1 12 THE EVENING SUN, Aug. 2, 1958 I States Department quotations drone Agriculturel United FRUIT -Bu. U.S. 1s (unless otherwise stated): Rambos, up. $2.50.
Rambos. up. mostly some high as up, Red. up. $1.50: Williams up, bruised and overripe.
65c. Va. Rambos. up, AVOCADOS Dull. Few sales.
flat boxes: green. 20s. $3.50. supplies insufficient to quote. BLUEBERRIES Slightly weaker.
12- Dint flats. N.J.. mostly some small lower: few $3.25. CANTALOUPES Weak. mostly $3.75, Jumbo few crts.
275, fine qual, high as 36s best, mostly $4 4.50. some $3.75, few fine qual. bish as, $5- 5.50. fair to poor cond. $1 3.
N.C.. stand. crts. 188-32s. $1.50 2.
Bulk packed locally bu. apr. 12s-20s: East. Shore best mostly Nearby mostly $1.25. cartons all sizes, GRAPES- Firm.
28-lb. lugs Cardinals, mostly $3.75, few higher: Seedless. $5, crts. 9s fair $2.50. Stand.
Jumbo HONEYDEWS--Dull. crts. 8s and Stand, crts. 9s, mostly $3- 3.50, some $2.75: Stand. crts.
12s, $3.25 LEMONS- Calif. box cartons 150s 4. 180s best fair qual. $3.25. 216s best mostly $3.50.
some fair oual. $3. LIMES Slightly stronger. Fla. 10-lb.
cartons 845 $1.25 2.25. mostly showing yellow 25- -50c. ORANGES Calif. box carton 72s 88s $4 4.50. best mostly $4.50.
113s 4.50, mostly $4.25 4.50. 138s $3.75 163s PEACHES -About steady. Mostly hydro-cooled: Pa. Redhavens U.S. 1s 2-in.
up, Md. Redhavens no grade mark 2-in. up. $2.25: up fair condition soft. West Va.
Golden Jubilee U.S. 1s 2-in. up. Bu. S.C.
Elbertas U.S. $5, mostly fair color. Pa. Erly-Red-Fre no grade mark 2-in. up, $3.
Md. Redhavens U.S. 1s up, $4.50. Va. Red Hale U.S.
1s up. $1.75. SC. Elbertas U.S. 1s 2-in.
up fair color, $2.50. N.J. no grade mark Jerseyland 2-in. up, best mostly $2.50 Redhavens up and up, $2.75. Pa.
Redhavens U.S. '1s Jerseyland U.S. 1s 2-in. up, up, $2.252.50. Add U.S.
to Md. Golden Jubilees 15 up small. $1.75: 2-in. up mall Open packages no grade or size mark: Pa. bkts.
Farious varieties, $1-2, according to size and variety. Md. bu. bkts. Golden Jubilees medium size.
small. bkts. and hpr. Golden Jubilees, $1.25. ether varieties, $1-2, according to size and variety.
W.Va. bu, bkts. Redhavens, PLUMS- Slightly stronger. Calif. 4 bkt.
crts. Duarte 4x4 mostly, $3.75: few. 3x4x5, 4x5, $3.50 3.75. WATERMELONS -About steady. S.C..
Per melon: Truck. N.C., Congos. 20-25-lb. 25. 26-30- lb.
35 32-35-lb. 50c: 36-38-lb. Charleston Grays, 18-lb. 20-22-lb. 20 24-lb.
30-32-lb. avg. 35- 36-lb. avg. fine 60-75c.
Icebox melons: East. Shore, bu, bkts. 65-7s. 1.50: 8-10s. 225-24s.
mostly $1.75. VEGETABLES Baltimore Produce $1.50. GREENS Bu. bkts. and hpr.
all types including Kale, Collards, Mustard. Turnip Tops: Western mostly Rape. $1. Repacks, cartons. Kale and Collards, 12 10-oz.
film bags. $1.80: 6 20-oz. film bags, $1.70. LETTUCE Western, about steady, eastern, dull. Salinas-Watsonville Iceberg, stand.
cartons, 245, mostly few best $2.50, many fair qual. $1.251.75. N.J., crts. Romaine, mostly $1. MUSHROOMS 3-lb, bkts.
Fancy, mostly $2.25, some $1.50, Specials, $2.50. 12-qt. $2.25. ONIONS -About steady. 50-lb.
sacks, mostly U.S. No. 1: Cal. Stockton Yellows. large, $2.50.
Iowa Yellows, medium, $2.40 N.J. yellows, medium, mostly some $1.25. N.Y. yellows. medium, Texas Grano, large, Wash.
Sweet Spanish, large, best. $2.40 2.50. fair $2.25, some reconditioned, $2. N.Mex. 25-lb.
sacks White Boilers, $2.25. ONIONS (GREEN) Ohio, 16-at. bkts. 24 bunches, $1.25. N.J..
crts. 36 bunches. PARSLEY- -Curly: N.J., bu. $2. Ohio.
8-qt. few sales. $1. PEPPERS Slightly weaker. Bu.
bkts. and Cal. Wonder type, best mostly large: N.J.. $1.50 2. hot.
$2. Nearby, mostly Fingers. $2. steady. U.S.1s POTATOES Size About, 50-lb.
and U.S.1s sacks (unless otherwise stated) Va. Katahdins washed. 90c- 1.10: Cobblers unwashed: Sh. 75- -80c. unclas.
50c. Del. and E. Sh. mostly 7580c.
some 65c. L.I., 95c- Md. Round Reds unwashed 90c. Del. 10-lb.
open window paper sacks Cobblers loose. 27-30c. RADISHES Ohio 16-at. bkts. 24 bunches.
film bags, 30 1.50. 30 8-oz. few sales $1.25. Repacks cartons 6-oz. film bags 15s.
75c. SPINACH N.J. bu. Savoy $1.25 Repacks. cartons 12 10-OZ film bags.
$2. 6 20-oz. film bags. $1.90. SQUASH -Md.
and nearby. bkts. and flat, white, mostly SWEET POTATOES -Dull. Few sales. 50 some $1.
E. Sh. Oklahoma type, U.S 1s. bu. $6: $3.
and -Abt. stdy. Ripe turning (unless otherwise stated). some E. Sh.
$1.75. mostly 20-pound cartons, pinks, bu. mostly some $2.25. topped. TURNIPS per dozen bunches.
$1. EGGS Receipts moderate. Supplies adequate for generally fair demand. Prices unchanged to 1 cent higher large, 1-2 cents higher medium whites. Prices paid by first receivers, delivered f.o.b.
Baltimore, cases included: Large, min. A quality, mixed, whites, 43- 44 brown and whites, mediums, min smalls, whites. A quality, to Prices Maryland to retailers egg-grading law: Grade A. (graded according large, whites, mostly 55 brown and mixed. mostly 54 Grade medium, whites.
mostly brown and mixed. 41- mostly 46 Grade B. large. 44 mostly and mixed. mostly brown 46 47c.
In cartons mostly 3 cents higher. Receipts 3,200 cases by truck. IN MEMORIAM (1) Booklet, 131 Specimen In Memoriam Tributes' Free On Request to my loving brother, AUSTIN, who passed away August 2, 1956. There is someone who misses you daily, And finds the time long since you've gone; There is someone who thinks of you sadly And tries to be brave and strong. Tho' the tears in our eyes do not glisten And our faces are not always sad, There is never a night or morning That we do not think of you, brother dear.
You are gone, but the treasure you left us Is truly a value untold; A life filled with deeds of kindness And beauty heart and soul. 2e LOVING SISTER, ETHEL STEVENS. DEATHS (3) Death Notices Received Too Late for Classification Will Be Found On Page 2 August 1, 1958, MARGARET of 2833 Erdman avenue, beloved wife of Joseph J. Anzula. Funeral from the Ullrich Funeral Home, 4210 Belair road (at Parkside drive), on Monday at 9.30 A.M.
Requiem High Mass at Shrine of the Little Flower at 10 A.M. Interment in Holy Redeemer 4 Cemetery. BACKOFF. Suddenly, on July 30, 1958, GERTRUDE J. (nee Bauer), of 1410 South Carey street, beloved wife of John Howard Backoff and devoted mother of Joyce L.
Backoff and devoted sister of William and Fritz Bauer, Mrs. Johanna B. Berg and Mrs. Freda B. Wilt.
48 Services at the McCully Funeral Home, 130 East Fort avenue, on Monday at 11 A.M. Interment in Meadowridge Cemetery. -On July 30, 1958, HARRIET C. (ETTA) (nee Ohle), of 424 Murdock road, beloved wife of the late William Beck and beloved sister of the Missis Alice T. and Beulah Z.
