attempt to inform this debate.

5.1 Review methodology Extensive literature searches were conducted in an attempt to identify maximum possible number of relevant studies. A broad spectrum of sources was considered particularly important for this review due to the high proportion of non-English language studies that were expected following scoping searches. Priority was given to maximising the sensitivity of the search strategies as search filters aimed at specifically identifying diagnostic accuracy studies are known to perform poorly.123-127 Attempts were also made to identify unpublished research; these included contacting experts in the field and searching research registers, conference proceedings, grey literature, bibliographic references and the Internet, with a view to minimising the potential for publication bias. The extent to which publication bias is an issue for diagnostic accuracy studies remains unclear, and no validated method of assessing publication bias in diagnostic accuracy studies is currently available.53 Intervention studies have a clear cut-off defining a ‘positive result’, i.e. whether there is a significant difference in outcome between the treatment and control, and whether this difference favours the intervention. This is not the case for diagnostic accuracy studies which measure the agreement between the results of the index test and a reference standard. It is likely that studies reporting higher estimates of test performance are published more frequently, but the extent to which this occurs is unclear. There is evidence that publication bias is a particular problem for studies of small sample size, although these data are not specific to the diagnostic literature.128-130 The sample size of studies included in this review ranged from 44 to 97,205, with 24 diagnostic accuracy studies having fewer than 500 participants, and only ten having fewer than 200 participants; it may therefore be hypothesised that there is a reduced likelihood of significant impact from publication bias in this review. During the initial study selection phase, we realised that many studies evaluating the effectiveness of a particular FOBT or the screening process in reducing mortality, which had not been designed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of FOBTs, contained useful information. By taking only data derived from the intervention arms (i.e. screened participants), these studies could be used to derive diagnostic cohorts that could then be included in the review. To increase the reliability of this data, we included only those derived cohorts with a loss to follow-up of less than 15%, and where all participants had received a reference standard or were followed up for at least two years. The generation of cohorts from these studies allowed us to make maximum use of the available data. Clear inclusion criteria were reported in the protocol for this review, and a list of the studies that were assessed and excluded, along with the reason for their exclusion, is provided. All included studies were assessed for methodological quality using the QUADAS tool, which was developed specifically for the assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies.131 The poor reporting of studies, an ongoing problem in diagnostics,50 may limit the uefulness of this assessment, as it cannot always be ascertained whether a study that does not fulfil the QUADAS criteria is truly methodologically flawed, or just poorly reported.132 Established methods were used during the review process to reduce the potential for reviewer error or bias.11 The initial stage of study selection (scanning titles and abstracts for relevance) was conducted independently by two reviewrs. The assessment of full papers for inclusion was conducted by one reviewer, with all potentially included studies and a random selection of potentially excluded studies checked by a second. Data extraction was carried out by one reviewer and checked by a second. All


disagreements were resolved by consensus or by referral to a third reviewer if consensus could not be reached.

5.2 Key findings of the review A variety of FOBTs have been marketed for use in screening for CRC, including guaiac, immunochemical, haem-porphyrin and flushable FOBTs. The requirement of fluorescent spectrophotometry and complex laboratory procedures for haem-porphyrin, and the absence of a health professional in the interpretation of the results of flushable FOBTs, means these tests are not suitable as screening tools, and were not evaluated in this review.18, 30, 31 Stool markers, such as detection of mutated DNA, tests for albumin, and calprotectin, were also not evaluated as these are still in the early phases of research.12 Currently, a range of FOBTs are used in screening programmes internationally, although the use of guaiac tests seem to predominate in Europe and the USA (primarily Haemoccult), and immunochemical tests in Asia. Where guaiac FOBTs have been evaluated in studies based in Asian countries, Shionogi B seems to be the most regularly used. The widespread use of Haemoccult in Europe and the USA has resulted in this FOBT being more extensively researched, with publications primarily in English and either of a diagnostic cohort design, or a study design from which a cohort could be derived. Of the 35 studies evaluating immunochemical FOBTs, 34 were conducted in Asia, of which 10 were published in Japanese or Chinese, with data extraction being undertaken via translators. In addition, the majority of studies conducted in Asia were of diagnostic case-control design (51% of studies of immunochemical FOBTs). Diagnostic case-control studies are more prone to bias and the over-estimation of accuracy.132, 133 This was evident in the data included in the current review, as diagnostic case-control studies generally reported higher sensitivities for FOBTs than cohort studies. The results reported for immunochemcial FOBTs may therefore be less reliable, and more prone to data extraction errors (arising from translation) and bias (arising from methodological flaws in the primary studies), than those for guaiac FOBTs. As a result, any seemingly greater accuracy of immunochemical FOBT over guaiac FOBTs may be a consequence of the bias associated with the study design, rather than a clinically significant difference between the different test methodologies.

5.2.1 Guaiac FOBTs Haemoccult and Haemoccult II differ only in their configuration, therefore these two tests were treated as one in the review.110, 134 No one guaiac FOBT stood out as being better than the others. Data from diagnostic cohort studies indicated that KryptoHaem had the highest sensitivity for detecting all neoplasms, and non-rehydrated Haemoccult and Haemoccult Sensa had the highest sensitivity for detecting CRC. However, there were significant methodological flaws in these studies that require consideration. The only study to evaluate KryptoHaem68 did not make it clear whether an appropriate patient spectrum had been recruited, and used sigmoidoscopy as the reference standard. Sigmoidoscopy does not examine the entire bowel, only identifying CRC in the distal bowel, therefore is not regarded an appropriate reference standard for the target condition. FOBTs tend to be better at detecting lesions in the distal bowel. This is more of an issue with immunochemical FOBTs than guaiac FOBTs, as immunochemical FOBTs rely on the detection of intact globin, which may have been degraded and become undetectable when bleeding originated from a lesion in the proximal bowel. Studies that use sigmoidoscopy as the reference standard may report an increased accuracy of the FOBT compared to those that use colonoscopy, as many of the additional lesions detected in the proximal bowel during colonoscopy, would not have been detected by the FOBT. The study reporting the highest sensitivity for Haemoccult Sensa for the detection of CRC8 was of better quality, recruiting an appropriate patient spectrum (unselected screening population), and using colonoscopy as the reference standard after a positive FOBT. However the reference standard for people with a negative FOBT was referral to a cancer registry and follow-up, which would be likely to miss interval cancers. This may result in an under-estimation of the number of false negative results and hence an over-estimation sensitivity. Both studies reporting high sensitivities for Haemoccult (96.2%106 and 86.8%100 for the detection of CRC) used reference standards that were unlikely to adequately confirm the presence of disease after a positive FOBT result, or its absence after a negative result. One of the studies also did not make it clear whether an appropriate patient spectrum was used.106 These methodological flaws in (or poor reporting of) the primary studies, make the reliability of reported results less certain,. The two highest quality cohort studies, one evaluating unrehydrated Haemoccult80 and the other rehydrated Haemoccult97 both recruited an appropriate patient spectrum


and used colonoscopy as the reference standard after both a positive and negative FOBT, reported low sensitivities for the detection of all neoplasms (19.3%80 and 11.3%97) and much lower sensitivities for the detection of CRC (30.0%80 and 34.1%97) than the lower quality studies. The clinical and statistical heterogeneity seen between studies evaluating each guaiac FOBTs made pooling of study results inappropriate, and therefore no overall estimate of the accuracy of any guaiac FOBT could be calculated, limiting the value of the currently available data. The effect of bias arising from inferior study designs can be clearly seen in the guaiac FOBT studies, as Haemoccult was generally reported as being more sensitive in the case-control studies than the cohort studies. Hence, although Shionogi B was reported as one of the most sensitive guaiac FOBTs, the fact that it was only evaluated in two case-control studies makes the reliability of these results uncertain. There was little evidence to evaluate the benefit of repeat sampling. Only one small diagnostic case control study compared the accuracy of testing using Haemoccult for 1, 2 or 3 days,6 and reported increases in sensitivity, and decreases in specificity with each additional day a test was completed.

5.2.2 Immunochemcial FOBTs As immunochemical FOBTs use antibodies to detect the globin moiety of human haemoglobin, they are not only unaffected by diet, but they also will not detect bleeding from the upper GI tract as globin is degraded prior to entry into the colon.45 This, along with the more convenient method of stool collection, has led to an increasing interest in and volume of research on the accuracy of immunochemical FOBTs and their usefulness for population screening. Immunochemcial FOBTs that utilised the same methodology (enzyme immunoassay, latex agglutination, reverse passive haemagglutination) were grouped together in this review. Data derived from the diagnostic cohort studies indicated that Immudia HemSp was the most sensitive immunochemical FOBT for the detection of all neoplasms. This test also performed fairly well, and more consistently than any other imunochemcial FOBT, for the detection of CRC. Although Flexsure, MonoHaem and OC Light had studies reporting sensitivities higher than Immudia HemSp for the detection of CRC, data were much less consistent between studies. In addition, the cohort study evaluating Immudia HemSp only failed to fulfil one QUADAS criterion; it did not describe the execution of the reference standard in sufficient detail to allow replication.73 The other cohort studies either did not make it clear if an appropriate patient spectrum was recruited,46 did not use an appropriate reference standard for people with a negative FOBT,108 or the reference standard used was unclear,46 or they did not provide sufficient details regarding the index test to allow replication.71, 96, 108 The diagnostic case-control studies also reported favourable results for Immudia HemSp, with this test achieving the three highest reported sensitivities for the detection of all neoplasms. The variation in accuracy between tests was less pronounced than in the cohort studies. The clinical and statistical heterogeneity seen between studies evaluating each immunochemcial FOBT made pooling of study results inappropriate, and therefore no overall estimate of the accuracy of any immunochemcial FOBTs could be calculated, limiting the value of the currently available data. There was little evidence to evaluate the benefit of repeat sampling. The same small diagnostic case control study that evaluated the accuracy of Haemoccult with repeat testing, also compared Feca-EIA and OC Light when used for 1, 2 or 3 days.6 As with Haemoccult, this study reported increases in sensitivity, and decreases in specificity with each additional day a test was completed.

5.3 Variability and limitations of the included studies There are a number of potential sources of heterogeneity between the studies. The most obvious include study design, patient spectrum, reference standards used, the threshold used to define a positive result, as well as test specific details (e.g. rehydration and dietary restrictions for guaiac FOBTs). Though the available data were not sufficient to permit a full investigation of the impact of potential sources of heterogeneity on estimates of diagnostic accuracy using regression analyses, some of the possible effects are outlined and discussed below.


Study design Only diagnostic cohort studies (some of which were derived from studies of other designs) and diagnostic case-control studies were located and included in the review. Many of the cohort studies were methodologically flawed, particularly in relation to the patient spectrum and the reference standards used. Case-control studies are known to be more prone to bias and have a tendency to produce overestimations of diagnostic accuracy.132, 133 Data included in the current review support this, in particular, case-control studies evaluating Haemoccult tended to report greater sensitivity than cohort studies. As most studies evaluating immunochemical FOBTs were case-control studies, these data need to be treated with particular caution, and the consequent additional difficulties in comparing guiac and immunochemical FOBTs noted. Furthermore, there was a lack of studies that made direct comparisons between guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs. Only direct comparisons, where both guaiac and immunochemcial FOBTs are used to test the same stool specimens, will provide the data needed to compare the accuracy of these two types of FOBT. The standard of reporting in the primary studies was a problem throughout the review. This issue has been highlighted previously.47, 50, 63, 131, 135, 136 The Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) group published a checklist to improve the quality of reporting of a diagnostic studies,63, 135, 136 and some evidence of improved reporting quality has been noted in the general diagnostic literature.135, 136 Quality and consistency of reporting remains an area of concern for primary diagnostic accuracy studies, which is likely to limit the utility of evidence synthesis in this area. Reference standards Colonoscopy to the caecum is likely to be the most accurate diagnostic tool for the detection of colorectal neoplasms, and was regarded as the gold standard in this review. Positive FOBT/cases often received colonoscopy or a combination of tests that were likely to diagnose target condition. However, many of the reference standards used, particularly for those with negative FOBT/controls, such as sigmoidoscopy, or referral to the cancer registry, had limitations, and would not necessarily identify the target condition. The use of reference standards that may not identify the target condition in those with a negative FOBT could result in an underestimation of the number of false negatives and hence an over estimation of sensitivity. Thresholds Changing the threshold for positivity (e.g. the number of windows required to show blue colouration on a Haemoccult slide) may change both the sensitivity and specificity of the test. Some studies stated that ‘any blue colour’ indicated a positive result, others specified that 2, 3 or more windows had to show a blue colouration to be positive, and some studies retested after what were considered ‘weak’ positive results. These differences in threshold will affect the observed positivity rate of the test, and as such, will impact on the proposed number of colonoscopies that would be required as a result of a screening programme with FOBT. Hydration The hydration status of the faecal sample is only an issue for guaiac FOBTs, and is primarily seen as an issue for Haemoccult slides. Hydration of Haemoccult slides before development and interpretation of the results is thought to impact on the accuracy of the test, with an increase in sensitivity with rehydration.137, 138 Only an indirect comparison of results from cohort studies was available to investigate this potential source of heterogeneity, as no study provided a direct comparison of rehydrated and non-rehydrated Haemoccult slides. Indirrect comparison of data reported in this review provided no evidence that rehydration increased the sensitivity of Haemoccult. In fact, the lowest reported sensitivities were similar, both for all neoplasms and for CRC, with the highest reported sensitivities being for non-rehydrated Haemoccult slides. Overall specificity was comparable between rehydrated and non-rehydrated Haemoccult slides, although studies that did not rehydrate the slides reported a wider range of specificities than those that did. The limited regression analysis that was possible indicated that rehydration had no affect on overall accuracy (as indicated by DOR). Diet and medication use Another factor that may explain some of the heterogeneity between studies evaluating guaiac FOBTs is the use (or not) of restrictions to diet and medication. As guaiac FOBTs depend upon the detection of peroxidase or pseudo-peroxidase activity, and are not specific to the pseudoperoxidase activity of


human haemoglobin, diet and medications are thought to influence the accuracy of the test.138 For example animal haemoglobin/myoglobin in red meat may increase the number of false positive results, as may fruits and vegetables high in peroxidase activity (artichokes, bananas, turnips, horseradish, mushrooms, radishes, broccoli, bean sprouts, cauliflower, oranges, grapes), the use of aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and other gastric irritants that may cause bleeding.138 The antioxidant, ascorbic acid, interferes with the pseudoperoxidase reaction, therefore high doses of vitamin C may increase the number of false negative results.139 Only the group of studies evaluating Haemoccult for the detection of CRC included studies of the same design that did,8, 64, 65, 67, 94, 97, 100, 106, 110, 113 and did not,69, 80 impose dietary restrictions prior to testing. Indirect comparison of this limited data found no indication that imposing dietary restriction improved the accuracy of Haemoccult for the detection of CRC. The limited regression analysis that was possible indicated that dietary restriction had no affect on overall accuracy (as indicated by DOR). Dietary restrictions imposed prior to testing with guaiac FOBTs are also thought to be a factor in reducing compliance.43, 140 However, results from a published review suggested that advice to apply modest dietary restriction when using non-rehydrated FOBTs did not affect the completion rate, although more severe restrictions may.37This review also reported that dietary restriction did not appear to affect positivity rates and concluded that dietary restrictions should not be imposed before testing with non-rehydrated FOBTs.37 There was insufficient data regarding the impact of dietary restrictions on compliance in the included studies to draw any conclusions.

5.4 Economic evaluations Cost-effectiveness evaluations used higher values of sensitivity and lower values of specificity than those presented in this review. Therefore the hypothetical scenarios described in these economic evaluations have limited value. The choice of the comparators appears to have been appropriate in most studies, however the methods used to find and select the primary studies were unclear, and several assumptions about the appropriateness of the benefit measures had to be made. None of the studies assessed the impact of FOBTs on quality of life. The unit costs were provided in all studies. However, the issue of the generalisability of the study results to other settings was partially addressed in only one study.114 Currently, published evidence about the relative specificity and sensitivity of immunochemical FOBTs in comparison to guaiac FOBTs is sparse and highly uncertain, limiting the possibilities for cost-effectiveness evaluations. Our findings support the claim that more costeffectiveness evaluations in clinical settings should be performed,124 with the caveate that reliable comparative accuracy data are required to inform economic modelling.

5.5 Guaiac or immunochemical FOB testing? Studies performing direct comparisons between guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs, (i.e. performing more than one test on the same stool specimen) gave inconsistent and often conflicting results. With few studies reporting results for direct comparisons between FOBTs, the review also attempted indirect comparisons between guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs. There was some support for one immunochemical FOBT (Immudia HemSp) being superior to other immunochemical FOBTs evaluated. However, there was little support for the superiority of any one guaiac FOBT. There was also no clear evidence to suggest that either guaiac or immunochemical FOBTs performed better than the other, either for the detection of all neoplasms or CRC. The test reported to be most sensitive in the diagnostic cohort studies for the detection of all neoplasms was the guaiac FOBT KryptoHaem,68 with the immunochecmial FOBT, Immudia HemSp, being second.73 The quality of the studies evaluating Immudia HemSp, however, was generally good, whereas the single study evaluating KryptoHaem had significant methodological flaws. The data on Immudia HemSp may therefore be a more reliable reflection of the test’s performance. For the detection of CRC, data form cohort studies indicated that Haemoccult and MonoHaem were likely to be the most sensitive tests evaluated. However, there was a large variation in the sensitivities of both guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs, with no FOBT being consistently more sensitive than the others. Overall, therefore, Immudia HemSp seems to be the most reliable test (based on currently available data) for the detection of all neoplasms, which would be the main aim for any programme screening in an asypmtomatic population. The cost effectiveness of Immudia HemSp was evaluated in two economic evaluations, one conducted in the UK115 and the other in Italy.117 Both studies used 77

Haemoccult as the comparator guaiac FOBT. The study conducted in the UK reported that Immudia HemSp was less cost-effective (cost per cancer detected) than Haemoccult. The Italian study, however, reported that Immudia HemSp was the more cost effective (cost of screening each person with cancer) option for the detection of CRC, and adenomas, when both definite positives and borderline positive results were taken into consideration, in both the 40-49 and 50-70 year age groups.117 Further research is required in this area. A recent report, published by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association,45 reviewed seven studies performed in high risk populations, that compared guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs. This report concluded that there was not enough evidence for applying immunochemical FOBTs on a larger scale, and that the scientific evidence should improve.45 Whilst reporting tentative data in support of Immudia HemSp, our findings generally support this view. In choosing an FOBT for use in a national screening programme, the likely number of colonoscopies that would be carried out as a consequence of the differing positivity rates of tests is an important practical consideration. Given that the limit of detection for haemoglobin in stool samples is lower for immunochemical FOBTs than for guaiac FOBTs,141-143 it may be expected that more colonosocpies would need to be conducted when using an immunochemical FOBTs than guaiac. However, the applicability of the estimates of the limit of detection calculated using in vitro studies to the level of blood loss from a neoplasm is uncertain. Using data derived from diagnostic cohort studies included in this review, (FOBT for the detection of all neoplasms,) it is possible to estimate the number of colonoscopies that would be undertaken for every 1000 people screened (if 80% of those with a positive FOBT agreed to a colonoscopy), as well as how many of these would have been conducted after false positive tests, and were therefore unnecessary. From the limited data availble, the estimated number of colonoscopies that would be conducted per 1000 people screened using un-rehydrated Haemoccult (the FOBT used in the UK screening pilot) would be between 11 (7 conducted after false positive results) and 160 (114 after false positive results).64, 65, 67, 77, 78, 80, 113 The estimated number of colonoscopies, derived from the single study of , KryptoHaem (a study which, though flawed, also reported the highest diagnostic accuracy ) would be 29 (12 after false positive results).68 The number of colonoscopies that would be required after immunochemical FOBTs, ranged from 18 (9 after false positive results) for OC Light71 to 90 (83 after false positive results) for the SPA Test,46 with the positivity rate reported in the study evaluating Immudia HemSp resulting in a need for 63 colonoscopies (44 after false positive results).73 These estimates indicate that, regardless of the FOBT used, a large number of colonoscopies would be likely to be conducted after false positive results. Such a scenario would impact upon the infrastructure requirements and cost of a screening programme, and would be likely to result in significant numbers of people experiencing unnecessary stress, anxiety and physical discomfort. They also indicate that the lower limit of detection for haemoglobin seen in in vitro studies of immunochemical FOBTs does not translate to an increase in the number of potential colonoscopies when the test is used in a screening context. Using census data to calculate the number of people who would be eligbile for screening, we can estimate the total number of colonoscopies that may be required for a screening population. If screening was offered to people aged between 60 and 69 (5,600,000 people), and 60% (3,360,000 people) accepted screening,144 between 36,960 and 538,000 colonoscopies would need to be conducted based on the lowest and highest positivity rates (both of which were for un-rehydrated Haemoccult) reported for the tests evaluated evaluated in this review. As is clear from the wide range in possible extimates of the number of colonoscopies arising from a UK screening programe, no firm conclusions can be drawn from the data presented in this review regarding either the number of colonoscopies that would need to be conducted if a given screening test were adopted, how many of these would be conducted unnecessarily, or what would be the health and economic costs of “false” screening results. Further, research is much needed in this area.


6. CONCLUSIONS Studies that included direct comparisons indicated a better overall test performance for immunochemical FOBTs than for guaiac FOBTs, but this evidence was very limited and of poor quality. Indirect comparisons showed no clear evidence to suggest that either guaiac or immunochemical FOBTs performed better. Poor reporting of data limited the scope of this review. We would encourage investigators to use the STARD guidelines when reporting diagnostic accuracy studies.

6.1 Implications for practice Of the guaiac FOBTs, KryptoHaem appeared to show the best overall accuracy for the detection of all neoplasms. However, KryptoHaem was only evaluated in a single cohort study, which had significant methodological flaws. On the whole, Haemoccult Sensa appeared to be more sensitive than Haemoccult, with similar specificity. Amongst the immunochemical FOBTs, Immudia HemSp appeared to perform best for the detection of all neoplasms, and, athough MonoHaem and Iatro HemCheck appeared more accurate for the detection of CRC, Immudia HemSp produced the most consistent results across studies. Sensitivity was generally increased for all tests where CRC was the target condition rather than all neoplasms. The few direct comparisons between guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs available, gave inconsistent and often conflicting results. With few studies reporting results for direct comparisons between FOBTs, the review also attempted indirect comparisons between guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs. Less reliable indirect comparisons showed no clear preference for either guaiac or immunochemical FOBTs. However, sensitivities derived from cohort studies were generally low, with the sensitivity being less than 50% in 89% of studies for the detection of all neoplasmsm and 50% of studies for the detection of CRC. The ‘miss rate’ at a single screening is therefore likely to be high regardless of the FOBT used. When deciding on which FOBTs to use as a screening tool for colorectal neoplasms, the following points should be considered: •

Overall test accuracy: the number of false positive and false negative results generated by an FOBT will impact on the number of colonoscopies performed, patient attitudes, physchiatric morbididty, compliance, and cost-effectiveness. Though comparative data are sparse, it seems that some immunochemical tests, particularly Immudia HemSp, may be more consistent in their level of accuracy than other FOBTs.

Compliance: this may vary considerably with different collection techniques, need for dietary restrictions with some tests, and the frequency of testing required. In this regard, it seems likely that compliance would be greater with immunochemical tests than guaiac FOBTs, as the collection method is easier, with less contact with the stool specimen, and dietary restrictions are not required. However, there is little evidence to support this hypothesis.

