[Xbox] Core Keeper, Sopa, Star Trucker, Age of Mythology coming to Game Pass - Page 18 (2024)


  • Aegeri Tiny wee bacteriums Plateau of LengRegistered User regular

    May 8 edited May 8

    Austin helped make the first Dishonored actually.

    Edit: In particular, if you've ever wondered why Dishonored feels like Thief games of old, it's because Harvey Smith worked on it at Lyon and of course he heads Austin. Harvey Smith has worked on Thief, Dues Ex etc etc previously.

    Aegeri on

    The Roleplayer's Guild: My blog for roleplaying games, advice and adventuring.


  • Stormwatcher Blegh BlughRegistered User regular

    May 8 edited May 8

    If only anyone had opposed all the acquisitions and purchases! [Xbox] Core Keeper, Sopa, Star Trucker, Age of Mythology coming to Game Pass - Page 18 (3)
    I hope this doesn't stop MS from buying and closing even more developers! There's too many people still holding jobs in the gaming industry, someone has to think of the innocent next fiscal quarter growth reports! Fire all those leeches who thing working to the bone and actually creating games is worth of a sh*t salary! Satia and Phill need more golden toilets in their yachts!

    Stormwatcher on

    Steam: Stormwatcher | PSN: Stormwatcher33 | Switch: 5961-4777-3491
    [Xbox] Core Keeper, Sopa, Star Trucker, Age of Mythology coming to Game Pass - Page 18 (4)


  • tastydonuts Registered User regular

    May 8 edited May 8

    urahonky wrote: »

    I think gamers are going to have to come to terms that these 200+ hour single player experiences that take devs several full years of development are going to need to be chopped down a bit. Either that or we're going to have to raise prices. I mean they get your $70 and that's it. I know that's why mtx got huge for a while there and I'm not saying it's a solution. Just something to think about.

    Games are a business, businesses make need to make money, yadda yadda. I still buy games even though I have GP, and some of the games that I buy are on GP... but that's because I know the "deal." Curious though, $70 is kind of high premium AAA price right now, so when you say $70 what tier are you looking at? Even perusing user reviews for sub $20 games I've seen people complain down that it's "not even worth $7 bucks" and whatnot. Like... despite all the frustration over these situations, I don't think raising the MSRP of the games even further would help and... unfortunately cutting down on content (or post launch support and patching) also isn't really something they can put on the table either.

    But uh... I don't think that's a realization that would come to pass. Pushing the baseline up would just mean more people waiting for sales or not buying a thing that they can simply access through a subscription service. Both of these are completely within a consumer's right to do. Adding micros on single player games gets railed against though, too. Does it go into the dev's pockets directly? Nope or rarely, if ever. Does it put the numbers in a place where these things are slightly less likely... some times.

    I'd argue that external factors and uncertainty would need to smooth out before gaming and entertainment hits a place where it can do better, imo.

    edit: The "need" for infinite growth would also need to be tamped down too.

    tastydonuts on

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”

  • urahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular

    May 8

    Yeah that's why I said they need to bring the games down in scope. Reduce dev times from years to something less. Raising it from $70 to whatever isn't really going to fix the issue like you said. Their only option is to bring down the size of the games or find a way to monetize other aspects. GTA6 is going to be HUGE and even though it's a primarily single player game they absolutely will have an online mode at launch that will pull even more money beyond the $70 msrp.

    I don't think every game can afford to have a MP bolted onto it to offset the dev costs.

  • Zombie Gandhi Registered User regular

    May 8

    AA and Indie are absolutely fraught. The whole industry is a minefield.

    But yeah I just think the 9 figure development budget before marketing costs being sold at best for the same price as 15+ years ago that even if god willing is a breakout hit only winds up lining up shareholder profits rather than being invested back into the studio..... seems more unsustainable than it did 10-15 years ago?

    The previous argument was "work as part of a giant publisher for stability" but if 2023 and 2024 are putting that to the knives, either aim smaller, or at least shoot for something where you get a take of the profit since you are still eating the risk.


  • tastydonuts Registered User regular

    May 8 edited May 8

    Yeah... I truly hope we don't return to the days of mandatory MP.

