The Austin American from Austin, Texas (2024)

For Delivery Service Telephone i39 THE AUSTIN AMERICAN. AUSTIN. TEXAS. WEDNESDAY. MAY 1.

1940. 16 Over 138,000 Readers Every 24 Hours With Your Ad Placed in the us Now. 1 MISS AD TAKER I 11 IX RENTALS ia VIII FINANCIAL VI MERCHANDISE VI MERCHANDISE III AUTOMOTIVE I AUTOMOTIVE -ANNOUNCEMENTS Classified Rates fV 37 Rooms Furnished 66 Miscellaneous For Sale 77 Auto Loans 33 Autos for Sale 58 Electrical and Refriger. 33 Autos For Sale 1 Bus Lines Travel Guide LARGE SOUTH room, adjoining 4 SAN ANTONIO, $1.00. Daliaa, Ft.

Worth, FOUR FOOT Frisridaire. Used but in perfect condition. $60.00. Phone 2-3111. Buirk.

3fi mode! sedan. Call 2-6077. Two Pper One Prioe FOR SALIi: used Good condition. Private entrance, 1100 Lavaca, by appointment, phone 6611. 14-WORD MINIMUM SPECIAL: SAF'E, adding machines, scale, cash registers, meat case, store fixtures.

Household furniture. Cash, trade, terms. Day, Night, Sundays. 94 Trinity. Phone 2-0390.

Houston, $2.00. Established eight ysmrs. AAAA. Mrs. Taylor's Travel Bureau.

102 West 10th. 2-3333. 34 Trucks and Trailers COOL COMFORTABLE room. Yen' Day, Rate 1 word 3 Sc word 7 14e word SUNBEAM, THE finest electric iron made. Rrprular value Special till (rone MeKINNON'3.

607 CONGRESS ennnhip Privntu hitm flnao in Mln. Ch. -60 1.10 1.86 J.00 one-tim 7 Lost and Found privately owned pick-up Phone 8-2682 after 4:30 optional. 1201 Rio Grande. 9774.

Jit as ROOM IN private home. Close to the WE'LL FINANCE YOUR CAR PURCHASE (New or Used) REFINANCE YOUR PRESENT NOTE OR MAKE A DIRECT LOAN For Only $5 per $100 Pla Insurance) EMIL HALM MALCOLM GREGORY FOR SALE: I good one), p. In. 30 60c word SANDY McDONALD golf clubs, atill the best buy for the money. Set one wood, four irons.

112.95. McKINNONS. 607 CONGRESS LOST BLACK purse, Enfield, containing tak, Tha enridjre hospital. Twin bed, oourt- WE REPAIR all makes electric refrigeration, washing machines, band instruments and pianos. J.

R. P.EEU MUSIC Phone 3531. 904 East 15th. money, valuable papers. Keward.

No questions asked. Phone 2-19S3. American of Tha Irregular insertion Ad appear first in and in tha following Statesman. Count abbreviation. LOT in old Oakwood Cemetery.

Free use of two aidea gTanite shaft- ATTRACTIVE ROOM, ivory furil RKAL BARGAIN 1835 Dodge panel, good condition. Also one wheel trailer. Phones 2-8770. 2-2037. 33 Automotive Trades 59--Food and Food Products Convenient to bath and living Ln-nn Private home.

Lady. 7188. LOST ON Ridgetop bus Tuesday. 8:80. child's navy bine purse containing glasses, change.

Reward. 0912. initials, small a fuil worfla. TW'O word. groups of number.

ourt- MARKET SCALE, ahowcase. Large Cool-erator and gaa stove at a bargain. Private. Phone 2-7919. words a hyphenated GUARANTY FINANCE CO TWO BLOCKS from main business lor BERRIES Count four words for box nutnner on bli nd ads.

tion. Small attractive room. Phone 2-3149 8- Health Treatments 116 W. 6th St 1934 CHRYSLER sedan, perfect running order. Will trade for well located lot.

Phone 2-1008. Fox Farm. Telephone 8-4S78. able. 204 East 10th Street.

Kight reserved to edit or reject anl, Jb of coat 24 79 Personal Loans FOR SALE: 1-13 pump fountain. 1 large carbonator, 1 root beer barrel, 1-2 faucet draught beer box, 1 candy case. Manor cafe. Phone 9502. FOR YOUNG BUSINESS men, ii i I I KM ELI A BEFtGG home for the aged, and afflicted, 4307 Belivua Avenue.

Phone 2-4037. 36 Wanted Automobiles able room, aingle beds, conveni shower bath and telephone. 2603 alupe. DRIVE OUT to Charlie's Barbecue Stand and Cafe for old fashioned pit barbecue. Also fried chicken, steaks, sandwiches, hamburgers, ice cream.

We cater to picnic partiea. Charlie's Bar-B-Q. East 1st at Montopolis. SALARY- FURNITUIff-AUTO WILL PAY cash for a good 1932 Chevrolet or Ford. Phone 41S8.

10 Readers SMALL ASSORTMENT "Stauffers." twenty four karat, encrusted gold china at just price. You pay half what the price tag reads. McKINNON'S, 607 CONGRESS NEATLY FURNISHED, cool bedrmi 2 convenient bath, private entrance, fi a etta Vi. yA i Mil! 38 Tires, Painting, Parts lici nee. 111.

ia. 60 Furniture, Ilouseh. Goods 3 PSYCHOLOGIST AND analyst Paul Marteil. To obtain your hearts desire consult this reader. Reveals life's innermost secrets, give priceless advice on all problems of human interest, East 1st.