Practical elements, such as posting the tests: concerns have been raised about the ability of post offices to handle immunochemical FOBTs, this might have important implications when adopting such tests.

Cost-effectiveness: on the whole, it seems that immunochemical FOBTs may be more costly, however, the impact of this may be offset if improvements in accuracy and compliance are demonstrated.

Availability in the UK.

6.2 Implications for research Based on the current evidence, further research is required to fully evaluate the comparative diagnostic accuracy of FOBTs. Well designed diagnostic cohort studies are to be preferred over case control studies, and the following specific points should be considered when designing a study:


1. Population spectrum should be clearly defined a priori, and designed to measure the diagnostic accuracy of FOBTs in a population representative that targeted for screening. Ideally, multi-centre studies should be conducted with a view to providing a more representative sample of the general screening population. Inappropriate exclusion of participants after entering the study and exclusion of borderline or uninterpretable results should be avoided. 2. Studies should ideally use the same reference standard to confirm diagnosis, regardless of the result of the FOBT. 3. The detection of all neoplasms (cancer and adenomas) should be the main diagnostic target of any study, as this would be the aim of a national screening programme. 4. Those interpreting tests in a study setting should have access to similar, relevant clinical information to that which would be available in the context of a screening programme, and should be blinded to other information. 5. Direct comparisons between immunochemical FOBTs, and between guaiac and immunochemical FOBTs are required. Most of the research on immunochemical FOBTs has been conducted in Asian countries, using a case-control study design, therefore these data may not be generalisable to the UK setting, and may be prone to bias. In addition, the regular provision of information regarding the outcomes of the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme, particularly in realtion to the number of colonoscopies performed and associated beneficial/adverse outcomes, may greatly increase the evidence base. Further areas where research is required include: 1. The impact of dietary restrictions and re-hydration on the accuracy of and compliance with guaiac FOBTs. Many researchers do not recommend the use of re-hydration, and there is still controversy over whether dietary restrictions should be applied, particularly for Haemoccult Sensa. 2. The number of colonoscopies that would be required in the UK screening population based on the positivity rates of different tests, and the impact upon the infrastructure requirements and cost of a screening programme. 3. The acceptability of different FOBTs to those being screened. For example brush versus spatula collection methods, the requirement of dietary restrictions for some tests, the need for repeat testing, and the frequency of testing required on acceptability and compliance. 4. The impact of both false positive and false negative results on psychiatric morbidity, future self referral with onset of symptoms, and attendance at rescreening sessions. 5. The skills and experience of those conducting and interpreting diagnostic tests may be a source of variation in diagnostic accuracy, particularly where interpretation is subjective. Although outside the scope of this review, both intra- and inter-user variability and the relationship of the latter to skills and experience, are of potential interest. More complete reporting of data using the STARD recommendations when publishing research results is recommended.135, 136 Details as to how the index tests and reference standard were performed should be made explicit to allow replication.


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APPENDIX A: ADVISORY PANEL MEMBERS Mr S.P. Halloran (FRCPath) Consultant Clinical Biochemist, Royal Surrey County Hospital Director, Guilford Medical Devices Evaluation Centre Surrey, England Dr Alphons G.H. Kessels (MD, MsC) Statistician/Methodologist Departments of Clinical Epidemiology and Medical Technology Assessment Maastricht University Hospital, Peter Debijelaan 25, NL-6229 HX Maastricht, the Netherlands Mr B Saunders Consultant Physician & Senior Lecturer (Endoscopy) Wolfson Unit for Endoscopy St Mark's Hospital Harrow, England Professor James St John Associate Professor The Cancer Council Victoria Melbourne, Australia Professor R J C Steele Department of Surgery and Molecular Oncology Ninewells Hospital and Medical School Dundee, Scotland Professor David Weller Centre for Public Health and Primary Care Research Public Health Sciences University of Edinburgh, Medical School Teviot Place Edinburgh, Scotland



APPENDIX B: FOBT DEVICES Table 19: Guaiac FOBT devices UK name



Brand name

Alternative names




Hemoccult HemeOccult Haemoccult II Hemoccult II HemeOccult II

Name used in review



Helena Laboratories UK Headquarters Colima Avenue Sunderland Enterprise Park Sunderland, Tyne & Wear SR5 3XB, U.K.


Beckman Coulter Oakley Court Kingsmead Business Park London Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP11 1JU

UK distributor POCT distributor GTA (UK) Limited 34 Nottingham South Industrial Estate Ruddington Lane, Wilford Nottingham, NG11-7EP Analytical technologies http://www.analyticaltechnologies.co.uk subsidiary of YSI Inc POCT Woodfield House, Forfar Road, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 3RA Analytical technologies http://www.analyticaltechnologies.co.uk subsidiary of YSI Inc

Haemoccult Sensa

Beckman Coulter Oakley Court Kingsmead Business Park London Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP11 1JU

Used as the foundation for Colon Alert in the US


Immunostics 3505 Sunset Ave, Ocean, NJ 07712 US

Alpha Laboratories Limited 40 Parham Drive Eastleigh Hampshire SO50 4NU

None known



Autogen Bioclear UK Ltd Holly Ditch Farm, Mile Elm, Calne, Wiltshire, SN11 0PY

Haemoccult Sensa

Haemoccult Sensa

Hemoccult Sensa Elite






POCT Woodfield House, Forfar Road, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 3RA

UK name

Brand name

Alternative names

Name used in review


UK distributor



None known



Roche Diagnostics UK & Ireland http://www.rochediagnostics.co.uk/index.html



None known



Mast Group Ltd. MAST House, Derby Road, Bootle, Merseyside, L20 1EA



Krypto Haem-SSWR Krypto Haem-SSW Krypto Häm



None known


Shionogi B

None known

Shionogi B

Shionogi Pharmaceutical Co, Japan

None known

Table 20: Immunochemical FOBT devices UK name

Brand name



Hema-screen Specific

Hema-screen Specific



Alternative names

Name used in review


UK distributors


Veda Lab Parc d'Activités du Londeau BP 181 - 61006 Alençon cedex France

Quadratech Ltd PO Box 167 Epsom Surrey KT18 7YL

None known


Alpha Laboratories Limited 40 Parham Drive Eastleigh Hampshire SO50 4NU

Alpha Laboratories Limited 40 Parham Drive Eastleigh Hampshire SO50 4NU



DiaSys Europe Ltd Unit 5 Sapphire Centre, Fishponds Road, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 2QL

DiaSys Europe Ltd Unit 5 Sapphire Centre, Fishponds Road, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 2QL



UK name

Brand name

Alternative names

Name used in review


UK distributors

OC Light

OC Hemocatch OC Hemodia Eiken OC Hemodia-Eiken

OC Light

Nagase www.nagase.com

None known

LA Hemochaser

LA Hemo Chaser

LA Hemochaser

Mizuho Medy co. Ltd Tokyo, Japan

None known

HB latex

Stick HB latex

HB latex

Operon Camino del Plano 19.50410-Cuarte de Huerva (Zaragoza), Spain

None known

SPA test

None known

SPA test


None known


None known



None known




Nihon Pharmaceuticals Tokyo, Japan

None known


None known



None known

Stick EIA

None known

Stick EIA


None known

Checkmate hemo

EIA - Checkmate hemo

Checkmate hemo


None known


Fecatwin SST Fecatwin EIA


Labsystems Co Helsinki, Finland

Henleys Medical Brownfields, Welwyn Garden City Herts AL7 1AN

Iatro Hemcheck

None known

Iatro Hemcheck


None known



APPENDIX C: DETAILED SEARCH STRATEGIES This appendix presents the detailed searches carried out to inform the review. MEDLINE: Ovid web interface. 1966-2004/Jul week 4. 30th July 2004. The MEDLINE search covered the date range 1966 to July 2004. The search was carried out on 30th July 2004 and identified 1724 records. 1. exp Colorectal Neoplasms/ 2. exp Cecal Neoplasms/ 3. ((colorect$ or colo rect$) adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 4. ((colon or colonic) adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 5. ((rectal$ or rectum$) adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 6. ((sigmoid$ or rectosigmoi$) adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 7. ((cecum or cecal or caecum or caecal or il?eoc?ecal or il?eoc?ecum) adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 8. (large bowel$ adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 9. (large intestin$ adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 10. (lower intestin$ adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 11. (hepatic flexur$ adj (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 12. (splenic flexur$ adj (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 13. or/1-12 14. Occult Blood/ 15. occult blood.ti,ab. 16. occult bleed$.ti,ab. 17. (blood$ adj3 (stool$ or fece$ or faece$)).ti,ab. 18. (hidden adj3 blood$).ti,ab. 19. fecal occult.ti,ab. 20. faecal occult.ti,ab. 21. or/14-20 22. 13 or 21 23. Reagent Kits, Diagnostic/ 24. (fecal occult blood adj (test$ or measure$)).ti,ab. 25. (faecal occult blood adj (test$ or measure$)).ti,ab. 26. (fecal occult blood adj (screen$ or exam$)).ti,ab. 27. (faecal occult blood adj (screen$ or exam$)).ti,ab. 28. (stool occult blood adj (test$ or measure$ or screen$ or exam$)).ti,ab. 29. (FOBT or FOB).ti,ab. 30. ((stool$ or fece$ or faece$) adj3 (card or cards)).ti,ab. 31. ((disposable or flushable) adj3 (reagent$ or pad or pads or test$ or kit or kits)).ti,ab. 32. GUAIAC/ 33. (guaiac or guiac).ti,ab. 34. (haemoccult or haemoccult).ti,ab. 35. haemoccultsensa.ti,ab. 36. hemocare.ti,ab. 37. seracult.ti,ab. 38. coloscreen.ti,ab. 39. (hemascreen or hema screen).ti,ab. 129

40. (hemachek or hema chek).ti,ab. 41. (hemocheck or hemochek or hemo check or hemo chek).ti,ab. 42. (hemawipe or hema wipe).ti,ab. 43. monohaem.ti,ab. 44. (hemofec or hemofecia).ti,ab. 45. (fecatest or fecatwin).ti,ab. 46. (immunochemical$ adj3 (test$ or screen$ or diagn$)).ti,ab. 47. (immunologic$ adj3 (test$ or screen$ or diagn$)).ti,ab. 48. colocare.ti,ab. 49. hemeselect.ti,ab. 50. immudia.ti,ab. 51. flexsure.ti,ab. 52. (ez detect$ or e z detect$).ti,ab. 53. immocare.ti,ab. 54. (!nform or !nsure).ti,ab. 55. (hemchek or hem chek).ti,ab. 56. (magstream or HemSP or bayer detect).ti,ab. 57. hemochaser.ti,ab. 58. hemodia.ti,ab. 59. (bm-test or bmtest or colon albumin).ti,ab. 60. or/23-59 61. 22 and 60 62. Animal/ 63. Human/ 64. 62 not (62 and 63) 65. 61 not 64 EMBASE: Ovid web interface. 1980-2004/week 30. 30th July 2004. The EMBASE search covered the date range 1980 to July 2004. The search was carried out on 30th July 2004 and identified 1292 records. 1. exp large intestine tumor/ 2. exp large intestine cancer/ 3. exp rectum cancer/ 4. ((colorect$ or colo rect$) adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 5. ((colon or colonic) adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 6. ((rectal$ or rectum$) adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 7. ((sigmoid$ or rectosigmoi$) adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 8. ((cecum or cecal or caecum or caecal or il?eoc?ecal or il?eoc?ecum) adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 9. (large bowel$ adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 10. (large intestin$ adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 11. (lower intestin$ adj3 (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 12. (hepatic flexur$ adj (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 13. (splenic flexur$ adj (cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo?r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$)).ti,ab. 14. or/1-13 15. occult blood/ 16. occult blood.ti,ab. 17. occult bleed$.ti,ab.


18. (blood$ adj3 (stool$ or fece$ or faece$)).ti,ab. 19. hidden blood$.ti,ab. 20. fecal occult.ti,ab. 21. faecal occult.ti,ab. 22. or/15-21 23. 14 or 22 24. occult blood test/ 25. (fecal occult blood adj (test$ or measure$)).ti,ab. 26. (faecal occult blood adj (test$ or measure$)).ti,ab. 27. (fecal occult blood adj (screen$ or exam$)).ti,ab. 28. (faecal occult blood adj (screen$ or exam$)).ti,ab. 29. (stool occult blood adj (test$ or measure$ or screen$ or exam$)).ti,ab. 30. (FOBT or FOB).ti,ab. 31. ((stool$ or fece$ or faece$) adj3 (card or cards)).ti,ab. 32. ((disposable or flushable) adj3 (reagent$ or pad or pads or test$ or kit or kits)).ti,ab. 33. Guaiac/ 34. (guaiac or guiac).ti,ab. 35. (haemoccult or haemoccult).ti,ab. 36. haemoccultsensa.ti,ab. 37. hemocare.ti,ab. 38. seracult.ti,ab. 39. coloscreen.ti,ab. 40. (hemascreen or hema screen).ti,ab. 41. (hemachek or hema chek).ti,ab. 42. (hemocheck or hemochek or hemo check or hemo chek).ti,ab. 43. (hemawipe or hema wipe).ti,ab. 44. monohaem.ti,ab. 45. (hemofec or hemofecia).ti,ab. 46. (fecatest or fecatwin).ti,ab. 47. (immunochemical$ adj3 (test$ or screen$ or diagn$)).ti,ab. 48. (immunologic$ adj3 (test$ or screen$ or diagn$)).ti,ab. 49. colocare.ti,ab. 50. hemeselect.ti,ab. 51. immudia.ti,ab. 52. flexsure.ti,ab. 53. (ez detect$ or e z detect$).ti,ab. 54. immocare.ti,ab. 55. (!nform or !nsure).ti,ab. 56. (hemchek or hem chek).ti,ab. 57. (magstream or HemSP or bayer detect).ti,ab. 58. hemochaser.ti,ab. 59. hemodia.ti,ab. 60. (bm-test or bmtest or colon albumin).ti,ab. 61. or/24-60 62. 23 and 61 63. (rat or rats or mouse or mice or hamster or hamsters or animal or animals or dogs or dog or cats or bovine or sheep).ti,ab,sh. 64. exp animal/ 65. Nonhuman/ 66. exp human/ 67. 63 or 64 or 65 68. 67 not (67 and 66) 69. 62 not 68


BIOSIS: Dialog. 1969-2004/07. 30th July 2004. The BIOSIS search covered the date range 1969 to July 2004. The search was carried out on 30th July 2004 and identified 899 records. s (colorect? or colo rect?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplasm? or oncology? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (colon or colonic)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (rectal? or rectum?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (sigmoid? or rectosigmoi?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (cecum or cecal or caecum or caecal or il?eoc?ecal or il?eoc?ecum)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (large(W)bowel?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (large(W)intestin?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (lower(W)intestin?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s s1:s8 s occult(W)blood s occult(W)bleed? s blood?(3N)(stool? or fece? or faece?) s (hidden(3N)blood?) s fecal(W)occult or faecal(W)occult s s10:s14 s s9 or s15 s fecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(test? or measure?) s faecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(test? or measure?) s fecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(screen? or exam?) s faecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(screen? or exam?) s stool(W)occult(W)blood(W)(test? or measure? or screen? or exam?) s FOBT or FOB s (stool? or fece? or faece?)(3N)(card or cards) s (disposable or flushable)(3N)(reagent? or pad or pads or test? or kit or kits) s guaiac or guiac s haemoccult or haemoccult or haemoccultsensa or hemocare or seracult or coloscreen or hemascreen or hema(W)screen or hemachek or hema(W)chek or hemawipe or hema(W)wipe or monohaem or hemofec or hemofecia or fecatest or fecatwin s immunochemical?(3N)(test? or screen? or diagn?) s immunologic?(3N)(test? or screen? or diagn?) s colocare or hemeselect or immudia or flexsure or ez(W)detect? or immocare or hemchek or hem(W)chek or magstream or HemSP or bayer(W)detect or hemochaser or hemodia or bm(W)test or bmtest or colon(W)albumin s s17:s29 s s16 and s30


PASCAL: Dialog. 1973-2004/07. 30th July 2004. The PASCAL search covered the date range 1973 to July 2004. The search was carried out on 30th July 2004 and identified 690 records. s (colorect? or colo rect?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplasm? or oncology? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (colon or colonic)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (rectal? or rectum?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (sigmoid? or rectosigmoi?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (cecum or cecal or caecum or caecal or il?eoc?ecal or il?eoc?ecum)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (large(W)bowel?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (large(W)intestin?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (lower(W)intestin?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s s1:s8 s occult(W)blood s occult(W)bleed? s blood?(3N)(stool? or fece? or faece?) s (hidden(3N)blood?) s fecal(W)occult or faecal(W)occult s s10:s14 s s9 or s15 s fecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(test? or measure?) s faecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(test? or measure?) s fecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(screen? or exam?) s faecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(screen? or exam?) s stool(W)occult(W)blood(W)(test? or measure? or screen? or exam?) s FOBT or FOB s (stool? or fece? or faece?)(3N)(card or cards) s (disposable or flushable)(3N)(reagent? or pad or pads or test? or kit or kits) s guaiac or guiac s haemoccult or haemoccult or haemoccultsensa or hemocare or seracult or coloscreen or hemascreen or hema(W)screen or hemachek or hema(W)chek or hemawipe or hema(W)wipe or monohaem or hemofec or hemofecia or fecatest or fecatwin s immunochemical?(3N)(test? or screen? or diagn?) s immunologic?(3N)(test? or screen? or diagn?) s colocare or hemeselect or immudia or flexsure or ez(W)detect? or immocare or hemchek or hem(W)chek or magstream or HemSP or bayer(W)detect or hemochaser or hemodia or bm(W)test or bmtest or colon(W)albumin s s17:s29 s s16 and s30


Science Citation Index (SCI): ISI Web of Science. 1945/54-2004/July. 30th July 2004. The SCI search covered the date range 1945/54 to July 2004. The search was carried out on 30th July 2004 and identified 1287 records.

TS=(colorectal cancer* or colorectal neoplasm* or colorectal tumo*r* or colorectal adenocarcinoma or colorectal carcinoma) TS=(rectal cancer* or rectal neoplasm* or rectal tumo*r* or rectal adenocarcinoma or rectal carcinoma) TS=(colon* cancer* or colon* neoplasm* or colon* tumo*r* or colon* adenocarcinoma or colon* carcinoma) #1 or #2 or #3 TS=(occult blood or occult bleed*) TS=(blood* same (stool* or fece* or faece*)) TS=(hidden same blood*) TS=(fecal occult or faecal occult) #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 #4 or #9 TS=(fecal occult blood test* or faecal occult blood test* or fecal occult blood measure* or faecal occult blood measure* or fecal occult blood screen* or faecal occult blood screen* or fecal occult blood exam* or faecal occult blood exam* or FOBT or FOB) TS=(stool occult blood test* or stool occult blood measure* or stool occult blood screen* or stool occult blood exam*) TS=((stool* or fece* or faece*) same (card or cards)) TS=((disposable or flushable) same (reagent* or pad or pads or test* or kit or kits)) TS=(guaiac or guiac) TS=(haemoccult or haemoccult or haemoccultsensa or hemocare or seracult or coloscreen or hemascreen or hema screen or hemachek or hema chek or hemawipe or hema wipe or monohaem or hemofec or hemofecia or fecatest or fecatwin) TS=(immunochemical* same (test* or screen* or diagn*)) TS=(immunologic* same (test* or screen* or diagn*)) TS=(colocare or hemeselect or immudia or flexsure or ez detect* or immocare or !nform or !nsure or hemchek or hem chek or magstream or HemSP or bayer detect or hemochaser or hemodia or bm-test or bmtest or colon albumin) #11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 #10 and #20 Dissertation Abstracts: Dialog. 1861-2004/July. 30th July 2004. The Dissertation Abstracts search covered the date range 1861 to July 2004. The search was carried out on 30th July 2004 and identified 25 records. s (colorect? or colo rect?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplasm? or oncology? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (colon or colonic)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (rectal? or rectum?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (sigmoid? or rectosigmoi?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?)s (cecum or cecal or caecum or caecal or il?eoc?ecal or il?eoc?ecum)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (large(W)bowel?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (large(W)intestin?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?)s (lower(W)intestin?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?)


s s1:s8 s occult(W)blood s occult(W)bleed? s blood?(3N)(stool? or fece? or faece?) s (hidden(3N)blood?) s fecal(W)occult or faecal(W)occult s s10:s14 s s9 or s15 s fecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(test? or measure?) s faecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(test? or measure?) s fecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(screen? or exam?) s faecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(screen? or exam?) s stool(W)occult(W)blood(W)(test? or measure? or screen? or exam?) s FOBT or FOB s (stool? or fece? or faece?)(3N)(card or cards) s (disposable or flushable)(3N)(reagent? or pad or pads or test? or kit or kits) s guaiac or guiac s haemoccult or haemoccult or haemoccultsensa or hemocare or seracult or coloscreen or hemascreen or hema(W)screen or hemachek or hema(W)chek or hemawipe or hema(W)wipe or monohaem or hemofec or hemofecia or fecatest or fecatwin s immunochemical?(3N)(test? or screen? or diagn?) s immunologic?(3N)(test? or screen? or diagn?) s colocare or hemeselect or immudia or flexsure or ez(W)detect? or immocare or hemchek or hem(W)chek or magstream or HemSP or bayer(W)detect or hemochaser or hemodia or bm(W)test or bmtest or colon(W)albumin s s17:s29 s s16 and s30 Inside Conferences: Dialog. 1993-2004/July. 30th July 2004. The Inside Conferences search covered the date range 1993 to July 2004. The search was carried out on 30th July 2004 and identified 39 records. s (colorect? or colo rect?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplasm? or oncology? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (colon or colonic)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (rectal? or rectum?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (sigmoid? or rectosigmoi?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (cecum or cecal or caecum or caecal or il?eoc?ecal or il?eoc?ecum)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (large(W)bowel?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (large(W)intestin?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s (lower(W)intestin?)(3N)(cancer? or neoplas? or oncolog? or malignan? or tumor? or tumour? or carcinoma? or adenocarcinoma?) s s1:s8 s occult(W)blood s occult(W)bleed? s blood?(3N)(stool? or fece? or faece?) s (hidden(3N)blood?) s fecal(W)occult or faecal(W)occult s s10:s14 s s9 or s15s fecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(test? or measure?) s faecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(test? or measure?) s fecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(screen? or exam?)