    Speaking of Take Two, they actually somewhat quietly shuttered two studios recently under their Private Division label, the Kerbal 2 studio and the one the did OlliOlli World and Rollerdrome (which is available on gamepass). I know I at the very least drafted a reply here a week or so to mention that but yeah. I think I opted not to post it because it was a downer, ha... the guys who did Ori are publishing their next game whose name I forgot atm, and in an interview they said the reason they didn't partner with MS to publish it was because they wanted multiplatform multiplayer. If I remember I'll dig up that interview.

    COVID and the lockdown was an unprecedented in our modern times and the post effects are being felt all over.

    tastydonuts on

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”

  • TexiKen Dammit! That fish really got me!Registered User regular

    May 8 edited May 8

    Not trying to call cap, fr fr, but what games are 200+ hours? I probably got there in Baldur's Gate 3 because of reloading and save scum because it constantly decided to f*ck you on dice rolls, and Elden Ring was about 100 hours but that was with me wanting to explore and do everything. Even a game like Yakuza I would hover about 60-70 hours doing everything, which is the right spot, that's a good RPG area or ME style game. Red Dead and GTA are more exceptions than the rules.

    These days it either feels like a forced open world shooter that might be big but lacks everything, or it's a 8-10 hour game on rails, sometimes even quicker like Far Cry or CoD. That's the kind of thing where I wonder where the hell the budget went, because they're still buggy, the AI and NPCs are still stupid and less scripted than 10 years ago, and hell even the graphics don't seem to look as impressive anymore.

    Like Ima be blunt, the next Dragon Age game will probably be worse than Inquisition with somehow fewer quests and have more bugs than ME Andromeda did despite taking longer to develop than all the other games combined, because this is just the direction that games go these days.

    TexiKen on


  • Aegeri Tiny wee bacteriums Plateau of LengRegistered User regular

    May 8

    Stormwatcher wrote: »

    If only anyone had opposed all the acquisitions and purchases! [Xbox] Core Keeper, Sopa, Star Trucker, Age of Mythology coming to Game Pass - Page 18 (11)
    I hope this doesn't stop MS from buying and closing even more developers! There's too many people still holding jobs in the gaming industry, someone has to think of the innocent next fiscal quarter growth reports! Fire all those leeches who thing working to the bone and actually creating games is worth of a sh*t salary! Satia and Phill need more golden toilets in their yachts!

    Gotta admit, the fact a lot of this downsizing and apparently what will be future closures and firings coming down the line, are due to merging with ActiBlizz and everyone higher up at Microsoft suddenly paying attention to Xbox shoveling money into a furnace isn't great. Like if you're one of the smaller studios at Xbox now, you have no guarantee of a future anymore and Gamepass day 1 just demolishing your sales so you never stand a chance is not encouraging.

    I imagine we're going to be talking about Ninja Theory being closed by sometime next year.

    The Roleplayer's Guild: My blog for roleplaying games, advice and adventuring.

  • Undead Scottsman Registered User regular

    May 8 edited May 8

    I'm assuming we're ignoring games that you're supposed to play over and over again (live service games, multiplayer games, rogue-likes and stuff like Stellaris or Civ) and we're instead specifically talking about crafted, bespoke experiences, right?

    'cause like, I have over twice that many hours in Satisfactory. [Xbox] Core Keeper, Sopa, Star Trucker, Age of Mythology coming to Game Pass - Page 18 (13)

    Undead Scottsman on


  • Undead Scottsman Registered User regular

    May 8 edited May 9

    Aegeri wrote: »

    Stormwatcher wrote: »

    If only anyone had opposed all the acquisitions and purchases! [Xbox] Core Keeper, Sopa, Star Trucker, Age of Mythology coming to Game Pass - Page 18 (15)
    I hope this doesn't stop MS from buying and closing even more developers! There's too many people still holding jobs in the gaming industry, someone has to think of the innocent next fiscal quarter growth reports! Fire all those leeches who thing working to the bone and actually creating games is worth of a sh*t salary! Satia and Phill need more golden toilets in their yachts!

