Processing Refunds (MREF) (2024)

Purpose: Use the Process Refunds function to:

  • print refund checks
  • generate credit card credits, including credits to a stored valuecard
  • process writeoffs
  • process refund cancellations
  • print credit card credit acknowledgements and/or generate emailnotices
  • generate stored value card credits (issue a new stored value cardfor the credit amount)

You can process any one refund type or a combination of refundtypes. You can also process all open refunds of a selected type, oryou can specify a dollar limit to process for each. The function generatesa register for each refund type and for writeoffs, including amounts,customer names, and order numbers. At this time, any refunds in unselected (cancel pending) status will be canceled, but no reportis produced.

Which orders and refunds are eligible for processing? Todetermine whether to process a refund for an order, or to cancel orwriteoff the refund if appropriate, the system checks:

  • order status: The Ord sts (Order status) must be open, closed (X), or canceled (C). The systemwill not generate a refund if the order is held (H), or suspended(S).
  • refund status: The Ref Sts (Refund status) must be open (O), cancel pending (N), or writeoffpending (W). The refund status cannot be held (H), processed(P), canceled (C) or written off (T). If therefund has a separate status in parentheses (for example, O (H)), then the status in parentheses applies.
  • manual hold: If the Manual hold flag forthe refund is selected, the refund will not be processed.
  • bank: The order must have the same Bank as the one you specify atthe Process RefundsScreen.

If there is more than one refund eligible for processing on a singleorder, all eligible refunds will be processed.

Generating refunds for selected orders: You can use the Process Refunds by OrderScreen to generate refunds for selected orders only. See Processing Refunds by OrderNumber (MRFO).

Multiple currency by offer: If you use Multiple Currencies by Offer,each refund you generate will be in the currency used on the order.

Suppressing refunds: You can suppress refund processing:

  • For orders you receive through the Generic Order Interface(Order API). In this situation, the refund is generated in a N (cancel pending) status. See Suppressing Deposits and Refunds for an overview.
  • For orders associated with a return you receive through the Inbound Return API. In this situation, the refund is generatedin a N (cancel pending) status. See Suppressing Refunds for an overview.

For more information, see the Order Administration Web ServicesGuide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

ChannelAdvisor refunds: If any of the refunds eligible forprocessing are for orders whose order type matches the ChannelAdvisor Order Type (L90), therefund generation program submits a refund request to ChannelAdvisorand does not actually generate the refund. See ChannelAdvisor Integration Overview for more information, especially Submitting Refunds for ChannelAdvisor Orders.

In this topic:

  • Multiple Currenciesby Offer
  • Refund Check Messages
  • Process RefundsScreen
  • Summary of RefundProcessing Updates and Reports
  • Refund Reports andStandard Programs
  • Refund Check
  • Refund Check Register
  • Refund Writeoff Register
  • Credit Card Credit Acknowledgment
  • Credit Card Credit Register

For more information: See Reprint Refunds Screen (MREP).

Not in this topic: This topic does not explain how differenttypes of refunds are generated or how you evaluate and change refundsbefore processing them. See Printing and Interpreting Refund Due Lists (MRDU),and Working with Refunds,Writeoffs and Balances Due (WREF).

Multiple Currencies by Offer

If you take orders in multiple currencies, then you will needto process refunds in these currencies as well. When you processrefunds, you must indicate the bank code; since each currency is associatedwith a unique bank, this tells the system the currency of the refundsto generate. You can process refunds for only one currency at a time.(To take orders in multiple currencies, you must have the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) systemcontrol value selected.)

The dollar limit for foreign currencies: You can specify a dollar limit for each refund type if you are generatingrefunds in a foreign currency. The system interprets the limit inyour local currency, but generates refunds in the foreign currency.For example, your local currency is U.S. dollars, and you are generatingrefund checks to your Canadian customers. You specify a dollar limitof $1,000. The system uses the currency conversion rate in effectfor each order at the time it was billed to calculate each refundamount in U.S. dollars. The first refund, for $50 in Canadian currency,was on an order billed at a currency conversion rate of 1.29. Thesystem calculates the value of the refund in your local currency as$38.76 (50/1.29). This leaves a maximum of $961.24, converted intoyour local currency, left to generate.

The system continuesto process refunds in chronological order by refund date, stoppingbefore it exceeds the dollar limit you defined in your local currency.The refund checks, however, will always be in the currency used onthe order.

Refund Check Messages

Youcan enter up to three message lines to print on a refund check ifyour refund check print program supports them. You specify the printprogram in the Refund Check Print Program (D23) systemcontrol value. The base print program is REFCHECK.

Toenter messages, you use the Work with Order Messages Screen, availableby selecting Messages in order entry, order maintenance, orstandard or streamlined order inquiry.