s faecal(W)occult(W)blood(W)(screen? or exam?) s stool(W)occult(W)blood(W)(test? or measure? or screen? or exam?) s FOBT or FOB s (stool? or fece? or faece?)(3N)(card or cards) s (disposable or flushable)(3N)(reagent? or pad or pads or test? or kit or kits) s guaiac or guiac s haemoccult or haemoccult or haemoccultsensa or hemocare or seracult or coloscreen or hemascreen or hema(W)screen or hemachek or hema(W)chek or hemawipe or hema(W)wipe or monohaem or hemofec or hemofecia or fecatest or fecatwin s immunochemical?(3N)(test? or screen? or diagn?) s immunologic?(3N)(test? or screen? or diagn?) s colocare or hemeselect or immudia or flexsure or ez(W)detect? or immocare or hemchek or hem(W)chek or magstream or HemSP or bayer(W)detect or hemochaser or hemodia or bm(W)test or bmtest or colon(W)albumin s s17:s29 s s16 and s30 Systems for Information in Grey Literature (SIGLE): WebSpirs. 1980-2004/06. 30th July 2004. The SIGLE search covered the date range 1980 to June 2004. The search was carried out on 30th July 2004 and identified 1 record. #1. (colorect* or colo rect*) near3 (cancer* or neoplas* or oncolog* or malignan* or tumo?r* or carcinoma* or adenocarcinoma*) #2. (colon or colonic) near3 (cancer* or neoplas* or oncolog* or malignan* or tumo?r* or carcinoma* or adenocarcinoma*) #3. (rectal* or rectum*) near3 (cancer* or neoplas* or oncolog* or malignan* or tumo?r* or carcinoma* or adenocarcinoma*) #4. (sigmoid or rectosigmoi*) near3 (cancer* or neoplas* or oncolog* or malignan* or tumo?r* or carcinoma* or adenocarcinoma*) #5. (c?ecum or c?ecal or il?eoc?ecal or il?eoc?ecum) near3 (cancer* or neoplas* or oncolog* or malignan* or tumo?r* or carcinoma* or adenocarcinoma*) #6. large bowel* near3 (cancer* or neoplas* or oncolog* or malignan* or tumo?r* or carcinoma* or adenocarcinoma*) #7. large intestin* near3 (cancer* or neoplas* or oncolog* or malignan* or tumo?r* or carcinoma* or adenocarcinoma*) #8. lower intestin* near3 (cancer* or neoplas* or oncolog* or malignan* or tumo?r* or carcinoma* or adenocarcinoma*) #9. hepatic flexur* near (cancer* or neoplas* or oncolog* or malignan* or tumo?r* or carcinoma* or adenocarcinoma*) #10. splenic flexur* near (cancer* or neoplas* or oncolog* or malignan* or tumo?r* or carcinoma* or adenocarcinoma*) #11. #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 #12. occult blood #13. occult bleed* #14. blood* near3 (stool* or fece* or faece*) #15. hidden near3 blood* #16. fecal occult or faecal occult #17. #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 #18. #11 or #17 #19. fecal occult blood near (test* or measure*) #20. faecal occult blood near (test* or measure*) #21. fecal occult blood near (screen* or exam*) #22. faecal occult blood near (screen* or exam*) #23. FOBT or FOB #24. stool occult blood near (test* or screen* or measure* or exam*) #25. (stool* or fece* or faece*) near3 (card or cards) #26. (disposable or flushable) near3 (reagent* or pad or pads or test* or kit or kits) #27. guaiac or guiac


#28. haemoccult or haemoccult or haemoccultsensa or hemocare or seracult or coloscreen or hemascreen or hema screen or hemachek or hema chek or hemawipe or hema wipe or monohaem or hemofec or hemofecia or fecatest or fecatwin #29. immunochemical* near3 (test* or screen* or diagn*) #30. immunologic* near3 (test* or screen* or diagn*) #31. colocare or hemeselect or immudia or flexsure or ez detect* or immocare or hemchek or hem chek or magstream or HemSP or bayer detect or hemochaser or hemodia or bm test or bmtest or colon albumin #32. #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 or #23 or #24 or #25 or #26 or #27 or #28 or #29 or #30 or #31 #33. #18 and #32

Latin American and Caribbean Literature on the Health Sciences (LILACS): BVS Virtual Health Library. 1982-2004/July. 30th July 2004. The LILACS search covered the date range 1982 to July 2004. The search was carried out on 30th July 2004 and identified 3 records. colorectal cancer$ or colorectal neoplasm$ or colorectal tumo$r$ or colorectal adenocarcinoma or colorectal carcinoma or rectal cancer$ or rectal neoplasm$ or rectal tumo$r$ or rectal adenocarcinoma or rectal carcinoma [words] OR occult blood or occult bleed$ or fecal occult or faecal occult or hidden blood$[words] AND f$ecal occult blood test$ or f$ecal occult blood screen$ or FOBT or FOB or disposable or flushable or guaiac or guiac or immunochemical$ test$ or immunochemical$ screen$ or immunochemical$ diagn$ or immunologic$ test$ or immunologic$ screen$ or immunologic$ diagn$[words]

NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED): Internal CRD database. 1995-2004/07. 30th July 2004. The NHS EED search covered the date range 1995 to July 2004. The search was carried out on 30th July 2004 and identified 90 records. S (colorect$ or colo rect$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) S (colon or colonic)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) S (rectal$ or rectum$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (sigmoid or rectosigmoi$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (c$ecum or c$ecal or il$eoc$ecal or il$eoc$ecum)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (large bowel$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (large intestin$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (lower intestin$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (hepatic flexur$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (splenic flexur$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or


carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s s1 or s2 or s3 or s4 or s5 or s6 or s7 or s8 or s9 or s10 s occult(w)blood or occult(w)bleed$ s blood$(w3)(stool$ or fece$ or faece$) s hidden(w3)blood$ s fecal(w)occult or faecal(w)occult s s12 or s13 or s14 or s15 s s11 or s16 s fecal(w)occult(w)blood(w)( test$ or measure$) or faecal(w)occult(w)blood(w)(test$ or measure$) s fecal(w)occult(w)blood(w)(screen$ or exam$) or faecal(w)occult(w)blood(w)(screen$ or exam$) s stool(w)occult(w)blood(w)(test$ or measure$ or screen$ or exam$) s FOBT or FOB s (stool$ or fece$ or faece$)(w3)(card or cards) s (disposable or flushable)(w3)(reagent$ or pad or pads or test$ or kit or kits) s guaiac or guiac s haemoccult or haemoccult or haemoccultsensa or hemocare or seracult or coloscreen or hemascreen or hema(W)screen or hemachek or hema(w)chek or hemawipe or hema(w)wipe or monohaem or hemofec or hemofecia or fecatest or fecatwin s immunochemical$(w3)(test$ or screen$ or diagn$) s immunologic$(w3)(test$ or screen$ or diagn$) s colocare or hemeselect or immudia or flexsure or ez(w)detect$ or immocare or hemchek or hem(w)chek or magstream or HemSP or bayer(w)detect or hemochaser or hemodia or bm(w)test or bmtest or colon(w) albumin s s18 or s19 or s20 or s21 or s22 or s23 or s24 or s25 or s26 or s27 or s28 s s17 and s29 Health Economic Evaluation Database (HEED): OHE-IFPMA Database Ltd. 1988-2004/07. 30th July 2004. The HEED search covered the date range 1988 to July 2004. The search was carried out on 30th July 2004 and identified 96 records. AX=(colorectal cancer) or (colorectal cancers) or (colorectal neoplasm) or (colorectal neoplasms) or (colorectal tumor) or (colorectal tumors) or (colorectal tumour) or (colorectal tumours) or (colorectal carcinoma) or (colorectal carcinomas) or (colorectal adenocarcinoma) AX=(colon cancer) or (colon cancers) or (colon neoplasm) or (colon neoplasms) or (colon tumor) or (colon tumors) or (colon tumour) or (colon tumours) or (colon carcinoma) or (colon carcinomas) or (colon adenocarcinoma) AX=(rectal cancer) or (rectal cancers) or (rectal neoplasm) or (rectal neoplasms) or (rectal tumor) or (rectal tumors) or (rectal tumour) or (rectal tumours) or (rectal carcinoma) or (rectal carcinomas) or (rectal adenocarcinoma) AX=(rectum cancer) or (rectum cancers) or (rectum neoplasm) or (rectum neoplasms) or (rectum tumor) or (rectum tumors) or (rectum tumour) or (rectum tumours) or (rectum carcinoma) or (rectum carcinomas) or (rectum adenocarcinoma) CS=1 or 2 or 3 or 4 AX=(occult blood) or (occult bleed) AX=blood* and stool* AX=blood* and fece* AX=blood* and faece* AX=(fecal occult) or (faecal occult) CS=6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 CS=5 or 11 AX=(fecal occult blood test) or (fecal occult blood tests) or (faecal occult blood test) or (faecal occult blood tests) AX=FOBT or FOB AX=guaiac or guiac AX=haemoccult or haemoccult or haemoccultsensa or hemocare or seracult or coloscreen or hemascreen or (hema screen) or hemachek or (hema chek) or hemawipe or (hema wipe) or


monohaem or hemofec or hemofecia or fecatest or fecatwin AX=immunochemical* and test* AX=immunochemical* and screen* AX=immunochemical* and diagn* AX=immunologic* and test* AX=immunologic* and screen* AX=immunologic* and diagno* AX= colocare or hemeselect or immudia or flexsure or (ez detect) or immocare or hemchek or (hem chek) or magstream or HemSP or (bayer detect) or hemochaser or hemodia or (bm test) or bmtest or (colon albumin) CS=13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23 CS=12 and 24

Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE): Internal CRD database. 1994-2004/08. 13th September 2004. The DARE search covered the date range 1994 to August 2004. The search was carried out on 13th September 2004 and identified 31 records. S (colorect$ or colo rect$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) S (colon or colonic)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) S (rectal$ or rectum$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (sigmoid or rectosigmoi$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (c$ecum or c$ecal or il$eoc$ecal or il$eoc$ecum)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (large bowel$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (large intestin$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (lower intestin$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (hepatic flexur$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (splenic flexur$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s s1 or s2 or s3 or s4 or s5 or s6 or s7 or s8 or s9 or s10 s occult(w)blood or occult(w)bleed$ s blood$(w3)(stool$ or fece$ or faece$) s hidden(w3)blood$ s fecal(w)occult or faecal(w)occult s s12 or s13 or s14 or s15 s s11 or s16 s fecal(w)occult(w)blood(w)( test$ or measure$) or faecal(w)occult(w)blood(w)(test$ or measure$) s fecal(w)occult(w)blood(w)(screen$ or exam$) or faecal(w)occult(w)blood(w)(screen$ or exam$) s stool(w)occult(w)blood(w)(test$ or measure$ or screen$ or exam$) s FOBT or FOB s (stool$ or fece$ or faece$)(w3)(card or cards) s (disposable or flushable)(w3)(reagent$ or pad or pads or test$ or kit or kits) s guaiac or guiac s haemoccult or haemoccult or haemoccultsensa or hemocare or seracult or coloscreen or hemascreen or hema(W)screen or hemachek or hema(w)chek or hemawipe or hema(w)wipe or monohaem or hemofec or hemofecia or fecatest or fecatwin s immunochemical$(w3)(test$ or screen$ or diagn$) s immunologic$(w3)(test$ or screen$ or diagn$) s colocare or hemeselect or immudia or flexsure or ez(w)detect$ or immocare or hemchek or hem(w)chek or magstream or HemSP or bayer(w)detect or hemochaser or hemodia or


bm(w)test or bmtest or colon(w)albumin s s18 or s19 or s20 or s21 or s22 or s23 or s24 or s25 or s26 or s27 or s28 s s17 and s29 Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA): Internal CRD database. 1994-2004/08. 13th September 2004. The HTA search covered the date range 1994 to August 2004. The search was carried out on 13th September 2004 and identified 11 records. S (colorect$ or colo rect$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) S (colon or colonic)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) S (rectal$ or rectum$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (sigmoid or rectosigmoi$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (c$ecum or c$ecal or il$eoc$ecal or il$eoc$ecum)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (large bowel$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (large intestin$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (lower intestin$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (hepatic flexur$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s (splenic flexur$)(3w)(cancer$ or neoplas$ or oncolog$ or malignan$ or tumo$r$ or carcinoma$ or adenocarcinoma$) s s1 or s2 or s3 or s4 or s5 or s6 or s7 or s8 or s9 or s10 s occult(w)blood or occult(w)bleed$ s blood$(w3)(stool$ or fece$ or faece$) s hidden(w3)blood$ s fecal(w)occult or faecal(w)occult s s12 or s13 or s14 or s15 s s11 or s16 s fecal(w)occult(w)blood(w)( test$ or measure$) or faecal(w)occult(w)blood(w)(test$ or measure$) s fecal(w)occult(w)blood(w)(screen$ or exam$) or faecal(w)occult(w)blood(w)(screen$ or exam$) s stool(w)occult(w)blood(w)(test$ or measure$ or screen$ or exam$) s FOBT or FOB s (stool$ or fece$ or faece$)(w3)(card or cards) s (disposable or flushable)(w3)(reagent$ or pad or pads or test$ or kit or kits) s guaiac or guiac s haemoccult or haemoccult or haemoccultsensa or hemocare or seracult or coloscreen or hemascreen or hema(W)screen or hemachek or hema(w)chek or hemawipe or hema(w)wipe or monohaem or hemofec or hemofecia or fecatest or fecatwin s immunochemical$(w3)(test$ or screen$ or diagn$) s immunologic$(w3)(test$ or screen$ or diagn$) s colocare or hemeselect or immudia or flexsure or ez(w)detect$ or immocare or hemchek or hem(w)chek or magstream or HemSP or bayer(w)detect or hemochaser or hemodia or bm(w)test or bmtest or colon(w)albumin s s18 or s19 or s20 or s21 or s22 or s23 or s24 or s25 or s26 or s27 or s28 s s17 and s29


Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). Cochrane Library, Update Software. Issue 3:2004. 13th September 2004. The CDSR and CENTRAL were searched on the Cochrane Library on the 13th September 2004. 1 completed review was retrieved from the CDSR. 164 records were found on CENTRAL. #1 #2 #3







#10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19

COLORECTAL NEOPLASMS explode all trees (MeSH) CECAL NEOPLASMS explode all trees (MeSH) ((colorect* near cancer*) or (colorect* near neoplasm*) or (colorect* near malignan*) or (colorect* near oncolog*) or (colorect* near tumor*) or (colorect* near tumour*) or (colorect* near carcinoma*) or (colorect* near adenocarcinoma*)) ((colon* near cancer*) or (colon* near neoplasm*) or (colon* near malignan*) or (colon* near oncolog*) or (colon* near tumor*) or (colon* near tumour*) or (colon* near carcinoma*) or (colon* near adenocarcinoma*)) ((rectal* near cancer*) or (rectal* near neoplasm*) or (rectal* near malignan*) or (rectal* near oncolog*) or (rectal* near tumor*) or (rectal* near tumour*) or (rectal* near carcinoma*) or (rectal* near adenocarcinoma*)) ((rectum* near cancer*) or (rectum* near neoplasm*) or (rectum* near malignan*) or (rectum* near oncolog*) or (rectum* near tumor*) or (rectum* near tumour*) or (rectum* near carcinoma*) or (rectum* near adenocarcinoma*)) ((sigmoid* near cancer*) or (sigmoid* near neoplasm*) or (sigmoid* near malignan*) or (sigmoid* near oncolog*) or (sigmoid* near tumor*) or (sigmoid* near tumour*) or (sigmoid* near carcinoma*) or (sigmoid* near adenocarcinoma*)) ((cecum* near cancer*) or (cecum* near neoplasm*) or (cecum* near malignan*) or (cecum* near oncolog*) or (cecum* near tumor*) or (cecum* near tumour*) or (cecum* near carcinoma*) or (cecum* near adenocarcinoma*)) ((cecal* near cancer*) or (cecal* near neoplasm*) or (cecal* near malignan*) or (cecal* near oncolog*) or (cecal* near tumor*) or (cecal* near tumour*) or (cecal* near carcinoma*) or (cecal* near adenocarcinoma*)) (#1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9) OCCULT BLOOD single term (MeSH) (faecal next occult) (fecal next occult) FOBT or FOB guaiac or guiac ((immunochemical* near test*) or (immunochemical* near screen*) or (immunochemical* near diagn*)) ((immunologic* near test*) or (immunologic* near screen*) or (immunologic* near diagn*)) (#11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17) (#10 and #18)

National Research Register (NRR): Update Software. Issue 3:2004. 13th September 2004. The NRR search was undertaken on issue 3 2004. The search was carried out on 13th September 2004 and identified 17 records. #1 #2 #3



COLORECTAL NEOPLASMS explode all trees (MeSH) CECAL NEOPLASMS explode all trees (MeSH) ((colorect* near cancer*) or (colorect* near neoplasm*) or (colorect* near malignan*) or (colorect* near oncolog*) or (colorect* near tumor*) or (colorect* near tumour*) or (colorect* near carcinoma*) or (colorect* near adenocarcinoma*)) ((colon* near cancer*) or (colon* near neoplasm*) or (colon* near malignan*) or (colon* near oncolog*) or (colon* near tumor*) or (colon* near tumour*) or (colon* near carcinoma*) or (colon* near adenocarcinoma*)) ((rectal* near cancer*) or (rectal* near neoplasm*) or (rectal* near malignan*) or (rectal* near oncolog*) or (rectal* near tumor*) or (rectal* near tumour*) or (rectal* near carcinoma*) or (rectal* near adenocarcinoma*))






#10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19

((rectum* near cancer*) or (rectum* near neoplasm*) or (rectum* near malignan*) or (rectum* near oncolog*) or (rectum* near tumor*) or (rectum* near tumour*) or (rectum* near carcinoma*) or (rectum* near adenocarcinoma*)) ((sigmoid* near cancer*) or (sigmoid* near neoplasm*) or (sigmoid* near malignan*) or (sigmoid* near oncolog*) or (sigmoid* near tumor*) or (sigmoid* near tumour*) or (sigmoid* near carcinoma*) or (sigmoid* near adenocarcinoma*)) ((cecum* near cancer*) or (cecum* near neoplasm*) or (cecum* near malignan*) or (cecum* near oncolog*) or (cecum* near tumor*) or (cecum* near tumour*) or (cecum* near carcinoma*) or (cecum* near adenocarcinoma*)) ((cecal* near cancer*) or (cecal* near neoplasm*) or (cecal* near malignan*) or (cecal* near oncolog*) or (cecal* near tumor*) or (cecal* near tumour*) or (cecal* near carcinoma*) or (cecal* near adenocarcinoma*)) (#1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9) OCCULT BLOOD single term (MeSH) (faecal next occult) (fecal next occult) FOBT or FOB guaiac or guiac ((immunochemical* near test*) or (immunochemical* near screen*) or (immunochemical* near diagn*)) ((immunologic* near test*) or (immunologic* near screen*) or (immunologic* near diagn*)) (#11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17) (#10 and #18)

National Technical Information Service (NTIS): U.S. Department of Commerce web site. 19902004. 13th September 2004. The NTIS search covered the date range 1990 to August 2004. The search was carried out on 13th September 2004 and identified 1 record. Each line was searched separately. ‘feacal occult’ ‘fecal occult’ FOBT FOB

GrayLIT Network: U.S. Office of Scientific and Technical Information web site. August 2004. 13th September 2004. The GrayLit search was carried out on 13th September 2004 and identified 0 records. Each line was searched separately. ‘Fecal occult’ ‘Faecal occult’ fobt fob ‘occult blood’ Internet searches Additional searches were undertaken on the Internet. The searches were very simple and only the first 100 hits from the Google searches were browsed. Most of the results referred to studies already retrieved in the database searches, patient information sites, and FOBT manufacturer sites. Any results that had not been previously identified were added to the EndNote library of results from the database searches.


OMNI (Organising Medical Networked Information). Health Information Resources Gateway. 13th September 2004. http://omni.ac.uk Each line was searched separately. Truncation was automatic. Fecal occult Faecal occult fobt fob occult blood Copernic. Meta-Search Engine. 13th September 2004. http://www.copernic.com Each line was searched separately. Fecal occult blood test Faecal occult blood test Google. Search Engine. 13th September 2004. www.google.co.uk Each line searched separately. The first 100 hits were checked for anything that had not been already been identified. Fecal occult blood test Faecal occult blood test

Update searches Update searches were undertaken on the 25th November using the same search strategies used in the original searches. MEDLINE: Ovid gateway. 2004/Jul week 4 - 2004/Nov week 3. 25th November 2004. The update MEDLINE search covered the date range July to November 2004. The search was carried out on 25th November 2004 and identified 44 records. EMBASE: Ovid gateway. 2004/week 30 - 2004/week 47. 25th November 2004. The update EMBASE search covered the date range July to November 2004. The search was carried out on 25th November 2004 and identified 45 records. BIOSIS: Dialog. 2004. 25th November 2004. The update BIOSIS search covered the year 2004. The search was carried out on 25th November 2004 and identified 59 records. PASCAL: Dialog. 2004. 25th November 2004. The update PASCAL search covered the year 2004. The search was carried out on 25th November 2004 and identified 31 records. Science Citation Index (SCI): ISI Web of Science. 2004. 25th November 2004.


The update SCI search covered the year 2004. The search was carried out on 25th November 2004 and identified 100 records. Dissertation Abstracts: Dialog. 2004. 25th November 2004. The update Dissertation Abstracts search covered the year 2004. The search was carried out on 25th November 2004 and identified 0 records. Inside Conferences: Dialog. 2004. 25th November 2004. The update Inside Conferences search covered the year 2004. The search was carried out on 25th November 2004 and identified 0 records.

Systems for Information in Grey Literature (SIGLE): WebSpirs. 2004/06. An update search of SIGLE could not be undertaken, as the database had not been updated since the original searches.

Latin American and Caribbean Literature on the Health Sciences (LILACS): BVS Virtual Health Library. 2004/July - 2004/November. 25th November 2004. The update LILACS search covered the date range July to November 2004. The search was carried out on 25th November 2004 and identified 0 records.

NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED): Internal CRD database. 2004/07 – 2004/10. 25th November 2004. The update NHS EED search covered the date range July to October 2004. The search was carried out on 25th November 2004 and identified 9 records.

Health Economic Evaluation Database (HEED): OHE-IFPMA Database Ltd. 2004/07 – 2004/11. 25th November 2004. The update HEED search covered the date range July to November 2004. The search was carried out on 25th November 2004 and identified 0 records.

Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE): Internal CRD database. 2004/07 – 2004/10. 25th November 2004. The update DARE search covered the date range July to October 2004. The search was carried out on 25th November 2004 and identified 1 record.

Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA): Internal CRD database. 2004/07 – 2004/10. 25th November 2004. The update HTA search covered the date range July to October 2004. The search was carried out on 25th November 2004 and identified 4 records.


Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). Cochrane Library, Update Software. Issue 4:2004. 25th November 2004. The CDSR and CENTRAL were searched on the Cochrane Library on the 25th November 2004. The search was restricted to references added since the previous issue. 1 protocol was retrieved from the CDSR. 2 records were found on CENTRAL. National Research Register (NRR): Update Software. Issue 4:2004. 25th November 2004. The update NRR search was undertaken on issue 4 2004 and restricted to references added since the previous issue. The search was carried out on 25h November 2004 and identified 2 records.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS): U.S. Department of Commerce web site. 2004. 25th November 2004. The update NTIS search covered the year 2004. The search was carried out on 25th November 2004 and identified 0 records.

GrayLIT Network: U.S. Office of Scientific and Technical Information web site. November 2004. 25th November 2004. The update GrayLit search was carried out on 25th November 2004 and identified 0 records.