    Gotta admit, the fact a lot of this downsizing and apparently what will be future closures and firings coming down the line, are due to merging with ActiBlizz and everyone higher up at Microsoft suddenly paying attention to Xbox shoveling money into a furnace isn't great. Like if you're one of the smaller studios at Xbox now, you have no guarantee of a future anymore and Gamepass day 1 just demolishing your sales so you never stand a chance is not encouraging.

    I imagine we're going to be talking about Ninja Theory being closed by sometime next year.

    Anyone know what Double Fine is working on?

    I swear if Microsoft actually ends up being the reason that studio shuts down after all, I'm going to freak. (Back in the pre-oXbox days, Microsoft had a number of publishing deals for their new xbox, but had to cut one due to budgetary issues and they choice to keep Malice over Psychonauts, which was a decision that nearly tanked Double Fine.)

    Undead Scottsman on

  • BRIAN BLESSED Maybe you aren't SPEAKING LOUDLY ENOUGHHH Registered User regular

    May 9

    The thought that the leadership publicly pledged to support and grow these two specific studios and that 6+ months later they were placed on the chopping block first precisely because they dared to request further resources for said growth, for pitches for game content that are entirely known quantities that the studios are famous for
    I'm so close to bursting a blood vessel


  • tastydonuts Registered User regular

    May 9 edited May 9

    Double Fine was said to be working on multiple games around the time Psychonauts 2 was released, and are supposed to be announcing something close to their 25th anniversary.

    we only know that it's NOT Psychonauts related.

    tastydonuts on

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”

  • Undead Scottsman Registered User regular

    May 9

    Honestly, at this point I'm wondering if Spencer is going to go down with the ship or if he's going to be bailing soon. (Or getting fired soon.)


  • Aegeri Tiny wee bacteriums Plateau of LengRegistered User regular

    May 9 edited May 9

    How many copies of a small niche weirdo game are Doublefine going to sell when they're forced to put it on Gamepass?

    I mean, this is really where we're at now. The myth of Gamepass being this thing that would allow people access to games day 1 from triple AAA studios and fund the development of smaller, niche games to add interesting additions to it is firmly busted now. I cannot see Doublefine surviving. I had forgot they were even owned by Microsoft. Especially when official statements from the company about these closures are talking about their "dilution" of resources.

    I just have no optimism at all these smaller studios will survive, when you can release a game of the quality and praise of Hi-Fi Rush and end up in the bin, where is there to go?

    PS: If you want Ninja Theory to live, please buy Hellblade 2 this month. Please.

    Aegeri on

    The Roleplayer's Guild: My blog for roleplaying games, advice and adventuring.

  • BRIAN BLESSED Maybe you aren't SPEAKING LOUDLY ENOUGHHH Registered User regular

    May 9 edited May 9


    Today, one day after Microsoft announced that it would shut down four of its games studios, Matt Booty, head of Xbox Game Studios, held a town hall to discuss the division’s future goals. “We need smaller games that give us prestige and awards,” Booty told employees, according to internal remarks shared with The Verge.

    For some listeners on the call, it was a surprising goal: Microsoft had just shut down the Japanese developer Tango Gameworks, which was coming off the small, prestigious hit title Hi-Fi Rush.

    Don't know where Phil Spencer's personal position is on this but Matt Booty can sit squarely at the very tippy top of my sh*t list. By god I'm so close to cancelling my services. I'm so f*cking close, one single stupid f*ckass public facing statement away from doing it for real, I've never been so eager for an excuse to flush my money down the toilet



  • Aegeri Tiny wee bacteriums Plateau of LengRegistered User regular

    May 9 edited May 9

    I read that earlier today and I cannot fathom how he gets to that conclusion after what they did to Hi-Fi Rush. It was the one game that did get prestige and it did actually win awards. That's more than I can say for Starfield, which is widely regarded as another triple AAA flop.

    Aegeri on

    The Roleplayer's Guild: My blog for roleplaying games, advice and adventuring.


  • reVerse Attack and Dethrone God Registered User regular

    May 9

    I think this guy is talking out of his booty.


  • Undead Scottsman Registered User regular

    May 9

    This might be him throwing shade at the people above him. Or he might just be a dipsh*t.

  • Aegeri Tiny wee bacteriums Plateau of LengRegistered User regular

    May 9

    It can theoretically be both.