Process Refunds Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to process:

  • refund checks
  • credit card credits
  • stored value card credits
  • writeoffs

How to display this screen: Enter MREF in the Fast path field or select Process Refunds from a menu.

Field Description
Generate refund checks

Determines whether to generate refund checks;see Refund Check for a sample and a descriptionof its contents.

Valid values are:

  • Selected = Generate checks.
  • Unselected (default) = Do not generate checks.

The system produces the Refund Check Register. The system alsoprints checks for refunds that are eligible for processing and havea check refund type.

Refund checks are written to the RefundReconciliation table.

Amount to generate (Refund checkamount to generate)

The maximum total dollar amount that youwant to disburse in refund checks. The system prints checks for alleligible refunds in ascending chronological order based on refunddate, and stops before exceeding this amount.

If you are processingrefunds in a foreign currency, the system evaluates the amount togenerate in your local currency by converting the refund amount, usingthe conversion rate in effect when you billed the order. The refundcheck, however, will be in the foreign currency.

If you leavethis field blank, the system processes all eligible refund checks.

Numeric, 10 positions; optional.


The bank associated with the source codeon the order. You associate a bank with a source code by selectinga division for the source code; each division is associated with abank. The system determines the next sequential check number to useby adding 1 to the Last check number defined in theBank table.

If you process orders in multiple currencies, thebank also indicates the currency of the refunds, since each currencyon your system is associated with a unique bank. The bank you specifyat this screen indicates the currency of all refund checks, credits,or writeoffs that you process at this screen.

Bank codes aredefined in and validated against the Bank table. See Working with Banks (WBNK).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Generate credit cardcredits

Determines whether to generate refunds inthe form of credit card credits. This setting includes refunds toa stored value card where the credit amount is applied back to theoriginal stored value card; to issue a new stored value card for thecredit amount you must use the Generate SVC credits option.

Valid values are:

  • Selected = Generate credit card credits.
  • Unselected (default) = Do not generate credit card credits.

Select this field to process credit card credits. The systemgenerates a Credit Card Credit Register that identifiesthe amount, customer name, and order number of each credit processed.

The system also produces either a Credit Card Credit Acknowledgment (ifthe Print Credit Card Credit Acknowledgments (C35) system control value is selected) or an email notificationwhen the Credit Card Credit Acknowledgement E-Mail Program(H08) is set to CCCNOTF, (regardless of the settingof the Print Credit Card Credit Acknowledgments (C35) value)for each credit as appropriate; see When Does theSystem Generate an Email Notification?

Emailtemplate: You can use the Working with Entities(WENT) menu option to create an entity-level email template,and the Working with E-Mail Notification Templates (WEMT) menuoption to create a default company-level credit card credit template.The template specifies the text to print above and below the standardcredit card credit information.


If the XML Only checkboxis selected, the Sample Credit Card Credit Acknowledgement XMLMessage is generated and the system does not create an email.

For more information, see the Order Administration Web ServicesGuide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

The system does notprocess a credit card credit against an installment or deferred billingorder before the deposit has been processed. This ensures that youdo not credit the customer's credit card before the card has beencharged.


Sales Journal and deposit summary recordsmay differ depending on how often you process credit card credits.

Scheduling: You can schedule the generation of credit cardcredits using the REFCCCR Process Credit Card Credit Refunds periodicfunction.

Amount to generate (Credit card creditamount to generate)

The maximum total dollar amount that youwant to process in credit card credits. The system issues creditsfor all eligible refunds in ascending chronological order based onrefund date, and stops before exceeding this amount.

If youare processing refunds in a foreign currency, the system evaluatesthe amount to generate in your local currency by converting the refundamount, using the conversion rate in effect when you billed the order.The credit, however, will be in the foreign currency.

If youleave this field blank, the system processes all eligible credit cardcredits.

Numeric, 10 positions; optional.

Generate SVC credits

Determines whether to generate stored valuecard credits.

Valid values are:

  • Selected = Generate stored value card credits.
  • Unselected (default) = Do not generate stored value cardcredits.

When you generate stored value card credits, the system issuesa new stored value card to the sold to customer for the refund amount.The system:

  • Produces the Stored Value Card Credit Register.
  • Writes an order transaction history message: F StoredValue Card refund created.
  • Adds the stored value card item defined in the Default SVC Refund Item Number (I73) system control value to the order at no charge and performs pickslip preparation. Note: The system will not generate a storedvalue card refund unless the stored value card refund item has availableinventory. If the item does not have available inventory, the storedvalue card refund remains unprocessed.
  • Generates a pick slip for the stored value card item if the Default Pick Generation Template for SVC RefundProcessing (I75) system control value indicates a pickslip generation template.