When checking the references include studies if they present the following design: Full economic evaluation of specific FOBTs: prospective or restrospective study

Economic evaluation looking at the costeffectiveness of colorectal cancer screening, where the programme happens to use FOBT testing

Studies conducted in high risk population (e.g., family history of colorectal cancer; polyposis)

Classical test accuracy study (Complete FOBT and complete reference standard for each participant)

Studies evaluating flushable FOBT tests and / or stool markers (e.g., detection of mutated DNA; tests for albumin; calprotectin

Other test accuracy studies (only part of participants with negative IT received the RS; more than one RS used; follow up used as RS for negative IT)

4. If while checking the references you say YES for 1 and 2

Multiple FOBT tests (tests used in parallel or serially; all or part would undergo a RS)


Exclusion Criteria Studies evaluating a single FOBT without a comparison to a RS and / or another FOBT

Study design Test: accuracy: RCT, CCT Cohort, Case-control, and cross-sectional studies

3. Exclude all studies listed on this box

AND the following outcome measures ORDER THE PAPER

Outcome Measures Sufficient information to construc a 2 X 2 table; adverse event data if available

Any available data




Study details and aims Author, year and endnote ref no.

Study population

Details of diagnostic test(s) and reference (gold) standard


Type of diagnostic test(s): Guaiac / Immunochemistry Type of IC test/methodology:



Description of included participants: Age Gender Ethnicity Potential risk factors

Test performance:

Study design:

Predefined inclusion/exclusion criteria: Diet restrictions and any measure of adherence to them:

Sequence of tests:

For the detection of cancers: Sensitivity = % (95% CI: ) Specificity = % (95% CI: ) Accuracy = % (95% CI: ) Positive likelihood ratio = % (95% CI: ) Negative likelihood ratio = % (95% CI: ) Positive predictive vale = % (95% CI: ) Negative predictive vale = % (95% CI: ) Diagnostic odds ratio = % (95% CI: )



Name of test(s):


N participants: Additional population data: Method patient selection

Test technique:

Follow-up: Disease prevalence

Number of participants recruited/included in analyses (in each group):

Method of development and location:

Number of stool samples and sampling modalities:

Frequency of test:

Process involved: Number of participants that received (in each group): Index test Reference standard

Reference standard(s) used: Complications Staff experience Preparation of colon for procedure Completeness

For the detection of polyps ≥1cm: Sensitivity = % (95% CI: ) Specificity = % (95% CI: ) Accuracy = % (95% CI: ) Positive likelihood ratio = % (95% CI: ) Negative likelihood ratio = % (95% CI: ) Positive predictive vale = % (95% CI: ) Negative predictive vale = % (95% CI: ) Diagnostic odds ratio = % (95% CI: ) Other subgroup analyses: Patient outcomes for RCTs: Survival Stage of disease Adverse events:


Conclusions and comments

Author’s conclusions:




Was the spectrum of patients representative of the patients who will receive the test in practice?


Unselected screening population or consecutive cohort of average risk people


All other patient spectra


If insufficient details were provided to make a judgement as to whether the patient spectrum would be scored as “yes”.


Were selection criteria clearly described?


Enough details are provided of how patients were selected so that the selection process could be replicated.


Insufficient details are presented.


Not applicable.


Is the reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition?


Colonoscopy +/- histopathology


All other reference standards.


If details of the reference standard are not reported.

Is the time period between reference standard and index test short enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not change between the two tests? As the disease progression of CRC is slow, it was considered most appropriate to restrict the maximum length of follow-up acceptable in studies to 10 years, hence this criteria was not scored during the QUADAS assesment. 4.

Did the whole sample or a random selection of the sample, receive verification using a reference standard of diagnosis?


If the whole sample or a random selection of the sample received a reference standard.


If only a selected sample received the reference standard.



If it is not clear whether all the patients the reference standard.


Did patients receive the same reference standard regardless of the index test result?


If all patient, +ve and –ve FOBT, received the same reference standard.


If some patients received a different reference standard.


If it is not clear whether all patients received the same reference standard.

Was the reference standard independent of the index test (i.e. the index test did not form part of the reference standard)? This was considered not to be applicable to a review of FOBTs.


Was the execution of the index test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test?


Was the execution of the reference standard described in sufficient detail to permit its replication?


If sufficient details of test execution are reported so that all the required details can be completed on the data extraction forms


If sufficient details are not reported


Not applicable

7a. 7b.

Were the index test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference standard? Were the reference standard results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index test?


If the index test was interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference standard and vice versa.


If the person interpreting the index test was aware of the results of the reference standard or vice versa.


If no information is provided regarding whether tests were interpreted blindly.



Were the same clinical data available when index test results were interpreted as would be available when the index test is used in practice?


The results of all other tests should be available to the person interpreting the results of the index test


If not as above.


If details on the availability of clinical data are not reported.


Were uninterpretable/ intermediate test results reported?


If details are provided on uninterpretable / intermediate test results.


If there appear to be some uninterpretable / intermediate but the results of these are not reported.


If it is not clear whether there were any uninterpretable/ intermediate test results.


Were withdrawals from the study explained?


If all patients recruited into the study were accounted for.


If there appear to be patients who were recruited into the study who are not accounted for.


If it is not clear whether any withdrawals occurred.




Study details

Index Test

Diagnostic cohort (Screening population) Allison (1990)64

n=15 188 Age=45-70+ Location=USA Diagnostic cohort (Screening population)

Allison (1996)8

n=8104 Age=50-70+ Location=USA

Test details

Reference Standard after a +veFOBT or in cases

Reference Standard after a -veFOBT or in controls

Rehydration: No Haemoccult II

Dietary restrictions: Yes

Colonoscopy or barium enema, and registry


Colonoscopy and follow-up

Follow-up and registry


Flexible colonoscopy

Colonoscopy and/or barium enema


Definition of a positive results: Any blue colour diffusing 5mm in 1 minute Rehydration: No Haemoccult II Haemoccult SENSA

Dietary restrictions: Yes Definition of a positive results: Any blue colour diffusing 5mm in 1 minute

Diagnostic cohort (screening population) Allison (2002)5

N=5932 Age=50-70+ Location=USA

Haemoccult SENSA

Rehydration: No

Diagnostic cohort Bang (1986)65

n=1473 Age=20+ Location=USA

Definition of a posititve result: Not reported

Haemoccult II

Dietary restrictions: Yes Definition of a positive results: Any blue colour within 30 seconds


Study ID

Study details

Index Test

Diagnostic cohort Bennett (1996)93

n=2909 Age=50-74 Location=Denmark

n=72 Cases n=168 Controls Location=USA


n=825 Age=55-56 Location=Sweden

n=14 992 Age=40-70 Location=Italy Diagnostic cohort (Screening population)

Collins (2005)97

n=3121 Age=50-75 Location=USA

Dietary restrictions: Not reported

Flexible sigmoidoscopy

Flexible sigmoidoscopy



Flexible sigmoidoscopy and Barium enema

Flexible sigmoidoscopy

Sigmoidoscopy and barium enema

Rescreening and registry



Rehydration: Not reported Haemoccult

Dietary restrictions: Not reported Definition of a positive results: Not reported Rehydration: Yes

Haemoccult II

Dietary restrictions: On repeated testing after a positive first test Definition of a positive results: Not reported

Diagnostic cohort (Screening population) Castiglione (1991)94

Reference Standard after a -veFOBT or in controls

Definition of a positive results: Not reported

RCT Brevinge 107 (1997)

Reference Standard after a +veFOBT or in cases

Rehydration: Not reported

Diagnostic case-control Bhattacharya 81 (1997)

Test details

Rehydration: No Haemoccult

Dietary restrictions: Yes Definition of a positive results: Not reported

Haemoccult II (home) Haemoccult II (DRE♣)

Rehydration: Yes (3-days home test); No (DRE test) Dietary restrictions: Yes Definition of a positive results: Not reported

DRE = Digital Rectal Examination 156

Study ID

Study details

Index Test

Diagnostic cohort (Screening population) Foley (1992)67

n=900 Age=44-85 Location=Ireland


n=30 Cases n=30 Controls Location=Japan


n=790 Age=45+ Location=Germany

n=154 Cases n=257 Controls Location=Germany

Haemoccult II

n=71307 Age=45-74 Location=France

Sigmoidoscopy - unspecified

Sigmoidoscopy unspecified

Dietary restrictions: Not reported



Barium enema and sigmoidoscopy - unspecified

Rigid sigmoidoscopy





Definition of a positive results: Not reported Rehydration: Not reported KryptoHaem

Dietary restrictions: Yes Definition of a positive results: Any blue/green colour within 30 seconds Rehydration: Not reported


Dietary restrictions: Not reported Definition of a positive results: Not reported

Diagnostic cohort (Screening population) Launoy (1997)69

Dietary restrictions: Yes

Rehydration: Not reported

Diagnostic case-control Lampe (1982)83

Reference Standard after a -veFOBT or in controls

Definition of a positive results: Any blue colour within 1 minute

Diagnostic cohort Klug (1983)68

Reference Standard after a +veFOBT or in cases

Rehydration: Yes

Diagnostic case-control Kikkawa (1987)

Test details

Rehydration: No Haemoccult II

Dietary restrictions: No Definition of a positive results: Not reported


Study ID

Study details

Index Test

Diagnostic cohort Lieberman 70 (2001)

Lindholm 109 (1997)

n=2885 Age=50-75 Location=USA Adverse events only – No 2x2 data

Mant (1990)111

n=97 205 Age=50-80 Location=USA Adverse events only – No 2x2 data

Haemoccult II


n n=44 Cases n=46 Controls Location=Japan


n=11 497 Age=40+ Location=USA

Haemoccult II

n=44 Cases n=28 Controls Location=Japan






Dietary restrictions: Yes

Colonoscopy (Barium enema in 5%)

Annual questionnaire



Colonoscopy and barium enema

Colonoscopy and barium enema

Questionnaire, GP contact and registry




Definition of a positive results: Not reported Guaiac

N/A Rehydration: Not reported


Dietary restrictions: Not reported Definition of a positive results: Not reported Rehydration: Not reported

Haemoccult II

Dietary restrictions: Yes Definition of a positive results: Not reported

Diagnostic case-control Miyoshi (1988) 1

Dietary restrictions: Not reported

Rehydration: No 1975-1977; Some 19771982; Yes 1982 onwards

Diagnostic cohort (Screening population) Michalek 100 (1988)

Reference Standard after a -veFOBT or in controls

Definition of a positive results: Not reported

Diagnostic case-control Matsuse (1989)

Reference Standard after a +veFOBT or in cases

Rehydration: Yes

RCT Mandel (1989)110

Test details

Rehydration: Not reported Unclear

Dietary restrictions: Not reported Definition of a positive results: Not reported


Study ID

Study details

Index Test

Diagnostic case-control Miyoshi (1992) 9

n=46 Cases n=33 Controls Location=Japan

n=3449 Age=39-70 Location=Japan

Haemoccult II Shinogi B

n=200 Cases n=100 Controls Location=Japan

n=2538 Age=40-75 Location=Israel

Dietary restrictions: Not reported

Colonoscopy and histology

Colonoscopy or barium enema



Colonoscopy and barium enema

Upper and lower tract endoscopy




Flexible sigmoidoscopy



Rehydration: No Shinogi B

Dietary restrictions: Yes Definition of a positive results: Not reported Rehydration: Not reported

Haemoccult II

Dietary restrictions: No Definition of a positive results: Not reported

Diagnostic cohort Niv (2002)112

Reference Standard after a -veFOBT or in controls

Definition of a positive results: Not reported

Diagnostic case-control Nakama (1994)7

Reference Standard after a +veFOBT or in cases

Rehydration: Not reported

Diagnostic cohort (Screening population) Murakami 72 (1992)

Test details

Rehydration: No Haemoccult II

Dietary restrictions: Not reported Definition of a positive results: Not reported Rehydration: No

Diagnostic cohort Parikh (2001)77

Parker (2002)104

Dietary restrictions: Yes n=362 Age=45-84 Location=USA

Adverse events only – No 2x2 data

Haemoccult Definition of a positive results: Any blue colour within 1 minute




Study ID

Study details

Index Test

n=2222 Age=50-74 Location=Denmark

Haemoccult II

n=22 193 Age=50-74 Location=Israel

Dietary restrictions: Yes

Haemoccult SENSA

Dietary restrictions: Yes

n=210 Cases n=150 Controls Location=Australia


n=188 Cases n=50 Controls Location=Australia

Rescreening and Registry

Dietary restrictions: Yes

Colonoscopy, rigid sigmoidoscopy and barium enema

Rigid sigmoidoscopy and barium enema





Definition of a positive results: Not reported Rehydration: No Haemoccult II

Dietary restrictions: Yes Definition of a positive results: Any blue colour witin 1 minute Rehydration: Not reported

Diagnostic case-control St John (1993)10


Rehydration: Not reported

Diagnostic case-control St John (1992)79

Flexible sigmoidoscopy

Definition of a positive results: Not reported

Diagnostic cohort n=230 Age=Not reported Location=France

Colonoscopy and barium enema

Rehydration: No


Ribet (1980)

Reference Standard after a -veFOBT or in controls

Definition of a positive results: Any blue colour

Diagnostic cohort (Screening population) Rennert (2001)105

Reference Standard after a +veFOBT or in cases

Rehydration: No

RCT Rasmussen 113 (1999)

Test details

Haemoccult SENSA

Dietary restrictions: Yes Definition of a positive results: Any blue colour within 1 minute


Study ID

Study details

Index Test

Diagnostic cohort Sung (2003)80

n=505 Age=50-79 Location=Hong Kong

n=24 Cases n=20 Controls Location=Japan

Haemoccult II

n=60 Cases n=30 Controls Location=Japan

n=5549 Age=Mean 40 (No range reported) Location=USA

Dietary restrictions: No







Sigmoidoscopy – unspecified and barium enema

Sigmoidoscopy – unspecified

Rehydration: Not reported Shionogi B

Dietary restrictions: Not reported Definition of a positive results: Not reported Rehydration: Not reported

Shionogi B

Dietary restrictions: No Definition of a positive results: Not reported

Diagnostic cohort (Screening population) Winawer 106 (1980)

Reference Standard after a -veFOBT or in controls

Definition of a positive results: Not reported

Diagnostic case-control Takesh*ta 4 (1985)

Reference Standard after a +veFOBT or in cases

Rehydration: No

Diagnostic case-control Takesh*ta 3 (1982)

Test details

Rehydration: Not reported Haemoccult

Dietary restrictions: Yes Definition of a positive results: Not reported


Table 22: Immunochemical FOBTs included studies Study ID

Study details

Index Test

Test details

Reference Standard after a positive FOBT or in cases

Reference Standard after a negative FOBT or in controls

Diagnostic cohort (Screening population) Allison (1996)8

n=8104 Age=50-70+ Location=USA

HemeSelect/ Immudia HemSp

Definition of a positive result: Agglutination at 1:8 dilution

Colonoscopy and follow up

Follow-up and registry


Definition of a posititve result: Not reported


Flexible colonoscopy


Definition of a positive result: Not reported

Flexible sigmoidoscopy



Definition of a positive result: Not reported



OC Hemodia/OC Hemocatch

Definition of a positive result: Not reported



Diagnostic cohort (screening population) Allison (2002)5

N=5932 Age=50-70+ Location=USA Diagnostic cohort (Screening population)

Chen (1997)95

n=62 611 Age=30-60+ Location=China Diagnostic cohort

Chen (2002)66

n=2187 Age=29-87 Location=Taiwan Diagnostic cohort (Screening population)

Cheng (2002)96

n=7411 Age=20-80+ Location=Taiwan


Study ID

Study details

Index Test

Test details

Reference Standard after a positive FOBT or in cases

Reference Standard after a negative FOBT or in controls

RCT Gondal (2003)108

=6266 Age=50-64 Location=Norway


Definition of a positive result: Not reported


Flexible sigmoidoscopy

OC Hemodia/OC Hemocatch

Definition of a positive result: Agglutination within 3 minutes


Health insurance claims


Definition of a positive result: Not reported

Colonoscopy and barium enema

Colonoscopy and barium enema

Latex cohesion method Feca-EIA

Definition of a positive result: Not reported



OC Hemodia/OC Hemocatch

Definition of a positive result: Not reported

Flexible sigmoidoscopy

Flexible sigmoidoscopy

OC Hemodia/OC Hemocatch

Definition of a positive result: Not reported



Diagnostic cohort (Screening population) Itoh (1996)98

n=27860 Age=40+ Location=Japan Diagnostic case-control

Kawai (1987) 82

n=126 Cases n=197 Controls Location=Japan Diagnostic case-control

Kikkawa (1987)6

n=30 Cases n=30 Controls Location=Japan Diagnostic cohort

Kim (1998)99

n=7251 Age=Not reported Location=Korea Diagnostic cohort

Liu (2003)71

n=1387 Age=46 +/-12.1 years Location=Taiwan


Study ID

Study details

Diagnostic case-control Matsuse (1989) 2

n=44 Cases n=46 Controls Location=Japan Diagnostic case-control

Miyoshi (1988) 1

n=44 Cases n=28 Controls Location=Japan

Index Test

Test details

Reference Standard after a positive FOBT or in cases

Reference Standard after a negative FOBT or in controls

LA Hemochaser EIA Checkmate Hemo OC Hemodia/OC Hemocatch Imdia Hem Sp

Definition of a positive result: LA Hemochaser: visible cohesion after 3 minutes; Other FOBTs: Not reported

Colonoscopy and barium enema

Colonoscopy and barium enema

Feca EIA Monohaem Imdia Hem Sp Hemo EIA Stick EIA

Definition of a positive result: Not reported



Feca EIA

Definition of a positive result: Not reported

Colonoscopy and histology

Colonoscopy or barium enema


Definition of a positive result: Not reported




Definition of a positive result: Development of a green colour

Colonoscopy and barium enema

Colonoscopy and barium enema

Diagnostic case-control Miyoshi (1992) 9

n=46 Cases n=33 Controls Location=Japan Diagnostic cohort (Screening population)

Morikawa 101 (2004)

n=22 743 Age=Mean 48 (No range reported) Location=Japan Diagnostic case-control

Nakama (1994)7

n=200 Cases n=100 Controls Location=Japan


Study ID

Study details

Index Test

Test details

Reference Standard after a positive FOBT or in cases

Reference Standard after a negative FOBT or in controls

Diagnostic case-control Nakama (1996)87

n=150 Cases n=300 Controls Location=Japan

OC Hemodia/OC Hemocatch

Definition of a positive result: Agglutination within 3 minutes


Upper and lower tract endoscopy


Definition of a positive result: Appearance of a green colour

Colonoscopy (Barium enema in 2%)

Follow-up and registry

OC Hemodia/OC Hemocatch

Definition of a positive result: Agglutination withing 3 minutes



Iatro Hemcheck

Definition of a positive result: No agglutination within 1.5 minutes




Definition of a positive result: Appearance of a green colour



Diagnostic cohort (Screening population) Nakama (1996)102

n=3365 Age=40-80+ Location=Japan Diagnostic case-control

Nakama (1997)86

n=276 Cases n=130 Controls Location=Japan Diagnostic cohort (Screening population)

Nakama (2000)74

n=17664 Age=40-60 Location=Japan Diagnostic cohort (Screening population)

Nakama (2000)75

n=1044 Age=Not reported Location=Japan


Study ID

Study details

Diagnostic case-control Nakama (2000)42

n=250 Cases n=250 Controls Location=Japan

Index Test

Test details

Reference Standard after a positive FOBT or in cases

Reference Standard after a negative FOBT or in controls

Iatro Hemcheck Imdia Hem Sp LA Hemochaser MonoHaem OC Hemodia/OC Hemocatch

Definition of a positive result: Agglutination at 1:8 dilution


Upper and lower tract endoscopies

Imdia Hem Sp

Definition of a positive result: Agglutination at 1:8 dilution



OC Hemodia/OC Hemocatch

Definition of a positive result: Agglutination within 3 minutes

Colonoscopy and pathology

Upper and lower tract endoscopy


Definition of a positive result: Appearance of a green colour




Definition of a positive result: Not reported



Diagnostic cohort (Screening population) Nakama (2001)73

n=9952 Age=Mean 54 (No range given) Location=Japan Diagnostic case-control

Nakama (2004)85

n=82 Cases n=320 Controls Location=Japan Diagnostic cohort


n=9625 Age=40-60+ Location=Japan Diagnostic cohort

Okamoto 103 (1997)

n=5648 Age=Mean 48 (Range not reported) Location=Japan


Study ID

Study details

Index Test

Test details

Reference Standard after a positive FOBT or in cases

Reference Standard after a negative FOBT or in controls

Diagnostic case-control St John (1993)10

n=188 Cases n=50 Controls Location=Australia

HemeSelect/Immud ia HemSp

Definition of a positive result: Agglutination at 1:8 dilution



Feca-EIA OC Hemodia/OC Hemocatch

Definition of a positive result: FecaEIA: Not reported; OC Hemodia: Agglutination after 3 minutes

Colonoscopy and barium enema

Colonoscopy and barium enema

Iatro Hemcheck OC Hemodia/OC Hemocatch

Definition of a positive result: Not reported




Definition of a positive result: Not reported




Definition of a positive result: Not reported



Iatro Hemcheck

Definition of a positive result: No agglutination within 1.5 minutes

Colonoscopy and biopsy

Upper and lower tract endoscopy

Diagnostic case-control Tada (1986)88

n=65 Cases n=137 Controls Location=Japan Diagnostic case-control

Tada (1988)89

n=72 Cases n=121 Controls Location=Japan Diagnostic case-control

Takesh*ta (1982)3

n=24 Cases n=20 Controls Location=Japan Diagnostic case-control

Takesh*ta (1985)4

n=60 Cases n=30 Controls Location=Japan Diagnostic case-control

Zhang (2002)90

n=114 Cases n=228 Controls Location=Japan


Study ID

Study details

Index Test

Reference Standard after a positive FOBT or in cases

Test details

Reference Standard after a negative FOBT or in controls

Diagnostic case-control Zhou (1987)91

n=19 Cases n=50 Controls Location=China


Definition of a positive result: Not reported



SPA test

Definition of a positive result: Agglutination within 3 minutes

Sigmoidoscopy - unspecified

Sigmoidoscopy unspecified

HemeSelect/Immud ia HemSp

Definition of a positive result: 3 Agglutination with sensitised cells at 2



Diagnostic cohort (Screening population) Zhou (1993)46

n=2660 Age=40+ Location=China Diagnostic case-control

Zhu (1988)92

n=63 Cases n=39 Controls Location=China

Table 23: Sequential FOBT included study Study ID

Study details

Index Test

Test details

Reference Standard after a negative FOBT

Reference Standard after a positive FOBT

Diagnostic case-control Li (1995)84

n=147 Cases n= 475 Controls Location= China

Guaiac followed by immunochemical (both unspecified)

Definition of a positive result: Not reported


Colonoscopy and pathology


Table 24: Included Economic Evaluations Study ID

Index Test

Ballegooijen (2003)


Berchi (2004)118

Castiglione (1997)

Daniels (1995)114

Shimbo (1994)119

Walker (1992)


Wong (2004)120



Haemoccult II Haemoccult Sensa Immunochemical (unspecified)

Life years saved (CRC and adenomas)

Haemoccult Magstream/Hem SP

Life years saved (CRC and adenomas)

Haemoccult RPHA

Cost per CRC/adenoma detectd

Haemoccult Okokit II

Cost per CRC case detectd

Guaiac Immunochemical (Both unspecified)

Life years saved (CRC and adenomas)

Haemoccult Coloscreen HemeSelect Feca EIA

Cost per CRC case detectd

Guaiac Immunochemical (Both unspecified)

Life expectancy (CRC only)