Daily and Sunday hours 11 to 8 p. m. L'SED TRUCK and auto parts, late models. Motors for boats. Lone Star Auto Parts.

4th Eaat Ave. 2-8612. qmiljIj Duivuuifi, private nam, ifRmite' if needed, in quiet house. 308 West 10 th. WINDOW SHADES and Venetian blinds reversing.

Acme Shade Factory, 702 West Fifth. Phone 2-5843. ad and to properly classify ill copy. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY restricted to type faces and make-up niiea. Space rates upon request.

Responsible for only ona incorrect insertion of any ad. Hours Daily, Sunday Diai 4395 FREE MESSENGER SERVICE (within city timita only) Daily antil 4:00 P. M. Saturday until 12 Noon Office Hours to P. M.

Deadline for Sunday classified copy 8 P. M. but 12 Noon on Classified Display. Sundays and holidi 6 to 6 p. m.

Cancellations and corrections handled only during these hour. THE AMERICAN-STATESMAN "Ciassilied Corner" Seventh and Coioradb TEN SETS "Laurel" heavy, aluminum, waterless, cookware. We have always sold this for S19.95. Special while they lat 114.95, 50c weekly. McKINNONS.

607 CONGRESS NO ENDORSERS REQUIRED 80 DAYS FREE TIME ON ALL NEW ACCOUNTS MOTOR INDUSTRIAL LOAN COMPANY 40 Boats, Motors, Supplies SINGLE ROOM. Quiet, comfortable hom. References exchanged, 807 West Hi. Phone 2-HS36. GOOD L'SED computing scales.

Also meat grinders. F. L. WILKIN'S GAS RANGE: Detroit Jewel, white porcelain, insulated oven, good condition. Sell reasonable.

8622. PH. 8-1677 109 E. 6TH ST. 16 FOOT factory boat, 22 H.

P. IBvin-rude motor, trailer, new rubber, all like new 1250.00. 14 foot Dixie J7S.O0. Marvin Kreuz, ICS) West 6th. Phone 3336.

NICELY FURNISHED large front room in -private home, 1509 West Sixth, Phone 2-9106. IF YOU want to catch fish, be sure to buy your fishing equipment from Henry Wukasch. We have the right price. We use OUR tackles that's the reason we catch so many fish. 108 West First- PSYCHOLOGIST Knowledge at the present is power in the future, know how to meet the future, to avoid mistake and gsin success happiness.

Unravels your most complicated problems, giving undisputable advice and guidance in business, love, marriage, working conditions or anything pertaining to vour welfare. Permanently located 117 WEST 10th. Colored admitted. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING and re-finishinir. Slip town.

AUSTIN 1'P-HOLSTKRING COMPANY. 710 Red River. Phone 6296. FOR SALE 14 foot Mahosany Dixie boat THREE EXPOSURES: single, double, refined, Quiet, private entrance, bath, garage, bus meals optional. 4992.

and 9 H. P. Kvinrude motor like ne FOR ANY kind of dirt or rock call 2-9468. s265 $50.00 worth of extras. All for Classified Index GENTLEMEN: LARGE bedroom.

Beauty, rest mattress, desk. Venetian blind, private tile bath. Adulta home. 2-5HH. AUTO SALES CO.

Bth aV Lavaca Phone 3276 THREE PIECE antique walnut bedroom suite, marble top dresser and chest. Bargain. $50.00. Must be sold by May 1st. Phone 2-S957.

FOR SALE, SO Barrel tank. 40 feet guttering windmill, pump, wooden tower. A-l condition. Telephone S0F2. AUTO LOANS $10.00 to $500.00 ANY AMOUNT ANY MODEL 1ST.

OR SECOND LIENS QUICK CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE Up to 12 Month to Pay Let Us Reduce Your Present Payment, $5.00 to $50.00 ON JUST YOUR SIGNATURE No Security, No Endorsers Fre Parkins: Space MAGNOLIA FINANCE CO. J. Murray Stevens, Mjtt. Phone 2-2114 410 Braze St DOWN Used Car SALE CONTINUES ONLY 3 MORE DAYS 74 More Used Cars To be sold IANNOUNCEMENTS 1 Pus Lloes Travel Guide NEW BEDROOM on Carolyn, ferivata bath, entrance, yard, block from bus. Couple, srentlemen, 2-4265.

PSYCHOLOGIST AND MEDIUM The most wonderful demonstration of psychic phenomena ever witnessed will be ffiven privately to anyone wishing to know the real truth concerning love, divorce, marriage, working conditions. Daily. Sunday, 10 to 9. 207 West 6th upstairs apartment. OUTBOARD MOTORS, Brand New Nep-tunet, 20 off in the following horsepower: Two 1H: Two one five 5 fire 6 two 0.

"Doc" and "Buster." lfth and San Jacinto. Phone 2-044. F'lVE ROOMS good furniture for sale at bargain prices. J. P.

Sheilds. 101U Riverside Drive. IRON CANDY alab. 4x10. water cooled wood trays, patty plates, apple eucker, lemon drop, and butter cup machines pulling hooks: tables; office railing, etc.

East 6th. May 2nd. 11 o'clock. DELIGHTFUL SOUTHEAST room, larne, cool, comfortable, private entrance, twin beds, innerpring mattresses, tile shower, roomy closet, maid service, garage. Phone 752s.

1105 Enfield Road. MATTRESSES RENOVATED, upholstering. Lowest price. Furniture trade ins. W'ork guaranteed.

Gregory Bros. Phone 2-9471. OUTBOARD MOTOR 83 horsepower Evin-rude Speedi Four, A-l condition. 34 foot runabout. Will pay to invetvi-Kate.