    But it has to be one one of the most tone deaf things they've said in a while.

    And that's saying something.

    The Roleplayer's Guild: My blog for roleplaying games, advice and adventuring.

  • TexiKen Dammit! That fish really got me!Registered User regular

    May 9

    "give us prestige and awards."

    [Xbox] Core Keeper, Sopa, Star Trucker, Age of Mythology coming to Game Pass - Page 18 (26)


  • urahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular

    May 9

    Sorry when I was talking about 200+ hour games I was mostly exaggerating the length of the game. My perception of a long game is vastly different from others. For me if it's close to 60 hours you are cemented in the long territory. Course lots of folks would disagree with me. And that's fine.

  • Aegeri Tiny wee bacteriums Plateau of LengRegistered User regular

    May 9

    urahonky wrote: »

    Sorry when I was talking about 200+ hour games I was mostly exaggerating the length of the game. My perception of a long game is vastly different from others. For me if it's close to 60 hours you are cemented in the long territory. Course lots of folks would disagree with me. And that's fine.

    Personally I really strongly agree with you on this, because I think there are just too many over long games that add tons of unnecessary cruft to pad out their length, to the detriment of the overall product.

    There is also a really good discussion about fighting for players time from the cofounder of Devolver Digital, that I think adds a lot to this discussion: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/devolver-co-founder-says-large-scale-game-dev-crushing-under-its-own-weight-a-little-bit

    The Roleplayer's Guild: My blog for roleplaying games, advice and adventuring.

  • Jubal77 Registered User regular

    May 9 edited May 9

    I know this is probably not welcome given the current vitriol but I still dont know why I should give a sh*t? I am a pragmatic individual and gaming has been a super volatile industry for decades. The only time I got fired/let go/whatever was my job in the online dotcom burst of the late 90s early 2ks and I knew it was a thing that could happen give the VC inflated industry. I guess it could be considered "selfish" or whatever but I center what time I devote and what I choose in gamin around me and having it be "entertainment" for me. Something that becomes much more noted as I age.

    Gamepass is still the biggest value in the industry and I do not see that as arguable or changed. I got to try manor lords. I will get to see hellblade 2. Those are just recent examples. Games I was/am on the fence about and gladly will play on a service. I also do not know really what to believe also given the nature of the internet. I have seen people say that Tango lost a lot of core people post hi-fi rush fame. Arkane I thought was going to be closed long ago. I do not know what in the end can be done about capitalist capitalisting. I still want to game. If I disliked every bad decision made by entities I would not be able to game on anything.

    Jubal77 on

  • The Wolfman Registered User regular

    May 9

    Well, you the consumer don't really have much of an effect in this decision. This is all a case of MS being real piss poor managers, developing a business stance they swore they knew how to handle, before now admitting they're way over their heads and can't handle it.

    There's nothing much you can do. Outside just having empathy for the developers who did everything MS asked of them, who played the game as per MS's commands, did everything right, and still got sacked for doing a bad job.

    Imagine taking a test. You got all the answers right. The teacher even acknowledges to you that you got the answers right. And they still give you an F and fail you. Wouldn't you be pissed? Or at the very least, pissed to learn it happened to somebody?

    "The sausage of Green Earth explodes with flavor like the cannon of culinary delight."


  • Jubal77 Registered User regular

    May 9

    I mean dont take this the wrong way but MS being piss poor managers is nothing new. Ill read up a bit more I guess because I havent seen much real support on what you mention about the second half your first paragraph and the second paragraph outside of projection and conjecture.

    But in all honesty ill probably just back off and get ready for tomorrow. I saw a huge amount of postings so thought it might be news but been on travel, and still am, so been out of the loop and dont have much time given Seattle traffic sucks heh.

  • Aegeri Tiny wee bacteriums Plateau of LengRegistered User regular

    May 9 edited May 9

    Jubal77 wrote:

    havent seen much real support on what you mention about the second half your first paragraph and the second paragraph outside of projection and con

    You might want to actually read the thread and what's happened.