Perspective/ Location


Third party payer

Direct: Test; Follow-up; Surveillance; Treatment


Indirect: None reported

French Social Security Service

Direct: Test purchase, distribution, revelation; Colonoscopy; Treatment


Indirect: None reported

Health Service

Direct: Staff; General expenses; Buildings; Recruitment into study; Assessment


Indirect: None reported

Payer (RAF)

Direct: FOBT; Personal costs of testing; Follow-up


Indirect: None reported


Direct: FOBT; Follow-up; Complications; Treatment


Indirect: None reported

Health Service

Direct: Unclear


Indirect: None reported

Not reported

Direct: Screening procedure; Complications; Treatment


Indirect: None reported



APPENDIX H: DETAILS OF STUDIES EXCLUDED FROM THIS REVIEW 1021 of the 1089 articles ordered were received and screened, with the remaining 68 being unobtainable. Of these 1021, 260 were either letters, comments, discussion documents or reviews that would not have been considered relevant to the current review, and are therefore not included in the following tables. Sixty-nine studies were included in the review, and 692 potentially relevant studies did not meet the inclusion criteria for the review and were excluded. Diagnostic accuracy studies that were excluded are listed in Tables 25 and 26, and economic evaluations in table 27. The diagnostic accuracy studies were excluded from the review for the following reasons: 1. Insufficient data to produce a 2x2 table 2. High risk population 3. High drop out rate on rescreening or follow-up 4. No reported reference standard 5. Cases had general gastrointestinal disease, not specifically colorectal cancer 6. Blood ingested or added to stool 7. Duplicate reports 8. Other reasons for exclusion (listed separately in table 26 with reasons stated)

Table 25: Diagnostic accuracy studies, RCTs, and screening studies that were excluded from the review, and the reasons for their exclusion Adams (1974)145 6

Hardcastle (1985)146 1

Olynyk (2001)147 1

Adamsen (1984)148 1

Hardcastle (1986)149 3

Ookata (1985)150 2

Adlercreutz (1978)151 4

Hardcastle (1989)152 3

Ostrow (1973)153 6

Adlercreutz (1980)154 2

Hardcastle (1991)155 7

Otto (1990)156 1

Adlercreutz (1984)157 2

Hardcastle (1994)158 1

Otto (2004)159 1

Agusti (2004)160 1

Hardcastle (1996)28 3

Panzer (1995)161 1

Ahlquist (1990)162 2

Hart (1994)163 1

Parikh (2000)164 2

Ahlquist (1993)165 2

Hart (1997)166 1

Parra-Blanco (2004)167 1

Ahlquist (1993)168 2

Hart (1998)169 1

Pavlides (1977)170 2

Aisawa (1980)171 1

Hart (2003)172 1

Pearson (2000)31 1

Ajam (1990)173 1

Hastings (1974)174 3

Petrelli (1989)175 1

Akagi (1993)176 1

Hatfield (1983)177 1

Petrelli (1994)178 1

Ali (2003)179 1

Heeb (1978)180 1

Porschen (1993)181 1

Allison (1992)182 1

Heim (1986)183 1

Prasler (1992)184 2

Allison (1993)185 1

Helfrich (1977)186 1

Preisich (1987)187 1

Allison (2002)5 7

Herrinton (1995)188 2

Protell (1979)189 2

Angelici (1993)190 1

Herzog (1979)191 2

Pye (1987)192 1


Armbrecht (1994)193 2

Herzog (1983)194 1

Qin (2000)195 1

Armbrecht (1995)196 1

Herzog (1985)197 6

Racz (2002)198 1

Armitage (1984)199 1

Higuma (1994)200 1

Radominski (1990)141 6

Armitage (1985)201 1

Hirobe (1995)202 1

Rae (1994)203 1

Armitage (1986)204 3

Hisamichi (1990)205 3

Rae (1998)206 1

Armitage (1989)207 2

Hiwatashi (1993)208 1

Raine (1987)209 1

Aroasio (1997)210 2

Hiwatashi (2003)211 1

Ramsey (2003)212 4

Aste (1980)213 2

ho*rr (1949)214 2

Rasmussen (2003)215 3

Bahrt (1984)216 1

Hofbauer (1991)217 1

Rattan (1986)165 7

Baig (2001)218 1

Hoff (2004)219 1

Ratto (1992)220 2

Baker (1988)221 6

Hoffman (1983)222 1

Reilly (1990)223 1

Bampton (2002)224 1

Honda (1995)225 1

Rennert (2000)226 7

Bampton (2004)227 1

Hope (1996)228 2

Rex (1991)229 1

Barber (2002)230 2

Howarth (2000)231 1

Rex (1993)232 1

Barbot (2004)233 4

Humphrey (1969)234 6

Ribet (1979)235 2

Barnett (1952)236 2

Imai (19790237 6

Ribet (1980)238 2

Barrison (1981)239 2

Imperiale (2001)240 2

Richardson (1977)241 1

Barrison (1982)242 1

Ishii (1990)243 1

Riedel (1977)244 1

Barrison (1985)245 1

Ishikawa (1990)246 1

Riegler (1990)247 1

Bartnik (1982)248 1

Isley (1981)249 1

Robertsone (1987)250 4

Bartnik (1986)251 2

Ito (1990)252 1

Robinson (1993)253 1

Bassett (1980)254 2

Iwase (1990)255 1

Robinson (1994)256 1

Bassil (1998)257 1

Iwase (1995)258 2

Robinson (1995)259 1

Bat (1986)260 1

Jacobi (1980)261 1

Robra (1986)262 1

Bech (1991)263 3

Jankovic (1994)264 1

Rochi (1982)265 1

Bech (1992)266 3

Jeanson (1994)267 2

Rockey (1998)268 1

Bedenne (1989)269 1

Jensen (1986)270 1

Ross (1976)271 1

Bedenne (1990)272 1

Jensen (1990)273 7

Roth (1982)274 2

Benesova (1993)275 2

Jensen (1992)276 7

Rozen (1980)277 2

Benn (1981)278 6

Jensen (1993)279 2

Rozen (1986)280 7

Bennett (4105)281 1

Jensen (1994)282 2

Rozen (1987)283 2

Beretta (1978)284 1

Jogensen (2001)285 3

Rozen (1992)286 2


Berry (1997)287 1

John (1994)288 2

Rozen (1995)289 2

Bertario (1979)290 1

Johne (2001)291 2

Rozen (1997)292 2

Bertario (1980)293 2

Johnson (2002)294 2

Rozen (1998)295 2

Bertario (1999)296 1

Jorge (1977)297 1

Rozen (1999)298 2

Besancon (1980)299 1

Jorgensen (2002)300 7

Rozen (1999)301 2

Bhattacharya (1998)302 7

Joseph (1988)303 1

Rozen (2000)304 2

Biedermann (1979)305 1

Jouve (2001)306 3

Ruiter (1978)307 1

Bini (1999)308 1

Kaneko (1984)309 2

Saggioro (1987)310 1

Bini (2000)311 1

Kanzler (1978)312 2

Saito (1984)313 2

Birkner (2000)314 1

Kapparis (1985)315 1

Saito (1984)316 2

Blazek (1976)317 2

Kaye (1992)318 2

Saito (1995)319 1

Bond (1971)320 1

Keller (2003)321 1

Saito (2000)322 1

Bond (1986)323 3

Kemppainen (1994)324 2

Saitoh (2000)325 2

Bouvier (1999)326 3

Kewenter (1984)327 1

Sangster (1986)328 1

Bouvier (2001)329 1

Kewenter (1985)330 7

Sasaki (1993)331 2

Bradshaw (1995)332 6

Kewenter (1986)333 1

Sasaki (2001)334 1

Bralow (1979)335 1

Kewenter (1988)336 7

Sato (1989)337 1

Brandstatter (1978)338 1

Kewenter (1989)339 1

Sato (1989)340 1

Brandstatter (1978)341 1

Kewenter (1990)342 7

Sato (1990)343 1

Brault (1979)344 5

Kewenter (1991)345 1

Scales (2004)346 1

Briancon (1985)347 1

Kewenter (1994)122 1

Scheida (1998)348 2

Briancon (1987)349 1

Kewenter (1994)350 1

Scheitel (1999)351 1

Brint (1993)352 1

Kewenter (1995)353 1

Schlucker (1999)354 1

Britton (1984)355 1

Kewenter (1996)356 1

Schnell (1994)357 1

Buchler (1994)358 1

Khubchandani (1989)359 1

Scholfield (2002)360 1

Burany (1985)361 1

Kida (1995)362 1

Schuler (1979)363 2

Burany (1989)364 1

Kikkawa (1983)365 1

Schwartz (1979)366 1

Cailhol (2002)367 1

Kim (1993)368 2

Schwartz (1980)369 1

Carlsson (1984)370 1

Kim (2003)371 2

Scriven (1989)372 6

Castellanos (1994)373 2

Kimmig (1989)374 2

Segnan (2002)375 1

Castiglione (1984)376 1

Kita (1993)377 1

Selby (1993)378 2

Castiglione (1987)379 1

Kitahara (1995)380 2

Shah (1989)381 4


Castiglione (1992)382 1

Klaaborg (1986)383 1

Shibata (1993)384 1

Castiglione (1993)385 1

Klug (1990)386 1

Shida (1996)387 2

Castiglione (1994)388 2

Ko (2003)389 1

Shields (2001)390 1

Castiglione (1996)391 1

Kobayashi (1980)392 1

Shiwaku (1990)393 1

Castiglione (2000)394 1

Kobayashi (1982)395 1

Siba (1980)396 1

Castiglione (2002)44 3

Kobayashi (1985)397 1

Siba (1983)398 1

Chambers (1980)399 1

Kocna (2001)400 2

Sieg (1998)401 1

Champeau (1980)402 1

Komuta (2000)403 2

Sieg (1998)404 1

Chang (1988)405 1

Kronborg (1986)406 7

Sieg (2002)407 1

Chang (1997)408 6

Kronborg (1986)409 7

Singer (2002)410 3

Chen (1993)411 1

Kronborg (1987)412 7

Slater (1985)413 1

Chen (1996)414 2

Kronborg (1989)415 3

Slusser (1996)416 1

Chen (2004)417 1

Kronborg (1992)418 7

Smith (2004)419 1

Chiba (1990)420 2

Kronborg (1996)421 3

Sommer (1996)422 3

Ciatto (2002)423 1

Kronborg (1996)424 3

Songster (1980)425 6

Cohan (1993)426 1

Kronborg (1997)427 3

Songster (1980)428 2

Cole (2001)429 1

Kronborg (2002)430 2

Sontag (1983)431 1

Cole (2002)432 1

Kronborg (2004)433 3

Souques (2000)434 1

Cole (2003)435 7

Kruis (1979)436 2

St John (1985)437 1

Cole (2003)43 1

Kruse (1982)438 1

St John (1988)439 4

Colin (1978)440 2

Kumanishi (1989)441 1

St John (1989)442 7

Conen (1981)443 1

Kunz (1976)444 1

St John (1998)445 1

Cortes-Ugalde (1992)446 1

Kurnick (1980)447 1

Steinberg (1981)448 1

Coughlin (1987)449 2

Kutter (1979)450 6

Steinmetz (2001)451 1

Courtier (2002)452 1

Lallemand (1984)453 1

Steinmetz (2003)454 1

Crotta (2004)455 1

Lamah (2001)456 2

Stelling (1984)457 2

Crowley (1983)458 2

Lapointe (2003)459 4

Stelling (1990)460 2

Cruz-Correa (2004)461 2

Larkin (1980)462 1

Sterchi (1979)463 1

Cummings (1984)464 1

Launoy (1995)465 1

Stewart (1979)466 1

Cummings (1986)467 1

Launoy (1996)468 1

Stuart (1981)469 1

Daron (1981)470 1

Lawson (1982)471 1

Stuart (1981)472 1

Desai (1981)473 2

Lazovich (1995)474 1

Stuart (1982)475 1


Deyhle (1976)476 2

Lee (1983)477 1

Suspiro (1997)478 2

Di Cicco (1987)479 1

Lee (1983)480 1

Tada (1983)481 2

Di Vincenzo (1989)482 1

Leicester (1983)483 2

Tadikonda (2000)484 1

Donald (1972)485 6

Leicester (1984)486 2

Takagi (1993)487 1

Durst (1976)488 1

Letsou (1986)489 2

Takahashi (1996)490 2

Dvorak (2002)491 2

Leu (1990)492 1

Takaki (1995)493 6

Dybdahl (1984)494 2

Levenson (1993)495 1

Takemasa (1998)496 2

Ebener (1983)497 6

Levin (1995)498 1

Takesh*ta (1985)499 2

Ebling (1989)500 1

Levin (1997)501 1

Tarraga (1999)502 1

Eggertsen (1983)503 1

Li (2003)504 1

Tazi (1997)505 3

Eliakim (1988)506 1

Li (2004)507 1

Tazi (1998)508 1

Elliot (1984)509 1

Lindholm (1995)510 1

Tazi (1999)511 3

Elliot (1984)512 1

Lipshutz (1979)513 2

Tazi (1999)514 3

Escourou (1986)515 1

Liu (2000)516 1

Tellaroli (1981)517 1

Evelegh (2000)518 2

Lurie (1974)519 2

Thomas (1990)520 1

Faivre (1991)521 3

Ma (2003)522 1

Thomas (1992)523 3

Faivre (1999)524 7

Macaffe (2003)525 7

Thomas (1995)526 1

Faivre (1999)527 1

Machicao (1999)528 1

Thurber (1996)529 2

Faivre (2004)20 1

Mackett (1989)530 1

Tibble (2001)531 2

Faivre (2004)532 3

Maercke (1980)533 2

Tin (1993)534 1

Farrands (1981)535 1

Mahon (1994)536 2

Tongeren (1982)537 1

Fattah (1998)538 7

Makisumi (1993)539 1

Trojan (2002)540 2

Faure (1998)541 4

Mandel (1993)542 3

Tsukamoto (1997)543 1

Favennec (1992)544 1

Mandel (1999)545 3

Tsukioka (1995)546 2

Feifel (1978)547 4

Mandel (2000)548 7

Tsumuraya (1989)549 2

Feneyrou (1982)550 2

Mangla (1981)551 1

Turunen (1984)142 2

Ferkl (1992)552 2

Manus (1996)553 1

Uhlig (1978)554 1

Fernandez (1999)555 1

Marchetto (1989)556 1

Uhligh (1981)557 1

Firouzi (1999)558 4

Marjoram (1996)559 1

Ujszaszy (1985)560 1

Fischbach (1996)561 1

Marks (1987)562 2

UK CRC Screening Pilot Group 27 (2004) 1

Fleisher (1977)563 6

Marks (1997)564 1

Unknown (1993)565 1

Fleisher (1977)566 7

Matlock (1979)567 2

Vandenbroucke-Van (1985)568 1




Foliente (1995)569 2

Maurer (1982)570 1

Varro (1982)571 1

Foll (1981)572 1

Mazzarello (1990)573 1

Verne (1993)574 1

Foschi (1984)575 1

McDonald (1983)576 1

Verne (1998)577 1

Frame (1982)578 1

McGarrity (1989)579 1

Villeneuve (2003)580 1

Freedman (1994)581 1

McGarrity (1990)582 1

Wahrendorf (1993)583 1

Frommer (1984)584 2

Mehler (1969)585 6

Walter (1991)586 1

Frommer (1988)587 1

Michalek (1982)588 1

Wanebo (1986)589 1

Fruhmorgen (1976)590 1

Milkes (2003)591 1

Warm (1977)592 2

Fruhmorgen (1978)593 1

Miller (1988)594 1

Webendorfer (2004)595 1

Fruhmorgen (1978)596 1

Million (1982)597 1

Wechselberger (1979)598 1

Fruhmorgen (1980)599 1

Mitsushima (1994)600 2

Weiss (1977)601 2

Fujita (1981)602 1

Miyoshi (1995)603 2

Weiss (1981)604 1

Fujita (1984)605 1

Moeller (1983)606 2

Weller (1994)607 1

Fujita (1986)608 1

Monma (1992)609 1

Wells (1980)610 2

Fujita (1987)611 1

Moran (1994)612 2

Wexner (1984)613 2

Fujiyoshi (1993)614 1

Moreaux (1980)615 1

Wielinger (1978)616 1

Gabrielsson (1985)617 2

Moriarty (1983)618 1

Wilkes (1983)619 1

Gallati (1978)620 6

Morimoto (1990)621 1

Williams (1985)622 2

Giacchero (1982)623 2

Morris (1974)624 6

Willis (2004)625 1

Gilbertsen (1980)626 1

Morris (1982)627 1

Winawar (1978)628 1

Gilbertsen (1980)629 1

Morris (1984)630 1

Winawer (1977)631 1

Glober (1974)632 1

Morris (1991)633 1

Winawer (1977)634 1

Glober (1994)635 1

Moss (1999)636 3

Winawer (1977)637 7

Gnauck (1974)638 1

Murakami (1989)639 1

Winawer (1978)640 1

Gnauck (1977)641 5

Murakami (2995)

Gnauck (1978)644 1

Murata (1994)645 1

Winawer (1980)646 1

Gnauck (1978)647 1

Myers (2004)648 1

Winawer (1991)649 2

Gnauck (1979)650 1

Nagaoka (1996)651 2

Winawer (1993)652 2

Gnauck (1980)653 1

Nagasaka (1993)654 3

Winchester (1980)655 1

Gnauck (1980)656 1

Nagasawa (1989)657 1

Winchester (1983)658 1

Gnauck (1982)659 1

Nakajima (2002)660 2

Wise (1994)661 2

Gnauck (1983)662 1

Nakajima (2003)663 1

Withers (1978)664 1




Winawer (1979)643 1

Gnauck (1983)665 1

Nakama (1994)666 3

Wong (2003)667 2

Gnauck (1989)668 1

Nakama (1996)669 1

Wong (2003)670 2

Gomez (1992)671 1

Nakama (1996)669 2

Wrobleski (1993)672 1

Goodman (1977)673 1

Nakama (1997)674 7

Wu (2002)675 7

Goodman (1978)676 1

Nakama (1998)677 7

Yamaguchi (1988)678 1

Gopalswamy (1994)679 2

Nakama (1999)680 1

Yamamura (1993)681 2

Goswitz (1987)682 1

Nakama (1999)683 7

Yaron (1986)684 1

Goto (1988)685 1

Nakama (2001)686 1

Yoshida (1986)687 1

Goumin (1991)688 1

Nakama (2001)689 1

Yoshii (1980)690 1

Grazzini (2000)691 1

Nakama (2001)692 7

Yoshii (1981)693 2

Grazzini (2004)694 1

Nakama (2001)695 7

Yoshii (1984)696 2

Greegor (1967)697 2

Nakama (2001)698 7

Yoshinaga (1995)699 2

Greegor (1969)700 1

Ndjitoyap (1984)701 2

Young (1986)702 6

Greegor (1971)703 2

Nichols (1986)704 1

Young (1995)705 1

Greegor (1972)706 2

Nicolopoulos (1980)707 2

Young (2001)708 1

Greegor (1978)709 2

Nicolopoulos (1980)707 5

Young (2002)

Greegor (1980)711 1

Nishikawa (1987)712 1

Young (2003)713 2

Greenberg (2000)714 2

Niv (1990)715 1

Zappa (1997)716 1

Gregorio (1992)717 1

Niv (1992)718 7

Zappa (2001)719 1

Griffith (1981)720 2

Niv (1995)721 2

Zarchy (1991)722 2

Griffiths (1990)723 2

Niv (1996)724 7

Zhang (1992)725 2

Gusi (1991)726 2

Niv (1998)727 7

Zhang (2001)728 1

Habba (1983)729 1

Nobuo (1993)730 1

Zheng (1991)731 1

Habr-Gama (1983)732 1

Norfleet (1979)733 1

Zheng (2003)734 1

Hakkinen (1988)735 1

Norfleet (1983)736 1

Zhou (1994)737 1

Hamajima (1990)738 2

Norfleet (1986)739 2

Zolenko (1985)740 1

Hammes (1985)741 1

Nozaki (2001)742 1

Zoubek (1989)743 1

Hammes (1987)744 1

Odes (1992)745 1

Zoubek (1989)746 1

Han (1997)747 2

Odom (2000)748 1

Zoubek (1990)749 1

Hardcastle (1980)750 1

O'Donoghue (1984)751 1

Zoubek (1990)752 1

Hardcastle (1983)753 1

Okamoto (1995)754 1




Table 26: Diagnostic accuracy studies, RCTs, and screening studies that were excluded from the review, and the reasons for their exclusion Christensen (1974)755 8

Three healthy children were tested with several FOBTs

Church (1997)756 8

Estimating sensitivity from the Minnesota trial.