E. C. Gunn, San Marco. 11 Special Notices Junius Card of Thank 4 In Memoriam 5 Funeral Director, 4 Lodge Notice ePost and Found Health Treatment 9 Professional 10 Readers 11 Special Notice HBCSINESS SERVICE Barber Shops 15 Beauty Service 1 Bunding Contracting 17 Cleaner. Hatters, Tailor TEN THOUSAND Addressograph plates and frames on special sale; also full Addressograph equipment.

104 East 9th Street. Phone 6440. SECOND FLOOR bedroom adjomin bath. MODERN EIGHT piece walnut dining room suite. Like new.

At price. 603 West 19th. 1003 Lavaca. Phone 6476. JUST A few "Par Oval" all top grain, leather prolf hairs.

Repular value, imperial SOc weekly. You can not etpml this value. IV EMPLOYMENT f*ckNLSHED BEDROOM. PrivntJe hath. AUSTIN'S COMPLETE street guide now available.

25c. 104 East 9th Street. 607 CONGRFS rarag-e, private home. LouDj, singie sales Plan 43 Help Wanted Male bpea bed. I'hone 8-193.

VACUUM CLEANERS rented, eold. repaired. Bags, and other parts. Work guaranteed. Premier Electric Company.

(SPRING LAKE HOTEL HEALTH RESORT I R-m, convalescent, ayr- d. mi rt Registered nurses. Box 177 San Marcos. LARGE SOUTHEAST room, priate bath.

Meals optional. Cool air. 13f'. Braxos. 2-3224.

EXPERIENCED BODY and fender man. Muet be energetic ancLy sober. Contact. Bertram Auto Co, NEW RADIOS, less than half price. Several used rebuilt table and cabinet models.

Fully guaranteed. Large all porcelain frigidaire, cheap. New double bed complete. Terms easy. Braa-well's Radio Shop.

222S East 1st. THRBE BURNER Nesco oil stove, occasional chair, porcelain table, ruga, metal lawn set. 2-6006. A NEW COMPLETE Personal Loan Service $5.00 to $500.00 To men and women, married or single, oo signature, auto, furniturt or endorsem*nt of your creditors. Consolidate Your Bills HAVE ONLY ONE PLACE TO PAY 1 to 12 Month to Repay Special Rebate Plan Payment as low as $1.00 weekly PHONE YOUR APPLICATION FINANCE SERVICE CO.

220-221 I.ittlefield Building Phone 2-6216 TROMBONE, BASSINET drapes, rug, bl-cycle, furniture, range, scout, uniforms, spring clothes, hats, suits. 9552. COLLEGE MEN for summer work. Write Box M-77, American-Statesman, Sl'l ELLA FOUNDATION jrarmrnta. In- diviijiiailf dsignl for beauty, health a com rt.

Mrs. en me overs. 2-3761. OPEN' SUNDAYS AND NIGHTS Capitol Chevrolet INCORPORATED "AUSTIN L'SED CAR I5ARGAIN CENTER" 4TH AND SAN JACINTO PHONE 2-3111 SOUTHEAST BEDROOM. TVin bed, private bath, ceilini? fan.

V- l'iock off Congress. Reasonable. ATTRACTIVE downstairs south'-at room or rooms. Business people. entrance.

Bills paid Quiet. 2-2001, 41 Help Wanted Female LATE MODEL Electrolux Vacuum cleaner with attachments. and runs like new. I'hone 8-1217. STUDIO COUCH, radio, car radio, student furniture.

Reasonable. 2S18 Guadalupe, 2 -674-. Rooms for rent. FOR MOTHER McKays Ruhht. Bath Re-f rehner.

rices c('c to 52.00. Phone p-1703. 16x20 tent, treated, $40.00, disappearing staircase for attic J25.00. 1003 Red River. Phone 2-1061.

COLORED WOMEN eooks make anrli-cation nmv for ntady summer work with cood salary. Must be rapsble and furnish rr-ferencw EMPLOYEES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, S2( Brown BldK. NICE LARGE room Close i Phone 2-5022. 607 West Ub. Mrs.

BadKer. Used Truck Head npw per adquarters 80 Real Estate Loans JEFFERSON HOTEL, under a ueme a tc- low as wepk. 306 Conjrresa, 5 FOOT Norse electric refrigerator. Practically new condition. Bargain at 207 East 33rd.

FOR SALE Household furnishings, very reasonable. 1908 Robbing place. Phone LARGE COOL srarage bedroom hath for men. Close town, university $2.50. 406 East 17th.

YELLOW CANARY singers. Gas range, heat control. Chairs, tables, andirons. 1214 West 5th. 2-583.

PRIVATE PARTY has few thousand dol-Inrs to loan. Phone 2-6921 before 8, after 6. NICEST 1916 DodKe Sedan in town. Only 14.000 miles. See it at 111 East 5th ivhere choice used cars are sold.

WEMYSS PRESS Clipping Bureau can supply news stcrics, persona! refer-encee, editorials on all subject. 51S North 11th. Waco, Texas, LARGE ROOM, three exposures, fireplace. Quiet residential section. Five minutes from center town.

8-3140. LEAVING TOWN Bargain in bedroom stoves. practically new Fripidaire, Other items. Call 5578. HOME LOAN F.