    As an example in reference to Hi-Fi Rush last year:

    Hi-Fi RUSH was a break out hit for us and our players in all key measurements and expectations. We couldn’t be happier with what the team at Tango Gameworks delivered with this surprise release.

    Among many other statements of support, assurances of giving developers time at Arkane to fix Redfall and similar. All of which are entirely meaningless gas in light of their *actual* actions.

    Also I liked the newspost from Jerry today, which had this line in it:

    I was gonna grab Another Crab's Treasure on there today, but now I'm just gonna buy it. Which is probably what I should have done to begin with.

    And I cannot encourage anyone more to do this. If you like the game, even if you got it for "free" on Gamepass and think it is worth buying, then that is what you should do.

    Aegeri on

    The Roleplayer's Guild: My blog for roleplaying games, advice and adventuring.


  • Jubal77 Registered User regular

    May 9 edited May 9

    I have bought several games after having tried them on game pass. But, again, MS being poor managers and making statements of support then closing things is nothing new. /shrug. But I will just get ready for the commute to the training for tomorrow. Sorry. Also HiFi Rush was one of those games I just never go to. I know it got awards and was well liked but.... maybe my story is not all that uncommon? ...

    Jubal77 on

  • tastydonuts Registered User regular

    May 9

    This... was definitely a horrid way to tear away the blinders on why you should be buy game you like to support them directly. I will be afraid when people start to say "yes, preorder" games too. [Xbox] Core Keeper, Sopa, Star Trucker, Age of Mythology coming to Game Pass - Page 18 (35)

    Also Eiyuden seems to have a massive boner for back-to-back boss fights.

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”


  • Aegeri Tiny wee bacteriums Plateau of LengRegistered User regular

    May 9 edited May 9

    I don't use gamepass because it was always my personal opinion it wasn't actually as good a deal for developers as Microsoft was claiming. I just didn't expect Microsoft to prove the point like this.

    Also Eiyuden seems to have a massive boner for back-to-back boss fights.

    I have heard very mixed opinions on the boss fights in that game, notably they are too RNG dependent. How do you feel about that?

    Aegeri on

    The Roleplayer's Guild: My blog for roleplaying games, advice and adventuring.

  • JusticeforPluto Registered User regular

    May 9

    I do wonder what effect the impact of Covid and the lack of consoles for sale had on this generation.

    IDK about anyone else but for my I didn't get my PS5 until like, 2022? It was hard to find one. Pretty hard to get invested into the roller coaster of new releases when for reasons outside of your control you couldn't play the new games for a year or two and now I have a huge backlog of PS5 games. When we look at sales for PS5 and Series X I wonder how many people chose to invest in other forms of entertainment when they literally could not get a console if that wanted to.

    With regards to MS, I just don't think they know what they are doing. Every future they have bet on has not come to pass. I get the idea of getting in at the ground level, of blazing new trails and being first on the scene of say, cloud gaming.

    But sometimes it pays to be second, where you can see what others are doing and improve upon that.

    And then there's the games themselves. It feels like a chicken and egg problem, where I don't know if games like Halo are unpopular now because MS hurt the brand to much or if the markets have just shifted.


  • BRIAN BLESSED Maybe you aren't SPEAKING LOUDLY ENOUGHHH Registered User regular

    May 9 edited May 9

    To reiterate here for clarity, despite any pending cancellation I might make or whatever I am still a pretty staunch believer in the principles that formed the foundations of Game Pass. Even in spite of these events it is still a legitimately excellent vehicle for curation and discovery - possibly still the best, it's a fantastic optional service with a broad range of offerings in genre and scale that genuinely improves the gaming experience of the common user by disrupting the usual barriers to access. Multiple developers, old and new, have come out and talked about how it has benefited them with a financial safety net and discovery for new IP.
    My problem is that currently, they have yet to properly and fully execute on the content stream that sustains this kind of service (and really, their entire output). To me it feels like they were THIS close to nailing it. They brought together the talent that could finally make good on their promises and renew interest in a subscription that, despite cannibalizing traditional retail sales or whatever, offers a paid library that maintains steady enough interest for more and more people to sustain their monthly payments.