Fleisher (1991)39 8

Samples with pre-established levels of hamoglobin

Klaaborg (1986)757 8

Report in acceptability and ways to increase uptake

Lazovich (1994)758 8

Type of FOBT was not specified in all cases

Nivatvongs (1981)759 8

Only reported location of detected tumors

Ochiai (2002)760 8

Testing response to animal haemoglobins

Robinson (1999)761 8

Only reported interval cancers

Robinson (2000)762 8

Only those who died were reviewed

Sack (1997)763 8

Compliance only

Stroehlein (1976)764 8

Evaluated effects of storage

Williams (1982)765 8

Diagnostic case-controlled that used an inappropriate control group (people aged 20 to 82 years, with no confirmation of disease-free status)

Young (1996)766 8

Investigated delay in sampling

The economic evaluations were excluded from the review for the following reasons: 1. Evaluated a single FOBT 2. Type of FOBT not specified 3. FOBT costed as part of an overall screening programme, not individually 4. FOBT combined with sigmoidoscopy 5. Not a full economic evaluation - either partial evaluation or only an abstract 6. Duplicate reports 7. Cost of work-up after a positive FOBT


Table 27: Economic evaluation studies that were excluded from the review, and the reasons for their exclusion Allison (1985)767 1

Helm (1998)768 5

Robinson (1995)769 5

Aguiar (1992)770 3

Helm (1999)771 2

Salkeld (1996)772 1

Aguiar (2004)773 5

Joseph (1987)774 6

Sorrentino (1999)775 2

Applegate (1979)776 1

Joseph (1988)777 1

Steele (2003)778 3

Arveux (1992)779 1

Khandker (2000)780 2

Stone (2004)781 3

Behney (1995)782 3

Kristein (1980)783 1

Theuer (2001)

Bretthauer (2002)785 4

Lang (1994)786 1

Tsuji (1991)787 1

Brown (1990)788 1

Lejeune (2003)789 1

Vijan (2001)790 2

Byers (1992)791 2

Lejeune (2003)792 1

Vilan (1997)793 6



Canadian Coordinating Office for HTA (2002)794 2

Wagner (1991)795 2

Chang (1999)796 2

Lejeune (2004)797 1

Wagner (1996)798 1

Cornell (1978)799 1

Lieberman (1991)

Delco (1999)802 2

Lieberman (1995)803 2

Eddy (1984)805 1

Lieberman (1995)806 2

Walker (1993)807 6

Eickhoff (2002)808 3

Lieberman (1995)809 2

Weller (1995)810 1

Feldman (1981)811 6

McGrath (2001)812 6

Whynes (1992)813 1

Frazier (2000)814 3

McGrath (2002)

Fric (1991)817 1

McMahon (2001)818 2

Whynes (1997)819 6

Fric (1994)820 1

Nakama (2000)821 1

Whynes (1998)822 1

Gow (1999)823 1

Nakama (2001)824 1

Whynes (1999)825 1

Gyrd-Hansen (1998)826 1

Neilson (1995)827 3

Whynes (2004)828 1

Gyrd-Hansen (1998)829 1

Neuhauser (1975)830 1

Yamamoto (2000)831 1

Helm (1997)832 6

O'Leary (2004)833 2

Yoshinaga (1997)834 1

Helm (1997)835 6

Parson (2000)836 1

Zauber (2003)837 6






Walker (1991)801 1 Walker (1991)804 5

Whynes (1993)816 1







































































































Handsearching Journal

Handsearching Bibliographies












First Author:

EndNote Study ID:







































































































Handsearching Journal

Handsearching Bibliographies










First Author:

EndNote Study ID: 355




































St John






St John
























































Handsearching Journal

Handsearching Bibliographies










First Author:

EndNote Study ID: 737








































































Handsearching Journal

Handsearching Bibliographies










First Author:

EndNote Study ID: 1232





















































Handsearching Journal

Handsearching Bibliographies










First Author:

EndNote Study ID: 2818








4378 Klug 1983 X

4384 Lampe 1982 X

4452 Winawer 1980 X

4453 Tada 1988 X

4455 Miyoshi 1988 X

4456 Matsuse 1989 X

4460 Kawai 1987 X







Handsearching Journal

Handsearching Bibliographies










First Author:

EndNote Study ID:






















































































65 93

Bhattacharya (1997) Brevinge (1997)


Castiglione (1991)



10. Withdrawals

8. Clincial review bias

9. Uninterpretable/intermediate results

7b. Diagnostic review bias


7a. Test review bias


Bennett (1996)





























Chen (2002) Chen (1997)

Cheng (2002)

























































































































































































Collins (2005) Foley (1992)


Gondal (2003)



Kawai (1987)

82 6

Kikkawa (1987) 99

Klug (1983)

6b. Reference standard execution details


Allison (2002)

Kim (1998)

6a. Index test execution details


Allison (1990)

Itoh (1996)

5. Differential verification bias


4. Partial verification bias


2. Selection criteria Y

1. Spectrum composition Y


Allison (1996)8

Bang (1986)

3a. Appropriate reference standard - positive FOBT/cases 3b. Appropriate reference standard - neagative FOBT/controls

Table 28: Results of the quality assessment for included FOBT studies. Studies scored Yes (Y), No (N) or Unclear (UC) for each quality item

68 83

Lampe (1982)

Launoy (1997)



Li (1995)

Lieberman (2001)



9. Uninterpretable/intermediate results





































Michalek (1988)














Miyoshi (1992)















Miyoshi (1988)


Mandel (1989)

Matsuse (1989)

Morikawa (2004)

10. Withdrawals

8. Clincial review bias


7a. Test review bias


4. Partial verification bias

7b. Diagnostic review bias

6b. Reference standard execution details

6a. Index test execution details

5. Differential verification bias

3a. Appropriate reference standard - positive FOBT/cases 3b. Appropriate reference standard - neagative FOBT/controls Y

2. Selection criteria Y

1. Spectrum composition Y 110

Liu (2003)71





























Murakami (1992)














Nakama (2001)















Nakama (2000)















Nakama (2000)















Nakama (2000)















Nakama (2000)















Nakama (1997)















Nakama (1996)















Nakama (1996)















Nakama (1994)















Nakama (2004)
















































































Niv (2002)


Okamoto (1997)



Parikh (2001)

Rasmussen (1999) Rennert (2001)



Ribet (1980)















St John (1993)















St John (1992)
















7b. Diagnostic review bias 8. Clincial review bias


Tada (1986) 88


Tada (1988) 89


Takesh*ta (1985) 4


Takesh*ta (1982) 3


Winawer (1980)

Zhang (2002) N Y Y Y Y Y N Y UC Y UC Y Y

Zhou (1993) 46


Zhou (1987) 91


Zhu (1988) N N UC UC UC UC Y N UC UC N UC UC

92 90




10. Withdrawals

9. Uninterpretable/intermediate results

7a. Test review bias

6b. Reference standard execution details

6a. Index test execution details

5. Differential verification bias

4. Partial verification bias

3a. Appropriate reference standard - positive FOBT/cases 3b. Appropriate reference standard - neagative FOBT/controls

2. Selection criteria

1. Spectrum composition

Sung (2003)80


APPENDIX K: PROTOCOL CHANGES Inclusion criteria Population We initially intended to include only studies of average-risk populations above the age of 50 years (the likely target of any UK screening programme). The age of the population selected in the identified studies varied with design (case-controls and cohort studies) and location. It was therefore decided to expand the inclusion criteria so that all studies that included an adult, average-risk population, preferentially invited for screening for colorectal neoplasms were included.

Existing systematic reviews It was decided not to include existing systematic reviews in the current review but instead to use these as sources of potentially relevant studies. This was due to differences between the identified systematic reviews and the proposed inclusion criteria and methods of analysis for the current review.



APPENDIX L: CRD STRUCTURED SUMMARIES OF THE INCLUDED ECONOMIC EVALUATIONS CASTIGLIONE (1997) 117 Cost analysis in a population based screening programme for colorectal cancer: comparison of immunochemical and guaiac faecal occult blood testing. Castiglione G, Zappa M, Grazzini G, Sani C, Mazzotta A, Mantellini P, Ciatto S. Journal of Medical Screening, 1997;4(3):142-6. Two faecal occult blood tests (FOBT) for colorectal cancer screening: Haemoccult (guaiac based) and reversed passive haemagglutination (RPHA) tests. RPHA tests were interpreted according to two different positivity thresholds. Disease: Neoplasms Type of intervention: Screening Hypothesis/study question: To evaluate the costs of one day reversed passive haemagglutination (RPHA) testing and three-day rehydrated guaiac testing in the same population. RPHA was clearly stated by the authors as a comparator. These screening procedures have been used in screening programmes that were effective in reducing colorectal cancer mortality, but each is associated with a different sensitivity and specificity level that is likely to affect the size of the protective effect of screening and costs. Economic study type: Cost-effectiveness analysis. Study population: Subjects aged 40-70 years. Setting Hospital. Six municipalities in the province of Florence, Italy were involved in the screening. The economic study was carried out in Italy. Dates to which data relate Subjects were recruited into the study during the period March 1992 to September 1995. 1996 costs were used for the assessment phase. The year for the remainder of the prices used in the analysis was not stated. Source of effectiveness data The evidence for final outcomes was derived from a single study. Links between effectiveness and cost data The costing was based on the same patient sample as that used in the effectiveness analysis, and appears to have been carried out retrospectively. Single Study Study sample Power calculations were not used to determine the sample size. Subjects living in the six municipalities in the province of Florence (28,282 inhabitants aged 40-70) were enrolled in the study and underwent a double FOBT screening investigation. 8,353 subjects were recruited (3,887 men, mean age 54.2, 2,509 over the age of 49; 4.466 women, mean age 54.3, 2,906 older than 49). Screening with the double FOBT protocol was repeated after two years only in two of the six municipalities (7,982 subjects, aged 40-70). Overall mean compliance in the course of the study was 38.7%. Study design The study was a prospective case-series which enrolled the population of six municipalities in the province of Florence, Italy.


Analysis of effectiveness The primary health outcome used in the analysis was the number of cancers/adenomas detected by the respective tests. Effectiveness results Haemoccult, RPHA positive (+) and borderline (+/-), and RPHA (+ only) detected 16, 22 and 18 cancers and 124, 105 and 181 adenomas respectively. All of the 13 Dukes's A carcinomas were detected by RPHA (+ and +/-). Haemoccult and RPHA (+) detected six and nine Dukes's A cancers respectively. Curative polipectomy with no need for further surgery was obtained in two patients with a positive Haemoccult test, and in six with a positive (+) RPHA test. Three cancers were detected at repeat screening. All of them were Haemoccult negative; two were RPHA(+); one was RPHA (+/-). Clinical conclusions RPHA (+ and +/-) showed the highest and RPHA (+ only) the lowest positivity rate at first screening. The Haemoccult positivity rate was highest at repeat screening. The authors concluded that screening by RPHA had higher efficacy in reducing CRC mortality and incidence. Economic analysis Measure of benefits used in the economic analysis The measure of benefits used in the economic analysis was the number of cancers/adenomas detected by the respective tests. screening programme was costed: recruitment, screening and assessment. For the first two phases all relevant resources consumed by the programme were listed and measured. For staff costs the resource percentage attributable to the screening programme was apportioned. General expenses were calculated by dividing the total expense of the centre by the percentage of the total area currently occupied by the FOBT programme. The cost of the building was based on market rental prices. Costs for the recruitment phase included the resources for general organisation and direction of the programme. To calculate the costs for the assessment phase, National Tariffs for 1996 were used. The year for the rest of the prices was not stated. Resource quantities were not reported separately from the prices. Indirect costs: Not included Currency US dollars ($), converted from Italian lira at an exchange rate of $1 to 1,550 Italian lira. Sensitivity analysis In a sensitivity analysis an additional evaluation of the costs of the assessment phase was made according to the estimates of the mean costs of endoscopic examinations and treatments carried out by a working group. Estimated benefits used in the economic analysis Haemoccult, RPHA positive (+) and borderline (+/-), and RPHA (+ only) detected 16, 22 and 18 cancers and 124, 105 and 181 adenomas respectively. All of the 13 Dukes's A carcinomas were detected by RPHA (+ and +/-). Haemoccult and RPHA (+) detected six and nine Dukes's A cancers respectively. Three cancers were detected at repeat screening. All of them were Haemoccult negative; two were RPHA(+); one was RPHA (+/-). Cost results At the first screening round RPHA (+ and +/-) was the most costly ($136,120 per 10,000 screened subjects with 38.7% attendance rate) as the higher recall rate resulted in the highest cost for the assessment phase. RPHA (+) was the least expensive test in all programme phases ($96,770). Haemoccult was in an intermediate position for total and assessment costs but was the most costly test for the screening phase (total cost was $120,640). At repeat screening and in subjects aged 4049 the total costs were lower than at the first screening owing to the lower positivity and recall rate. At first screening RPHA (+ and +/-) had the highest cost for each screened subject ($35.1) and RPHA (+) the lowest ($25).


Synthesis of costs and benefits Haemoccult showed the highest costs for each subject with detected cancer or adenomas ($12,900). RPHA(+) had the lowest cost for detected cancer ($9,020), whereas RPHA (+ and +/-) had the lowest cost for each subject with adenoma(s) ($1,780). Costs for each subject screened decreased at the second round ($25.1) or in younger subjects ($20.6 - $27.1). The cost for each subject with cancer or adenoma(s), however, increased at the second round ($18,990 and $3,450 respectively) and for younger subjects. When the working group's cost estimates were used, rather than ministerial tariffs, the overall assessment costs at first screening were increased by about 25%. When the working group's cost estimates for endoscopic costs were considered instead of national tariffs, costs for each screened subject, or for each subject with detected cancer or adenoma(s), increased by 16% for Haemoccult, by 17% for RPHA (+ and +/-), or 10% for RPHA (+), in subjects aged 50-70 at first screening. The group's estimates of assessment costs caused smaller increases of costs at first screening in subjects aged 40-49 and an increase of 11% at repeat screening. With higher compliance rates, costs for each screened subject or each detected cancer or adenoma(s) would be lower, though a great improvement in compliance would be needed to lower total costs markedly. Conclusions, commentary and implications Authors' conclusions Screening for colorectal cancer by an immunochemical FOBT based on RPHA is more cost effective than guaiac testing. Further efforts should be concentrated on the evaluation of RPHA sensitivity for colorectal cancer to assess the optimal positivity threshold. The analysis confirmed that screening for colorectal cancer under the age of 50 is not cost-effective. CRD commentary Selection of comparators: A justification was given for the comparators used: all of the alternative screening procedures have been used in screening programmes that were effective in reducing colorectal cancer mortality. You should consider whether these are widely used health technologies in your own setting. Validity of estimate of measure of benefit: The estimate of the measure of benefit used in the economic analysis is likely to be internally valid. Validity of estimate of costs: Resource quantities were not reported separately from the prices but adequate details of cost estimation were given. Other issues: The issue of generalisability to other settings or countries was not addressed.


WALKER (1992) 115 Filtering strategies in mass population screening for colorectal cancer: an economic evaluation Walker A, Whynes D K. Medical Decision Making 1992;12:2-7 Health technology The use of mass population filtering strategies for the selection of individuals requiring further screening (colonoscopic investigation) for the detection of colorectal cancer (CRC). The strategies examined were as follows Strategy 1: the Haemoccult faecal occult blood (FOB) test. A 3-day test, with no subsequent retesting of positives or negatives. Strategy 2: the Haemoccult FOB test. All first-round positive results are subjected to a retest and confirmed positives proceed to investigation. Strategy 3: the Haemoccult FOB test. All first-round positive results are subjected to a retest and confirmed positives proceed to investigation. Negative retests take a third test and those confirmed positive proceed to investigation. Strategy 4: the Haemoccult FOB test as in strategy 1, but all test samples are rehydrated prior to development. All positives proceed to investigation. Strategy 5: the Haemoccult FOB test as in strategy 1, but administered over 6 days and no retesting. Strategy 6: the Hemeselect FOB test. Strategies 7, 8 and 9 used Hemoquant FOB tests with different sensitivities. Strategy 7 was sensitive at 1.5 mg haemoglobin-g stool, strategy 8 was sensitive at 2.0 mg/g, and strategy 9 was sensitive at 3.0 mg/g. Strategy 10: the Fecatwin/Feca EIA FOB test. Strategy 11: the Coloscreen FOB test. Strategy 12: the Ez-Detect FOB test. Strategy 13: a risk questionnaire in which positives are identified on the basis of the presence of one or more risk factors, such as symptoms, personal risk, or familial risk. Strategy 14: no screening. Disease: Neoplasms; Digestive system diseases. Type of intervention: Screening. Hypothesis/study question The objective of the study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of the alternative mass population filtering strategies for the screening of CRC in comparison with no screening (strategy 14) in the UK. The use of pre-diagnostic techniques was advocated, not only to increase patient compliance (which was low with more invasive procedures) but also to reduce the costs (which increased when more accurate techniques were selected). The perspective adopted in the study was unclear, but it might have been that of the UK National Health Service (NHS). Economic study type: Cost-effectiveness analysis. Study population The study population comprised a hypothetical cohort of 100,000 asymptomatic individuals. In general, persons over 50 years of age were included in the target population.


Setting Although not explicitly stated, the setting might have been primary care. The economic study was carried out in the UK. Dates to which data relate The effectiveness evidence came from studies published from 1987 to 1991. The cost data were estimated from an article published in 1989. The price year was 1989. Source of effectiveness data The effectiveness evidence was derived from a synthesis of completed studies, supplemented by authors' assumptions. Modelling A traditional economic modelling approach appears to have been used to assess the costs and benefits of the filtering strategies. Decision trees were not used. Review/synthesis of previously published studies Outcomes assessed in the review The outcomes assessed from the literature were the compliance rates and sensitivity and specificity values. Study designs and other criteria for inclusion in the review It was unclear whether a formal review of the literature was undertaken, but most of the evidence came from randomised clinical trials. Sources searched to identify primary studies: Not stated. Criteria used to ensure the validity of primary studies: Not stated. Methods used to judge relevance and validity, and for extracting data: Not stated. Number of primary studies included Ten primary studies provided the evidence. Method of combination of primary studies The authors did not report the method used to combine the results of the individual studies, although a narrative method appears to have been used. Investigation of differences between studies: Not stated. Results of the review The compliance rate was 57.8% for strategies 1 to 4 and 6 to 10, 53.4% for strategy 5, 86% for strategy 11, 88% for strategy 12, and 69% for strategy 13. The sensitivities and specificities of the strategies were as follows: •

Strategy 1, sensitivity 0.67 and specificity 0.97

Strategy 2, sensitivity 0.58 and specificity 0.99

Strategy 3, sensitivity 0.65 and specificity 0.99

Strategy 4, sensitivity 0.72 and specificity 0.95

Strategy 5, sensitivity 0.74 and specificity 0.99

Strategy 6, sensitivity 0.95 and specificity 0.93

Strategy 7, sensitivity 0.90 and specificity 0.94

Strategy 8, sensitivity 0.85 and specificity 0.95

Strategy 9, sensitivity 0.70 and specificity 0.98

Strategy 10, sensitivity 0.67 and specificity 0.91


Strategy 11, sensitivity 0.33 and specificity 0.94

Strategy 12, sensitivity 0.36 and specificity 0.89

Strategy 13, sensitivity 0.70 and specificity 0.81


Estimates of effectiveness based on opinion Methods used to derive estimates of effectiveness The authors formulated several assumptions to derive some estimates of effectiveness. Estimates of effectiveness and key assumptions It was estimated that the prevalence of CRC was 3.5 per thousand. The compliance rates of some filtering procedures were not available from the literature and were assumed to have been comparable with the rates of other similar procedures (reported above). Economic analysis Measure of benefits used in the economic analysis The summary benefit measure used was the number of cancers detected with each filtering strategy in a target population of 100,000. The number of positives was also reported. Direct costs The cost analysis was based on the results of a published clinical trial, which was partly used as source of evidence (Hardcastle et al., see Other Publications of Related Interest). Limited information on the economic analysis was provided. The unit costs and the quantities of resources used were not analysed separately. The health services included in the economic evaluation were filtering tests and colonoscopic investigation. The cost/resource boundary of the study was unclear. The only unit cost reported was that of colonoscopy. Discounting does not appear to have been relevant as the costs were incurred during a short timeframe. The resource use data were mainly derived from authors' assumptions. It was also assumed that the relevant filter was distributed to all members of the target population, and that all unused material was discarded. The price year was 1989. Indirect costs The indirect costs were not included in the economic evaluation. Currency UK pounds sterling (£). The authors stated that when the article was written, the pound was equivalent to approximately 2 US dollars. Statistical analysis of costs The costs were treated deterministically. Sensitivity analysis One- and two-way sensitivity analyses were carried out to assess the impact on the estimated costeffectiveness ratios of varying the compliance rate and the prevalence rate. The ranges used were derived from authors' opinions. Estimated benefits used in the economic analysis The number of cancers detected in a target population of 100,000 was: 135 with strategy 1, 118 with strategy 2, 131 with strategy 3, 145 with strategy 4, 137 with strategy 5, 192 with strategy 6, 182 with strategy 7, 172 with strategy 8, 142 with strategy 9, 136 with strategy 10, 99 with strategy 11, 112 with strategy 12, 169 with strategy 13, and 0 with strategy 14. Cost results The estimated total costs (in million) in a target population of 100,000 with each strategy were: Strategy 1, £0.38 Strategy 2, £0.26 Strategy 3, £0.28 Strategy 4, £0.50 Strategy 5, £0.43 Strategy 6, £1.03 Strategy 7, £1.88


Strategy 8, £1.82 Strategy 9, £1.64 Strategy 10, £0.86 Strategy 11, £0.66 Strategy 12, £1.11 Strategy 13, £1.45 Strategy 14, £0. Synthesis of costs and benefits An average cost-effectiveness ratio was calculated to combine the costs and benefits of the filtering strategies. After dominated strategies were eliminated, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios of the remaining strategies were calculated. The average cost per cancer detected with each strategy was: Strategy 1, £2,814 Strategy 2, £2,202 Strategy 3, £2,116 Strategy 4, £3,456 Strategy 5, £3,156 Strategy 6, £5,356 Strategy 7, £10,323 Strategy 8, £10,569 Strategy 9, £11,561 Strategy 10, £6,373 Strategy 11, £6,691 Strategy 12, £9,869 Strategy 14, £8,582 The incremental cost per cancer saved was £2,116 with strategy 3 over strategy 14, and £12,376 with strategy 6 over strategy 3.

The authors noted that the choice of the preferred approach depended on the financial value the decision-maker put on a case of cancer missed. The sensitivity analysis revealed that variations in the model assumptions did not alter the ranking of the filtering tests, although the cancer-miss valuations increased with higher prevalence and lowered with higher compliance rates (range: £1,900 - £4,800). Conclusions, commentary and implications Author's Conclusions The Hemeselect 3-day faecal occult blood (FOB) test and Haemoccult 3-day FOB test with two retests were the most cost-effective strategies of all those investigated. However, the choice of the filtering screening depended on the payer's willingness to pay for a case of missed cancer. Under some scenarios, the no screening option could have been the preferred strategy. CRD commentary Selection of comparators: The choice of the comparators appears to have been appropriate, as it covered all possible filtering strategies used for the detection of CRC in asymptomatic individuals. The authors provided a justification for the selection of the interventions under evaluation. The no screening option was also appropriately considered. You should decide whether these are valid comparators in your own setting.


Validity of estimate of measure of effectiveness: The authors did not state that a systematic review of the literature had been undertaken. The methods used to find and select the primary studies were unclear, therefore some relevant studies could have been excluded. Although most of the effectiveness estimators were derived from clinical trials, the quality and validity of the data collected from these studies was not reported. The primary estimates were combined using narrative methods. The authors made several assumptions to derive some of the effectiveness estimators, which were then varied in the sensitivity analysis. However, the impact of variations in estimates derived from the literature was not investigated. The authors noted that comparing data derived from different sources was a problem, and some data could have been biased. Further, the published evidence pertaining to the risk questionnaire was controversial, which added further uncertainty to the results of the study. Validity of estimate of measure of benefit: The summary benefit measure was specific to the interventions considered in the study and would be difficult to compare with the benefits of other health care interventions. The use of life-years saved as a result of the filtering strategies would have been helpful, but the authors stated that such an estimate would have needed epidemiological data that they did not possess. Validity of estimate of costs: The authors did not state explicitly the perspective of the study, although it might have reflected that of the NHS. However, only the costs strictly related to the implementation of the filtering strategies were considered. The authors acknowledged that the inclusion of cancer treatment costs would have been more appropriate. The price year was reported, which will simplify reflation exercises in other settings. However, there was limited information on the whole cost analysis since the data were derived from a published study. The unit costs were not reported separately from the quantities of resources used, and it may therefore be difficult to replicate the study. Most of the resource use data were derived from authors' assumptions. The costs were treated deterministically, and were specific to the study setting as no sensitivity analyses were carried out. Other issues: The authors did not make extensive comparisons of their findings with those from other studies. They also did not explicitly address the issue of the generalisability of the study results to other settings. However, some sensitivity analyses were carried out on key estimates, and the results would appear to be applicable to settings with difference compliance and cancer prevalence rates. The study referred to the general population of asymptomatic individuals and this was reflected in the conclusions of the analysis. The authors noted some limitations to the validity of their analysis, which mainly related to the source of the clinical data. Implications of the study The authors stated that their results relied on the current state of clinical research and that they may require revision as this research progresses.