Ohle. Services from the Leonard J. Ruck Funeral Home, 5305 Harford road at Echodale avenue, on Saturday at P.M. Interment in Baltimore Cemetery. 2e On July 31, 1958, SARA (nee Watson), of 307 Dixie drive, Towson, the beloved wife of the late Captain Warren A.
Blake and devoted mother of Mrs. Linwood Belt, Mrs. John Blair Croft and Major Paul Melvin Blake. 4e Funeral from the Lassahn Funeral Home, 7401 Belair road, on Monday at P.M. Interment in Park wood Cemetery.
Family requests viewing from 2 until 10 P.M. BOND. On August 2, 1958, NETTIE L. BOND, beloved wife of the late B. Harry Bond, and beloved sister of Mrs.
George D. Turner and Miss Nannie Lyles, all of Prince Frederick, Md. Friends may call at the home of her sister, Mrs. George D. Turner.
Prince Frederick, Md. Services will be held at St. Paul's Church, Prince Frederick, on Monday, August 4, at 11 A.M. Interment in All Saints Cemetery, Sunderland, Md. 4 BOONE.
On July 30, 1958, ANNA D. BOONE (nee Taylor), of 957 Arncliffe road, Middlesex, beloved wife of the late John Wilson Boone and beloved mother of Graye Wilson C. Boone, Mrs. Marjory Garde, Southern Boone and Mrs. Audrey Gregg.
2e Friends may call at the Witzke Funeral Home, 4101 Edmondson avenue, from 2 P.M. until 10 P.M. Services on Saturday at 11 A.M. Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery. omit flowers and contribute to the American Cancer Society.1 On August 1, 1958, WILLIAM of Powhattan Beach, Pasadena, beloved husband of Mrs.
Katie Bowers (nee Ackerman) and father of Edward H. Bowers and Mr. Audrey A. Gray. Funeral from the Singleton Funeral Home, Crain highway and Second avenue, Glen Burnie, on Monday at 2 P.M.
Interment in Glen Haven Cemetery. By request visiting hours are from 2 until 10 P.M. 4e BOWERS. The Baltimore Chapter, American Gold Star Mothers, Incorporated, regret the passing of our Star father, WILLIAM A. BOWERS.
MARIE CONWAY. 3 President. -On July 29, 1958, HARRY of 1112 South Conkling street. beloved husband of Marie (nee Morris) and beloved father of Harry Daniel Boyd and Catherine Zucker. 2e Funeral from the Hoffman Funeral Home, 3218 Hudson street (entrance on Bouldin street) on Saturday at 11 A.M.
Interment in Oak Lawn Cemetery. Visiting hours from 2 until 10 P.M. BROOKS. On August 2, 1958, HELEN M. BROOKS (nee Lucas), of Round Bay, Severna Park, beloved mother of Mr.
Chauncey Brooks, and Mrs. Mollie Brooks Carter. Friends may call at William J. Tickner Sons, North and sylvania avenues, until 10 P.M. Monday.
Due notice of services will be given. Grain Markets Baltimore (Yesterday's FLOUR- none. WHEAT- 209, 496 bushels. Shipments. 1,166 bushels.
Stocks, 3.221.923 bushels. Settling price: No. 2 red winter, gar. licky, spot, domestic. $1.82, transit.
Closing price: No. 2 red, winter, garlicky, spot. domestic. transit. Receipts.
none. Shipments, 265.928 bushels. Stocks. 656.094 bushels. OATS Receipts.
123,740 bushels. Shipments. none. Stocks, 651.973 bushels. Shipments.
none. Stocks. 769.013 BARLEY- -Receipts. 1,901 bushels. elan bushels.
RYE Receipts. none. Shipments, none. Stocks. 150.236 bushels.
SOYBEANS Receipts. none, Shipments, none. Stocks, 2,705 bushels. MILLFEED -Receipts. none.
STRAW-Wheat straw. No. 2, none. Chicago (Yesterday's Chicago, Aug. 1 (P) principal markets.
High September WheatChicazo. 1.86⅜ Minneapolis 2.08¼ Kansas City 1.84⅝ "December WheatChicago. 1.92 2.08⅛ Kansas 1.89 May WheatChicago. Minneapolis 2.08¾ Kansas City. 1.89⅜ September 1.29⅜ December CornChicago.
1.22⅛ September OatsChicago. Minneapolis. Prices for High Dec. 1.92 1.96⅛ May 1.95¼ Jly 1.87 Corn (old)Sep 1.29⅜ Dec 1.22⅛ Mar 1.26¼ May 1.29¼ Corn (new) Dec. 1.22¾ Mar.
1.27½ Dec. Mar. .69 May, RyeSep. 1.26¾ 1.31 Mar 1.33¾ May. 1.33 SoybeansSep 2.27¾ Nov 2.25⅛ Jan.
2.28⅝ Mar 2.33 2.34⅜ May Lard12.50 12.12 Nov. 11.80 Dec. 12.12 Soybean OilSep 10.04 Oct 9.99 Dec 9.99 Jan Mar 9.98 B- Bid: A--Asked Grain range at Low Close 1.85¼ 1.85⅞-⅝ 2.07⅜ 2.07⅜ 1.83⅝ 1.84⅜•⅛ 1.91 1.91¼-⅛ 2.07 2.07¾ 1.88 1.86¾ 1.94¼ 1.94¾ 2.08¾ 2.08¾ 1.88¾ 1.89 1.28⅝ 1.29¼-⅜ 1.21⅜ 1.22-22 .63 futures ranged as follows: Prev. Low Close Close 1.91 1.92 1.95 1.95½ 1.96⅜ 1.94¼ 1.94¾ 1.95¼ 1.86 1.86¾ 1.28⅝ 1.29⅜ 1.21⅜ 1.22 1.23 1.25¾ 1.26¼ 1.27⅛ 1.28 1.291 1.30 1.22 1.22¾ 1.231 1.26⅜ 1.26⅞ 1.27¾ 63 .68 .68 1.25½ 1.26¼ 1.27 1.29 1.30¼ 1.31¼ 1.32 1.32⅝ 1.33¾ 1.32 1.32¾ 1.33 2.26⅞ 2.27½ 2.28¼ 2.23½ 2.24⅝ 2.251 2.27⅜ 2.28 2.291 2.31 2.31⅞ 2.32¾ 2.33¼ 2.34¼ 2.35¼ 12.42 12.45 12.55 12.02 12.05 12.20 11.72 11.72 11.82 12.02 12.05 12.17 9.95 10.01 10.05 9.90 9.99 10.00 9.90 9.98 10.00 9.98a 10.02 9.93 9.99a 10.02 DEATHS (3) -On July 31, 1958, in Philadelphia, J. DORSEY.
of Owings Mills. beloved husband of Sibyl Jackson Brown. Services at St. Thomas's Protestant Episcopal Church, Garrison Forest, Garrison, on Saturday, August 2, at 2.30 P.M. Interment private.
omit 2e August 1, 1958, MARY ETHEL, of Hereford, daughter of the late Georgie A. and Jacob H. Bull. 4e Services at John Burns Sons Funeral Home, 610-12 York road, Towson, on Monday at 2 P.M. Interment in Foster's Cemetery, Hereford.
Family will receive friends 7 until 9 Saturday, 2 until Sunday. Suddenly, on July 31, 1958, JAMES, of 2316 Essex street, the beloved son of the late John and Frances Burca and devoted brother of Mrs. Rose Paulus. Mrs. Anna Swann, John and Edward Burca.
Services will be held at the Kaczorowski Funeral Home, 2525 Fleet street, on Tuesday at 8.15 A.M. Requiem High Mass at Holy Rosary Church at 9 A.M. Interment in Holy Rosary Cemetery, Family will receive friends from 2 to 9 P.M. 5e on July 31, 1958, MARION E. (nee Ahalt), of Route 2, Box 369, Arnold, Maryland, beloved wife of Roger Cardwell and beloved daughter of James Walton and Alice Mamie Ahalt.
4e Services at the Ambrose Funeral Home, 1328 Sulphur Spring road, Arbutus, on Monday at 12 o'clock noon. Services at the New Jerusalem Lutheran Church, Lovettsville, Virginia, at 1 P.M., Eastern Standard Time. Interment in Union Cemetery, Lovettsville, Virginia. Visiting hours from 2 to 10 P.M. On July 29, 1958, LeROY beloved husband of Evelyn W.
Clubb, of Arnold, and brother of Earl Clubb. 2e Funeral services are to be held at H. Sander Sons, North avenue and Broadway, on Saturday at 11 A.M. Interment in St. Margaret's Cemetery, Annapolis.