    And instead someone, whether it be the investors or the head honcho or the accountant or whoever, got f*cking cold feet at the eleventh hour to greatness, and decided to embody the worst imagined stereotypes that console warrior assholes online have constantly accused them of. I personally don't believe that it is fundamentally unsustainable, as long as the metrics of sustainability are determined by rational human beings and not f*cksh*t shareholders with no perspective or experience on how the industry works, wanting nothing less than morbillion dollars of growth come rain, hail or shine.


  • shoeboxjeddy Registered User regular

    May 9

    Yeah, like Gamepass only doesn't work if they didn't plan to make it work. The comparison to Netflix is instructive, because we now know FOR A FACT Netflix cooks its numbers and underpays absolutely everyone involved. Does that mean it was never workable? No, I think it was extremely workable, they just probably couldn't have produced as many originals as every other service simultaneously without lying and cheating as they did. There's some combination of paying the devs on Gamepass and pricing it appropriately that works, but it's possible they instead priced it at complete nonsense with the plan to cut the rope bridge on people once it got to the point they wanted it to be (aka, the Walmart strategy). I will caution people in the thread saying "Pre-order and buy every game at $70 to save devs!" ... no. That's dumb. Did you not notice all those extremely successful devs firing people anyway? You can't buy your way out of a hostile corpo f*ck business and should still act rationally as a consumer, not pretend to be an Angel investor. Buy the things you want and consider historic pricing trends. Capcom is gonna make their games $40 within the first year, do you REALLY need them at launch? I ask why.


  • tastydonuts Registered User regular

    May 9 edited May 9

    Aegeri wrote: »

    I don't use gamepass because it was always my personal opinion it wasn't actually as good a deal for developers as Microsoft was claiming. I just didn't expect Microsoft to prove the point like this.

    Also Eiyuden seems to have a massive boner for back-to-back boss fights.

    I have heard very mixed opinions on the boss fights in that game, notably they are too RNG dependent. How do you feel about that?

    The RNG in combat is definitely swingy in a few key areas:

    The first (and most annoying way, imo) that the RNG comes into play is on how initial SP is awarded. Most skills use SP, and then you have MP for magic (though items to recover MP aren't abundant. I'm playing on hard and I don't know how much that factors in though). Each character has a base amount of SP they start off with (you see this out of combat), and when combat begins the game also randomly distributes 6 SP between the group. This was built this way to supposedly make it so Auto turn doesn't do the exact same thing every fight, but I haven't found anything official that explains this decision.

    If you get a good distribution of those 6 SP, you can do hero combos sooner (the damage ones aren't all that great, but the buff and healing combos are where the value is, imo) or other things and get to a good start. Some runes grant bonuses based off how much SP a char has. Or you'll get all your SP dumped into 0 SP starting characters who also lack SP abilities (or high SP hero combos) and it'll drag a fight out.

    The other issue with the RNG comes when the boss gets multiple turns in a round. So far they get these turns back to back. Bosses with AoE or status inflicting attacks can (and sometimes do) use them more than once in the round and it's just... gg? Status afflicting attacks aren't exempt either. So you can get a sleep attack and then another sleep, or an AOE stun and then something else depending on the RNG's whims. The good thing is, sometimes they spam statuses but can fail to land. This does extend to normal enemies too. The combat AI also fairly consistently double taps or res traps you if it can-you cannot queue direct heals on downed allies unless you're curing everyone-and you don't have access to a revive that heals more than 30 SP until a bit into the game too. So bringing someone back and then having hem get dropped again that turn is a thing unless you devote two character actions to getting them back into the fight.

    Boss encounters with gimmicks also can be all over the place, thanks to the RNG. Attacks enemies can perform that you use gimmicks to counter can happen before the gimmick gets refreshed and so you end up eating the "Hey you're supposed to counter this!" move. An example of this that I went through tonight had the last boss in this chain doing a full-party damaging attack with a telegraph charging the round before. The counter for this takes two turns to refresh. I countered it the first time, and the turn immediately after that it telegraphed it again. It fired that round and I survived, but then it decided to do it again that round too. It's definitely random because trough the course of the fight it would use one turn to attack, then the telegraph... or use both actions to do its telegraph for the attack. At some point it also started performing stanceless counterattacks too. I won... and tbh I would have stopped playing it for the night if I had to run the sequence from the top again. :V

    Speaking of counters, a few characters have counter stance-type abilities, some that taunt... but if they decide to counter an attack is random. You refrain from attacking to do this... and they just get hit. Enemies with counter stances on the other hand... seem to have it pop off every time, even in the same round if targeted.