H. A. or Building and loan plan. Prompt service. R.

D. Patterson. 605 Norwood. 2-9246. 69 Wanted Merchandise WANTED: USED electric testing oouip-ment.

Also plug tester. King or Allen. Carlson's Garage. Elgin. THE BEST '39 FORD STATION WAGON" IN AUSTIN II BUSINESS SERVICE SOUTHEAST bedroom, private bath, entrance, inner-prinsr mattress, blinds, near university.

Little Campus. 1964 Oldham. 82 Insurance 18 Electrical service 19 'Fix It" 20 furniture Repairing 1 Laundering 22 lawn Mowers Locksmith1 23 Moving, Hauling, Storage 24 Painting, Paper Hanging 26 Plumbing, Heating. Roofing 26 Printing. Oft if Equipment 27 Rues.

Awnings. Mattreaee, 2K Sewing 2i Machine Repair ,0 Shoe Repairing SI Special Servieea III AUTOMOTIVE 83 Autos For Sale Tr-JCK and Trailer! 5 Automotive Trade S6 Wanted Automobile 37 Service Stations Repair 88 Tirea. Painting. Paru Airplane 40 Boat. Motor.

Susplia IV EMPLOYMENT 43 Help Wanted Male 44 Helo Wanted Female 45 Help Wanted Male. Fsl 46 Agenta Wanted 47 Salesmen Wanted Work Wanted 49 Female Work Wanted 60 M-, Female Work Wanted EDUCATIONAL 62 Instruction 53 Music, Dancing, Dramattm 54 Schools and College VI MERCHANDISE 64 Bicycles and Motorcyelea 67 building Materials Electrical and Refrigeration 5 Food and Food Product, -60 Furniture Household Good 61 Machinery. Tools, Equipment 2 Musical and Radio 63 Planta, Seeds, Treea 64 Store and Office Equipment 45 Watches, Jewelry, Repair 6 Miscelianeou For Sale 67 "Swap" CASH PAIL for uer-d furniture. For hvt bargains see HOUSEHOLD FLTiNl-TURfi CO. Phone 83515.

15 Beauty Service A UN IN CUMBER ED middle a ped white woman to stay on place, do cooking and ueneral house work for adults. Phone 6065. SETTLED WHITE girl live on place, housework, child care, reference. Box S-77 American Statesman. YOUNG WHITE triH for housework, live on premises.

Mention telephone, ajre, weight. Box R-77, American Statesman. 45 Help Wanted Male, Fern. MAN OR woman, with car to sell vacuum cleaner. Good proposition.

Premier Electric Company. 47 Salesmen Wanted YOU CAN'T eat books. We pay cash for old hooks. Gammel's Book Store. Phone 2332, 911 Congress.

A Bargain A PEARL KENNEDY, now with STEPHENS REAUTY SHOP, invite her many friend 601 West Hth. 2-5225. UTP-SALES- AUSTIN EXCHANGE FURNITURE CO. pays highest cash prices for uaed furniture new furniture sold at lowest prices in town. Repairing, ref inishine, upholstering, slip-covers All work Kuaranteed, UK'O So.

Congress. Phone QUIET ROOM talking distance U- town. Suitable? for day sleeper. 600 Henderson. Phone 4i4rt.

ROOM IN lovely new home. Bath an 1 shower shared wtth one man. Gar air-, breakfast. Reasonable. 23o0 bhoal Creek.

WANTEIi L'SED Singer sewing machine, with round bobbin. Also J.i H. P. electric motor. Phone 6707.

CORNER 5a 5 LAVACA BE FREED for ever from unwanted hair. No pain, no scars, no res; row th. By modern Electrolysis. Beauty Shop. 2-fift31.

fINSURANCEp COO CLEAN, quiet room for gen ie-man. Has nice desk. Maid aerviee. Private entrance. Reasonable.

30 East 34th. Phone 2-26'J7. POLLY ANN $1M True Oil waves. 11.00. Stam.

Machmeles. $2.00. 307 West BARGAIN. 1939 Maroon Chevrolet Club Coupe. Five 8000 miles.

Like new. Call 2-73fM. FOR SALE by owner. I ITS Dodge tu- fior. Good condition.

Good tires, radio. See at 1010 South 5th. Phone 2-7745. i WE BUY all kinds junk: metal, iron, etc. Batim Junk Co.

809 Red River. 2-S391. WANTED GALVANIZED tank in good condition. 100 barrel su.e or larger. Phone 4941.

WANTED: NICE dining room suite, In on new or used car. Fhone 2-9179. WANTED: USED office desk, swivel chair, metal filing cabinet, two straight chairs. Cash if pieces are in good condition. Box H-77, 84 Business Opportunities ELKCTRIC APPLIANCE SALESMAN" to .11 Fectrii- RefriReratirs.

Radios and Liberal Comminion paid. Must have car and hsve had experience, Arply to Mr. Bin ford. Montgomery Ward Co. LARGE BEAUTIFULLY furnished decorated downstairs rooms, private baths.

2506 Rio Grande. 2-3643. MONEY MAKING cafe. Good location. ice busings, good Jesse, cheap 16 Building Contracting ROCK WORK of ail kinds contracted.

Social ty rock veneerinp. Phone 7660, tail Roberts for estimate. 8-4-112. I). L.

Durham. r.r.) UPHOLSTERING, REFLNISH1NG, repairing. All work jruaranteed free estimates. Phone 573-j. 202 East 6th.

ECONOMY FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY 61 Machinery, Tools, Equip. BARGAIN PRICES: Steam boiler with truck molda up to llj.i inch tires; 2 advance molds that take up to 32x6 tin plys pet safety molda, truck tire spreader, flexible buffer, other vulcanizimr equipment. Stuart Watt. 220 East Mh. Phone 533.