Friends may call from 1 to 9 P.M. July 31, 1958, at his home, 3604 Garrison boulevard, THOMAS, beloved husband of the late Henrietta W. Coburn (nee Burman) and father of Mrs. F. Nelson Crider.
4 Funeral services will be held at William J. Tickner Son, North and Pennsylvania avenues, on Monday at 11.30 A.M. Interment In Lorraine Park Cemetery. Baltimore Lodge, NO. 7, B.P.O.E., regrets to announce the death of our brother, THOMAS.
and we extend our sincere sympathy to his family, ROBERT J. KENNEY, 3 Exalted Ruler, July 31, 1958, MIGNON (nee Kramer) beloved wife of Beryl Cohen, of 4400 Carleview road, and devoted mother of Suzanne K. Cohen. 3 Services at Sol Levinson Bros. Home, 1124-26 West North avenue, on Sunday, August 3, at 3 P.M.
Interment in Beth Tfloh Congregation Cemetery, Windsor Mill road. omit (Please note above corrected time of service.) Chapter No. 60 deeply regrets the passing of our sister, MIGNON COHEN. Funeral services Sunday, August 3, 1958, at 3 P.M., from S. Levinson and Bros.
Home, 1124-26 West North avenue. Officers and members are earnestly requested to attend. Fraternally, LEONA S. GOLDBERG. Worthy Matron.
-Beth Tfloh Congregation notes with deep sorrow the passing of MIGNON KRAMER wife of member, Beryl Cohen, and wishes to express its profound sympathy to her family. BETH TFILOH CONGREGATION. SAMUEL EPSTEIN, President. 3 I. F.
KARTMAN, Chairman Board of Directors. Suddenly, on July 31, 1958, DIANE MARGARET, of 4209 Doris avenue, Brooklyn Park, beloved infant daughter of Harry and Lillian Schilling Connor and devoted sister of Harry E. Connor 3d. 3 Services at the McCully Funeral Home, Patapsco avenue and Third street, Brooklyn, on Monday at 9 A.M. Interment in Baltimore National Cemetery.
On July 31, 1958, KERMIT, of 7709 Fairgreen road, beloved husband of Lola Marsee Crutchfield, father of Mrs. Raymond Dickerson and Miss Gail Crutchfield. 4e Funeral from the Ulirich Funeral Home of Dundalk. 2112 Dundalk avenue, on Monday at 1 P.M. Interment in Meadow Ridge Memorial Park Cemetery.
CRUTCHFIELD. A special munication of Patapsco Lodge. No. 183 A.F. A.M..
will be held at the Masonic Temple in Dundalk. on Monday, August 4, 1958, at 12.15 P.M., to attend the funeral of our late brother KERMIT CRUTCHFIELD, of Jellico Lodge No. 527, A.F. A.M. of Tenn.
JOHN E. WEPZEL, Worshipful Master. on July 31, 1958, KATE (nee Creagh), of 100 North East avenue, beloved wife of Samuel beloved mother of Dolores L. Tatarewicz, Samuel J. Cushing, Vera O.
Patrick, Ronald Wallas R. and Richard R. Cushing. Funeral from the Hoffmann F'uneral Home, 3218 Hudson street (entrance on Bouldin street), on Monday at 11 A.M. Interment in Oak Lawn Cemetery.
Visiting hours from 2 to 10 P.M. DEATHS (3) -The Highland Chapter No. 33, O.E.S.. announces with deep sorrow the passing of our SISTER KATE CUSHING. Eastern Star services on Sunday at 8 P.M.
at the funeral home. MARGARET BRUNNER, 3 Worthy Matron. on August 1958, GEORGE JOHN, of 5317 Liberty Heights avenue, beloved husband of Bertha Elizabeth Dolle (nee Kesner) and father of Mrs. Iona Zimmerman, Mrs. Dorothy Harvey, Mrs.
Alma Schaefer, Mrs. Laura Opfer and George J. Dolle, Jr. 4e Funeral from the Ellsworth Armacost Funeral Chapel, 4600 Liberty Heights avenue, on Monday at 2 P.M. Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery, Visiting hours from 2 P.M.
until 9 P.M. Lodge No. 3, A.F. A.M. will hold a special communication on Monday, August 4, at 1 P.M.
to attend the funeral of our late brother, GEORGE J. DOLLE, SR. FREDERICK REITZ, 8 Worshipful Master. DONALDSON. On July 31, 1958, EUGENE, of 709 Old Home road, beloved husband of Merle E.
Donaldson (nee Robertson). Services and interment in Cornelius, N.C. 2e DORSEY. On July 31, 1958, MARY of 713 North Montford avenue, beloved wife of the late William D. Dorsey and the beloved sister of Mrs.
Josephine Kealey, Funeral services will be from the William Cook Mansion, St. Paul and Preston streets, on Monday at 11 A.M. Interment in Mount Carmel Cemetery. 3 On July 31, 1958, WILLIAM SHEPHERD, beloved husband of Jessie Souder Dorsey, of 2028 Mount Royal terrace. Friends may call at the Mitchell Home, 1900 Eutaw place.
Services at Memorial Church, Bolton street and Lafayette avenue, on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery. 2e August 1, 1958, AGNES of 5 South East avenue, beloved wife of Bernard C. Drimal, and mother of Bernard S. Drimal, and Mrs.
Dorothy Dugenski and Mrs. Thelma J. Drimal. 5 Funeral from the Ullrich Funeral Home, 4210 Belair road, at Porkside drive, Tuesday at 8.15 A.M. Requiem High Mass at St.
Elizabeth's Church at 9 A.M. Interment in Oaklawn Cemetery, EPSILANTIS. On July 30, 1958. NICHOLAS of 1500 Marshall street, beloved husband of Anna Magalus Epsilantis, and devoted father of Clarence, James and Andrew Epsilantis, and Mrs. Daphne Bratt.
(W.Va.) papers please 2e Prayers will be held at the McCully Funeral Home, 130 East Fort avenue, on Saturday at 1.15 P.M. Services at the Greek Orthodox Church of The Annunciation, Maryland avenue and Preston street, at 2 P.M. Interment in the Greek Orthodox Cemetery. August 1, 1958, JOHN of 3908 North Charles street, beloved husband of Mollie Neuman Farley and father of Mary Margaret Baker, Louise E. Garrity, Pierre, John and Frank Farley.
Funeral from the Charles E. Schimunek Funeral Home. 3331 Brehms lane at Mannasoto avenue. Relations and friends may call after 6 P.M. Due notice will be given.
Parking in rear. 4e July 31, 1958, MARY ELIZABETH (LILLIE) (nee Heinlein), beloved wife of the late Andrew Fink and mother of Messrs. Millard, John and Harvey Fink and grandmother of Mrs. Catherine Craft and Mrs. Joyce Tumminello.
Funeral from her late residence, 3207 Elliott street, on Monday at 8.15 A.M. Requiem High Mass at St. Brigid's Church at 9 A.M. Interment in Oak Lawn Cemetery. 4 GARDNER.
-Suddenly, on July 30, 1958, ARTHUR of 505 Heath road, Linthicum, beloved husband of Catherine Gardner (nee Trimber), Funeral from the Singleton Funeral Home, Crain highway at Second avenue, Glen Burnie, on Saturday at 2 P.M. Interment in Glen Haven Cemetery. By request visiting hours are from 4 until 10 P.M. 2e GESSER. On August 1, 1958, HARRY of 4002 Ridgewood avenue, beloved husband of Hermine L.
Gesser (nee Grimm) and father of Harry G. Gesser, Jr. Services at the Harry N. Armacost Home. 4204 Ridgewood avenue (2 blocks west from 4400 Garrison boulevard) on Monday at 10.15 A.M.
Requiem Mass at All Saints Church at 11 A.M. Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery. Friends may call from 2 to 9 P.M. 3 GIBSON. On August 1.
1958, FRANK beloved husband of Catherine D. Gibson (nee McNamara), of 311 Cathedral street, and father of Mr. Frank Bruce A. Gibson, Mrs. Jean Shaab and Mrs.
Catherine Werner. Funeral services will be held at William J. Tickner Sons, North and Pennsylvania avenues, on Monday at 10 A.M. Interment in New Cathedral Cemetery. 4 on August 1, 1958, THOMAS JACKSON, of Phoenix road, Sparks, beloved husband of Ethel Freeland Gillispie.