SHIMBO (1994) 119 Cost-effectiveness analysis of strategies for colorectal cancer screening in Japan. Shimbo T, Glick H A, Eisenberg J M. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 1994;10(3):359-375. Health technology Several screening strategies for colorectal cancer (CRC) were examined. These were based on the combination of biochemical faecal occult blood testing (F), immunological faecal occult blood testing (IF), barium enema (B), colonoscopy (C) and sigmoidoscopy (S). The strategies were as follows. Strategy 1 was F-F-B-C. F was performed annually, followed by second F if the first results were positive. The patient underwent a B if the second test result was positive and C if the B result was positive. Strategy 2 was IF2y-C. IF was performed every 2 years and, if positive, was followed by C. Strategy 3 was F-C. F was performed annually and, if positive, was followed by C. Strategy 4 was IF-B-C. IF was performed annually and, if positive, was followed by a B. If the B was suggestive of cancer beyond the range of S, the patients underwent C, while if the B was suspicious within range, then S was conducted. Strategy 5 was IF-B/S-C. This was similar to strategy 4, but both a B and S were performed after a positive IF result. If S revealed a lesion, then examination was stopped. If S was negative but the B was positive, C was performed. Strategy 6 was IF-C. IF was performed annually and, if positive, was followed by C. Strategy 7 was IF/S3y-C. IF was performed annually and, if positive, was followed by C. In addition, S was performed every 3 years and, if positive, was followed by C. Strategy 8 was no screening. Disease: Neoplasms; Digestive system diseases. Type of intervention: Screening. Hypothesis/study question The objective of the study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of the alternative mass screening strategies for the detection of CRC in Japan. The no screening option (strategy 8) was also considered as the basic comparator. The analysis also investigated the optimal age at which screening should begin, and the impact of compliance on the test results. The perspective of the payer was adopted in the study. Economic study type: Cost-effectiveness analysis. Study population The study population comprised a hypothetical cohort of asymptomatic 40-year-old Japanese men and women. Other starting ages were also considered. Setting The setting appears to have been primary care. The economic study was conducted in Japan. Dates to which data relate The effectiveness data were derived from studies published between 1975 and 1990. No dates for the resource use data were explicitly reported. The costs were, in part, obtained from studies published in 1989 and 1990. The price year was not reported.


Source of effectiveness data The effectiveness evidence was derived from a synthesis of completed studies and authors' assumptions. Modelling A state-transition model was constructed to simulate the natural history of CRC in a cohort of 100,000 asymptomatic men and women in Japan. The model was populated mainly with published data specific to the Japanese setting. Individuals were followed for 35 years. The cycle length appears to have been one year. Six different health states were considered. These were cancer-free and polypfree, polyp remains benign, polyps transforms into cancer, CRC, follow-up after cancer treatment, and death. Review/synthesis of previously published studies Outcomes assessed in the review The outcomes derived from the literature were the sensitivity and specificity of the alternative screening tests, the complication rates, and other probability values used in the decision model. Study designs and other criteria for inclusion in the review It was not stated whether a formal review of the literature was undertaken and the design of the primary studies was unclear. The stage- and age-specific distribution of undetected cancers and estimated detection rates were derived from observational data in a Japanese regional cancer registry. The probabilities of death were derived from Japanese life tables. Only those studies that specified clinical data were considered. Sources searched to identify primary studies: Not stated. Criteria used to ensure the validity of primary studies: Not stated. Methods used to judge relevance and validity, and for extracting data: Not stated. Number of primary studies included Forty primary studies provided the evidence. Method of combination of primary studies The primary studies appear to have been combined using narrative methods. The 95% confidence interval (CI) was derived from the sum of total cases using the method of Blyth and Still. Ranges (minimum and maximum) were also reported when the data were derived from more than two studies. Investigation of differences between studies: Not stated. Results of the review The specificity of F was 0.886 (95% CI: 0.869 - 0.901). The sensitivity of F was 0.167 (95% CI: 0.142 - 0.196) for polyps, 0.263 (95% CI: 0.140 - 0.438) for stage A cancer, and 0.588 (95% CI: 0.539 - 0.635) for stage B/C cancer. The specificity of IF was 0.991 (95% CI: 0.975 - 0.997). The sensitivity of IF was 0.037 (95% CI: 0.022 - 0.079) for polyps, 0.481 (95% CI: 0.342 - 0.622) for stage A cancer, and 0.843 (95% CI: 0.763 - 0.898) for stage B/C cancer. The sensitivity of S was 0.9 for polyps and 0.957 for cancer. The specificity of a B was 0.978 (95% CI: 0.941 - 0.993). The sensitivity of a B was 0.887 (95% CI: 0.847 - 0.918) for polyps and 0.917 (95% CI: 0.899 - 0.931) for cancer. The sensitivity of C was 0.9 (95% CI: 0.875 - 0.921) for polyps and 0.957 (95% CI: 0.843 - 0.993) for cancer.


The rate of major bleeding was 0 with S and B, 0.000085 (95% CI: 0.000027 - 0.00023) with diagnostic C, and 0.00662 (95% CI: 0.005502 - 0.007959) with polypectomy. The rate of perforation was 0.000143 (95% CI: 0.000007 - 0.000927) with S, 0.000168 (95% CI: 0.000088 - 0.000310) with a B, 0.00197 (95% CI: 0.00168 - 0.002311) with diagnostic C, and 0.00377 (95% CI: 0.003048 - 0.004652) with polypectomy. Fifty per cent of cancer was derived from polyps, and a polyp took 7 years to transform into CRC. Of all polyps, S detected 60.6%. The case-fatality rate was set at 0.818 for perforation due to B and 0.0966 for perforation due to C. Estimates of effectiveness based on opinion Methods used to derive estimates of effectiveness The authors made some assumptions that were used in the decision model. Estimates of effectiveness and key assumptions The authors assumed the following: • 97% of polyps remained benign

The probability of detecting both benign and malignant polyps in the no screening model was 5 polyps per 1,000 persons per year (which estimates 50% more observed cases of polyps than the incidence of CRC)

The probability of detecting both types of polyps in the screening models was the same as the sensitivity of screening examinations

The probability of polyps that could be resected was 50%

Individuals with resected polyps re-entered the polyp-free and cancer-free health state in the following year

Undetected cancer remained in Duke's Stage A for 2 years, in Stage B for one year, and in Stage C for one year, at which point its presence became evident clinically if it were still undetected

The sensitivity of S was the same as that of C within the range of S; and the specificity of S and C were 1.

In addition, the sensitivity and specificity of each combination for detecting CRC was calculated assuming that the test characteristics of each examination were independent.

Economic analysis Measure of benefits used in the economic analysis The summary benefit measure was the number of years of life saved (YOLS). These were obtained from modelling. An annual discount rate of 5% was applied, but the undiscounted results were also reported. The number of perforations was also estimated and reported. Direct costs A 5% discount rate was applied as the costs were incurred over a long timeframe. The unit costs were presented, but information on the quantities of resources used was less clear. The health services included in the economic evaluation were F, IF, S, B, C, bowel preparation, biopsy, complication (major bleeding and perforation), pre-hospital work, initial treatment of cancer or polypectomy, outpatient clinic visits, and terminal care. The cost/resource boundary of the payer was adopted. Resource use was mainly estimated from authors' assumptions and some published data. The costs were mainly based on charges, which might not have reflected the true costs, but which represented the costs from the perspective of the payer. The cost of C was derived from experts' opinions, while other costs were estimated from 1989 and 1990 rates. The price year was not reported.


Indirect costs The indirect costs were not considered. Currency Japanese yen (¥). The exchange rate was ¥135 = 1 US dollar ($). Statistical analysis of costs The costs were treated deterministically. Sensitivity analysis Univariate sensitivity analyses were carried out to assess the robustness of the cost-effectiveness ratios to variations in a number of variables. The variables considered included the sensitivity and specificity of screening, the probability of cancer development from adenomatous polyps, the probability of polyp detection and treatment, and the interval during which polyps transformed to cancer. Also investigated were survival rates after cancer treatment, cost estimates, and discount rates. The ranges used in the analysis were derived from CIs obtained from the literature. The ranges of the cost estimates were not reported. Different ages of initiation and compliance rates were also considered. Estimated benefits used in the economic analysis The estimated discounted (undiscounted) YOLS per 100,000 persons screened with strategies 1 to 7 over no screening were: Strategy 1, ¥92 (405); Strategy 2, ¥1,073 (4,378); Strategy 3, ¥1,331 (5,506); Strategy 4, ¥1,485 (6,088); Strategy 5, ¥1,592 (6,481); Strategy 6, ¥1,610 (6,590); and Strategy 7, ¥2,217 (9,057). The number of perforations per 100,000 persons screened with each strategy over no screening was 83 with strategy 1, 60 with strategy 2, 307 with strategy 3, 74 with strategy 4, 82 with strategy 5, 105 with strategy 6 and 430 with strategy 7. Cost results The estimated total average costs per patient with strategies 1 to 8 were: Strategy 1, ¥38,670; Strategy 2, ¥36,090; Strategy 3, ¥72,660; Strategy 4, ¥50,740; Strategy 5, ¥53,170; Strategy 6, ¥49,850; Strategy 7, ¥134,390; and Strategy 8, ¥21,430. Synthesis of costs and benefits An incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was calculated to combine the costs and benefits of the screening strategies over no screening. The incremental cost per YOLS with strategies 1 to 7 over no screening was: Strategy 1, ¥18,683,000 ($138,400); Strategy 2, ¥1,366,000 ($10,100); Strategy 3, ¥3,850,000 ($28,500); Strategy 4, ¥1,974,000 ($14,600); Strategy 5, ¥2,006,000 ($14,900); 205

Strategy 6, ¥1,756,000 ($13,100); and Strategy 7, ¥5,096,000 ($37,700). F-F-B-C was dominated by IF2y-C, which had the best cost-effectiveness ratio among all strategies. IF-C dominated both IF-B-C and IF-B/S-C. F-C was dominated by the three strategies using annual IF. The incremental cost per YOLS from IF-C to IF/S3y-C was very high (Y13,939,000; $103,000). Therefore, the IF-C strategy was considered the preferred strategy. The sensitivity analysis showed that, with a younger starting age, more effectiveness would have been obtained but at higher costs. Initiating screening at age 45 had the best cost-effectiveness at Y1,680,000 ($12,400) per YOLS, while the incremental cost of changing the initial screening from 45 to 40 years was greater although still relatively low (Y2,269,000; $16,800). Variations in model assumptions did not produce substantial changes and IF-C remained the preferred option. Discounting made screening less favourable, but the cost-effectiveness of IF-C remained low. The dropout rate had a significant impact on the initiation age. With a 10% dropout rate, screening at age 40 was dominated by screening at age 45. However, when 15 to 20% dropout rates were considered, screening at age 50 dominated earlier initiation ages. Conclusions, commentary and implications Author's Conclusions The strategy of performing immunological faecal occult blood testing (IF) every 2 years, followed by colonoscopy (C) after positive results, was the most cost-effective strategy for screening for colorectal cancer (CRC) in Japan. The analysis also showed that screening should be started at age 45, or even at age 40. CRD commentary Selection of comparators: The rationale for the choice of the comparators was reported and all the relevant combinations of screening strategies were considered in the analysis. The no screening option was also considered, which was appropriate since it may reflect the current approach in some settings. You should decide whether they are valid comparators in your own setting. Validity of estimate of measure of effectiveness: The analysis of effectiveness used evidence mainly derived from published studies. However, it was unclear whether a systematic review of the literature had been undertaken to identify relevant studies. No information on the primary sources, the sample size and study design was reported. Therefore, the quality of the evidence used in the model was unclear. Similarly, there was limited information on the methods used to combine the primary estimates. Other estimates were derived from authors' assumptions. Most of the key model inputs were varied in the sensitivity analysis to test the robustness of the authors' conclusions. Validity of estimate of measure of benefit: The summary benefit measure was appropriate as it captured the impact of the interventions on the patients' health. However, quality of life issues were not considered since the analysis focused on survival. Discounting was carried out, as recommended, and the impact of variations in the discount rates was investigated. Undiscounted results were also reported. The use of YOLS makes comparisons with the benefits of other health care interventions feasible. Validity of estimate of costs: The authors explicitly stated the perspective adopted in the study. As such, it appears that all the costs relevant to the payer have been considered in the analysis. Charges were used as proxies for the costs, although the authors acknowledged that true costs would have been more appropriate. However, it was also noted that charges relevant to the payer were used. The unit costs were presented, but the information on resource use was unclear. The source of the cost data was given for all items. The costs were obtained in 1989 and 1990, but the price year was not reported. This makes reflation exercises in other settings difficult. The costs were also presented in US dollars. No


statistical analyses of the costs were carried out, but sensitivity analyses were carried out on key cost estimates. Other issues: The authors made some comparisons of their findings with those from other studies and stated that their results were comparable with those reported in the literature. Some differences with other studies were also highlighted. The issue of the generalisability of the study results to other settings was not explicitly addressed, but extensive sensitivity analyses were carried out and these demonstrated the robustness of the base-case results. The authors noted that some data came from studies conducted outside of Japan (particularly from the UK) since local data were not available. This could have introduced some uncertainty into the analysis. Implications of the study The study results showed that IF-C at age 45 could be considered the screening option of choice for the detection of CRC in the general population. However, when choosing between the three IF options, the frequency of complications (higher with IF-C) should be considered, particularly when considering the indirect and intangible costs of treating complications.


BERCHI (2004) 118 Cost-effectiveness analysis of two strategies for mass screening for colorectal cancer in France Berchi C, Bouvier V, Reaud J-M, Launoy G. Health Economics 2004;13:227-238. Health technology Two approaches for 20 years of biennial colorectal cancer (CRC) screening were studied. The approaches were an automated immunological test (Magstream) and the guaiac stool tests (Haemoccult). Individuals with positive results underwent a colonoscopic investigation. Disease: Neoplasms; Digestive system diseases. Type of intervention: Screening. Hypothesis/study question The objective of the study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of Magstream versus Haemoccult for 20 years of biennial CRC screening in the general population in France. The authors stated that, despite encouraging results showing the decrease in CRC-related mortality due to screening, no European country had organised widespread mass screening with either the Haemoccult test of Magstream. The perspective of the Social Security Service (the screening organiser) was adopted in the study. Economic study type: Cost-effectiveness analysis. Study population The study population comprised a hypothetical cohort of individuals aged 50 to 74 years. Setting The setting appears to have been primary care. The economic study was carried out in France. Dates to which data relate The effectiveness evidence came from studies published between 1982 and 2001. No dates for resource usage were explicitly reported. The price year was not reported. Source of effectiveness data The effectiveness evidence was derived from a synthesis of completed studies. Modelling A Markov model was constructed to determine the costs and benefits of CRC screening in a hypothetical cohort of 165,000 individuals aged 50 to 74 years, who were undergoing biennial CRC screening for 20 years. The model included six health states, which were defined according to the status of the individuals in relation to screening (refusal, positive or negative). The health states were no cancer or adenoma, adenoma less than 1 cm, adenoma more than 1 cm, CRC stage A, B, C (according to Dukes classification) and metastasised, follow-up, and death. The cycle length was one year. Review/synthesis of previously published studies Outcomes assessed in the review • The outcomes estimated from the literature were: • The prevalence of adenomas in relation to age • The annual probability of transition of an adenoma of less than 1 cm into one of more than 1 cm • The annual probability of transition of an adenoma of more than 1 cm into cancer • The frequency of CRC in screened individuals in relation to age • The frequency of CRC in patients refusing a test in relation to age • The occurrence and distribution of CRC per diagnostic stage


• • •

The rate of specific mortality of CRC at 1 to 10 years per diagnostic stage The sensitivity and specificity of the two screening tests The rate of participation to screening.

Study designs and other criteria for inclusion in the review It was not stated whether a systematic review of the literature was undertaken. The design of the primary studies was unclear, although the number of participants was given for some studies. Mortality was derived from French life tables, while the occurrence or distribution of CRC was derived from a French registry (screening programme run in Calvados from 1991 to 1994). Sources searched to identify primary studies: Not stated. Criteria used to ensure the validity of primary studies: Not stated. Methods used to judge relevance and validity, and for extracting data: Not stated. Number of primary studies included: Eight primary studies provided the evidence. Method of combination of primary studies The method used to combine the primary studies was not reported. However, it appears that each estimate has been derived from the most reliable study, while extreme values have been used as ranges in the sensitivity analysis. Investigation of differences between studies: Not stated. Results of the review • The prevalence of adenomas in relation to age was 21 to 53% (range: 26.9 - 58.7). • The annual probability of the transition of an adenoma of less than 1 cm into one of more than 1 cm was 0.02 (range: 0.01 - 0.04). • The annual probability of the transition of an adenoma of more than 1 cm into cancer was 0.0085 (range: 0.00425 - 0.017). • The frequency of CRC in screened individuals in relation to age was 42.1 to 288 per 100,000. • The frequency of CRC in patients refusing a test in relation to age was 52 to 590 per 100,000. • The sensitivity of the Haemoccult test was 52% and the specificity was 99.5%. • The sensitivity of Magstream was 82% (range: 70 - 90) and the specificity was 96% (range: 90 - 100). • The rate of participation in screening was 43.7%. • The occurrence and distribution of CRC per diagnostic stage, and the rate of specific mortality of CRC at 1 to 10 years per diagnostic stage, were not reported. Economic analysis Measure of benefits used in the economic analysis The summary benefit measure was the number of life-years saved with each screening strategy. This was obtained using modelling. It would appear that no discounting was applied. Direct costs Discounting was relevant since the costs were incurred during a 20-year timeframe. An annual discount rate of 5% was applied. The unit costs were clearly presented, but the information on resource use was limited. The health services included in the economic evaluation were organisation of mass screening campaign, tests (purchasing, distribution, and revelation), colonoscopy, and cancer treatment (dependent on disease stage). A detailed breakdown of the cost items was provided. The costs of diagnosing cancers in individuals with negative tests were also considered. The costs of follow-up consisted of one colonoscopy performed every 3 years, as recommended by French gastroenterologists. The cost/resource boundary of the Social Security Service was adopted. The total costs were estimated using modelling. The costs were estimated mainly using reimbursem*nt rates derived from the Calvados screening campaign. The source of the resource use data was


unclear, although some quantities of services were based on local recommended treatment patterns. The price year was not explicitly reported. Indirect costs The indirect costs were not considered. Currency Euros (Euro). Statistical analysis of costs The costs were treated deterministically. Sensitivity analysis Univariate sensitivity analyses were carried out to assess the impact of variations in model inputs on the estimated cost-effectiveness ratios. Variations in the participation rate, costs of tests and colonoscopy, sensitivity and specificity of Magstream, prevalence of disease, and the annual transition rates were explored. In general, the ranges used were derived from the literature. Estimated benefits used in the economic analysis The estimated number of life-years saved for a 20-year screening programme was 16.7201 with Magstream and 16.7003 with Haemoccult. The corresponding figures for a 10-year programme were 9.7960 (Magstream) and 9.7901 (Haemoccult), respectively. Cost results For a 20-year screening programme, the estimated discounted (undiscounted) cost of screening per targeted person was Euros 238 (Euro 316) with Magstream and Euro 179 (Euro 234) with Haemoccult. The corresponding figures for a 10-year screening programme were Euro 195 (Euro 230) and Euro 151 (Euro 177), respectively. The greatest cost component was colonoscopic investigation (63% for Magstream and 37% with Haemoccult), followed by screening tests (20% for Magstream and 33% with Haemoccult). Synthesis of costs and benefits An incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was calculated to combine the costs and benefits of the screening strategies. The incremental cost per life-year saved with Magstream over Haemoccult was Euro 2,980 for a 20-year programme after the costs were discounted, and Euro 7,458 when the costs were not discounted. The corresponding figures for a 10-year programme were Euro 4,141 (discounted) and Euro 8,983 (undiscounted). The sensitivity analysis showed that the ICER was positively correlated with the participation rate (e.g. a decrease in participation from 43.7 to 20% led to a 50% decrease in the ICER). Similarly, the ICER was positively correlated with the cost of colonoscopy. On the other hand, the ICER was negatively correlated with the cost of cancer treatment. When the cost of the Haemoccult test equalled the cost of Magstream, the ICER was Euro 4,898 for 20 years of screening (18% increase compared with the basic scenario). For a given specificity, the ICER was negatively correlated with the sensitivity of Magstream, and for a given sensitivity the ICER was negatively correlated with the specificity of Magstream. In particular, with 70% sensitivity, the ICER was Euro 26,107 for 90% specificity and Euro -3,607 with a 100% specificity. Therefore, under particular scenarios, Magstream dominated Haemoccult. Finally, the cost-effectiveness ratio was very sensitive to the parameters associated with the natural history of CRC. Conclusions, commentary and implications Author's conclusions The substitution of the Haemoccult test with Magstream in mass screening for colorectal cancer (CRC) proved to be a cost-effective strategy from the perspective of the third-party payer in France. However, the results were sensitive to the hypotheses underlying the model used in the analysis.


CRD commentary Selection of comparators: The authors provided a justification for the choice of the comparators. Haemoccult (with or without rehydration) represented the most widely used screening strategy, while Magstream was a newer immunological approach. You should decide whether they are valid comparators in your own setting. Validity of estimate of measure of effectiveness: The analysis of effectiveness used data obtained from completed studies. It was unclear whether a systematic review of the literature was carried out, and limited information on the primary studies was provided. Therefore, it is not possible to assess the validity of the sources used. Some of the evidence came from local registries. The most reliable estimate, among those available in the literature, was selected in the base-case, while estimates from other studies provided the basis for the ranges of values tested in the sensitivity analysis. Validity of estimate of measure of benefit: The summary benefit measure was appropriate to determine the impact of the interventions on the patients' health. In addition, it represents a measure widely used in studies evaluating cancer screening programmes and it is comparable with the benefits of other health care interventions. However, the impact of the screening on quality of life, which would have been interesting, was not assessed. No discounting was applied. The use of a discount rate on survival in the sensitivity analysis would have been helpful. Validity of estimate of costs: The authors explicitly stated the perspective adopted in the study. As such, it appears that all the relevant categories of costs have been included in the analysis. The unit costs were provided, but the information on resource use was less clear and appears to have been based on local treatment patterns. The price year was not reported, which makes reflation exercises in other settings difficult. The costs were treated deterministically in the base-case, but were then varied in the sensitivity analysis. Discounting was applied but undiscounted results were also reported. The authors noted that charges rather than true costs were used in the analysis, therefore the real costs could have been underestimated. Other issues: The authors did not compare their findings with those from other studies. It was stated that most of the data were derived from French sources, which reduces the possibility of transferring the conclusions of the analysis to other settings. However, extensive sensitivity analyses were conducted within reasonable ranges, thus increasing the external validity of the analysis. Implications of the study The authors stated that forthcoming results of French population-based experiments with immunological tests would confirm (or not) their hypothesis concerning the quality of immunological testing. If further supporting evidence on Magstream becomes available, French health authorities would have a satisfactorily alternative to guaiac tests.