STUMP PULLER. Want rent aeverai months. Hercules stump puller, good condition. Box 23, Austin. 101 West 2nd.

Two Fine Cars COUPLE OR gentleman. In private home. Private, entrant, cool, quiet. 202 East 9th. 2-439T.

GROCERY AND market. Stock and fixtures. Ideal location. Rent reasonable. Approximately $1,600.

Box A-78 WANTED: A good reliable man to sup-pi customers with Rawteijrh Product. Write Dept. TXE-31-127, Memphis, Tenn. 48 Male Work Wanted CARPENTER WORK Do all kinds, tiuildinir, repairing, lavinar and finishing rak BUICK LIGHT SEDAN Beautiful hjack finish iike i radio, under sent heater, eirculatiny svytem, driven fin ii mU. COUPLE OR girls: two lovely rooms.

Boys; upstairs, private bath. 1102 West 6th. HIGHEST CASH prices paid for your old gold. L. Laves, 217 East 6th.

Buirk cool ft ir $995 li Cleaners, Hatters, Tailors i kvick lioht sedan TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS See Us. Quick, dependable service. INCOME SERVICE INV. CO. 208 Nalle Bldsr.

Phone 2-9841 HIGHEST PRICES guaranteed for secondhand clothing, shoe. Get our offer before soiling. Phone 80184. Original royal maroon. 1 COOL BEDROOM, adjoining bath.

Private home. Reasonable. Gentlemen, employed couple. 605 West 13th. 5136.

STRONG COLORED boy wanta job. Fill-inir station, trucker or any kind of work. 4112. like a rdin, S795 car, white siiewall tires heater, a perfect car at a real buy NOTICE THREE dresaes cleaned, pressed Ladies coats 50 hata Warren's. Phone CASH PAID for Cut Glass, Sterling Silver.

Old Gold Watches, Teeth, Rings. Etc. 821 Congress. W. T.

PATTERSON 20P West, 5th Ph'fie CONGENIAL WILLING PARTNER For established businew, Austin. Prefer party with some sale experience. teach honest, willing worker merits of business. References required. required for exiual interest.

Box L-7S, American-Statesman. REGISTERED PHARMACIST. Graduate, desires position. Experienced, reliable. Box L-77, American-Statesman.

49 Female Work Wanted BUSINESS WOMAN. South exposure, ad-joins bath. Private home, ismall family. Near town. Phone 2-M64.

TIP TOP for summer student. Running ice water, showers. Low rat. lt06 San Gabriel. 3717.

GRADING MAINTAINANCE machine, with or without power. Want rent aeverai months. Box 823, Austin. TRACTOR. WILL buy, trms, or rent farm or Caterpillar tractor.

Box 823, Austin. Teras. 62 'Musical and Radios AL'STIN RUMMAGE store pay highest prices second hand men's, women's, children' clothing, choea, hirts. 80164. 193S PONTIAC Deluxe Coach, slick as a whistle and has a rndin.

See it at Benson-Lancapters. Ill East oth where choice used care are soid. HOWARD HOUSTON Cleaners. 1815 San Jacinto. 2-51 fifi.

Storage Baff Free with cleaning. CaH and delivery. 18 Electrical Service SERVICE AND PARTS for ar.y make vacuum cleaners, special All work Kuaranteed. 2-6335. NURSE desires work.

EXPERIENCED Call MALKIN PAYS more for Used Suits, Clothing and Shoe. 407 East 6th. 80266. GENTLEMEN: GARAGE room and bath with shower. 1507 West 29th.

Ph. Am 2-6147. Radio, Kent SG25. 2-0987 1M9 EORD Deluxe Tudor, covers, excellent condition after 6 o'clock. BOARDING A ROOMING HOUSE Ideal location close to university.

Gets for room and two meals, has 16 steady students now, room for more. Csn show splendid income. Reason selling ill health. Will sacrifice for listed exclusively with INCOME SERVICE A INV. CO.

2u8 Nalle BIdg. Phone 2-9841 SERVANT PROBLEaM is a problem Have you called us for a capable one? Try tin. Call 8-16H7. references furnished on each. EMPLOYEES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE.

RADIO SPECIAL: out on house ets Zmith and Emerson. 40T discount. Knipht Stewart Tire company, Pith ami Guadaiupe streets. Phone VII-LIVEST'CK, SUPPLIES GO Fi SHING 21 Laundering $10.00 SHARE a ttractive room i th young business girl. Home privileges.

Transportation. Mem la reasonable. 8-2S64. 71 Dogs, Pete, Etc. 63 Wanted Merenanaue VII LIVESTOCK.

SUPPLIES 70 Dairy and Farm Product 71 Dogs, Peta, Etc 72 Poultry and Supplies "il Livestock and Equipment 74 Hay, Grain, Feed 75 Wanted: Livestock. S-Bppliea VIII FINANCIAL; 77 Auto Loan 78 Bank Loans 70 Personal Loan 80 Real Estate Loans SI Stocks, Bonds. Note gi Insurance 83 Wanted to Borrow 14 Business Opportunitlet 5 Businesses Wanted IX RENTALS 87 Rooms Furnished Room Unfi.rnished 8fJ Room and Board 60 Housekeeping Room, Si Apartments. Furnished 62 Apartments, Unfuraiahed 9i Houses. Furnished S4 Houbes.