Services at the Brooks Funeral Church, 622 York road, Towson, on Monday at 2 P.M. Interment in Poplar Grove Cemetery. 4 GOETZ. Suddenly, on July 31, 1958, RICHARD MORRELL, of 218 Ridge avenue, Towson, beloved husband of Mabel Powell Goetz and beloved father of Linda Morrell Goetz. Services at the Brooks Funeral Church, 622 York road, Towson, on Sunday at 3 P.M.
Interment in Prospect Cemetery, Breckenridge, on Monday at 11 A.M. 3 On Saturday, August 2, 1958, EDITH EMORY HANSON, wife of the late William Brown Hanson, formerly of 4804 Keswick road. Funeral from Henry W. Jenkins Sons Company, 4905 York road. Services at St.
David's Church, Roland avenue, on Monday at 11 A.M. Interment in Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Cemetery, Churchville, Md. 4e -On July 30. 1958, ELIZABETH (nee Downs), formerly of 3 South East avenue, beloved wife of the late Joseph Hecht. Funeral services from the John A.
Moran Funeral Home, 3000 East Baltimore street (corner of Potomac street), on Saturday, August 2. at 8.30 A.M. Requiem High Mass at St. Elizabeth's Church at 9 A.M. Interment in St.
Stanislaus Cemetery. 2e HENDRICKS. On August 1, 1958. CHARLES FREDERICK. beloved husband of Myrtle Pauline Hendricks (nee Wolf), of 1807 Frederick avenue, and beloved son of Mrs.
Kate Hendricks. Services at the George L. Schwab Home, 2101 Frederick avenue at Pulaski street, on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment in Western Cemetery. By request visiting hours are from 2 until 9.30 P.M.
5e HOFFMAN. On August 1, 1958, HENRY, beloved husband of Lottie Hoffman (nee Jacobs) and devoted father of Miss Helen Ruth Hoffman and beloved son of the late Anna and George Hoffman, and brother of Samuel, Jacob, Sylvan and Cella Hoffman and Mrs. Fay Groupp and the late Jennie, Ben and Harry Hoffman. Services at Sol Levinson and Brothers Home, 1124-26 West North avenue, on Sunday, August 3, at 12 noon. Interment in Bnal Israel Congregation Cemetery, Southern avenue.
omit In mourning at 3808 Milford avenue. HOFFMAN. St. John's Lodge No. 34 A.M.
will meet in special communication at the Masonic Temple Sunday, August 3, 1958, at 11 A.M.. for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother. HENRY HOFFMAN, life member. JOSEPH MELMAN, 3 Worshipful Master. HOFMANN.
On Friday, August 1958, at the Union Memorial Hospital, GEORGE, of 627 Anneslie road, beloved husband of Evelyn L. (nee Parr) and beloved father of James and Francis Hofmann. 4 Funeral from Henry Jenkins Sons Company, 4905 York road, on Monday, August 4, at 9.15 A.M. Requiem High Mass at Church of the Immaculate Conception at Ware avenue, Towson, at 10 A.M. Interment in New Cathedral Cemetery.
Friends may call from 2 to 9 P.M. DEATHS (3) -On July 31, 1958, IDA, formerly of 1128 West Baltimore street, beloved aunt of Mrs. Hilda Hilliard, Mrs. Lillian E. Naft and Mrs.
Freida Nagornosky. Funeral services will be held at the G. Truman Schwab Funeral Home of Irvington, 3512 Frederick avenue, on Monday, August 4, 1958, at 10 A.M. Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery, 4e On July 31, 1958, CHARLES of 907 Light street, beloved husband of Katie Meyers Jackson. Funeral from the John F.
Denny Home, Light and Montgomery streets, on Monday at 2 P.M. Interment in Baltimore Cemetery, 4e July 30, 1958, at his late residence, 4200 Springwood avenue. MILTON beloved husband of Gertrude Feige Jacobs and father of Mrs. Gertrude M. Gill and Mrs.
Margaret A. Kapp. Funeral from the Ullrich Funeral Home, 4210 Belair road (at Parkside drive), on Monday at 8.15 A.M. Requiem High Mass at St. Michael's Church, Overlea, at 9 A.M.
Interment in Gardens of Faith Cemetery. 3 JESSA. On July 31, 1958, JOHN FLEMING, of 10 Beach drive, Inverness, beloved husband of Adele Anna Selig Jessa and father of John Fleming, and Nancy Adele Jessa. 5e Friends are cordially invited to call at his late residence, 10 Beach drive, Inverness, where prayers will be offered Tuesday, August 5. at 1 P.M.
Service from St. Luke's Lutheran Church, 1803 Dundalk avenue, at 1.30 P.M. Interment in Oaklawn Cemetery. JOHNSON. Suddenly, on July 31, 1958, in Olney, EDITH of 3100 St.
Paul street, beloved mother Miss Frances Johnson and sister of Mrs. May Sutton. Funeral services will be held at William J. Tickner Sons, North and Pennsylvania avenues, on Monday at 2 P.M. Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery.
The family requests friends to call between 2 and 9 P.M. 4 On July 31, 1958, EARL of 2924 Harview avenue, beloved husband of Margaret S. Karl (nee Pfeffer) and devoted father of Charlotte Dianne M. and Margaret S. Karl.
Services from the Leonard J. Ruck Funeral Home, 5305 Harford road at Echodale avenue, on Saturday at 3 P.M. Interment in Parkwood Cemetery. 2e KELLEY. The Club Dundalk Federation Republican regrets the passing of our dear member, MARY KELLEY.
NELLIE SNYDER, 3 President. July 31, 1958, (CHRIS) WILLIAM at John Hopkins Hospital (Harriet Lane), of 5726 Franklin street, Brooklyn Park, darling son of William C. and F. Ruth Vance Klender and only grandson of Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander Vance and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Hayer. 4e Services at the McCully Funeral Home, Patapsco avenue and Third street, Brooklyn, on Monday at 1 P.M. Interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery, On July 30, 1958, ELSIE G.
(nee Williams), age 88 years, of 5526 Mattfeldt avenue, beloved wife of George H. Klinefelter. 2e Funeral from the Burgee Funeral Home, 3631 Falls road, on Saturday, August 2, at 9 A.M. Interment in St. Mary's Cemetery, Hampden.
July 31. 1958, at his home, 431 East Twenty-eighth street, HENRY beloved husband of Evelyn B. Kurek (nee Neal), beloved son of Mrs. Michelina Kurek and the late Stanislaus Kurek, stepfather of Albert J. Miller and Mrs.
Kathryn Broussard, brother of Miss Katherine Kurek, Mrs. James Glowacki and Roman Kurek. Funeral from William J. Tickner Sons, North and Pennsylvania avenues, on Monday at 9.15 A.M. Requiem Mass at St.
Ann's Church at 10 A.M. Interment in Holy Rosary Cemetery. The family requests friends to call between 2 and 10 P.M. 4 LAUGLIN. 2e ROXIE R.
WILSON, President. On July 31, 1958, CAROLINE S. H. (nee Shine), of 7122 Martell avenue, beloved wife of the late Aaron C. Leach.
Funeral from the Hoffmann Funeral Home, 3218 Hudson street (entrance on Bouldin street), on Monday at 1 P.M. Interment in Oak Lawn Cemetery. hours from 2 until 10 P.M. 4e July 30, 1958, at her residence. 629 West Thirty-third street, LINA beloved daughter of the late Elias F.
and Melinda Leach. 2e Funeral from the Burgee Funeral Home, 3631 Falls road, on Saturday, August 2, at 2 P.M. Interment in Druid Ridge Cemetery. -On August 1, 1958, at her home, 1325 West Pratt street, VICTORIA BUCHHOLTZ, beloved wife of Eugene E. Manning.
Funeral services will be held at the Walters Funeral Home, Pratt and Stricker streets, on Monday, August 4, at 9 A.M. Requiem Mass at St. Martin's Church at 9.30 A.M. Interment in Lorraine Cemetery. Friends may call from 2-9 P.M.
4e August 1, 1958, DOMINIC MAYER, of 800 Wildwood parkway, formerly of 2527 West North avenue, beloved husband of Anna K. Mayer (nee Imke) and beloved father of Mrs. Michael Escol and Mrs. Sam Wise. 4e Friends may call at the Witzke Funeral Home, 4101 Edmondson avenue, from 2 until 10 P.M.
Prayers on Monday at 8.30 A.M. Requiem High Mass at St. Bernardine's Church at 9 A.M. Interment in New Cathedral Cemetery. August 1, 1958, ISABELLE L.
(nee Rockstroh), of 1600 Feldbrook road, beloved wife of the late George L. McLaughlin and devoted mother of George L. and Earl McLaughlin. 4 Services at the Leonard J. Ruck Funeral Home, 5305 Harford road at Echodale avenue, on Monday at 8.15 A.M.