VAN BALLEGOOIJEN (2003) 116 A comparison of the cost-effectiveness of fecal occult blood tests with different test characteristics in the context of annual screening in the Medicare population. van Ballegooijen M, Habbema J D F, Boer R, Zauber A G, Brown M L. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) 2003 (Technology Assessment): 59. Publication type: Report Authors' objectives Colorectal cancer screening is now recommended in the general population beginning at age 50 for those at average risk. The most common colorectal cancer screening test in use in the United States is the guaiac based fecal occult blood test (FOBT). Colorectal cancer screening is now covered by Medicare with a reimbursem*nt level of $4.50 for the guaiac test. Immunochemical fecal occult blood tests (IFOBT) have tended to be more expensive and have not yet been widely used in the US. In order to inform coverage and payment decisions related to the use of these tests, this report estimates the cost effectiveness of an immunochemical test with test performance parameters that are equivalent to or better than those associated with the guaiac test. We also report the threshold payment level of the immunochemical test relative to the guaiac test, the level of payment for the immunochemical test that would result in cost-effectiveness equivalent to that of the comparative guaiac test. Type of intervention: Diagnosis Study design: Modelling, Economic evaluation Results of the review The cost-effectiveness of the Haemoccult II FOBT ($1,071 per life year gained) is a very favourable level of cost-effectiveness in comparison to other cancer screening modalities. Immunochemical tests, even with costs per test of $28 per test, still have a cost effectiveness ratio of no more than $4,500 per life year saved. At a payment level of $28 for IFOBT and $4.50 for Haemoccult II, the incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) for IFOBT is $11,000 per additional life-year saved assuming a specificity of 98% for IFOBT and $21,000 per additional life-year saved assuming a specificity of 95% for IFOBT. The threshold payment level of the IFOBT, with 98% specificity for most test parameters considered, was in the range of $7.00 to $13.00, which is only somewhat higher than the $4.50 of the base case Haemoccult II. However when the IFOBT has specificity of 95%, then the threshold values for most test parameters considered were less than zero dollars. Results for IFOBT are much more favourable if Haemoccult SENSA is assumed to be the base case and especially if IFOBT is assumed to operate at the more favourable specificity value of 98%. A threshold payment level of $28 for IFOBT is exceeded if either or both of the following conditions are met: a) IFOBT is assumed to have the lower specificity value of 95% but much better values of sensitivity for the detection of adenomas than Haemoccult SENSA, or b) IFOBT is assumed to have sensitivity values equal to Haemoccult SENSA but the higher specificity value of 98%. If we assume payment rates of $18 and $27 for IFOBT, then the corresponding threshold payment levels are $10 and $17 for Haemoccult II when IFOBT has 98% specificity and $5 and $14 for Haemoccult SENSA when assuming 95% specificity for IFOBT. Authors' conclusions Faecal occult blood tests, either guaiac based or immunochemical based, provide for a very cost effective intervention for reducing colorectal cancer incidence and mortality. If the immunochemical focal occult blood test maintains the high specificity of Haemoccult II (98%) and increases sensitivity for colorectal cancer to 70% over that of Haemoccult II (40%), then a unit cost level of approximately $13.00 would provide a comparable cost-effectiveness to Haemoccult II at $4.50 per unit cost. If the specificity of the immunochemical focal occult blood test is assumed to be 95% when the sensitivity for colorectal cancer increases to 70%, then the threshold payment level for IFOBT would actually be lower than the current $4.50. However, further threshold analysis using Haemoccult SENSA as the base case with a sensitivity of 70% for colorectal cancer and specificity of 92.5% indicates that the immunochemical test could achieve a threshold payment level in excess of $28 when the more favourable assumptions about IFOBT are made.


Evidence about the relative specificity and sensitivity of IFOBT in comparison to Haemoccult II and Haemoccult SENSA is sparse and highly uncertain. Therefore the scenarios under which the threshold payment level of $28 is exceeded for IFOBT, although potential possible, cannot be considered to be strongly evidence based. If payment level of $18 and $27 are assumed for IFOBT, corresponding threshold payment levels for Haemoccult II would be higher than current payment levels while this would be true for Haemoccult SENSA only if the lower specificity value of 95% is assumed for IFOBT.


WONG (2004) 120 Cost-effectiveness analysis of colorectal cancer screening strategies in Singapore: a dynamic decision analytic approach Wong S S, Leong A P, Leong T-Y Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Amsterdam IOS Press, Medinfo 2004; 104-108 Health technology Five screening strategies for the detection of colorectal cancer (CRC) in the general population were examined. The strategies were guaiac faecal occult blood test (FOBT), immunochemical FOBT (FOBT-IMM), double contrast barium enema (DCBE), flexible sigmoidoscopy (FSIG), and colonoscopy (COL). FOBT and FOBT-IMM, if negative, were repeated yearly, FSIG every 3 years, DCBE every 5 years, and COL every 10 years. Individuals who tested positive with FOBT, FOBT-IMM, DCBE, and FSIG underwent COL for confirmation. Type of intervention: Screening. Hypothesis/study question The objective of the study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of the five screening strategies for the identification of CRC in Singapore. The authors stressed that each strategy had advantages and disadvantages, but in general the most accurate screening options were also the most expensive. The option of no screening was considered as the basic comparator. The perspective adopted in the study was not reported. Economic study type: Cost-effectiveness analysis. Study population The study population comprised a hypothetical cohort of individuals aged 50 to 70 years in the general population. Setting The setting was not explicitly reported, but it might have been primary care. The economic study was carried out in Singapore. Dates to which data relate Some of the effectiveness evidence was derived from a study published in 1995. No explicit dates for resource use were reported. The price year was not reported. Source of effectiveness data The effectiveness evidence was derived from a synthesis of published studies and experts' opinions. Modelling A semi-Markov model was constructed to simulate the natural history of the disease, and to examine the impact of the five screening strategies on costs and survival in a hypothetical cohort of individuals from the general population. The time horizon of the model was 50 years. The starting age of the patients was 50 years. After a positive result in one of the screening strategies, patients underwent COL. If COL was negative, the patients re-entered screening in 10 years' time. If COL was positive to polyps, the patients entered a polyp follow-up protocol. If COL was positive for cancer, then patients underwent surgery depending on the cancer stage. Examples of possible health states were given in the article and the model was illustrated in detail. Outcomes assessed in the review The outcomes estimated from the literature were: The complication rates, the incidence of cancer and 5-year survival, sensitivity and specificity, and age distribution. Sources searched to identify primary studies: Not stated. Criteria used to ensure the validity of primary studies: Not stated.


Methods used to judge relevance, validity, extracting data: Not stated. Number of primary studies included The authors explicitly reported the use of two primary studies, but other published sources also appear to have been used. Method of combination of primary studies: Not stated. investigation of differences between primary studies: Not stated. Results of the review • Complications associated with FSIG and COL: o The rate of bleeding was 0.0001 with FSIG and 0.001 with COL; o The rate of perforation was 0 with FSIG and 0.0007 with COL; and o The rate of death was 0 with FSIG and 0.00005 with COL. •

The incidence of polyps was 0.234.

The incidence of Dukes A and B was 0.0001385, the incidence of Dukes C and D was 0.0001835, and the incidence of total Dukes A to D was 0.0003220.

The 5-year survival rate was 0.99 with polyps, 0.8 with Dukes A and B, and 0.2 with Dukes C and D.

The sensitivity of FOBT was 0.1 for polyps and 0.6 for cancer, while the specificities were 0.9 for polyps and for cancer.

The sensitivity of FOBT-IMM was 0.4 for polyps and 0.9 for cancer, while the specificities were 0.95 for polyps and for cancer.

The sensitivity of DCBE was 0.3 for polyps and 0.7 for cancer, while the specificities were 0.9 for polyps and for cancer.

The sensitivity of FSIF for polyps or cancer was 0.6 and the specificity was 0.98.

The sensitivity of COL for polyps or cancer was 0.9 and the specificity was 1.

The age distribution of the participants was 39% in the 50- to 54-year age group, 22% in the 55- to 59-year age group, 22% in the 60- to 64-year age group, and 17% in the 65- to 69-year age group.

Methods used to derive estimates of effectiveness Some assumptions, based on the expert opinions of local surgeons, were made. Estimates of effectiveness and key assumptions Experts' opinions were mixed with data derived from the literature (see Results of the Review). The compliance rate was assumed to be 100%. Measure of benefits used in the economic analysis The summary benefit measure was life expectancy. This was obtained from the decision model. Discounting does not appear to have been applied. Life expectancy for ‘no screening’ was computed by setting the value for compliance to zero. The resultant value, 76.32 years, was the life-expectancy of the population without any screening programme. Direct costs Discounting does not appear to have been carried out, although it would have been methodologically relevant due to the long timeframe of the model. The unit costs were presented separately from the quantities of resources used. The health services included in the economic evaluation were the screening procedures (including histology with FSIG and COL) and other procedures related to complications and treatment (i.e., COL with polypectomy, cancer resection, and the treatment of complications associated with COL). The cost/resource boundary of the study was not reported. Resource use was mainly estimated on the basis of assumptions. The costs were derived from the schedule of charges for a non-subsidised patient in Singapore restructured hospitals. The price year was not reported.


Indirect costs The indirect costs were not considered in the economic evaluation. Currency: Singapore dollars (SGD$). Statistical analysis of costs The costs were treated deterministically. Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity analyses were not carried out. Estimated benefits used in the economic analysis The life expectancy by age group and screening strategy was: •

In the age group 50 - 54 years, 25.56 years for FOBT, 25.50 years for FOBT-IMM, 25.79 years for FSIG, 26.03 years for DCBE, and 25.71 years for COL;

In the age group 55 - 59 years, 21.44 years for FOBT, 21.42 years for FOBT-IMM, 21.74 years for FSIG, 21.95 years for DCBE, and 21.94 years for COL;

In the age group 60 - 64 years, 17.67 years for FOBT, 17.69 years for FOBT-IMM, 18.02 years for FSIG, 18.19 years for DCBE, and 17.92 years for COL;

In the age group 65 - 69 years, 14.27 years for FOBT, 14.31 years for FOBT-IMM, 14.56 years for FSIG, 14.73 years for DCBE, and 14.92 years for COL.

Cost results The estimated costs by age group and screening strategy were: •

In the age group 50 - 54 years, SGD$501.82 with FOBT, SGD$1,050.08 with FOBT-IMM, SGD$1,139.31 with FSIG, SGD$786.34 with DCBE, and SGD$1,252.03 with COL;

In the age group 55 - 59 years, SGD$382.33 with FOBT, SGD$893.61 with FOBT-IMM, SGD$922.24 with FSIG, SGD$618.75 with DCBE, and SGD$1,218.09 with COL;

In the age group 60 - 64 years, SGD$252.31 with FOBT, SGD$688.82 with FOBT-IMM, SGD$675.83 with FSIG, SGD$442.56 with DCBE, and SGD$724.56 with COL;

In the age group 65 - 69 years, SGD$103.08 with FOBT, SGD$340.49 with FOBT-IMM, SGD$365.40 with FSIG, SGD$259.26 with DCBE, and SGD$718.17 with COL.

The cost of no screening was implicitly assumed to be SGD$0. Synthesis of costs and benefits Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were calculated to compare the costs and benefits of the screening strategies with the no screening option (based on a life expectancy of 76.32 years for patients who received no screening). The methods used to calculate these incremental ratios were described in the article. The incremental cost per life-year saved by age group and screening strategy was: • In the age group 50 - 54 years, SGD$288.33 with FOBT, SGD$623.12 with FOBT-IMM, SGD$576.28 with FSIG, SGD$355.07 with DCBE, and SGD$660.35 with COL; • In the age group 55 - 59 years, SGD$145.70 with FOBT, SGD$342.75 with FOBT-IMM, SGD$315.53 with FSIG, SGD$197.19 with DCBE, and SGD$390.24 with COL; • In the age group 60 - 64 years, SGD$65.42 with FOBT, SGD$177.69 with FOBT-IMM, SGD$160.81 with FSIG, SGD$101.17 with DCBE, and SGD$176.51 with COL; • In the age group 65 - 69 years, SGD$18.89 with FOBT, SGD$62.03 with FOBT-IMM, SGD$63.60 with FSIG, SGD$43.86 with DCBE, and SGD$117.72 with COL. The weighted incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (with respect to no screening) was SGD$162.11 with FOBT, SGD$368.06 with FOBT-IMM, SGD$340.36 with FSIG, SGD$211.57 with DCBE, and SGD$402.24 with COL. The weighted incremental ratios were obtained using the age distribution data for each age group.


Author's conclusions All the screening strategies improved patient survival, but the faecal occult blood test (FOBT) offered the most acceptable cost-effectiveness ratio. CRD commentary Selection of comparators: The rationale for the choice of the comparators was clear. All interventions represented possible screening options in the authors' setting. The no screening strategy was also considered to be a better representation of the additional costs and life expectancy of the screening interventions. You should decide whether they are valid comparators in your own setting. Validity of estimate of measure of effectiveness The effectiveness evidence came from experts' opinions and data derived from the literature. However, it was not possible to distinguish which data were derived from the literature and which from experts' assumptions. In addition, it was not stated whether a systematic review of the literature had been undertaken and the primary studies appear to have been identified selectively. The uncertainty around these data was not investigated in a sensitivity analysis. The authors also acknowledged that some model inputs were considered as time invariant, which could have affected the results of the analysis. Validity of estimate of measure of benefit The summary benefit measure was appropriate as it reflected the impact of the interventions on patient health. Discounting does not appear to have been applied. Quality of life issues were not investigated. Survival can be compared with the benefits of other health care programmes. Validity of estimate of costs The authors did not explicitly state which perspective was adopted in the study. Only the direct costs were included in the analysis. The costs were estimated from hospital charges, which may not have been good proxies for true costs. The unit costs were presented separately from the quantities of resources used, which will allow the study to be replicated in other contexts. The costs were treated deterministically and were specific to the study setting. No discounting was explicitly applied, although it would have been relevant given the long timeframe of the analysis. The price year was not reported, which will hinder reflation exercises in other settings. Other issues: The authors stated that their estimation of the cost-effectiveness ratio was considerably lower than that reported in other studies, but this was presumably due, not only to the exclusion of some costs, but also to the approach used to calculate survival. The issue of the generalisability of the study results to other settings was not addressed and sensitivity analyses were not carried out. Therefore, the external validity of the analysis was low. The study referred to the general population aged 50 to 70 years and this was reflected in the authors' conclusions. Implications of the study The authors suggested that further research should identify the key parameters that affect the estimation of both costs and survival.


DANIELS (1995) 114 Title Options for screening for colorectal cancer in the Royal Air Force: a cost-effectiveness evaluation Daniels K, McKee M. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 1995; 141(3): 142-150 Health technology The study examined the use of faecal occult blood tests (FOBTs) to detect pre-symptomatic colorectal cancer and its precursor lesions as part of periodic medical examinations and screenings. The options were to start FOBTs at one of the following ages: 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 or 60. Type of intervention: Screening. Hypothesis/study question The objective of the study was to investigate the design of any programme to introduce FOBTs as part of the Royal Air Force's (RAF) existing schedule of periodic medical examinations and screenings, and the age groups to be included, rather than the decision as to whether or not it should be commenced. Although the perspective adopted in the economic analysis was not explicitly reported, it would appear that a third party payer perspective was adopted. Economic study type: Cost-effectiveness analysis. Study population The study population comprised RAF personnel aged 30 or over. Setting The study setting was primary care. The economic study was carried out in the UK. Dates to which data relate Effectiveness data were derived from studies and reports published between 1998 and 1994. The price year would appear to have been 1992. Source of effectiveness data Effectiveness data were derived from a review and synthesis of previously published studies and reports. Outcomes assessed in the review The outcomes assessed in the review were: the RAF population by age band and sex, and the 5 yearly average ages of RAF personnel since 1975; the expected age-sex incidence of colorectal cancer in the RAF; the actual incidence and prognosis of colorectal cancer in the RAF; the survival rate by Duke's Stage at diagnosis; the sensitivity of FOBT; the lead time; and the prevalence of positive FOBT results. Study designs and other criteria for inclusion in the review: Not reported. Sources Searched to Identify Primary Studies: Not reported. Criteria used to ensure validity of primary studies: Not reported. Methods used to judge relevance, validity, extracting data: Not reported. Number of primary studies included Data from some 10 published studies and records were used. Data specific to the RAF, such as the determination of the population at risk and the actual incidence of colorectal in the RAF were derived from RAF records. Method of combination of primary studies The baseline FOBT sensitivity was derived from three studies. The value determined for this study was estimated from the value that most closely corresponded to two studies and was within the range of a third study.


Investigation of differences between primary studies The authors did not investigate the differences between the primary studies. Results of the review Over a third of the RAF population were below 25 years of age, nearly three quarters under 35 and over four-fifths under 40. The average age of the RAF was within the range 30.5 +/- 0.9 years since 1975. Age specific rates among the general population were applied to the age-sex distribution of the RAF population. The colorectal cancer rate per 100,000 males (females) ranged between 0.26238 (0.22086) for those aged 15-19, 6.56314 (5.85549) for those aged 35-39, and 127.200 (91.6895) for those aged 60-64. From January 1969 to June 1994 there were 103 colorectal cancer cases occurring in the RAF population. The average incidence over this period was 4.04 per annum, which was slightly greater than the current incidence predicted from national data of 3.60 per annum. The 5-year survival rates for those with colorectal cancer at Duke's stage A, B, C or D at diagnosis, were respectively, 80%, 60%, 30%, and 10%. The baseline FOBT sensitivity for colorectal cancer was estimated to be 55%. FOBT would have an additional sensitivity of two-thirds the initial value for colorectal cancers diagnosed between one and two years later, and one third of this level for colorectal cancers diagnosed between two and three years later. The baseline prevalence of FOBT results was assumed to be 5%. Measure of benefits used in the economic analysis The measure of benefits used in the economic analysis was the number of cases detected. Multiplying the RAF population by the colorectal cancer incidence gave the number of cases detected. This was then multiplied by the sensitivity of FOBT to detect cancers, which was then multiplied by the lead-time effect to obtain the number of cases potentially detected. Direct costs Resource use and costs were not reported separately. The direct costs to the RAF, which in this case was the third party payer were included in the analysis. The costs included were: the costs of the FOBT; the personnel costs of testing; the costs of subsequent investigation, which included NHS staff costs assumed to be comparable to those for the RAF; and the costs of colonoscopies. It is unclear if further costs were included in the analysis. FOBT costs were obtained from the manufacturers of the tests. Personnel costs of testing were calculated as the full capitation costs of a senior aircraftman for the time taken to undertake one test, with the information being supplied by RAF laboratories. Additional supply and transport costs were assumed to be negligible, as they would involve existing transport channels. Total costs were reported, which were calculated by multiplying the number in each age group by the cost of the FOBT test, and added to the product of the number of positive FOBT and the cost of a colonoscopy. As all costs were incurred over a short time period, discounting was not relevant and hence was not performed. The price year was not explicitly reported. Indirect costs: Indirect costs were not included. Currency: UK pounds sterling (£). Statistical analysis of costs Costs were treated as point estimates (i.e., the data were deterministic). Sensitivity analysis The authors undertook a sensitivity analysis by varying the costs of a full investigation of FOBT positive cases; using a more expensive FOBT test; an improvement in the specificity of FOBT and thus a reduction in the prevalence of positive FOBTs; and a sensitivity of FOBTs of 90%.


Estimated benefits used in the economic analysis The estimated benefits of starting FOBTs at one of the following ages were: 30-34 years: 0.253519 cases detected 35-39 years: 0.573216 cases detected 40-44 years: 0.858858 cases detected 45-49 years: 0.852925 cases detected 50-54 years: 0.478361 cases detected 55-59 years: 0.067783 cases detected 60-64 years: 0.006985 cases detected Cost results The costs of starting FOBTs at one of the following years were: 30-34 years:,20,905 35-39 years:,14,398 40-44 years:,12,748 45-49 years:,5,592 50-54 years:,16,137 55-59 years:,1400 60-64 years:,89.80. Synthesis of costs and benefits Costs and benefits were combined as the cost per case detected. No incremental analysis was performed. The cost per case detected if FOBT was to be started in each of these age bands was: 30-34 years:,82,461 35-39 years:,25,119 40-44 years:,14,843 45-49 years:,6,557 50-54 years:,33,734 55-59 years:,20,667 60-64 years:,12,856. The authors found that a cost per case detected when starting screening at age 40 was,15,881. Results of the sensitivity analysis showed that a 66% increase in the cost of an investigation produced a 64% increase in the cost per case detected. Quadrupling the cost of FOBT kits produced only a 3.3% increase in the cost per case detected. An improvement in the specificity of FOBT would reduce the cost per case detected by 68.2%. Setting the sensitivity at 90% would reduce the cost per case detected by 38.9%. Author’s conclusion The authors did not derive any clear conclusions from their study, reporting only that the study provided information on the costs of various FOBT screening strategies for the RAF, and other Services. However, the authors did point out that the most cost-effective age at which to introduce FOB screening appeared to be age 40. CRD commentary Selection of comparators: The authors compared different FOBT strategies, whereby the screening programme was to start in different age groups. However, the authors did not compare FOBT screening with current practice (i.e., five yearly medical examinations) that as the authors reported did not include FOBT testing. Validity of estimate of measure of effectiveness: The authors did not report that a systematic review was undertaken to identify relevant research and minimise biases. The authors also did not report the methodology of the review of the literature, nor the sources used to identify research. When more than one study was used to derive a measure of effectiveness, the authors combined effectiveness estimates using narrative methods, rather than adopting pooling methods. The authors did not investigate the differences between the primary studies. All studies however, appeared to be relevant to the setting of the present study, as they all had a UK setting. The authors also undertook a sensitivity analysis to estimate the effect of varying sensitivity and specificity rates of the FOBT test.


Given the level of reporting on the methods of the review it is difficult to assess whether the best available evidence has been used. Validity of estimate of measure of benefit: The estimate of measure of benefit was obtained by multiplying the RAF population by the colorectal cancer incidence. This was then multiplied by the sensitivity of FOBT to detect cancers, which was then multiplied by the lead-time effect to obtain the number of cases potentially detected. All of these estimates were derived from the literature or from RAF records. Validity of estimate of costs: All categories of cost relevant to the perspective adopted appear to have been included in the analysis, and it would appear that no relevant costs were omitted. The authors reported that any additional supply and transport costs were assumed to be negligible as they involved existing transport channels. Resource use quantities and unit costs were not reported separately, which will limit the generalisability of the authors' results. Costs were derived from the authors' setting and from NHS reviews. Appropriate sensitivity analyses of costs were performed, with the ranges used appearing to be appropriate. As all costs were incurred over a short time period, discounting was not relevant, and appropriately was not performed. The price year was not explicitly reported but appears to have been 1992. Having to assume the price year in which costs were based will make the results of any inflationary exercise look dubious. Other issues: The authors did not compare their findings with those from other studies. The issue of generalisability to other settings was partly addressed through the sensitivity analysis. The authors do not appear to have presented their results selectively. However they did not report any clear conclusions from their study. The main limitation of this study was that an incremental costeffectiveness analysis was not undertaken to determine the most cost-effective FOBT strategy. Hence, it might not be the case that starting FOBT in the age band 45-49 years or at age 40 is the most cost-effective strategy (as reported by the authors as it had the lowest average cost per case detected). It is possible that incremental analysis may have shown that starting FOBT at a different age band would have a lower incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (i.e., an extra case detected could be achieved at a lower cost) or at a cost which society or the decision maker was willing to stand. The authors also reported limitations to their study, namely that decisions on which screening programme to undertake would ideally be derived from a randomised controlled trial, rather than from extrapolations from published data. Implications of the study The authors reported that the aim of the study was not to seek to argue for or against the introduction of a Service-wide screening programme, but to indicate the consequences of various possible options. Other publications of related interest Hardcastle J. Randomized control trial of faecal occult blood screening for colorectal cancer: results for the first 144,103 patients. Eur J Cancer Prev 1991;1(Suppl 2): 21. Thomas W M, Pye G, Hardcastle J, et al. Faecal occult blood screening for colorectal neoplasia: a randomised trial of three days or six days of tests. Br J Surg 1990; 77 (3):277-9. Source of funding: None stated


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