You can then follow the normal process of activating, billing,and shipping the stored value card to the customer.

See Generating Stored Value Card Refunds for an overview.

Scheduling: You can schedule the generationof stored value card credits using the REFSVCR Process SVC Credit Refunds periodicfunction.


The system can process stored value cardsin the US currency only. If the order is for a currency other thanUS, you should generate a refund type other than stored value cardfor the order.

The Process Refunds Screen displays an error message ifyou select to generate stored value card credits and the DefaultSVC Refund Item Number (I73) and/or Price Override Reason for SVC Refund Item (I74) system control values are unselected: Sys ConValues I73 & I74 must be populated first.

Amount to generate (Stored valuecard credit amount to generate)

The maximum total dollar amount that youwant to process in stored value card refunds. The system issues creditsfor all eligible refunds in ascending chronological order based onrefund date, and stops before exceeding this amount.


Storedvalue cards are only allowed in US currency.

If you leavethis field blank, the system processes all eligible stored value cardcredits.

Numeric, 10 positions; optional.

Process writeoffs

Determines whether the system processes refundsto be written off.

Valid values are:

  • Selected = Process writeoffs.
  • Unselected (default) = Do not process writeoffs.

The system produces the Refund Writeoff Register.

Thesystem updates the writeoff amount for the customer. You can applypositive writeoff balances as credits and negative writeoff balancesas charges against a new order placed by the customer.

Prior to date

Enter a date to specify that only writeoffswith a Refund created date earlier than the date you enterwill be processed.

If you leave this field blank, the systemwill process all refunds to be written off.


  1. Select the Generate refund field for each type of refundyou want to process.
  2. Enter maximum amounts for each type of refund, if needed.
  3. Specify the bank code associated with the refunds you wish togenerate.
  4. If you are processing refund checks, a pop-up window appears displayingthe next available check number. You can accept the check number displayed,change the check number, or select Exit to close the windowand cancel the action.
  5. If you are generating unlimited credit card credits, a pop-upwindow displays confirming that you are not restricting these creditsto a specific dollar amount. Again, you can accept or select Exit to close the window and cancel the action.
  6. The system submits the batch job REF_PROC, which processes the refunds up to the specified dollar limits.


The system displays an error message if you select to generatestored value card credits and the Default SVC Refund Item Number(I73) and/or Price Override Reason for SVC Refund Item (I74) system control values are unselected: Sys Con ValuesI73 & I74 must be populated first; see GeneratingStored Value Card Refunds.

Summary of Refund Processing Updatesand Reports

Update refunds: The status of each refundis updated, as well as the Trn dt (Refund transaction date).

Update order history: The system writes a messageto the Order History table for each order being refunded such as thefollowing:

  • refund check: 7/20/06 F Refund check# 212 created49.50 EJOHNSON
  • writeoff: 7/20/06 F Refund type K has been cancelled17.48- EJOHNSON
  • credit card credit: 7/20/06 F CC Crd for inv#3918 processed 52.50 EJOHNSON. If the credit card creditgenerates an email notification, the system also writes: 7/20/06 L C/C Ack to
  • stored value card credit: 5/27/06 F Stored ValueCard refund created 12.99 KBROWN

You can review Order History at the Display Order History Screen, availablein standard order inquiry. This information is also available in streamlinedorder inquiry by selecting History.

Checks, registers, and acknowledgements: Depending on your selections,this job produces the:

  • Refund Check
  • Refund Check Register
  • Refund Writeoff Register
  • Credit Card Credit Acknowledgment (Note: The acknowledgment can also be sent by email; see When Does the System Generate an Email Notification?)
  • Credit Card Credit Register
  • Stored Value Card Credit Register

The system does not generate a register of canceled refunds.

ChannelAdvisor: See Submitting Refunds for ChannelAdvisor Orders for an overview of the refund process for ChannelAdvisororders.

For more information: See Refund Reports and Standard Programs.

Refund Reports and Standard Programs

Purpose: The reports and print programsrelated to refunds, the standard program values, and the system controlvalues you use to define them, are:

Report Standard Program System Control Value Name (Value)

Refund Check


Refund Check Print Program (D23) (programname)

Refund Check Register



Refund Writeoff Register


Credit Cards

Credit Card Credit Acknowledgment


Credit Card Credit Acknowledgment Print Program(D22) (program name)

Print Credit Card Credit Acknowledgments (C35) (Selected/Unselected)

Credit Card Credit Acknowledgement Email


Credit Card Credit Acknowledgement E-Mail Program(H08) (program name)


The Print Credit Card Credit Acknowledgments (C35) system control value does not control email acknowledgments.

Credit Card Credit Register


Stored Value Card Register


Processing Refunds (MREF) (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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