Requiem High Mass at St Dominic's Church at 9 A.M. Interment in New Cathedral Cemetery. McLAUGLIN. The Golden Age Club of Hamilton Rek announces with deep regret the passing of our honorary member, ISABELLE Mc- August 1, 1958, RUBY (nee Stevenson), formerly of 1829 N. Durham street, beloved wife of the late Owen McSweeney and beloved mother of Marita Spain, Helen Durant, Lawrence and Francis X.
McSweeney. Services at the Dippel Brothers Funeral Home, 7110 Belair road (at Elm avenue), on Monday morning at 8.15. Requiem High Mass at St. Paul's Church at 9 o'clock. Interment in Holy Redeemer Cemetery.
Friends may call between 2-9 P.M. 4e July 31, 1958, EDWARD of 1319 James street, beloved husband of Marie Mikush (nee Chester), and devoted father of Lorraine F. Mikush and brother of Victor Mikush and devoted son of Mrs. Ursula Mikush. Funeral from Kachauskas Funeral Home, 637 Washington boulevard, near Warner street, on Tuesday at 8.30 A.M.
Requiem High Mass at St. Jerome's Church at 9 A.M. Interment in Meadow Ridge Memorial Park Cemetery. July 31. 1958, LOLA MAY (nee Sherman), beloved wife of the late George W.
Morgret, of Ellicott City, Md. Funeral from the Higinbothom Funeral Home, 106 Columbia road. Ellicott City. on Monday at 2 P.M. Interment in St.
John's Lutheran Cemetery, Pfeiffers Corner, Md. Visiting hours, 2 P.M. to 10 P.M. MUELLER. On July 31, 1958.
FRIEDA (nee Seutzer), of 500 Stratford court, Dulaney Valley, the beloved wife of the late Ernst Mueller and devoted mother of Mrs. Paul Shafer. 2e Funeral from the Lassahn Funeral Home, 7401 Belair road, on Saturday at 1 P.M. Interment in Parkwood Cemetery. Family requests viewing from 2 until 10 P.M.
Suddenly, on July 31, 1958, HERBERT of 2926 Cub Hill road, the beloved husband of Marie A. Muhlhan (hee Michel), Funeral from the Lassahn Funeral Home, 7401 Belair road, on Monday at 11 A.M. Interment in Moreland Memorial Park Cemetery. Family requests viewing from until 10 P.M. DEATHS NAPER.
On August 1, 1958. PAUL, of 6834 Dunbar road, Dundalk, beloved father of Mrs. John Exter, Mrs. Hans Dietrich, Miss Naomi John and William Naper. Friends are cordially invited to call at the Funeral Home of Walter Brooks Bradley, Dundalk, until 10 P.M.
Sunday, August 3. Services from St. Timothy's Lutheran Church, Dundalk, Monday at 10 A.M. Interment in Moreland Memorial Park. 4e Thursday, July 31.
1958, at Johns Hopkins University Hospital, CLIFTON G. (TIPPY), beloved husband of Mabel Nichols, brother of Mrs. Eleanor Gilmore, Frances, Harrison and Gary Nichols. Also a host of other relatives and friends. After 2 P.M.
Sunday, August 3. friends may call at his late residence Marriottsville, Md. Body will lie in state after 11 A.M. Monday, August 4, at the Brown's Chapel Church, Dayton, where funeral services will be held at 1 P.M. Rev.
A. W. White officiating. Interment Church Cemetery. Services by Snowden Funeral Home, Rockville, Md.
3 July 31, 1958, LOUISE of 10 East Twenty-first street, beloved wife of Karl J. Patry. Services from the Funeral Home of Wiedefeld Son, Greenmount avenue and Twenty-second street, on Saturday at 8.30 A.M. Requiem High Mass at St. Ann's Church at 9 A.M.
Interment in Cathedral Cemetery. 2e July 31, 1958, at her home, 607 North Chapelgate lane, LULA H. (nee McKelvey), beloved wife of the late Arthur Maynard Patterson and mother of Miss Ethel M. Patterson, Mrs. Carroll Royer, Mrs.
William Lowe and Stanley H. Patterson. 4 Funeral services will be held at William J. Tickner Sons, North and Pennsylvania avenues, on Monday at 11 A.M. Interment in Jessops Cemetery, co*ckeysville.
PEDDICORD. On July 31, 1958, MURRAY of Winter Park, formerly of Howard county, Maryland, beloved husband of Helen S. Peddicord (nee Shaddick). 4 Friends may call at Easton Sons Funeral Home, 608 Frederick avenue, Catonsville, Md. Services will be held at St.
John's Episcopal Church, Ellicott City, on Monday at 11 A.M. Interment in St. John's Cemetery. Visiting hours 2 P.M. to 10 P.M.
-On August 1, 1958, ELIZABETH of 5511 Elderon avenue, beloved wife of the late Joseph B. Peery and mother of Mrs. Claire Gary and Mrs. Rosamond Rosendale. 4 Funeral from the Ellsworth Armacost Funeral Chapel, 4600 Liberty Heights avenue, on Monday at 8.30 A.M.
Requiem High Mass at All Saints Church at 9 A.M. Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery, Visiting hours from 2 P.M. until 9 P.M. PUND. On July 31, 1958, C.
HERBERT PUND, of 2007 Cedar Circle drive, Catonsville, formerly of 3118 Virginia avenue, beloved husband of the late Bessie Mae Pund (nee Thompson) and beloved father of C. Herbert Pund, Junior. 2e Friends may call at the Witzke Funeral Home, 4101 Edmondson avenue, from 2 P.M. until 10 P.M. Services on Saturday at 1 P.M.
Interment in Baltimore Cemetery. RANDALL. On July 30, 1958, GRACE of 833 William street, beloved wife of the late Capt. Samuel H. Randall.
2e Funeral from the John F. Denny Home, Light and Montgomery streets, on Saturday at 2 P.M. Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery. REMEIKIS. Suddenly, on July 31, 1958, JOSEPH A.
REMEIKIS, of 929 Palladi drive, beloved husband of Anna Remeikis (nee Bobelis) and devoted father of Mrs. Patricia Allison, Mrs. Adele Smith. Robert C. Remeikis and the late Fireman Joseph A.
Remeikis, Junior. 4 Funeral from Kachauskas Funeral Home, 637 Washington boulevard (near Warner street), on Monday at 8.30 A.M. Requiem High Mass at St. Alphonsus Church. Interment in Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery.
July 31, 1958, MYRTLE V. (nee Robinson), of 2402 Annon court, beloved wife of Eugene Robey and mother of Mrs. Doris Elms, Mrs. Ruth Garrett, Mrs. Elsie Couch, Mrs.
Geraldine Ernest, Mrs. Erma Haigis and Raythe G. Truman Schwab 1 Funeral mond E. Hudson. Funeral services will be held at Home of Irvington, 3512 Frederick avenue, on Monday, August 4, at 2 P.M.
Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery. Viewing from 2 till 10 P.M. 4e July 31, 1958, ANNA of 2812 Oak Grove avenue, beloved daughter of the late Joseph and Annie E. Roesch (nee Schmidt). 4 Funeral services will be held at William J.
Tickner and Solis, North and Pennsylvania avenues, on Monday at 1 P.M. Interment in Baltimore Cemetery. ROSS. Suddenly, on August 1, 1958, at her home, 3415 Callaway avenue, CLARA beloved wife of Harry C. Ross, mother of Mrs.
Morton Lapides and Robert E. Ross. Funeral Services will be held at William J. Tickner Sons, North and Pennsylvania avenues. on Monday at 10.30 A.M.
Interment in Druid Ridge Cemetery. omit flowers. Friends who desire may contribute to the Physical Therapy Department Kernan Hospital for Crippled Friends are invited to call between 2 and 9 P.M. 4 on July 30, 1958, BYRON GREGORY, at his home in Columbus. Ohio, beloved husband of Grace McClung Ryan and loving son of Mre.
Elizabeth Gregory Ryan, of Baltimore, and the late Byron D. Ryan. Funeral from the Funeral Home of C. Vernon Lemmon, 4611 Park Heights avenue, on Monday, August 4, at 9.15 A.M. Requiem High Mass at All Saints Church at 10 o'clock.
Interment in Cathedral Cemetery. Friends may call after 3 P.M. Sunday. 4 On July 31, 1958, CHARLOTTE of 1103 Wallaston way, beloved wife of Archie Scarboro. Services from the Charles S.