Unfurnished Pusmess Property S6 Acreage For Rent 97 Miscellaneous Kental, S3 Wanted: To Rent. Leaaa REAL ESTATB 100 Houses For Sale ilil Lot For Saie l'i2 Eusir.esa Property 103 Suburoan Prolerty 104 Acreage 30o Camps and Camp Site, lOfi Farms and Ranches 1.07 Real Estate Trades 108 Wanted Heal Estate XI LECALS Hi Legal Noticea HOME LAUNDRY. Family bundles a YOUNG LADY wants work. Furnish references, health certificate. Consider anything.

Phone 2-5052. specialty. Flat finish 5c. rough dry 4c. Delivery FOR SALE: used Brewster cabinet prand upright piano.

No dealers. Phone WILLIAMS HOTEL Newly decorated rooms. Private bahs. 3i3 East 10th. Phone 2-SA83.

22 Lawn Mowers, Locksmt's THOROUGHBRED PUPPIES 2 Black co*cker-Spaniels 4 Belgian Police Priced rijrht. CAPITOL SEED HOUSE "Pet Supply Headquarters'" S01 W. 6th. Phone 2-5082 wason opens Mny after TEACHER, UNIVERSITY student, offers tutorinff, child care, other services for room through summer. 8-3F43 2-7202.

LET l-S repair your radio, we call, check, furnish estimate free. Lay-bourn's. Tel. 2-0233. 1ft.

these GENTLEMEN: NICE, quiet, clean, fur-nished rooms. Walking distance of the hg ones in one of Priced from town. 607 Henderson. 2-36192-8943. (Ruell RICHEY CYCLE Si SUPPLY Bti'cc, Lawnmower Repairs.

Keys duplicated 2hr. Call for Delivered. 45 Wpst 6th Phone MEN: LARGE room, single beds. Con COLORED GIRL: half days or with traveling people. Maid, nurse, saleswoman.

1010 Juniprr Street. 7787. BE INDEPENDENT BUY A BUSINESS NOW We have a womierful assortment of choice, safe investments in Austin and in fact we can locate you anywhere in the state. We also ftirm partnerships. All business opportunities submitted by us will stanJ stricust investigation, We handle all different typee of bona-fide, paying businesses from $500.00 up to $100,000.00.

"So why experiment." You are under no obligation. Call and sef us. INCOME SERVICE A INV. CO. 208 Nalle Bidg.

Phone 2-W41 FOR SALE or trade. Silver plated Frank HoKon trumpet and1 case. Phone Buda 5(5. venient town, university. Reasonable.

405 West 14th. Phone 2-5049. BEAUTIFUL BUFF colored co*cker spaniel puppies. S10.00 and S15.00. 211 West Live Oak.

Phone 9633. LAWN 50 Male, Fern. Work Wanted REPAIRED: sharpen, repaired. Deliver? BIKE SHOP, 603 La- FISHING CAR SPECIALS S30 to $100 Small Wekiy or monthly 7 ay men ALSO ide select ion of medium low priced cars. Rememher, we carry our own paper.

BASS SNARE drums J20.00. walnut rhest extension table $5.00. 2-S098. 2110 Brooklyn Avenue. Bicycles poid ice.

GULI.KY', vaca. S37sS DELIGHTFUL FOR summer, south. Private entrance, home. Tile bath, attractive, reasonable. 2327 San Gabriel.

7932. SHEPHERD PUPPIKS. Long haired. Black and white. Six weeks old.

4516 Avenue (i. 8-4518. and lKy want, work, day work. COLORED GIRL Cook, maifl or Phone Z4j84. EXPERT PIANO and Radio Service.

Free estimates. Austin's exclusive Music House. Pfeifer's. Phone 3r5fi. LAWNMOWEKS SHARPENED, repaired.

Called) for. G. M. Cycle Co. Ill West 5th.

6494. LOVELY SOUTHEAST bedroom in new RABBITS, GOOD breeding stork, young, virgin does and fryers. Phone 9870, 230 Dam Blvd. vOTOR CO. EDUCATIONAL Travis Heights home private entrance, extra quiet.

Phone 2-i003. CARWELL 310 Ouadalupe FURNITURE: LEASE small boarding rooming house, near university. Makes expenses thrpe people. No trash. $395.00 complete.

Box 0-77 Ph. 84422 21 Painting, Paper Hanging MARTIN HAWAIIAN Guitar, with case and mufnc stand excellent condition. Reasonable price. Phone 2-307S. 52 Instruction ROOM IN PRIVATE home of three adulta.

72 Poultry and Supplies 19r8 FORD tudor: trunk, radit Working man or woman. Call mornings 14. PAPERHANGING PAINTING: Room a tires. Good con'itLion. Call I ANNOUNCEMENTS siaewai repapereil li 00 up.

iuick service. Work Kuaranieed. PaintusK reasonable. 2-3264. PHONE J531 NEAR CAPITOL Nicely furnished rooms, GROCERY, MARKET.

Comer location. Low overhead. $350. 00 down, terms. Illness reason for selling.

Owner, 8-1481. WORK FOR "Uncle Sam." firnt year, Preiwre now at home for Austin examinations. Sample coaching and list positions, FREE. Apply today. Pox A-74, American-Statesman.

1 Bus Lines Travel Guide BABY CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHING Day old and started pullets. Setting each Monday Thursday. PETMECKY HATCHKRY ft PULLET FARM 1207 Fredericksburg Road Phone 2-202S private entrance and bath; other east rooms. Reasonable, 7325. SELL OR trade equity Mercury deluxe swinn.

miles, for cheaper car. 2-6051. FOR RELIABLE radio repairing by Austin" oldest radio dealer. ATTENTION: FIRST class pamtin. paper hancinc.

aluo work. Guaranteed, 7815, Dickenson. GENTLEMAN: BRAND new Inrge room. FOR SALE. Tourist 'courts and trailer parking.