    Damage output, on the other hand may seem to be all over the place at first, but is heavily dictated by the attributes, both when dealing and receiving damage. I'm assuming a character's armor attribute is dictated by their equipped gear with only certain armor types being available to each character. Characters with the same or similar armor values may seem to take a lot more damage from just vanilla melee attacks, but their armor type is causing the deviation. On the elemental side, a character going against their affinity will get rocked by attacks their weak to, and using attacks of that element will deal much lower damage. Haven't found where you can see your character's affinities yet in-game aside from when they get hit or use elements that conflict, and I don't think it's wiki'd up yet. But a comp that counters the attributes of a map would make fights way easier. A lot of people that are getting railed by bosses (or areas) may be weak to the attributes used in the area and that, coupled with the double attacks and AoEs means they're getting rolled.

    Outside of bosses, shops seem to sell special items randomly and they're things like recipes and possibly recruitment items. There are encounters that have chests in them that (they use the gimmick thing here) that contain resources, recipes and special items too. idk what happens if you fail to open them during the fight.

    Also a few places you'll get forced into a party comp, if you have the ability to check shops you want to make sure get their gear upgraded to current level standards.

    That's about it, was actually playing as I wrote this up so took a while to finish it, heh.

    tastydonuts on

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”


  • Aegeri Tiny wee bacteriums Plateau of LengRegistered User regular

    May 9

    Thanks! Nice things to be aware of before I play it for myself later this year.

    The Roleplayer's Guild: My blog for roleplaying games, advice and adventuring.

  • rahkeesh2000 Registered User regular

    May 9

    Jubal77 wrote: »

    I know this is probably not welcome given the current vitriol but I still dont know why I should give a sh*t? I am a pragmatic individual and gaming has been a super volatile industry for decades. The only time I got fired/let go/whatever was my job in the online dotcom burst of the late 90s early 2ks and I knew it was a thing that could happen give the VC inflated industry. I guess it could be considered "selfish" or whatever but I center what time I devote and what I choose in gamin around me and having it be "entertainment" for me. Something that becomes much more noted as I age.

    Gamepass is still the biggest value in the industry and I do not see that as arguable or changed. I got to try manor lords. I will get to see hellblade 2. Those are just recent examples. Games I was/am on the fence about and gladly will play on a service. I also do not know really what to believe also given the nature of the internet. I have seen people say that Tango lost a lot of core people post hi-fi rush fame. Arkane I thought was going to be closed long ago. I do not know what in the end can be done about capitalist capitalisting. I still want to game. If I disliked every bad decision made by entities I would not be able to game on anything.

    I will say I don't know what "cancelling" a long-term sub is supposed to do. I've got GPU through 2026 doing the Live Gold conversion. That money is already sunk and I'm not about to junk it and what it gave me access to just because Microsoft is proving to be terrible.

    What this does mean is that if I had to commit to another three years of GPU now at the same price (which I doubt is possible anymore anyway) I'd turn it down. I have zero confidence in Microsoft's ability to fill the service with good games if they are going to slash and burn the likes of hi-fi rush and maybe Hellblade II next. Maybe call of duty would be more than enough value for some but it means nothing to me. If you're going month-to-month there's no commitment so you can judge the state of the service at that time, but the lack of stability at MS makes long-term bets on them look very shaky.

    This whole fiasco also gives me zero confidence in Xbox as an ecosystem, if I want to buy any of these games its absolutely going to be on Steam (which was largely the case anyway, but) because I'm not sure they is going to be an xbox in another 10-20 years.

  • urahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular

    May 9

    Okay to be clear I didn't say anything about preordering or buying every game at $70. I'm just saying there needs to be a change.