Zeller Funeral Home, 6224 Eastern avenue (at Folcroft street), on Monday at 1 P.M. Interment in Baltimore National Cemetery. Visiting hours 2 to 10 P.M. 4 On July 30, 1958, WILLIAM FRANKLIN (JOE), of 4033 Falls road, beloved husband of Mary E. Shauck (nee Gauntt) and beloved father of Mrs.
Catherine Chalk, Mrs. Ruth Streeter and Mrs. Elizabeth Chilcoat. 2e Funeral from the Chenoweth Funeral Home, 3615-17-19 Chestnut avenue, on Saturday, August 2, at 10 A.M. Interment in St.
Mary's Cemetery, Hampden. Visiting hours 2 to 10 P.M. SHIPLEY. On August 1, 1958, at the residence, of her nephew, Arthur T. Ruby, 3668 Falls road.
CELIA beloved wife of the late Thomas H. Shipley. 5 Funeral from the Burgee Funeral Home, 3631 Falls road, of which due notice will be given. SINGLETON. On August 2, 1958, HARRY beloved husband of Effie I.
Singleton (nee Eslinger), of 502 East Forty-first street, and father of Mrs. Robert W. Thon, Jr. Due notice of funeral: 4e -Beth Jacob Brotherhood regrets to announce the death of Member HANS L. SPIER, beloved husband of Lenore Spier.
Members are requested to visit the house of mourning at 4100 Barrington road. 2e ARTHUR HAUSMAN, President. August 1, 1958, WILLIAM beloved husband of Anna Hierstetter Steindle and beloved father of Mrs. William F. Baker and the Messrs.
Bernard W. and William J. Steindle. 5 Services at the Leonard J. Ruck Funeral home, 5305, Harford road, at Echodale avenue, on Tuesday at 9 A.M.
Requiem Mass at St. Ursula's Church at 10 A.M. InterParkwood Cemetery. UNDERWOOD. Suddenly, on July 31.
1958. at his late residence, 110 Oaklee Village, WALTER, beloved husband of the late Nellie Gertrude Underwood, devoted father of Mrs. Doris Trogler, Mr. Walter A. Underwood and devoted brother of Mrs.
Mildred Lochenauer, Services at the George L. Schwab Home, 2101 Frederick avenue at Pulaski street on Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment in Lorraine Park Cemetery, By request, visiting hours from 2 to 9.30 P.M. DEATHS (3) On July 29, 1958, at her residence, 2623 Wendover road, URATH E. (nee Wilson), beloved wife of Harry M.
Thornton. 2e Funeral from the Burgee Funeral Home, 3631 Falls road, on Saturday, August 2, at 11 A.M. Interment in Moreland Memorial Park, UNDERWOOD. Washington Lodge No. 3, A.F.& A.M., will hold special communication on Monday, August 4, at 9 A.M.
to attend the funeral of our late brother, WALTER UNDERWOOD, SR. FREDERICK REITZ, 3 Worshipful Master. On August 2, 1958, HENRY of 1141 Hollins street, beloved husband of Lena Wade. Funeral services will be at the William Cook Mansion, St. Paul and Preston streets, on Tuesday at 1 P.M.
Interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery. 5e WALEGA (MIKE August 1, 1958, THEODORE, of 1625 Ceddox street, Curtis Bay, beloved husband of the late Mary Paterick Walega and devoted father of Joseph T. Walega. Services from the McCully Funeral Home, Patapsco avenue and Third street, Brooklyn, of which due notice will be given. 4e CEMETERIES AND LOTS (6) LOUDON PARK Lots available for another 100 years Reasonable prices Terms Our Perpetual Care Fund exceeds ONE MILLION DOLLARS 3801 FREDERICK AVE WT 5-6000 MONUMENTS, VAULTS, ETC.
(7) MONUMENTS BY HENRY MERKEL, INC. "Since 1855" BRONZE FLOWER VASES CEMETERY LETTERING 3534 FREDERICK AVE WT 5-5075 LOST AND FOUND (8) LOST- BANK BOOK- Atlantic Federal Savings Loan Association. If found, call PE, 2-6867. LOST Black female co*cker in vicinity of Hillendale Shopping Center. Reward.
VA. 3-6149. BEAGLE PUPPY- Brown tan female. Lost in vic. of Falls Rd.
Kelly Ave. Ans. to name of "Spotty." This is a child's pet. Phone FL. 8-0232.
Reward. BILLFOLD Lost. Seechuks Pharm. Belair Rd. Finder keep money.
Please return billfold contents. CL. 4-7614, BOSTON BULL -Black white ped. "Bum." Lost vic. of Glen Burnie.
Rew. ST. 9-5054, CASE Maroon, containing view-master slides. Lost. Rew.
ID. 5-7397. CAT Black white male, strayed from new home, Register Banbury. Reward. VA.
3-8828. DIAMOND RING- Man's. 3 stone, yellow gold. Lost vic. Commerce St.
gar. 44 South St. WI. 5-9027 DOG- Small brown male. No collar.
Reward. HO. 7-5466 EARRINGS -Pair, diamond, pierced. Yellow white gold, very Lost. Reward, WI.
7-1451, GI. 5-9881, ESKIMO SPITZ- White. Female. swers to name of "Fluffy." Has Anne Arundel tag No. 22060.
Lost in vicinity of Pennington Avenue and Open Street, Curtis Bay. Reward. State 9-1522. PARAKEET Lost. Aqua-blue, to bare spot over eye.
answers Skippy, Vic. Lake Shore Drive. Reward. J. F.
Cassell, R. E. Kohlhefer, Box 114, R.R. 7. Lake Shore dena Post Office, Armiger 1419.
PARAKEET -Blue. named "Timmy. Responds to whistling. Lost vic. Kings Country.
Rew. $25. Call LYric 2-7733. PURSE, GLASSES. WALLET- Lost in vic.
of Gardenville Area. Reward. CL. 4-4323. WALLET -Black.
Lost on Northpoint Rd. bet. Wise Ave. Eastern Ave. Don't care about money.
Please return papers. 829 N. Milton Ave. PE. 2-2787.
WATCH- Longine. White gold with 6 diamonds. Black suede band. Lost Lexington St. Vic.
Call AT. 2-2250. Liberal Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES (9) ALUMINUM SIDING Storm windows, doors, jalousies awnings. Wholesale.
Fast installation. HO. 7-1000. SEQUINS For Sale Jet Pearl. For trimming.
Good for costumes, sweaters. etc. ID. 3-2972. Unclaimed baggage left at Abbey hotel 723 St.
Paul St. Will be sold unless claimed by August 15. SLIP COVERS made with your material or will bring samples. CH. 3-4914.
SHARE YOUR CAR (10) DENTAL STUDENT wishes to drive to Florida, Aug. 8 or 9. MO. 4-8578. LEAVING FOR MIAMI LOS ANGELES Aur.
3 or 4. Can take 1 to help drive. SA. 7-8602 aft. 6 P.M.
PERSONALS (11) I WILL BE and always have been responsible for any debts contracted by myself. MRS. MILLARD ROYSTON ALMONY 418 1st 27. I WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts unless contracted by myself. JOAQUIM CARREIRA.
JR. 3336 ELMLEY AVE. I WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts unless contracted by myself. ANTHONY A. MARANTO 8038 WALLACE RD.
I WILL BE, as always, responsible for any debts contracted by myself. GLENN WILLIAM AKERS 3172 Shiloh Ct. WILL NOT be responsible for any debts unless contracted by myself. JOSEPH N. BAKER 3804 HICKORY AVE.
I WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts unless contracted by myself. THOMAS K. JENKINS 1934 W. MULBERRY 23 WILL NOT BE responsible, for any debts unless contracted bymyself. FREDERICK R.
SAGHY 4613 OLD FREDERICK RD. I WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts unless contracted by myself. JAMES SIMMONS POTEET 9126 Liberty Randallstown STONE BRICK- -Porches steps of any kind concrete work flagstone patio. ID. 5-4061, TU.
9-3300. PAPER HANGING Reasonable PRICES. FREE Estimates. PROMPT Service. Call any time.
PE, 2-1945 PAPERHANGING Reasonable. CH. 3-5935. Nelson Carr. PAPERHANGING-REAS.
RI. 7-9014 H. Thompson PAINTER -Wants private residential work. Call evenings or weekend. HU.
6-8975 PAPERHANGING by G.1. $8 and up per room. Also painting. Guaranteed work. Prompt service.
CH. 3-0775. STOCK MARKET INSTRUCTION Beginners only, One night lectures. Reas, charge, 8A. 7-3384.