Main thoroughfare. 4311 Guadalupe Street. Phone 2-6052. J. R.

REED MUSIC CO. 3 FORD XTRA CLEAN private bath, entrance and garage. Bos N-77 American-Statesman. STENOTYPY. INSTRUCTION in bcein-nin(r and advanced stenotypy.

J5.00 per month. Classes begin May 3rd. Phone 2-44G0. SEE THE CHICK HOTEL TRAVEL PAINTING AND paperinsr. Reasonable.

Exchange work for buildinp iot. Ref-ert-nct's. Birchfkld and Son, WILL BUY furnishings apartment or rooming house. Near university. Kight, 310 South Jennings, Fort Worth, Texas.

425 BEDROOM PRIVATE home. Pra." bath, entrance, garage. Gentleman preferred. 1304 Northwood Road. 22553 78S3.

63 Plants, Seeds, Trees GRIFFITH WALL Paper and Paint corn- pany. For dependable paper-hanging', and floor wandinjf. 2-S927. Today, 2000, 10 Pays to 2 Weeks old. Priced jut like one day old.

We Are Still Taking CUSTOM HATCHING. SPECIAL STUDY courses for adult or youth. Small fee or services exchanged. 8-3S43; 2-7202. 51 Schools and Colleges HAVING OTHER interest will sell pros-peroug centrally located cafe at sacrifice.

Cali 5326 week days. UTQ-SALES- $1.00 FOR all shrubs one man can dij? in half a day. Last call. Dallas Highway. COMFORTABLE ROOM in adult home, private entrance, private bath, on bu line.

2901 San Gabriel. 25 Plumbing, Roofing CORNER 5 5 LAVACA ST. ROUTE 1c Hrrshey machines showing nice profit. Owner leaving, good investment. Box F-77, VON KALOW school of stenoirranhv.

la03 Ran 1st. Phone S25. Individual instructions. Eveninir classes. 405 WEST 12th.

7073. Room, businei woman. Pah convenient, maid service, third floor. Reasonable. RAVEN Since Pl-nh'nir.

wstr heater reiairs, mower sharpened. 1403 Lavaca. Pnone 7C3. Setting days, Mondays and Thursday. Special attention to Turkey Hatching.

Purity Feed Co. Hatchery 205 East Third Phone 8-1631 PERSONALLY OWNED 1039 Deluxe IX-Sotn coupe, overdrive, 1.1.000 miles. Perfect condition J675. Clayton. 22523.

IMwa VI MERCHANDISE ROOMING HOUSE lease and furniture, one block University Iaw building, rent reasonable. Depwe K1319. CONVENIENT TOWN, capitol, univerel-ty. Cool room. Also garage room 2-330S 2-7706.

W. O. HARPER! Flumhins. electrical repair. We connect atovea.

Tciephon 2346 G'aa'taluDe. 57 Building Materials SACRIFICE 1940 Ch-rolrt Special Deluxe tudor. Low mile-aee. A. L.

Hopkins. Round Rock. 300 EGG blood line English white leghorn pullets and chicks also dark cornish games. Tomlinson Hatchery, Andice, Texas. COTTON SEED: pure first year Kasrh.

aOr. Reference Austin National. Cattle wanted. Frank Satterwhite. Buda-Turnerville.

AUSTIN TREE GARDEN CLINIC Spray your pecan trees now, for the pecan nut-borer and the pecan weevil Herman Erb, horticulturist. Phone S2M5. SPECIAL: VERBENA, Snapdragons, Petunias, marigolds. asters. Mathis Fiower Shnp.

522 Loekhart Drive. Phone 2-1000. THE Bedding plants, pot plants, cut flowers. Phone 2-2S87. 702 East 12th Street.

27 Rugs, Avmlngs, Mattres. TOURIST COURT, Dallas Hyway, in city, sacrifice 00 cash. A real bargain. Depwe 81319. SINGLE OR DOUBLE room; many win-dow-s, comfortable, quiet, private entrance, 171.1 Pearl.

4570, 150 SQUARES used galvanized iron roof-inc. 2..70 per souare. Apply S. Z. Skinner.

East Sixth. V-8 6 De Luxe Coach, re wheels. 1 50 FOR SALE: 1932 (rood condition, cash. RENOVATED AND Bterili-cd mattresses sold fir charge. Huticy Mattress Awnintr Co.

Ki.t Sixth. FR SERVICi. SAFE. CONVENIENT. ECONOMICAL AND COMFOKTBLE NEW BUStS KERRVILLE BUS INC THE SHORTEST AND BEST ROUTE TO Houston, Beaumont, Galveston, Victoria, Corpus Christi Schuienberq, KerrviHe, Sar SMALL BOTTLING plant for fruit drinks.

Doing good business. Very reasonable. Lock, 2-7807, 8475. COOL ATTRACTIVE southeast front bed-room adjoining bath, private entrance, home. Without children.

Oarage. 2-2038. 3c each BABY CHICKS each 8c Or $2.75 per 100 for W. L. co*ckerels Also Straight Run Heavy Breeds for 6c MARTIN'S SEED STOKE Everything for Ponltrr 214 EAST 6th St.

Phone 6064 USKD PRICK, stone, lumber, slate roofing, windows, bridge timber, bat guano. Phone 8-3112, SACRIFICE NEARLY new Ford sedan. Trade for cheaper car. Sell cheap for cash. 2-42M.