  • Jubal77 Registered User regular

    May 9 edited May 9

    rahkeesh2000 wrote: »

    Jubal77 wrote: »

    I know this is probably not welcome given the current vitriol but I still dont know why I should give a sh*t? I am a pragmatic individual and gaming has been a super volatile industry for decades. The only time I got fired/let go/whatever was my job in the online dotcom burst of the late 90s early 2ks and I knew it was a thing that could happen give the VC inflated industry. I guess it could be considered "selfish" or whatever but I center what time I devote and what I choose in gamin around me and having it be "entertainment" for me. Something that becomes much more noted as I age.

    Gamepass is still the biggest value in the industry and I do not see that as arguable or changed. I got to try manor lords. I will get to see hellblade 2. Those are just recent examples. Games I was/am on the fence about and gladly will play on a service. I also do not know really what to believe also given the nature of the internet. I have seen people say that Tango lost a lot of core people post hi-fi rush fame. Arkane I thought was going to be closed long ago. I do not know what in the end can be done about capitalist capitalisting. I still want to game. If I disliked every bad decision made by entities I would not be able to game on anything.

    I will say I don't know what "cancelling" a long-term sub is supposed to do. I've got GPU through 2026 doing the Live Gold conversion. That money is already sunk and I'm not about to junk it and what it gave me access to just because Microsoft is proving to be terrible.

    What this does mean is that if I had to commit to another three years of GPU now at the same price (which I doubt is possible anymore anyway) I'd turn it down. I have zero confidence in Microsoft's ability to fill the service with good games if they are going to slash and burn the likes of hi-fi rush and maybe Hellblade II next. Maybe call of duty would be more than enough value for some but it means nothing to me. If you're going month-to-month there's no commitment so you can judge the state of the service at that time, but the lack of stability at MS makes long-term bets on them look very shaky.

    This whole fiasco also gives me zero confidence in Xbox as an ecosystem, if I want to buy any of these games its absolutely going to be on Steam (which was largely the case anyway, but) because I'm not sure they is going to be an xbox in another 10-20 years.

    Thank you for your response. Let me preface this by saying I acknowledge your response and agree that on an individual level if you feel strongly enough about this group of devs to be closed then your statement holds true. I just don't agree about the rest of it on more than an individual level. I made sure to reference the volatility of the game market and so I take that into account along with that I just try to less the burden of this industry on my everyday stresses. If I enjoy the games on it I will play it. And they are still putting games I enjoy on it. And from what I have seen of the upcomming I will contineue to. I fully acknowledge the statements oriented towards the shaky business longevity made in your post and elsewhere. I am not trying to minimize anyone else. I do not think my statements/sentiment are wholly that uncommon elsewhere either. Also the Xbox as a whole has had a real rocky lifetime. Someone posted the xbox one release elsewhere. Edited down to higlight how many times they referenced "TV". It was like the install linux on the PS2. And remember the WiiU although I really loved that console in many ways. There has been a lot of experimentation that has failed and just shut off without even notice really. In some way MS was ahead of its time though as I feel many people use their consoles as their sole steaming devices now too. I will just end saying have a good day all. I am sorry if my wording was off. I only really meant, at a core, this.

    Jubal77 on

  • DemonStacey TTODewback's Daughter In love with the TaySwayRegistered User regular

    May 9

    I already pre-order and buy basically every game I'm interested in at $70 and will continue to do so because it's extremely worth the cost to me. It's a gish darn bargain honestly.

    But that obviously doesn't mean that's the right choice for everyone. You gotta do what's best for you first.

    That does also mean being aware of the thongs being supported and what that could mean for future you but as long as one is good with what they are getting fir their money that's all that really matters there.

  • urahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular

    May 9

    Yeah I've definitely slowed down on my pre-ordering but not because reddit tells me it's bad. I feel like over the past few years I've become an aged old man and the number of games I MUST get at release has dropped significantly. I'm down to a few developers where I'll preorder because I want it. But I don't mind dropping $70 for something I want. And I don't judge folks who do so. I just wanted to clarify that I didn't say everyone should be pre-ordering/buying games at $70 as a way to prevent this kind of thing from happening.


  • Santa Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular

    May 9

    I don't know why you feel the need to keep explaining yourself. At least I don't think you've said anything that was unclear

    You're muckin' with a G!

    Do not engage the Watermelons.


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