CEMENTING Porches. patios, club basem*nts. Work done by individuals. VA. 5-4207.
ROOFING materials. SIDING- You or I less than standard prices, terms. MU. 5-0059, after 6. Furniture-Pianos-Refinished Cadden.
7-1611 PAINTING--Residential Industrial. Tony fa*ggelli, HA. 6-6956. PAINTING- Outside. Free estimating.
No job too small. BR. 6-3714. GUTTER SPOUTING- FURNACES Repair- Replace Terms HA, 6-8711 Reasonable. Prompt service.
E. Ross, MO. 4-4210. MOVING HAULING 24-hr. ser.
No job too small. Reas. HA, 6-1422. BLOCK. CEMENT WORK- -Any kind.
Garages patios, Jack. EA. 7-7006 FLOOR SANDING finishing, $15 per rm. NO. 8-8370.
Interior Reas. CL. 4-5412. Exterior. Do HOME REPAIRS -PAINTING.
Call ELgin 5-7176. CELLARS DUG--Home improv. Western Service, HA. 6-5480. RI, 7-4716 HOME REMODEL ADDITIONS Do now Pay later, Blake, VA.
3-7660 ELECTRICIANS- LIC. Lee. small jobs. Work guar. FO.
7-5719 HOME REPAIRS additions. Brick Concrete, HU 6-1043. HU. 6-1790. ODD JOBS Roofing, painting.
driveways, chimneys. VA. CONCRETE WORK No Job too small. For estimates EL. 5-6948.
CONCRETE Flagstone porches, Paving stone walls ReaR CL 4-3146 PAINTING- Interior exterior Do own work. MU. 5-2822 FLOOR SANDING finishing. Reas. 25 yrs.
John Holt. HI 4-5139 FLOORS sanded. refinish Best for less NO 8-1640 L. Rebhan 35 exp WALL STEAMING, papering, painting carpenter work. RI.
7.4944 SCREENS. WEATHERSTRIPS, CHAINS THE LEA CO BELMONT 5-7781 WALL up per rm We also rent steamers. 3-0775 CEMENT WORK Any kind. Garage. brick carpentry.
Joe, DI. 2-1871, PAINTING PAPERING 9-5249 Vary able H. Johns. TU STUCCO, cement siding. Do my OWD work.
Terms. MO 4-8948. PAINTING into Carpentry, guttara, roof renairs MO 4.4926 CEMENT WORK ING OF ALL KINDS Call ID. 5-6803. BLOCK GARG.
Cement work, brk. steps, hauling, AT. 8-2736. FIRE ESCAPE Steel quick. Reas.
terms, Fire proofing. EL. 5-5990. REMODELING Club cellars, Cement. fences ceilings.
HO. 7-1111. UPHOLSTERY REPAIR Chairs. sofas Least possible cost 9-5510 TRASH REMOVAL Clean basem*nts. varda hauling.
CI. 2-4964 WRECKING HAULING Basem*nt Vard Cleaning. Reason. EA. 7.7585 WINDOW CHAINS glass installed.
TU. PAINTING PAINTING WIlkens 5-5379 GENERAL CONTRACTING CO. VE. 7-0800. day or night, Sunday INSURANCE forms.
Greene St. PLaza 2-6054 FREE GIFT WITH EVERY ESTIMATE All home repairs-additions-houses. NATIONWIDE BUILDERS, Inc. 100 E. CENTER ST.
VE. 7-0200 Easy HU. 6-2291 TRY US FOR ALL HOME REPAIRS FIRE ESCAPES FIRE ALARMS All violations corrected. Easy Terms PROTECTO HO. 7-9885 CARPENTRY Club cellars, garages, carports.
breezeways, remodeling houses and offices, room additions and patios. LI. 2-1760 VA. 3-5992 Repairs- Remodeling EVERY KIND CELLARS TO ROOF WE DO THE WORK Nothing Down- $5.00 per month CLARK SONS NO, 5-6311 PAPERHANGING, $8 UP CASH OR CREDIT PE. 2-0040 MO.
4-7466 CONCRETE WORK DRIVEWAYS. patios, porches, walks, Exp. work. Reas. prices.
8-1894 ROOFS REPAIRED Specialized in slate. MU. 5-0489 CARPENTRY- Club cellars, attics, stairs, hardwd. ceilings porches. I do the work, NO.
5-7241. WANTS (12) "CALL ME FIRST" MA. 3-9333 H. BARNES MA. 3-3002 Calls Answered In 30 Minutes TOP PRICES are paid for bedrooms.
dining room, living room. kitchen furniture, table-top gas ranges. refrigerators, antiques. Oriental domestic rugs, bric-a-brac. china.
ing machines, marble-top furniture. television sets, silver gold antiques, diamonds. coins, glassware. Spinet and Baby Grand pianos. guns.
tique jewelry, stocks of merchandise. No lot too large or too small. 605 W. NORTH AVENUE Nites and SUNDAYS. call FO.
7-4894 MA 3-9333 MA 3-3002 CALL US NOW HU. 6-5618 HU. 6-7950 N. B. LOBE co.
PAYS MORE CASH FOR YOUR Furniture. Antique Chins and Glassware. Old Gold. Diamonds. Jewelry, Gold Coins.
Silverware, Cut glass Curios, Ornaments, Rugs. dios. Television. Electrical Appliances. Gas Ranges.
Tools. Pianos. Pistols. Typewriters. Guns.
2-4305 MR. CALLAHAN recommended by E. T. Newell Inc. Will buy Antiques.
Modern Furn. Jewelry. Silverware, Ornaments, Art Objects. Pianos, Oriental Rugs. Complete Estates or Stocks of Mdse.
No lot too large or too small. PL. 2-3580, 120 W. North Ave, Used Furniture Wanted ALSO PIANOS. SPINETS, UPRIGHTS WE PAY FULL VALUE FRIEDMAN MU.
5-5370 Calls Answered in 30 Minutes IMMEDIATE CASH Furniture. antiques, anything rugs. pianos. have jew. guns or you sell.
Mr. Lee. BR, 6-4837. 600 N. Patterson Pk.
Fulton. 3-8118 WE NEED FURNITURE Top RANGES. Prices TV. WASHERS, YOUR PRICE IN 1 HOUR FURN, APPLIANCES EA. 7-4031 HIGHEST PRICES PAID For gold, silver, diamonds jewelry.
David Komins Co. 106 N. Liberty St. USED FURNITURE Highest price. MR.
GREENE LE. 9-9342 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Any condition. Cash. Kranz. PL 2-5981 PIANOS Grands, small uprights.
Spot cash Kunkel. PL 2-5997 DEHUMIDIFIER Hide-a-bed. Freezer top refrig. PL. 2-7750.
FURNITURE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PL. 2-9880. Mr. Allen, 714 W. Balto, REFRIGERATORS, stoves All types of furniture.
EA. 7-0314 DIAMONDS. GOLD JEWELRY bought. Medinger. 206 Saratoga GOLD, Silver, Jewelry bought.
TOP Prices. Carl Schon, 111 W. Saratoga, REFRIGERATORS FURNITURE. WASHERS, STOVE for apt. TU.
9-9635 WASHERS WRINGER TYPE ONLY MO 5-6426 11 2-4972 SITUATION WAN (13) GIRL Wants 4 or 5 days work. ELgin 5-5118 GIRL Desires days work. Exp. with refs. GI.
5-1830M. MAID-5 day wk. General housework, BEANS (LIMA bu. $2.75 -3: $1.50. BEANS (SNAP)-Slightly stronger.
Bu. bkts and Md. Valentines and Contenders, Valentines. best, fair Tendergreens. and fair bu, Valentines, 1.50.
best. fair to ordinary 75c. $1.50: some ordinary 50c. BEETS -Nearby, per bunch. 3- mostly 4c.
CABBAGE- Domestic Round. N.J., bulk packed local13. bu. few sales. 25.
-50c. Western bu, be boxes, mostly $1 bu mostly some 60-75c. CARROTS--About steady. Calif. topped 1-lb.
film bags wirebound crts. 48s. $4.50 cartons 24s, 2.35; 50-lb 50-lb. sacks topped: N.J.. N.Y, mostly.
$1.50. CAULIFLOWER--Western Md. double deck crts. 12s. -Dull.
Rew sales, 16" crts. Pascal: Calif. 2-2 3.75: 3-doz. mostly. $3.50 3.75; some, $3.
Ohio $2.50. N.Y. 3-doz. mostly, 2.50; some, $2: $1.75 2. CORN- Slightly stronger good stock.
4-5 N.C.. sacks, yellow and white. ordinary to poor qual. and 50c. $1.