FOR SALE or trade: 1937 Deluxe Pontiae S. Has bad excellent care. 2-2146 or 6265. FOR SALE: Established beauty shop, barber shops. In good location.

Box X-77, A merican-Statesman. SOUTHEAST BEDROOM, well ventilated, running hot water, convenient bath, reasonable rates. U24 West Sixth. MATTRESSES RENOVATED II.S0 lnnersjirms and Felt Mattress AUSTIN MATTRESS CO. 4101 Guadalupe St.

Phone 2-151! USED LUMBER $10.00 per M. Windows, doors. Brick, 2217 East 7th. Mosby lyjtt. 73 Livestock and Equipment Angelo, Big Spring, El Pasc 61 Store, Office Equipment IX RENTALS FIVE SCHEDULES DAILY TO HOL'S COMFORTABLE SOUTHEAST bedroom, private entrance, adjoining bath.

Phone 8-3092. FOR SALE: saddle mares and colt. We board horses. Owen Miles. Manchaca Road.

28 Sewing IS3S FORD coupe. JiO terms. After 4 call 2-3 cash, balance 2B5. TON AND POINTS A utin at 7 a- EAST. Euse leave 10 a.

87 Rooms Furnished 58 Electrical and Refriger. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR 153 model. Completely overhauled. 2506 West 8th. and 1 :60 p.

p. p. LOVELY ROOMS a good aa the best. Private home. Close in.

Bus line. 2-207. NICELY FURNISHED bedroom. South A-l BAY" saddle horse and stock saddle for sale. Barton Springs riding stable.

0-99. THREE LATE modvl Underwood typewriters $27.50 to also standard envelope sealer and automatic gummed tape moistener. Bargains I Mexican Journeys. 112 East 9th. ACME CASH register service.

Sale, service, supplies. Day, Night, Sunday. Fair dealing. 94 Trinity. DRESSMAKING: PLAIN and fancy, cos-tnmes.

children's alterations. PriccM guaranteed Phnnc 7542. exiiosure. convenient hath, private 1M STUDEBAKER Club Sedan with overdrive. You would think It was a new car.

See it at Benmm-Laneasters. HI Fast th where choice used car are rld. home. 80S West 17th. Phone 2-5505.

COOLER ATOR IN perfect condition. 100 pounds capacity. 2-5103. 1404 'n Lavaca. Apt, 4.

S9 Room and Board THREK SCHFJ1ULES DAILY TO KfcKKV'ILLE AND WEST TEXAS POINTS. Buses leave for the West at 7 a. p. m. and p.


m. SAMPLE LOW FARES ROOMMATE WANTED, 2.50. 113 West BARGAIN: ONE Spanish mare mule, one mower, one steel hay bailer. Good condition. 5914.

DRESSMAKING. Sport: specialty. 7 i 0 TAILORING, alWa-nd evpniniT drotsrs a Lavaea. 10th. 2-7163.

Linens furnished. 35 PLYMOUTH DEL. COUPE Has Radio A HeatfT FOR THE BEST in Electric Refrigeration COOL SOUTHEAST room. Convenient to All makes. Work guaranteed.

903 LAVACA Excellent meal. Clean, comfortable rooms. Convenient location. Special rates to couple. 2-587.

FOR SALE: several fresh milk cows. Roland Helge. 6 miles on Burnet Road. JERRY HENRY 8-2fii5 town and capitol. Nicely 1409 West Avenue.

2-436. DRESSES, SUITS, Crate. trraduation (iretnes, evening vrowna and alterations. 5il Bowie. -30'i3.

66 Miscellaneous For Sale SET EIGHTEEN drinking glasses, fruit juice, 6 water, 6 ice tea Nice design. Worth Spceinl 6c. McKINNON'S, 007 CONGRESS $225 MEN: GARAGE room between university A ELECTRIC RANGES: Floor aample sale. HotiHiint and Kelvinator. Big discount.

Burnettc's 1700 San Jacinto. Phone 8-3474. REGISTERED RAMBOUILLET rams. Last showing before shearing. Attractive pricea.

Philip Davenport and Son, HuttD. ROOM FOR three girls. Linens, excellent meals. $25.00. Near capitol, bu line.

Phone 2-7706. 31 Special Services and capitol. Private tile bath, ehower, maid service. 2-2572. AUSTIN to HOUSTON co*kPUS CHRISTI SAN ANGELO FOR FURTHER CALL BUS PHONE One way Rd.

Trip J3.00 15. Oft 4.00 6.00 4.70 8.60 INFORMATION TERMINAL 2-1135 UTQ-SALES-LQ MCE LOCATION', clean, root and com ADDING MACHINES, Typewriter, all makps sold, rented. Repaired. Day A Night service. New loration.

Turpen's, East 11th. Thone 8-3000. CORNER 5 LAVACA ST. TERMITE CONTROL: roachm. rats, bed buizs, ante, etc.

Oliver Goldsmith Exterminating- Co, Pbonc 2-3731. BARGAINS- L'SED ice closing out $4.00 each. Burnett' Appliances. 1700 San Jacinto. Phone iHli.

CAPITOL SADDLERY, makes to order, saddles, bridles, beita, scabbards. Repair leather goods. 2610 Lavaca, 602 RIO GRANDE large southeast room sleeping porch, cool summer quarter. Men preferred. 2-61o6.

fortable, good home cooked meala. Priced reasonable. Phone S-13S5..

The Austin American from Austin, Texas (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.