East. Shore. Md. vellow. sacks.
mostly fair $1.25. some unsold: wirebound fair $1 white. bu. $1.75: sacks. best.
fair qual. wirebound best. fair $1.40 yellow. sacks. fair white.
sacks. best. $1.75, fair qual. $1.25. wirebound vellow.
mostly few $1.50. N.J.. yellow, wirebound fair $1.25. poorer 75c. few $1.
CUCUMBERS -Dull. Bu, fair qual. $1.50. poorer low as 75c. mostly $1.50.
Near-by, 50 -75c. bu. mostly 2, some $1.50. $1.50. ENDIVE Ohio 16-qt.
mostly $1, few $1.15. 11-9-bu. $1.75. ESCAROLE- Ohio. 16-qt.
few Livestock Markets Baltimore (Quotations reported by the United States Department of CATTLE AND CALVES -Week's supply approximately 40-50 per cent slaughter steers. remainder mostly cows, only few scattered lots and loads heifers bulls and stockers and feeders offered, slaughter steer supply graded largely good to average choice and slaughter cows mainly canner to utility, receipts 18 per cent over last week, 13 per cent under last year, trading generally slow on all classes except vealers which were moderately active, compared last Thursday slaughter steers slow to lower; slaughter heifers steady to weak Monday, too scarce for adequate test of prices after Monday: utility and commercial cows 25-50 cents lower; canners and cutters generally steady; bulls weak to 50 cents tower with some still unsold in closing trade: choice vealers advanced $1 and other grades fully steady to strong; stockers and feeders nominally steady; bulk good average choice slaughter steers. Monday: standard to low good. $24-26. including losing trade bulk pound good and low choice steers, $25, 27.25.
with standard to mostly low good, 1 load and few lots 734-830- pound good to low choice slaughter heifers, $26-27 Monday; package choice, $27.50: scattered lots 750-900 pounds standard and good, $22 -26; load 871-pound mixed utility and standard heifers and cows. $21 Thursday; utility and commercial cows closed at $18.5020, few $20 21: canners and cutters, light canners, utility and commercial bulls. mostly $21.50 23.50, few individuals. and few canners and cutters. $18 21.50: bulk 160-250- pound choice vealers, $30 33.
good, $27-30: 120-250-pound standards. $24 -27; scattered lots and load 536-991- pound mostly medium and good stocker and feeder steers. $24 27.75 through week with several choice included in lot weighing over 700 pounds: small lot 430-pound choice stock steer calves. $31 Monday. HOGS -Barrows and gilts closed 25 cents lower than last week.
sows steady early in week and too scarce for adequate test of prices thereafter, receipts slightly increased over last week and 36 per cent less than last year: about 75 head mostly U.S. 1 and 1. 190-230- lb. butchers. $24.75 Monday: bulk mixed 1-3 190-230-lb.
butchers for week. $24 but closing sales. three lots mixed weights and grades 170-180 Thursday and two lots No. 2 and 3 242-262 lb. $23.25 24: one lot No.
290 $22.50: mixed No. 1-3 300-400 Ib. sows. $19.75 20.75 Monday. SHEEP Spring slaughter lambs generally active.
steady, bulk 73-103 lb. 800d and choice lambs. -25. few lots utiliay to good, 23.50: two lots 53-63-lb. cull.
$10 FLECTION NOTICES MEETINGS FIDELITY -BALTIMORE NATIONAL BANK NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS Notice is hereby given that pursuant to call of its directors. a special meeting of the shareholders of Fidelity 'Baltimore National Bank will be held at its main office at No. 10 Light Street. in the City of Baltimore, State of Maryland, on Tuesday, August 12 1958. at 2.30 P.M..
Daylight Saving Time, for the purpose of considering and determining by vote whether an agreement to merge the said bank and The National Bank of co*ckeysville located in co*ckeysville, State of Mary land, under the provisions of the laws of the United States, shall be ratified and confirmed: and for the purpose of voting upon any other matters inciden tal to the proposed merger of the two banks. A copy of the aforesaid agree ment. executed by A majority of the directors of each of the two banks providing for the merger, 1s on fie at the bank and may be inspected dur ing business bours. HARVEY E. EMMART.
Cashier. MAID-5 day wk. General housework, cooking ironing. Ref. HO.
7-9498. WHO NEEDS A -Patient. clean, cheerful kind, price you can pay, complete care for gentile adult. Can cook. Box CS7876 Sun.
WOMAN- -Des. 4 or 5 da. wk. child care hawk. Avail.
Sept. 2. $6 and car fare. city ref. ID.
3-3772. WOMAN- Col. des. work. Mon.
Sat. Good ironer, LA. 3-9136. WOMAN (Col.) des. work 5 days.
Refs. LA. 3-3382. YOUNG LADY desires work of any kind. LA.
3-2916 BABY SITTERS CHILD CARE (14) Kefauver's Children's Boarding Home, Expc. care food, Ellicott City 512-M CHILD, CARE In my home days, $10 wk. Waverly Sec. CH. 3-7843.
PLAYTIME DAY NURSERY Will give loving care for your child while mother works. Trans. meals furnished. Call NO. 8-8522.
INFANTS ONLY- New day nursery, up to 18 months old for working mothers. Opening August 1st on Cook's Lane. Call W1. 7-1763. WOMAN- White.
live in. care of 2 children, board, small salary. Box CS22539 Sun. WILL CARE for child in my home while mother works. ME.
3-6795. WILL TAKE CARE of child in my home during day. ME. 3-9763. WILL TAKE CARE OF CHILD WHILE mother works.
FO. 7-4883. WILL WATCH CHILD DURING DAY. Eastpoint sec. AT.
4-0854. WILL care for child during day. All convs. for child. MI.
4-9901. HELP WANTED -HOUSEHOLD (16) COOK- Houseworker for 2. adults. suburban home. comfortable quare ters, wages.
$35 wk. refs. required. LYric 2-7149. COOK- Gen.
housework, live in, family with children. DR. 7-7751. COUPLE Middle aged, white, to live in, with elderly man. Wife to do gen.
hswk. CH. 3-6784. GIRL Must live in. Gen.
help with children. Thurs. every other Sun, off. Top salary. MO.
4-8073 1 day wk. Call Sunset 749-J aft. 5 GIRL- For, light good Ironer, wkdays, HOUSEKEEPER COMPANION- -White refined woman, 40 to 60 yrs. of age, in good health. to live in Florida.
Private apt. salary depending upon experience. Call Mrs. Guy. HO.
7-7852. HOUSEKEEPER- -White. Care of children. Gen. hswk.
Light cooking for working mother. Wkends off. 80. HOUSEMAN valet. chauffeur for elderly gent.
Recent local refs. Exc. sal. HU, 6-2859. MAID Live in.
5 days. $35. Off Thurs. Sun. Housework care of 3 children.
Refs, RO, 4-0846. ITALIAN SPEAKING WOMAN- To care for semi-Invalid elderly lady in good home, with pleasant surroundings. Send details about self. Box OB7954 Sun. SETTLED WHITE WOMAN who would like to add to her social security, Do convalescent nursing, light housework.
No washing, ironing or night work. Live in. weekends off. Call MI. 4-5735 or apply 5501 Frederick Ave.
in Na, Cemetery. WOMAN- Over 25. to go to Cape May Aug. 10th, to Sept. 7th, very light cleaning, plain cooking, minimum laundry, help with 2 children.
$35 wk. refs. req. Call ID. 5-2147.
WOMAN-30 to 55. Light housework mind children while mother works. Live in. Sat. Sun, off.
DI. 2-7567 WOMAN White. to help with semiinvalid. Few hrs. day.
Nr. Edgewood Theater. LO, 6-8184. SITUATION WANTED -FEMALE (17) ALERT YOUNG LADY- Desires position 8.5 clerk-typist, or receptionist. 2 years business schooling.
Excellent recommendations. Very intelligent and dependable. Call WI. 7-3865. BOOKKEEPER- F.C.
des. Tax return. Trial Balance, typing roll, Box C57856 Sun. MEDICAL SECRETARY -Desires posttion in Northwest section of the city. BOX OB 12244 SUN NURSE Desires cancer chronic or paralytic case, excellent reference.
G1. 5-1193M. NURSE Avail, for nite or day duty. Pri, cases. MA: 3-5624-M.
PRACTICAL NURSE White. Des. work nite or day. Reas. sal.
BE. 5-6092. 3443 Hickory Ave. PRACTICAL, NURSE desires day or night 2-7645 R.T.W. MANAGER Experienced all phases women's wear operation.
Capable. of taking compiete charge. Avail. FO. 7-5488..